Cold moon and barren hills.

Two pigs Beastman, one after the other, carried Fang Yuan and climbed up the hill.

Fang Yuan looked at it again and again, without any instigation.

“I am now a body, a Rank 4 Gu Master, the aperture is still there, and the primeval essence is also there, but none of the Gu insects.”

“And he is still seriously injured, extremely weak. Even if it is intact, without Gu insect, it is not the opponent of these two pigs Beastman.”

“However, once I reach the cliff, the two pigs, Beastman, will throw me away. So high, without Gu insect help, it must be dead. Unless it is Paragon Immortal Body.”

“So…the only hope for survival is the road to the mountain?”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation !

Fang Yuan analyzed here and began to use his own trump card.

When the Dream Interpretation ultimate move is launched, Fang Yuan immediately has a saw effect.

He felt that he had recovered some Strength Qi at this moment. For example, he was a dying traveler in the Sand Desert and was about to die of thirst. But now, suddenly there are a few drops of water that drip into his mouth.

“The effect is immediate, but the Rest Qi, which is restored, is too little?”

Fang Yuan without any choice, have to use Dream Interpretation ultimate move again.

This time, he found some small wounds in his body, bloody in an instant, and the pain in his body was cut a lot.

But there are still backs on his chest and a few large wounds with deep bones, but there is no sign of any improvement.

Dream Interpretation.

Dream Interpretation.

Dream Interpretation.

Fang Yuan had to continually motivate the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the big wounds improved, but they did not form scars, but the symptoms of bleeding were stopped. Strength Qi has recovered a lot, and the body has gradually warmed up from the cold and boneless state.

But these can’t provide Fang Yuan with a powerful fighting force.

His current state is still a mortal one, and there is a primeval essence. If it is a single fight, he is not an opponent of any pig head Beastman.

Not to mention now, not just a pig head Beastman, but two.

“what happened?”

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation has actually become so bad?”

“I have used it five times in a row to achieve this effect?”

Fang Yuan shortly had to be carried to the edge of the cliff. He had to make up his mind: “No matter what, let me start!”

He was playing all over the body like a lobster.

The two pigs, Beastman, were caught off guard and suddenly broke free.

Fang Yuan fell to the ground, and the hard rock touched the wound, and immediately let his pain almost fainted.

At this time, two pigs, Beastman, have reacted and screamed and rushed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, with his excellent combat literacy, dodged and turned and ran down the hill.

The two pigs yelled and chased after them.

In a short while, the pigs caught up with Fang Yuan.

Pū chī.

Two white wild boars licked their teeth and smashed them from the wound behind Fang Yuan, and then put a small piece in front of Fang Yuan ****.

Fang Yuan stopped, opened his mouth, and the blood flowed out of his mouth.

Then, the field of vision fell into the darkness.

Fang Yuan opened the eyes again, and the purpose was a great hall.

He was returned to reality again and was expelled from the dream.

His face was pale and his soul was hurt, but what made Fang Yuan care was this strange dream.

“This dream is probably the most difficult dream I have encountered here.”

“Although it is a dream that is biased towards reality, the difficulty is quite high.”

“So far, I haven’t even found out at the bottom of the First Act. It’s just a lot of death on this road up the mountain.”

“The effect of the ultimate move Dream Interpretation is also very bad. What is going on?”

This question really makes Fang Yuan understand.

He thought about it and didn’t figure out what to do. He had to draw back one step and pondered how to deal with the two Beastman and succeed in escape.

“The pig’s head Beastman is huge. If I can get into the woods, it will be much easier. Unfortunately, this barren hill is bare, there is no mountain forest, and there are almost no piles of rock.”

“Dream Interpretation ultimate move can be used up to five times. Going up, there is no effect at all.”

“Although it will allow me to recover more Strength Qi, the injury will be stabilized, but the effect is really small, but not as effective as one Gu Insect.”

“And even if there is a Gu insect, there are mountains, my physical strength is extremely limited, and I can’t run far.”

After analyzing it again, Fang Yuan finally understood: “don’t tell me The trend of this dream is to let me fall to the bottom of the valley?”

Once again enter the dream.

This time Fang Yuan has not been shaken, has always used the Dream Interpretation ultimate move to maintain physical and consciousness.

When he was on the edge of the cliff, he was picked up by two pigs, Beastman, and fell directly into the valley.

But the difference is that in the midair, Fang Yuan began to adjust his body and stay close to the mountain wall.

After falling a few breaths, some strange rocks began to appear on the mountain wall, and they protruded out. There are also a small number of trees that show their tenacious vitality.


A muffled sound, Fang Yuan fell to the rock, was broken and broke, and died on the spot.

“The rate of decline is too fast, the body is too heavy, and it is a death when it falls to Stone Mountain. It seems that only those trees can be chosen.”

Enter the dream again.

With this experience, Fang Yuan fell on a tree in the fell.

Click here.

After a series of broken branches, Fang Yuan used his body to cut off most of the branches and went down again.

Just this time, the speed of the drop is greatly reduced.

He used his toes or arms to point on the mountain wall and adjust his direction.

The second tree.


Fang Yuan fell on the trunk, and was pierced by a myriad of arm-shaped spiked leaves, which became a fleshy hedgehog.

Die on the spot.

“Damn, what is this tree?” Fang Yuan was once again expelled from the dream.

Try it continuously and continue to use Audacity Gu and Dream Interpretation ultimate move to match yourself.

After the death of 17~18 in the dream, Fang Yuan finally succeeded in the bottom of the fell.

It’s just that he is even more seriously injured, and his limbs are basically disabled. Only the right arm is still somewhat conscious. At the same time, he was bathed in blood, and the wounds of the whole body were re-cracked. The blood carried his only remaining heat of life and was continuously lost. There are bones, and most of his bones have been broken, and the pain is so intense that it is like a flame burning and roasting Fang Yuan’s nerves.

But this is the result, which is the best result that Fang Yuan can do after continuous trials.

Dream Interpretation !

Dream Interpretation !

Dream Interpretation !

Fang Yuan continually spurred the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, and once Fang Yuan fell to the bottom, it worked again.

Fang Yuan’s injury improved slightly. His right arm was able to make Strength Qi, and his left leg was also conscious. As for the hind legs, he was completely broken and folded from the knee to a strange angle.

Fang Yuan quickly looked at his situation and quickly scanned around.

The corpses piled up into mountains, the flesh and blood rotted, and the corpse smelled thick and foggy.

“What should I do next?” Just as Fang Yuan was a little confused, the 蛊Immortal Qi suddenly came from above the top of his head.

The silhouette of two nonhuman Rank 7 Gu Immortal appeared in midair.

Both of them are Beastman, a pig head and a snake head.

“Be careful, the following is the big guy!” The upper body is human, the lower body is the snake’s Gu Immortal, forcibly started talking.

“Hahaha, big guy, sleep, sleep, wake me up!!” Gu Immortal, laughed heartily.

The two voices are not small, deliberately expanding the sound, as if rolling in the thunder, echoing in the valley.

Amazed by the sound, the strong smell of the corpse smelled out suddenly.

Hong long!

澎湃 澎湃 的 all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all

A huge silhouette appeared in the perspective of Fang Yuan’s.

This is a giant.

There are seven 8-Layer floors.

It was dark, and a black, thick grotesque cloak like a cloak, hanging down to the waist. From the seam, two red lights are suddenly lit.

It wakes up!

The two Beastman Gu Immortal were photographed by the momentum of this black giant, and for a time no longer arrogant, his face was nervous and stunned.

The same is true of Fang Yuan.

Because of the smell of this monster, he made a clear judgment: “Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the breath of peak! But it is plausible, it seems not a person, but an Immemorial Desolate Beast.”

“Big guy, hurry up.”

“Yeah, these blood foods, but my family will not hesitate to fight, only to get you the hand.”

Two Beastman Gu Immortal urged.

“How many times I said, I have a name, my name is Zuo Ye Hui.” The black giant would speak aloud, but after only saying one sentence, he silenced and began to eat.

It stretched out his hands and the body of each and every one was stuffed into his own bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl with a huge monster claw.

“Not very good.” Fang Yuan said, according to this trend, he will be eaten sooner or later.


Southern Border, Black Demon Heavenly Pit.

Southern Border is mountainous, but there are also Sky Pit.

Black Demon Heavenly Pit In all Sky Pit, it’s not eye-catching, the size is small, and Dao Marks is not rich.

Producing some of Dark Dao’s resources is not uncommon for superpowers, and it is difficult for the common family to exploit.

Therefore, almost no one cares.

But at this time, Purple Mountain True Monarch and the others, the bottom of the Arrived Black Demon Heavenly Pit.

“What are we doing here?” Bai Ningbing glanced at her. She used the detection methods in White Phase’s True Inheritance and couldn’t see the slightest difference.

Purple Mountain True Monarch ignored her question, but whispered to the air: “I am coming, let’s follow the appointment. When I passed you True Inheritance, you owe me a favor.”

“Human feelings? What is human feelings?!” The sound of a scream suddenly sounded in the pothole.

What followed was an imposing manner, from weak to powerful. In the twinkling of an eye, Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie and the others have been overshadowed.

Only Purple Mountain True Monarch is still calm: “Don’t you always want to be a man? Zuo Ye Hui.”

“People? Oh, I am remembered, you are the guy who was the original.”

“Yes, I helped you at the beginning, you owe me a favor.”

“Well! Zuo Ye Hui wants to be a man, and he has to be human. If you want, I need something to help.”

“You are the best at eating people.”

“Hahaha, common people, I am already tired of eating.”

“Reassuring, it’s a fairy, maybe there is Gun Immortal of Rank 8.” Purple Mountain True Monarch smiled.

“That’s good!!!”

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