Purple Mountain True Monarch left him and turned the subject.

Bai Ningbing is silent, Ying Wuxie said: “Not because of the interference of Will of Heaven?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: “It’s indeed Will of Heaven, but it’s what I took the initiative.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Bai Ningbing heard this, can’t help but reveals a strange color.

Listening to the voice of Purple Mountain True Monarch, it seems that he is mad and stupid, and it is actually a deliberate act.

Purple Mountain True Monarch faintly sighed, it seems that there is a past smoke in the eyes: “When it was the first generation Soul Fragment, we found the great enemy of Will of Heaven, naturally we must ponder how to deal with it.”

“I specialize in Wisdom Dao, the leader of Soul Fragment, looking for ways to deal with the Will of Heaven’s approach, and naturally do not let it.”

“By exploring a part of Constellation Immortal Venerable’s True Inheritance, combined with my own Wisdom Dao rumor, I came up with a way to assimilate with Will of Heaven.”

“Assimilation with Will of Heaven?” Bai Ningbing and Ying Wuxie looked at each other and frowned.

“Nothing wrong. Will of Heaven. It’s all-powerful, everywhere. We just discovered and touched it. It’s not like we know many of Will’s secrets and weaknesses. At that time, we were controlled everywhere, and the situation worsened and the situation became more and more crisis. More and more members are being annihilated by Will of Heaven and hope to be incomparable.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch continued: “Between the last resort, I have imagined that this is not the way. Since the enemy is so powerful, I will surrender in the False Intent and enter the enemy to find out the intelligence. As the saying goes about yourself And know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.”

Bai Ningbing and Ying Wuxie are all bright.

Now, you can also appreciate the novelty of this method.

Will of Heaven is invisible, and the Purple Mountain True Monarch actually wants to break into the interior of Will of Heaven’s.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is not just thinking about it, it is really amazing!

Purple Mountain True Monarch continues to explain: “Will of Heaven, you should be very clear. If Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto is swallowed up with Nine Heavens, it will be mixed with Will of Heaven. If you have Heaven Spirit, you will become crazy. It’s silly. Heaven Spirit is like this, and Gu Immortal is the same. Whenever I am assimilated with Will of Heaven, I become mad and stupid.

“However, because of this, I can greatly reduce Will of Heaven to get rid of my intentions and survive to this day.”

“There is a big benefit to doing this. It is a temporary integration with Will of Heaven, a clearer perception of Will of Heaven, and its strengths and weaknesses.”

“When I got the idea of ​​Will of Heaven’s, I was able to stand on top of the Will of Heaven’s pattern for myself and for my Shadow Sect layout.”

“Heavenly Dao is not a beggar in all things. In the eyes of Will of Heaven, everything in the world is a chess piece. In the board of fate, there are always pieces of chess pieces in some key positions that draw my attention.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch describes slowly, whether it is Bai Ningbing or Ying Wuxie, the more you listen to the gods.

Because they have already felt faintly, then the Purple Mountain True Monarch will be extremely important.

Sure enough, Purple Mountain True Monarch continued: “I assimilated with Will of Heaven and found that there are many chess pieces in the Will of Heaven’s layout. So whenever I am crazy, I will be on on Will of Heaven, deliberately approaching these chess pieces, and then wait until I recover, then try to rebel and use my power to get these chess pieces for my own use.”

“In the recent battle of Adverse Current River, I believe that you have already saw the utility of one of the chess pieces.”

Bai Ningbing has a shock.

Ying Wuxie suddenly realized, and blurted out: “Purple Mountain True Monarch is said Taibai Yunsheng?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: “Yes, Taibai Yunsheng is a chess piece in the fate board. Although it was arranged by Will of Heaven, it was also successfully influenced by me. I finally used his power to help you. Get out of danger.”

Taibai Yunsheng Once in the Gu Master period, he met the Purple Mountain True Monarch and got the True Inheritance of the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Not only does he have the Will of Heaven’s layout, but the influence of the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

So, when Fang Yuan carried Will of Heaven’s dying, returning to the past, overthrowing Gloomy Soul, in the process, Fang Yuan obtained Taibai Yunsheng’s help.

Taibai Yunsheng can be attached to Fang Yuan.

Part of the reason is the ingenuity of Fang Yuan itself. Another part of the reason is at Will of Heaven.

But later on, Taibai Yunsheng and Fang Yuan separated, but helped Shadow Sect.

This is because Fang Yuan rebelled against Will of Heaven. At the last minute, he did not destroy Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, but instead used it himself. Taibai Yunsheng helped Shadow Sect with great effort under the influence of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Taibai Yunsheng was killed in the battlefield, apparently because of Fang Yuan. But from another angle, this is the victim of Will of Heaven and Shadow Sect.

Ying Wuxie heard until here, finally understand the meaning of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

He whispered: “i understand, for many years, the Purple Mountain True Monarch has traveled all over the world, affecting the chess pieces in many key positions, and they will be our new force to break the Super Gu Formation and rescue the true body!”

Purple Mountain True Monarch lightly smiled: “This is the case.”

Southern Border, Super Gu Formation.

Paragon Immortal Aperture, Little Central Continent.

A strong green glow, with a fragrant atmosphere, went straight to Nine Heavens.

Numerous Gu insects, in the green rays of light, are constantly flying, and a glance at it can be dazzling.

Fang Yuan always maintains a high degree of attention. Over time, part of the Gu insect no longer flies, but falls into the depths of the underground.

More and more Gu insects, falling into the ground, they and the previous Gu insect reflect each other, gradually condensed into a mysterious force.

The green light column is getting smaller and weaker, Fang Yuan is thinking, and one Immortal Gu flies over.

This Immortal Gu is red as blood, round and round, with goose egg size. There are countless twilight patterns on the beads, constantly changing around, like Wanlian blooming, and like a cloud.

It is the Rank 6 Immortal Gu Blood Source.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath, this time gu formation, has reached the most critical moment.

Blood Source Immortal Gu lightly is invested in the glory of the green.

Almost instantaneously, the green light was dimmed by the color of the Immortal Gu Blood Source and turned into a bright red.

And the red light is getting more and more prosperous, after a few breaths, reach the most intense and dazzling extent as before the green light.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, the most crucial step has passed, and the next step is to follow the steps.

The brilliance of the bright red is getting weaker and weaker, and eventually dissipates completely. But the aroma of the air, but still a lingering lingering, lingering in the cave.

This cave is extremely wide and has a size of three hundred acres.

It is deep underground and has a distance of severe li from the ground.

The cave is not completely closed in the underground, but has hundreds of passages, like a vent, one link to the cave, and the other side communicates with the outside world, forming numerous potholes on the ground, black and dark, bottomless. But it exudes a fragrance.

“The layout of the gu formation is successful! The plan for the Pansi Cave has been successful.”

“The next step is to raise the previous Eternal Hate Spider, mobility.”

“In this process, you also need to debug the gu formation. After about 1~2 months, you will be completely done.”

Fang Yuan is filled with joy.

After Chi Chang left here and returned to Chi Family, Fang Yuan continued to explore the dream.

In the previous Formation Dao dream, there are two scenes left, all under the Fang Yuan’s Dream Interpretation ultimate move.

Like priority expectations, Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao Realm, reached Grandmaster level!

Relying on Grandmaster’s Formation Dao Realm, and the rich harvest after exchange with Chi Chang, Fang Yuan with no difficulty has also launched a brand new gu formation.

This gu formation, still used Blood Source Immortal Gu, but the growth effect is only a little.

Fang Yuan’s previous gu formation can have a miraculous effect, but it is a problem without solution. There is no possibility of success.

Being able to double it, Fang Yuan is quite satisfied.

There is still a lot of savings on hand, and the Dream Interpretation ultimate move can be motivated many times, plus Chi Chang leaves, attracting firepower for him, allowing him to secretly explore the dream more quietly.

Fang Yuan cherished this hard-won opportunity, and in the following days, he used retreat as an excuse to sneak into the dream.

Just as he tirelessly explored the dream, a news of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, shocked almost all of Gu Immortal in Five Regions.

Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, Heavenly Court defeated!

They sent to Northern Plains’ strong grand formation capacity and did not succeed in saving Ma Hongyun, but lost and lost.

Three Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang, Wanhai Longliu, Bi Chentian, two dead and one missing.

Killing the Rank 8 Gu Immortal is Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s former mount, Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink.

However, Central Continent does not have survivors.

Zhao Lianyun, Yuyi Yezi, Shi Zhenyi and the others, got Wei Lingyang’s desperate escort, followed by the Central Continent reinforcements, the thrilling escape alive.

This news came out, the world is big hua!

Central Continent’s strength and background, among the Five Regions, is recognized as the number one.

10 Great Ancient Sects is in charge of Central Continent’s superpower, no matter which one is selected, it can outperform the super family of the greater part in Five Regions.

Heavenly Court, as the upper sect of 10 Great Ancient Sects, not only dominates Central Continent, but its influence has spread to the other four domains.

It is in the hearts of Central Continent people, aloof and remote, unshakable. In the impression of the other four domains, it has always been recognized as the world’s first force.

After all, three Immortal Venerables are in the Lord, and what kind of power is there in the world?

But this powerful Heavenly Court actually broke into Heavy Sand in Northern Plains.

However, after the shock of the world, they learned more about the inside story and they all expressed their understanding.

Because Northern Plains valiant, its own battle strength first, and this take action, is the descendant of Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s, is Longevity Heaven!

As for the defeat of Heavenly Court, it is also the reason for the expedition, and its own strength has not really come out.

In fact, Heavenly Court formed a team to travel to Northern Plains, not to fight Longevity Heaven, but to find Old Ancestor Xuehu.

Whatever the reason, winner is the king, loser is the villain, Longevity Heaven, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, and so on. In contrast, Heavenly Court and 10 Great Ancient Sects are inevitable.

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