A banquet for the guests and the hostess is not the end, but just a beginning.

Fang Yuan and Chi Chang are now friends.

For the next period of time, Fang Yuan frequently invited Chi Chang, and Chi Chang often came to Wu Family to visit Fang Yuan.

If you want to get close to a person and have a good relationship with someone, it is difficult to say that it is easy and easy.

It is nothing more than condescending to lower the price and conforming to the words of his heart.

Fang Yuan rigorous schemes and deep foresight, and Manner Gu is in hand, how can Chi Chang be his opponent?

Chi Chang is known as “Formation Maniac”, and Gu Immortal is not in his sight. But Fang Yuan is already the Quasi Grandmaster of Formation Dao, and he has a good resonance with his Formation Dao Grandmaster.

The two sides discussed and exchanged various contents of Formation Dao.

Chi Chang quickly marveled at Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao’s rumors, and he expressed doubts. Because Fang Yuan is clearly majoring in Transformation Dao.

Fang Yuan told him: “I have always been interested in Formation Dao. During the mortal period, I was studying Forming Dao because of some opportunities, majoring in Formation Dao. But later, the fate was made, only the Transformation Dao made Gu Immortal. But I Already lucky, can you achieve Gu Immortal’s rogue cultivator, how much?”

This helplessness made Chi Chang feel very emotional and gave birth to a sympathy in her heart.

“If you are making a Revision Dao, I can help you. Chi Family’s Formation Dao Immortal Gu is not rare. I can negotiate for Brother and reach the Immortal Gu deal.” Chi Chang offered.

It is not easy for him to make this point. It is enough to prove the achievements of Fang Yuan these days.

It is not impossible to change the genre, but Life-Bound Gu needs to be exchanged.

Fang Yuan is very moved: “If I want to change in the future, I must seek your help from Chi Chang.”

Chi Chang nodded: “When you come, be sure to tell me!”

He also knows that it is not easy to change one Gu Immortal to a genre. It is not a matter of doing it. This is a major event, which is quite extensive. It is also often a bad influence on the Immortal Aperture.

This exchange with Chi Chang brought quite great gains to Fang Yuan.

Although it is not an upgrade on Realm, for Fang Yuan’s vision expansion, some other basic supplements of Formation Dao are of great help.

Fang Yuan has a more comprehensive and deep understanding of Formation Dao.

What is the difference between gu formation and ultimate move?

Chi Chang tells Fang Yuan: “Gu formation is a kind of ultimate move. The ultimate move is the same as the Gu insects, and the gu formation is the same. The gu formation is the ultimate move belonging to the Formation Dao. Each different gu formation is a Different ultimate move. Therefore, Formation Dao is the genre with the most extreme move among all genres. Of course, there are subtle differences between gu formation and other ultimate move. For example, gu formation lasts longer and often longer. After the arrangement, the Gu Master’s mind, energy, and often less…”

“What is the essence of Formation Dao?” Fang Yuan asked Chi Chang.

Chi Chang shook his head: “I am a Formation Dao Grandmaster, but talking about the essence of Formation Dao, or Realm is not enough. But my family’s Chi Quyou adults have told me that the essence of Formation Dao is to create an environment.”

Fang Yuan heard such an answer, and suddenly there was a feeling of so loud that even the deaf can hear.

The gu formation of the Pansi Cave is not a living environment created by the Eternal Hate Spider.

“It is said that the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster can use the natural Dao Marks between Heaven and Earth to deploy gu formation with a few Gu insects. Even in some natural Dao Marks, only mortal gu is used. Can form Immortal Dao gu formation. Is that true?” Fang Yuan asked Chi Chang again.

Chi Chang nodded, frankly confused: “This is indeed true. But in fact, we can also use Dao Marks to this extent. There are some gu formation, the foundation stone of set up formation is not only Gu insect, but also coffin. But we You can only use the Dao Marks in immortal materials to set up formation. After a long time, these immortal materials will be slowly destroyed. Forming Dao Great Grandmaster goes one step further, not only immortal materials mortal materials, but also adapts to local conditions, using natural Heaven Dao Marks in and Earth.”


These dialogues and interpretations have brought considerable inspiration to Fang Yuan.

This made him more entertaining Chi Chang.

Fang Yuan soon discovered that the effect of holding a banquet was not great, and it was better to have a meeting with Chi Chang about the Formation Dao.

Sometimes, a heated debate can stimulate the feelings of Chi Chang’s heroes.

Fang Yuan there is still one big killer, is to write to Qiao Siliu.

Each time writes, he focuses on Chi Chang, admiring his amazing accomplishments in Formation Dao, and the amazing talent inborn talent.

Chi Chang was embarrassed to be boasted, and even more frustrated with Fang Yuan, he felt that he was an upright gentleman, acting frankly and broadly.

In the letter to Qiao Siliu, he also praised how Fang Yuan was doing, and he majored in Transform Dao, which was a multi-cultivation Formation Dao, and he was so surprised and admired.

Qiao Siliu: “…”

She looked at a letter from her letter and felt that her two pursuers actually praised each other and almost forgot her master!

She absolutely did not expect to be this kind of situation, at the same time, the heart of the big roll one’s eyes, but also have to express their appreciation in the reply, especially the broad-mindedness of the two.

There is no doubt that Fang Yuan and Chi Chang turned their enemies into friends. This change has caused people who want to watch the crowds to be too big and have shattered their glasses.

Southern Border, the glimpse of the trench.

This is a famous trench in the Southern Border, because the Dark Dao ferocious beast is endless, especially the Southern Border.

In the same way, this is also the top of Southern Border’s sinister location.

Today, in the depths of this glimpse of the ditch, in an inconspicuous hole.

“Oh oh…” The old madman of a full head purple hair, rags, barefoot, screaming in the hole, while running around.


Suddenly, he fell to the ground and then twisted and learned to walk.

After a while, he suddenly stood up and smirked.

But after a while, his smirk gradually converges, and his turbid eyeballs reappear clear and bright brilliance.

“Zi Daren, you are finally awake.” Ying Wuxie appeared at the hole, he was sighed, complex complex.

It turns out that this crazy old man is a purple.

Shadow Sect, a group of four, has disappeared since the First Plains Adverse Current River, and I don’t know when it was returned to Southern Border. Why did you come to the depths of this gully?

Purple was also deeply sighed, and he patted the dirt on his body with his hand, while the figure narrowed and changed back to the littleman’s face.

“Always call me Purple Mountain True Monarch. This will be good for our next move.” Purple Mountain True Monarch, “What’s the news this time?”

Ying Wuxie replied: “According to our plan, the Southern Border political situation is slowly moving towards our design direction. It is a pity that not long ago, there was no serious conflict between Chi Chang and Wu Yihai. Become a friend.”

“Oh?” Purple Mountain True Monarch was slightly surprised.

After reviewing the information in detail, he was nodded. “This Wu Yihai interesting, majoring in Transformation Dao, does not say that the accomplishments of Formation Dao can be recognized by Chi Chang.”

“This has definitely helped him, but he still can’t fight Wu Yong, and Wu Yong is second to the Super Gu Formation.”

Ying Wuxie nodded: “Wu Yong after all is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and now it is the power, Wu Yihai recognize ancestors and return to the fold. Soon, there is no consensus with Qiao Family, and I can’t get the full help of Qiao Family.”

“But this proves more: Wu Yihai is a rogue cultivator, but his ambition is great. Because he took the initiative to approach Qiao Siliu, but he did not combine it together, he only said that he and Qiao Family did not negotiate the distribution of benefits. His Ambition, can we use it?”

“Well…” Purple Mountain True Monarch has indulged. “This may be useful, but we still know too little about this. So far, we have to design Wu Family and focus on Wu Yong. Wu The first force of Family and even Southern Border is the pillar of the Righteous Path. If it falls, the Southern Border political situation will surely set off a huge turmoil. At that time, we will rise up and sneak in to break the Super Gu. Formation, the hope of saving the ontology.”

It turns out that the Wu Family turmoil is not so simple. There are Shadow Sect’s forces behind the scenes!

“Hmph! Southern Border Political situation, even if it is shocking again, how can it be?” Bai Ningbing also appeared in the hole, her face was indifferent, “On the basis of our four people, even if the Super Gu Formation has only the same four Gu Immortals defense, it is also a big Trouble. Moreover, the main battle strength on our side is simply unstable.”

Bai Ningbing is very rude.

Even in the face of the Mountain X TrueX, the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

But she has no fear, because she has re-established a covenant with Ying Wuxie and the others before she was chased by Fang Yuan.

And the madness of the Purple Mountain True Monarch from time to time has also greatly reduced her fear of awe.

Purple Mountain True Monarch doesn’t think it’s embarrassing, but smiles: “It’s just to make the political situation turbulent, of course not. After all, these Righteous Path forces are never stupid. This is just to try to reduce their power in the Super Gu Formation. We are four, of course not, the battle strength is thin. So next, we have to recruit people.”

“Recruiting people?” Ying Wuxie is surprised. “don’t tell me Southern Border, here, there are secret hands that I don’t know?”

Because he knows that the Shadow Sect forces on Southern Border are being hit hard. To attack the Super Gu Formation, you must have their level of strength, and Common’s Rank 6 Gu Immortal is simply not enough.

But if there is such a character, Ying Wuxie will be recruited early as early as Fang Yuan’s pursuit.

Longer before, if there was such a character, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul recends tribulation, refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s, and arranged it with Central Continent Gu Immortal.

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded, shook his head again: “You know, why am I crazy?”

Remarks: 9 points half and second.

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