Chi Chang drank a little bit and looked red, and the words became more.

It seems that after this time defeated Fang Yuan, confidence was overwhelming and it was determined that he could hold the beauty.

Gu Immortal certainly has a variety of means to sober up. However, as a result, the loss of drinking is greatly lost, and it is also disrespectful to the drinkers.

Fang Yuan quickly picked up the wine cup and drank the glass of wine in his hand. He said with a smile : “If that’s the case, then I have to admit bad luck, who let me meet Chi Chang, your competitors! Hehe…”

Fang Yuan sighs, meaning the meaning of Sheng Yu He Shengliang, immediately exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Chi Chang laughed heartily, extend the hand, and even patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder to express comfort.

Fang Yuan is laughing in his heart.

Chi Chang is purely awkward.

This thing has a foregone conclusion.

As long as Fang Yuan is loose, Qiao Siliu will definitely be self-sufficient, which is almost a matter of nailing.

It is just that Qiao Siliu has not shown a clear intention at present, but the fairy has a plan and pride in his heart. He wants to be tempted and wait for the price and 沽 that’s all.

In fact, Fang Yuan already sees it clearly.

Take the letter from this time Qiao Siliu, in fact, this is her attitude.

“Qiao Siliu has seen me compete with Chi Chang. It is naturally very happy. Before that, I have been on the wall because it is in line with her heart.”

“When I finally failed, she stood up and took the initiative to tell me about her and Chi Chang. The purpose was to appease me and tell me that there was nothing emotional between her and Chi Chang. At most that Is Formation Maniac Unilateral Acacia that’s all.”

“But this clever woman never said her own attitude, but explained the facts that were once, to show her innocence, and at the same time prove that she has great value in pursuit.”

Men pursue women, is nature and instinct. Whether a woman has a man to pursue, how many men pursue, and what kind of man to pursue, these aspects can more or less reflect her value.

“Qiao Siliu wants to join me in this connection. This is not her personal will, but the political plot of Qiao Family.”

“Only because of this, I have already won all her pursuers.”

“Even if I fail many times, I will spend more time, and then I will be bored, and then I will be fooled by the occasion of Moon Holiday.”

“I have already won!”

“Even if I don’t love, I don’t want to pursue Qiao Siliu. Qiao Siliu will come over and chase me.”

“Of course, this is not Passion, but… politics!”

Fang Yuan sneered in his heart, he always read it all.

But he can’t accept it, Qiao Siliu’s “Passion”.

As soon as he accepts, he will be completely immersed in the raging political vortex. He is no longer a simple Wu Yihai, but the most important chess piece that Qiao Family has placed inside the Wu Family to compete for the whole family.

Wu Yong will never give Fang Yuan such a relaxed environment as it is now, but will strictly monitor Fang Yuan, keep pressing and keep watchful.

If so, can Fang Yuan still safely capture the essence of dreams?

Obviously it is impossible, and if it is not done, it will expose the truth.

In that case, it is even more troublesome.

Once Fang Yuan’s identity is exposed, it is the first violent blow of Qiao Family. Because of the rights of Righteous Path, it is sure to first pick up the relationship with Fang Yuan. Qiao Family and Wu Family want to prove themselves and maintain their reputation. They are crusade against Fang Yuan’s. It will be incomparably crazy, making an all-out effort than any other force.

“But I can’t accept it, I won’t accept it, but I can use this ‘Passion’.”

On the Passion of the Qiao Siliu, Fang Yuan succeeded in making Wu Yong wary, indirectly let Wu Yong arrange himself, re-returned to Super Gu Formation, and reached his own purpose.

However, there is no perfect thing in the world. Such a method, although clever, also has a repercussion.

Wu Yong’s vigilance, Luo Muzi, Lun Fei, Chi Chang, and other Qiao Siliu pursuers are all repercussion.

Pure Passion, not without, is very rare.

There are many things to consider when people live on this world.

Qiao Siliu’s beauty, body, cultivation base, etc. are all attractive and tempting.

Perhaps among her pursuers, Chi Chang is the simplest, but still mixed with the formation Dao. Not to mention other people.

As for Fang Yuan, he is the most special one.

The arrival of Chi Chang did not come out of Fang Yuan’s expectations.

In fact, he was mentally prepared.

Even without Chi Chang, there will be other people coming to find it. Even if it is not the present, it will be in the future.

Because Fang Yuan moved the delicious cake “Qiao Siliu”, it angered many people. These people have pursuers and interest groups behind the pursuers.

As the saying goes, the red face is a disaster.

A beautiful woman is not so good to pursue.

Only a simple person can think of conquering a beauty with only Passion and moving.

In fact, it is far more than that.

The beauty of a woman is a natural dowry.

This dowry is extremely rich and is a great fortune.

Who doesn’t want to get such wealth?

But not everyone has the ability to guard such wealth.

If there is a beauty, I am willing to give this wealth to the other half because of the simple Passion. Then please be lucky to treat it.

But in fact, this situation is too little and too little.

If you have it, please cherish it. If you don’t have it, don’t expect it.

Don’t say “vulgar.”

Because this is the reality.

When Fang Yuan returned to the Super Gu Formation here, he began to wonder how to deal with the repercussion of this matter.

A truly brilliant player is to constantly calculate the chess path before the move.

In fact, when Fang Yuan decided to use Qiao Siliu’s “Passion” to achieve his goal, he began to imagine how to deal with the repercussion brought by this method.

If he doesn’t handle it well, then Chi Chang is only the first to find fault, followed by second place, third place, and even endless.

This is of course a huge disruption to Fang Yuan’s exploration of dreams.

At the same time, the identity of Wu Yihai also made Fang Yuan shackle and could not cope with these challenges, and perhaps even in the process of coping with the challenges.

Fang Yuan needs to solve this matter cautiously and correctly.

How to deal with it?

It is difficult and difficult to say, simple and simple.

That is to create a meat target, which is more attractive to the pursuers than Fang Yuan, and it is more troublesome.

Fang Yuan, in the heart, is looking forward to someone coming to find him trouble.

Chi Chang took the initiative to come to the door, and so timely, so fast, actually let Fang Yuan secretly happy.

When he read Chi Chang’s information, his heart’s joy expanded several times!

The stupidity of the opponent is his own luck.

Of course, one point to note is that this stupidity is often unrelated to IQ and Emotional Intelligence.

An example of Fang Yuan’s stark event on Earth is Yue Fei.

Yue Fei resisted gold, and when he was close to success, he was returned by the emperor behind him with twelve gold medals summon, and then executed with unwarranted charges.


Is it because the emperor is stupid?

It’s stupid!

But is the emperor and prime minister an idiot?

of course not!

If Yue Fei’s anti-gold is to succeed, the Yue Family will be more prosperous, the imperial power is weaker than the handsome, and the threat is too great. More crucially, if Yue Fei succeeds, he will return to the emperor. What is the current emperor doing?

Putting it now, Chi Family Revered Great Elder Chi Quyou deliberately cultivated Gu Immortal like Chi Chang. Don’t tell me because he was demented. He didn’t know such Chi Chang and studied Form Dao in a political arena. No resistance, can you finally become a tool to be used?

Of course, he is not demented. It is because he knows this and he will cultivate it.

Because his son needs to succeed in the position of Reved Great Elder, he needs a “tool” to assist his son, Chi Chang.

Many people think that the arrival of Chi Chang is the trouble of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan never thought about it, but he thought it was his chance.

As long as he handles this matter, he will solve the repercussion of this matter, and in the future, he will be able to explore the dream safely and secretly improve his background.

Therefore, Fang Yuan must lose.

If you don’t lose, how can you shape a stronger and more threatening Chi Chang?

Without such a meat target, how can he attract the firepower of his body?

Chi Chang is undoubtedly easy to calculate.

Through intelligence, Fang Yuan knows that Chi Chang’s favorite is to study Formation Dao. The best thing is to solve the problem and design the gu formation that meets the requirements.

Fang Yuan took this part to challenge him.

Chi Chang, a research madman, has his own pride in the field he is best at.

He can not care about other aspects, not even care about appearance, not greed for wealth, but in this regard, he must care. Because this is the meaning of his entire life!

Fang Yuan A Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, taking this thing to marry him, the behavior of himself is the slap of Chi Chang.

How can people like Chi Chang not be able to hold back?

Of course he couldn’t help it.

Once I couldn’t help it, I fell directly into the trap that Fang Yuan had already laid, and I couldn’t climb it.

Not only can’t climb out, he also toasted Fang Yuan and felt that Fang Yuan was sincere!

“You are a competitor, but what do you say? We really don’t know each other, haha…” Chi Chang laughed and slammed back with Fang Yuan.

“Nothing to say, let’s Hah!” Fang Yuan took another sip.

Chi Chang stared at Fang Yuan and stared at Fang Yuan, then gave a thumbs up: “Brother is cool! Come and do this.”

Both sides raised their necks and they both did it.

“Good wine.” Chi Chang lamented. “Oh, to be honest, I was the first time I drank so much for the first time…”

Fang Yuan laughed heartily, the depth of the eye is still cold.

The wine of Righteous Path is not so easy to drink.

Demonic Path fights and kills, straight ahead, you retreat me, you enter me. A banquet at Righteous Path, behind a gossip, is often a conspiracy calculation, a variety of thoughts, it seems that the calm water is undercurrent, eating people do not spit bones.

Fang Yuan challenged Chi Chang to lose, he was very happy, he would promote the matter.

How about losing?

Sometimes failure is also a means to an end.

Chi Chang is also very happy. He feels that he is here, the most entertaining one.

For a time, the guests and the host were happy.

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