The banquet started.

Among the small halls, only Fang Yuan, Wu An, Chi Chang and three Gu Immortals. Wu An is of course a soy sauce role with wine, and the focus is of course the interaction between Fang Yuan and Chi Chang.

Fang Yuan took the initiative to toast Chi Chang, with a polite speech and a smile, especially in the words of Chi Chang’s Formation Dao.

Reach out and not smile.

Chi Chang was confused and ignorant, so he drank a lot of fine wine.

He looked at Fang Yuan and began to look at it from a different perspective.

“Wu Yihai, this guy is actually very kind. Before What’s wrong? Was it intentional to attack me? Or is he still asking for me?” Chi Chang was in the heart.

“I don’t want you to say, Chi Chang Fellow Immortal, the most admired person in my life is you such a talented person!” Fang Yuan laughed and walked over to toast.

Chi Chang 呐呐, lifted the wine cup, Fang Yuan has not yet drunk, he will directly pour himself.

It turned out that Fang Yuan’s continuous toasting has become a conditional reflection of Chi Chang.

However, Fang Yuan’s words really sounded comfortable. In particular, the identity of Fang Yuan’s rivals is so complimenting and complimenting that Chi Chang has a great sense of accomplishment.

“Do not.”

“I want to be vigilant!”

“Wu Yihai, this guy may also be acting, he is still very treacherous.”

Chi Chang didn’t let go of his guard, but what did he think? How do you feel that Fang Yuan’s smile is sincere and sincere.

Hehe, not to mention Fang Yuan’s acting, just Manner Gu, is it a joke?

“Chi Chang Fellow Immortal, please see.” Fang Yuan extend the hand and handed Chi Chang an Information Dao mortal gu.

“What is this?” Chi Chang groaned in his heart, his heart squinting into his face and his face suddenly changing.

It turned out that this Information Dao mortal gu is a letter that Fang Yuan is about to hand over to Qiao Siliu. However, in the letter, Fang Yuan praised Chi Chang, praised the feelings, and frankly lacked himself. Previously, he used the Formation Dao puzzle to challenge Chi Chang, which is purely one-s capabilities, display one’s slight skill before an expert. I don’t know how tall and thick, and I don’t deserve the Southern Border hero.

Of course, there is no such thing as “display one’s slight skill before an expert” in this World. In short, this is the meaning.

Chi Chang read the letter and he was a little embarrassed.

Fang Yuan’s appreciates that the words are a bit exaggerated.

“Is that really good?”

“The title of the Southern Border hero, I never thought about it.”

“I don’t know what Fairy Siliu would like to see this letter?”

Various thoughts have emerged, and Chi Chang is in a mood to be excited.

When he looked forward to Fang Yuan’s, his eyes changed.

Fang Yuan sat down directly at Chi Chang’s side, and the action of this relative did not make Chi Chang feel resentful.

“Chi Chang Fellow Immortal, I am looking at Southern Border Gu Immortal World, I am afraid that only your talent is worthy of Fairy Siliu. I am taking it!” Fang Yuan laughed.

“Oh?” Chi Chang didn’t know what to say, there was joy on his face, but there was still doubt.

Fang Yuan said again: “But I will not give up, my gentleman is good, although I am not as good as you, but I will redouble my efforts. This time is your victory, let’s compete in the future! How do you see it?”

After listening to this, the suspicion on Chi Chang’s face was disintegrated. He lifted the wine cup for the first time and respected Fang Yuan: “Good, fair competition! There should be fair competition between gentlemen.”

The implication is that Fang Yuan has been treated as a gentleman.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily, patted Chi Chang’s shoulder: “To be honest, I am disgusted by other rivals, but Chi Chang is different, you are brilliant, bright, I admire you. If you are obediently Fairy Siliu in the future, I will definitely bless you two, because I know that if I lose to you, I am not jealous! As for other people, hey, they are all clowns.”

Chi Chang was exaggerated to be embarrassed and touched his nose. Nair-ly said: “In fact, other people also have some experts.”

“We don’t know each other, come, have a drink!” Fang Yuan raised the wine cup again.

Chi Chang This action is even more: “Hah!”

As soon as he looked up, he licked, his throat rolled, and a large glass of wine went straight down.

Then he made a wine cellar and his face turned red.

“Great!” Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up and personally filled Chi Chang with wine.

He is smiling, warm and sincere.

But in fact, his heart was calm and he remembered the information about Chi Chang.

Wu Family’s intelligence channel is trustworthy.

Fang Yuan already knew: This Chi Chang was seen by Chi Quyou in an accident from a boyhood, and he recognized his inborn talent on Formation Dao, so he cultivated it.

Chi Chang is in Chi Family and has the name “Formation Maniac”.

He was selected from adolescence and sent to the mountainside hole in Ten Thousand Snakes Mountain for further study. This is thirty years.

When he was already 40, this was only a mountain. The cultivation base was only Rank 3, but in the Great Competition, the gu formation was better than the Rank Master of Rank 4 and Rank 5. The Formation Dao was shocked by Chi Family. Clansman.

Later, clansman learned that Chi Chang broke through the mountain, but it was because he got lost and accidentally came out.

His reputation in the Great Competition gained fame, wealth and beauty followed, but he was one after another, the only request was to re-enter the cave, continue to retreat, study Formation Dao.

This incident alarmed Revered Family Elder.

Chi Quyou allowed Chi Chang’s request, even opened a cave for him, and dedicated servants every day.

Chi Chang continues to delve into it, his hard work and obsession, making people feel awkward, as if his only pleasure in life is to study Formation Dao.

He slammed on it, letting the outside world scream, and he was only living in his own cave. He was not seen in the sky, and he was immersed in the cultivation Dao’s cultivation.

Wait until his full head is white, when the deadline is approaching, Chi Quyou meets him again and asks him: Is this life going to regret? What regrets dying?

Chi Chang mournfully wails, crying, he said: “Life is short, rushing for a hundred years, there are many more in my Formation Dao research, how can I be willing? This is the biggest regret.”

Chi Quyou was so emotional that he gave a Longevity Gu to Chi Chang.

Chi Chang got it, regained his youth and had a life span.

Chi Quyou talked to him about Formation Dao and pointed out his three days and three nights, which finally confirmed that Chi Chang is the family hope, and the future Formation Dao will reach the Great Grandmaster!

Chi Quyou is not just talking about it, but after that, it really tilts the family resources and cultivates Chi Chang.

With the help of the family, Chi Chang was promoted to xian by the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. In just a few decades, it became Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

However, even if he became a fairy, he did not let him get out of his previous habits.

He is still on the Formation Dao, constantly researching, day and night, a retreat painstaking cultivation is a few years, a dozen years.

The only thing that is surprising is that he pursues Qiao Siliu and his attitude is very determined.

The news came out at the time and made the Chi Family people stunned. Only then did Chi Chang still like women in addition to Formation Dao!

When getting Wu Family information, Fang Yuan felt that Chi Chang was a very interesting person.

It is these perceptions that prompted Fang Yuan to adopt a special response to Chi Chang.

I did not take the initiative to meet Chi Chang before, but it was actually Fang Yuan’s strategy. Deliberate use of Formation Dao’s challenge is Fang Yuan’s next step, this time banquet drinking is of course also in Fang Yuan’s plan.

Chi Chang’s performance did not surprise Fang Yuan’s.

Everything is done regularly and thoroughly.

A recent letter from Qiao Siliu was also expected by Fang Yuan. As one of the parties, Qiao Siliu could not show his attitude.

Although she did not say it, she told Fang Yuan in the letter that she met Chi Chang for the first time.

According to Qiao Siliu, she took the Qiao Family mission and visited Chi Family, and was treated by Chi Family Revered Great Elder’s Child Gu Xian Chi Bang.

I know that this Chi Bang speech is scornful, deliberately through the beauty, oral poetry, and Qiao Siliu implied.

If it is normal, Qiao Siliu may not be angry. But at the time, Qiao Siliu was the Qiao Family messenger, and Chi Bang’s behavior was a disrespect for Qiao Family, which made Qiao Siliu hate.

In response, Qiao Siliu deliberately approached Chi Chang.

Chi Bang is the son of Chi Quyou, Chi Family’s next Reevered Great Elder, which can be described as one person under 10,000 people, and others dare not provoke, except for Chi Chang, the Formation Maniac.

Chi Chang did not know which way to bend, and initially did not leave Qiao Siliu, but Qiao Siliu deliberately talked about Formation Dao and described some of the Formao Da’s Forming Dao books.

Chi Chang is attracted to it and is very interested.

Qiao Siliu borrowed Chi Chang to deal with Chi Bang, Chi Bang could not help but secretly had to apologize to Qiao Siliu.

Qiao Siliu successfully completed his family mission and returned with great enthusiasm. He also won one of the most enthusiastic pursuers, Chi Chang.

This letter from Qiao Siliu brought quite important information to Fang Yuan, and he immediately had a fairly clear understanding of Chi Family’s internal affairs.

“Chi Family Revered Great Elder life essence is limited, Longevity Gu has not been used anymore. And his son Chi Bang is only under his shadow, he is promoted to a fairy, but he is not talented enough.”

“Chi Quyou knows how much his son has the ability, but he wants him to become Chi Family Revered Great Elder in the future. So after realizing the temperament and talent of Chi Chang, he has vigorously leaned on resources and cultivated such a A Formation Maniac comes.”

“As long as there is the guardian of Formation Maniac, Chi Bang succeeds in taking the position of Revered Great Elder, and he is very confident. Forming Maniac’s respect and admiration for Chi Quyou makes him unable to escape Chi Bang’s control.”

“Family…tut tut.”

The letter from Qiao Siliu allowed Fang Yuan to see the political battle inside Chi Family.

It is because of this internal and external reasons that talents like Chi Chang have been shaped. At the same time, I also understood some doubts about Chi Chang in Fang Yuan’s heart.

“Come on! Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, I will respect you.” At this time, Chi Chang first opened the wine cup to Fang Yuan and interrupted Fang Yuan’s thoughts.

Chi Chang continued: “You are a very real person. If you are with Fairy Siliu in the future, you don’t have to be sad. You are actually very good. There are still many women in the world, but the real understanding of Formation Dao is rare. Little!”

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