Luo Muzi and Lun Fei are very speechless.

They really want to criticize Fang Yuan stopped, but Qiao Siliu commented like this. If you say criticism again, wouldn’t that make Qiao Siliu embarrassed?

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei feel like they are swallowing flies, very uncomfortable, but they can’t vent.

Fang Yuan glanced around the circle and laughed at the bottom of his heart.

Qiao Siliu was so angry that Fairy Tianlu looked at Qiao Siliu with concern, and there seemed to be some sympathy in his eyes. Qiao Siliu’s plan, Fairy Tianlu, who is a girlfriend, will not know? It’s just that Fang Yuan hasn’t been on the sleeves, and it’s a hateful itch.

As for Luo Muzi and Lun Fei, the stiffness of the complexion is simply a laugh.

Fang Yuan looked towards these two: “How? My poem is right?”

“And right?!”

Luo Muzi, Lun Fei, and his eyes are round and round, and at the sight of Fang Yuan, he seems to want to see how thick and shameless this person is.

But then, the two listened to Fang Yuan again: “I am a flash of light, but the article poetry is such a thing, the real masterpiece seems to be like this. Siliu very much recognizes this poem, but I also want to hear two appreciation of this poem.”

“Appreciation? Can you call it a poem? It is also appreciated!!”

“Siliu, Siliu… What are you doing so kindly? You bastard, hello! Who makes you so kind!!”

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei yelled and roared in the bottom of their hearts.

On the surface, they are not allowed to attack. They have to evaluate and have to say good things. According to Qiao Siliu, this will not make Fairy Siliu embarrassed.

This is even more uncomfortable than eating flies.

Obviously it is a rival, or a rotten thing like a ****, can not be regarded as a poem, but Luo Muzi, Lun Fei have to find ways to “appreciate” it, to say good things!

“This poem, oh… easy to understand, catchy…” Luo Muzi stuttered and said something, his face became more and more ugly, feeling he had to vomit!

Fang Yuan smiled nodded and talked to Lun Fei on the side: “How does Fellow Immortal Lun Fei feel?”

Lun Fei stared at Fang Yuan and looked straight, his mouth curled up and smiled, but he seemed to twitch, and then he was dry – ly said: “This is a good poem.”

Fang Yuan’s brow, how can it be easy to get around this person, and then ask: “Where is it?”

Lun Fei was furious and his face was red, and his heart screamed again and again: “How do I know where I am? Where is a little good! Your own poem, you have to praise you! You bastard!!”

Seeing Fang Yuan’s smile, Lun Fei’s heart rose with a strong impulse. The truth directly picked up the cup in his hand and then slammed the cup on Fang Yuan’s face.

This is the most deflated!

But not.

Qiao Siliu is sitting in front of him. He wants to do this with Lun Fei. Where is Fairy Siliu? Isn’t this the face of the fairy directly?

Moreover, he Lun Fei is not Luo Muzi, he is a loose immortal 呐. In contrast, Wu Yihai is the identity nobly, Wu Family’s Wu Yong’s pro-younger brother!

Lun Fei had to press the anger of his heart, search for the intestines, and dig into the words to “appreciate” Fang Yuan’s “poetry.”

“This is a happy day to enjoy the moon. I didn’t expect that I still have the talent to make poetry.” Fang Yuan smiled at Qiao Siliu, his eyes were meaningful.

Qiao Siliu’s heart was slightly shocked, said with a smile: “The next break stone, maybe Yihai, you can make a big difference.”

“It’s very extreme, it’s very extreme. I am also looking forward to this part, let’s break stone.” Fairy Tianlu quickly helped to shift the topic.

“I have prepared a large stone for everyone to choose. Everyone please.” Qiao Siliu is naturally prepared, behind her is Qiao Family. With this super power, it is not difficult to collect some stones. Things.

The atmosphere in the pavilion has eased a lot.

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei are also a big sigh of relief, at least they don’t have to confess Fang Yuan’s bad poems.

The stones prepared by Qiao Siliu are large and small. Gu Immortal picks them in order, break stone on the spot and see if there is a Gu insect.

Mortal gu For Gu Immortal, it’s easy to get it.

So the atmosphere is relaxed, unlike Gu Master, who treats break stone seriously.

Of course, this is just mortal gu. If it involves Immortal Gu, the break stone activity will also attract Gu Immortal’s attention.

Gu Immortal wants to detect whether there is a mortal gu in the stone, and there are a lot of means. But today, everyone naturally does not use any means to cheat, just by personal eyes and Luck Qi.

As for the stone with Immortal Gu, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, Gu Immortal’s investigative methods are very poor and helpless.

Tonight’s stone, want to solve Immortal Gu, it is a fantasy, unrealistic.

Everyone has no such luxury, it is really an entertainment.

It’s just this entertainment, in the eyes of Luo Muzi and Lun Fei, it’s a bit different in meaning.

The two of them secretly competed with Fang Yuan, but the result was that they all vomited blood. The result of Fang Yuan break stone was at the top of the list, from the beginning until the end.

Break stone is to compare Gu Master’s eyesight strength, Fang Yuan is naturally not lacking, his previous life for five hundred years even opened the gambling stone storefront.

As for Luck Qi, can Fang Yuan’s Luck Qi still be worse?

Don’t talk about Luck Qi with other strong luck people, and also have Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu support.

However, although Fang Yuan won, it was quite thrilling in the process. Although maintaining an advantage, sometimes this advantage is not obvious.

It was Luo Muzi who had a strong impact on him.

This person is not loose immortal, but from the Southern Border’s super power, Luo Family.

His eyes are also very sinister, the key is that Luck Qi is also right, the whole result is only slightly less than Fang Yuan.

“It seems that his Luck Qi is really right.”

“If you don’t, you won’t know Five Words Last Breath Poem, isn’t it…”

Fang Yuan thought about it.

He wants to move Lun Fei, it is not difficult, but to move Luo Muzi, but because of the Luo Family behind, there are some concerns.

Of course, no matter how to murder, Wu Yihai’s identity is absolutely impossible to be involved.

After the end of the entire moon-watching session, it is already late at night.

Everyone said goodbye, and the scene was also laughter.

“I will send you.” Qiao Siliu offered to send Fang Yuan a trip.

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei saw their eyes red.

“Let’s go!” Luo Muzi and Lun Fei original are competitors, and they don’t look pleasing to each other, but through this, they have reached a tacit agreement.

Four Gu Immortals left the pavilion, leaving Fairy Tianlu and her fairy.

“Hey.” Fairy Tianlu sighed, “This moon-watching event is really tired.”

“No way.” Her fairy sighed, her eyes clear and bright.

The two held their hands together, smiled and walked away.

“This Wu Yihai is a coward. What is he doing? Can that thing be called poetry?!” Luo Muzi flustered and exasperated.

“Fairy Siliu actually looked at him differently!!” Lun Fei gnashing teeth.

“hmph, what is the other eye, his greatest value is his identity.” Luo Muzi tone is sour.

Lun Fei looked at her face: “How can I not swallow this breath, no, I can’t let him Wu Yihai be so happy!”

Along the way, Luo Muzi and Lun Fei exchanged very intensely.

“Oh? Do you have any good ideas? Wu Family is facing difficulties in all aspects, but Wu Yong may not be aggressive, but the ability to defend is still there. If you want to move Wu Yihai, you have to consider Wu Family. in public and in private Wu Yong will stand behind Wu Yihai. The scale should be specially grasped.” Luo Muzi cares, he is Righteous Path Gu Immortal, understand the difficulty.

The scale is light, and it is difficult to hurt Wu Yihai. However, the scale is heavy, which leads to the counterattack of Wu Family. Who can afford it?

Lun Fei is secret from curl one’s lip, thinking: Righteous Path Gu Immortal is just too much, worry about this concern. Instead, Demonic Path acts, and it’s simply good.

However, Lun Fei is not a Demonic Path Gu Immortal. He is a rogue cultivator and prefers the Righteous Path.

Lun Fei hey hey smiled, his eyes sparkled with insidious luster, saying: “We don’t need to be hands-on. Fairy Siliu has many pursuers. How can we only have two of us? We told the news, he was very angry because Fairy Siliu this time did not invite him.”

“You mean the Ba Family?” The look on Luo Muzi’s face became a bit complicated.

Chi Family’s Gu Immortals is the biggest pursuer of Qiao Siliu. Before tonight, Luo Muzi was very disgusted with him. But now it is going to be re-on his power and still teach Wu Yihai.

“Wu Yihai has defeated Xia Feikuai, but it is just a slap in the face of knowing one’s own cheap. If his battle strength is strong, why bother with the old Monster to talk about the conditions, directly take the nut mountain back is not good? Chi Family The battle strength of that person must exceed Wu Yihai, and I don’t know what other people think about Fairy Siliu.” Lun Fei continued.

Luo Muzi’s eyes are firm: “fine, let’s tell Chi Chang about these things today!”

Qiao Siliu sent Fang Yuan all the way, and has been sending out more than ten miles, which is to say goodbye to Fang Yuan.

But she did not directly return to Qiao Family’s headquarters, but returned to the pavilion.

Pavilion’s interior, already one Gu Immortal sitting on the stone bench, quiet Earth Grade with a slave tea.

This person is the Reveal Great Elder of Qiao Family.

When I first helped Fang Yuan, I successfully returned to the key person of Wu Family!

Qiao Family Revered Great Elder slowly put down the cup: “Wu Yihai grew up in the Eastern Sea, but he is the son of Wu Duxiu. What do you think?”

Qiao Siliu’s eyes are slightly glimpsed, lightly said: “Yes.”

Fang Yuan murdered Luo Muzi and Lun Fei, forcing them to say that their poems are good. In fact, they intended to beat Qiao Siliu in the air.

Qiao Siliu knows that this is the Righteous Path confrontation, the surface of the banquet feast, but it is soaring.

Qiao Family Revered Great Elder sighed: “until now, we Qiao Family, although attached to Wu Family, have never touched the core. Wu Yihai is an opportunity for the entire Qiao Family, do you understand?”

Qiao Siliu bit her lip and her eyes are unwilling, but in the end she is still nodded: “I understand.”

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