Moon Holiday In the past, Fang Yuan was often seen outside.

He took the initiative to approach Qiao Siliu, who was angry at his Moon Holiday, but could not refuse Fang Yuan because of his family appointment.

Gradually, there is sound of the wind revealed

Wu Yihai of Wu Family and Qiao Siliu of Qiao Family are very close, often playing in the mountains.

Whether it is Wu Yihai, the brother of Wu Yong, or Qiao Siliu, one of the Southern Border Three Great Fairies, there is no doubt that it is a famous person of Southern Border Gu Immortal World’s.

Their behavior quickly formed some gossip.

Qiao Siliu’s pursuers, while indignant, have to admit that Wu Yihai is a very strong competitor. Don’t say anything else, just looking at the relationship between Wu Family and Qiao Family is Wu Yihai’s enormous advantage.

This makes Fang Yuan somewhat helpless.

He doesn’t really want to be famous. The lower the identity of Wu Yihai, the better.

It is a pity that this time depends on Qiao Siliu, and Fang Yuan has once again made a name in Southern Border Gu Immortal World!

This situation soon affected Fang Yuan.

The number of times he was extrapolated has just shown signs of diminishing, and now it has soared and is very frequent.

It is very reluctant to deal with this situation by Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan deserves to fall behind and hide in Paragon Blessed Land.

Immortal Aperture is a self-contained Heaven and Earth. It is extremely difficult to extrapolate as long as Fang Yuan has no key clues to leak and is controlled by others.

Unless it is a clue to the extent of “Connecting Luck”, it is extremely difficult to figure out specific directions or other information.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan itself, when it is occasionally lonely, take Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. There is an additional Adverse Current River, which is very expensive for Heaven Qi and Earth Qi.

In addition to the downfall, Fang Yuan responded to Qiao Siliu while relying on the channels of Luo Wuzi and Lun Fei.

It is not easy to do now.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

Gu Immortal’s means are endless and mysterious. Sometimes a little careless, it will turn over the ship in the gutter.

For example, Fang Yuan can resist the attack of Rank 8 Gu Immortal through Adverse Current River. Who can think of this result before the Battle of Great Snow Mountain?

Fang Yuan is cautious. Even if he wants to murder the lives of Luo Muzi and Lun Fei, he must start to plan his plans in a targeted manner after fully understanding their intelligence.

Then ready to go, once there is a good opportunity, then suddenly sent out, one hit will kill!

This is the least risky and most in line with his interests.

The lion is also full of strength, not to mention that Lun Fei and Luo Muzi can enter the eyes of Qiao Siliu, and their strength is not bad.

After another half a month, Wu Yong summoned Fang Yuan.

“younger brother, I have a few tasks here, you can choose one of them.” Wu Yong straight to the point.

“Brothers please talk about contributing a Strength to the family, and I should do my duty.” Fang Yuan replied calmly.

An Information Dao mortal gu flew out of Wu Yong’s cuffs, and Fang Yuan glanced at it, which recorded three items.

The first one, about Xuan Mingshan.

It has recently been discovered that in the depths of this Xuan Ming Mountain, there seems to be a wild Immortal Gu breath.

This news has already led a lot of rogue cultivator Gu Immortal to travel.

More importantly, the super-power Yang Family has also been dispatched.

If the situation is true, you can get one Immortal Gu. For any super power, it is a happy event to grow its own background. Wu Family certainly does not want to miss this opportunity.

Now Wu Family’s situation is not bad, and under the leadership of Wu Yong, it has stabilized its position.

More importantly, Xuan Mingshan relies on Wu Family’s scope. Although it is not the Wu Family’s territory, it is bordered by Wu Family.

If Wu Family does not send Gu Immortal this time, I am afraid that other super forces will feel that Wu Family is empty.

Therefore, in this mission, Wu Yong also special intention care: even if you can not win the wild Immortal Gu, you must also destroy it, and must not be left to Yang Family.

The second thing is that the Scarlet Dragon River has skyrocketed in recent days, and if it is uncontrolled, it is very likely that a flood will occur.

Once floods flood, they will pose a huge threat to all living things along the way. This will result in a reduction in resources and even change the surrounding environment.

The superpowers along the Scarlet Dragon River are highly valued.

Qiao Family, Wu Family’s site, and the section bordering Scarlet Dragon River.

So send Gu Immortal to the inspection and try to control it in case there is a huge flood.

The third item is Yi Family’s 2nd Revered Elder, which is a 1200-year-old birthday.

Wu Family needs to send one Gu Immortal, on behalf of Wu Family, to a birthday party and a gift from Wu Family.

Yi Family is very strong. The family’s headquarters is the Lepidoptera, a mountain located on the northeast corner of the Southern Border’s, the closest to the Eastern Sea.

In fact, there is also a close connection between Yi Family and Eastern Sea.

As for Wu Family, it is located in the southwestern part of Southern Border’s, although not in the southwest corner, but among all the super forces, it is located in the south.

The position of Yi Family and Wu Family between each other determines that the relationship between the two has been maintained at a good level.

Far from close to attack, this is one of the most basic principles of political diplomacy of the superpower.

Even if many families marry Wu Family, Yi Family has never been involved. In order to maintain this relationship, Wu Family decided to send Gu Immortal to Heshou for the longevity of Yi Family Revered Family Elder.

“How, do you make a decision?” Wu Yong asked after a moment.

Fang Yuan nodded: “I have already considered it. I choose the second one. My battle strength is not high. I choose the first one to go to Xuan Mingshan. I am afraid to play against Yang Family Gu Immortal. Yang Family is good at Soul Dao. Dealing with this genre is not good at it.”

“Why don’t you choose the third item?” Wu Yong laughed. “In fact, your identity is best for this task. Because you are my younger brother of Wu Yong, going to Yi Family will be warmly welcomed.”

Fang Yuan shook his head, said with a bitter smile: “Brother, you will spare me. Although it is a birthday, there must be representatives of other superpowers at the birthday party. Now Wu Family is in such a situation, if I attend a birthday party, It will certainly be martyrdom of other forces, Gu Immortals. At that time, I have two fists and four hands, and it doesn’t matter if I fall down. The key is to lose the face of the family. The blame is big.”

Wu Yong laughed: “Brother thinks about this layer, but the brother is not good. That’s it.”

“If there is nothing else in the elder brother, then the younger brother will leave.”

“Go, go.” Wu Yong waved his hand.

Fang Yuan turned and when he was about to walk out of the great hall, Wu Yong asked again: “Oh, yes, when did you leave?”

Fang Yuan turned back and stood near the threshold: “Scarlet Dragon River is a loss of life if it is flooded. This is a major event. The younger brother thinks it can’t be slow. Go back and simply clean up and start later.”

“Well, if you have this understanding, I will be at ease. This matter will be handed over to you, and it will be done properly.” Wu Yong trusts Fang Yuan’s look.

“The younger brother must make an all-out effort!” Fang Yuan solemnly promised that he turned and left.

He did not see it. After he left, the smile and trust on Wu Yong’s face slowly disappeared.

Instead, a touch of gloomy between the brows.

“Things are going to be done.” Fang Yuan’s heart was filled with joy, but on the surface it was quiet. As he said to Wu Yong, after a little cleaning, he immediately set off on the north.

He flew all the way, but when he just leapt to the Yellow Dragon River, he was called by Gu Immortal Wu Fa: “Wu Yihai is an adult, and slow, I have a new appointment for Reved Great Elder.”

Fang Yuan laughed in the heart: “Sure enough.”

On the surface, it was a strange color. He stopped in the air and asked Wu Fa: “Wu Fa Elder, what is calling me?”

“oh!” Wu Fa was deeply sighed, and the old face was full of bitterness. “It’s really it rains, it pours, Super Gu Formation. There was an accident. Ba Family and my family were in trouble, guarding Wu Bei there. Elder is already wounded and it is difficult to continue to suppress the situation. Didn’t you want to call back before the adults? The opportunity is coming!”

“Revered Great Elder is reading this point, decided to sing the adults, and Wu Bei Elder, let Wu Bei Elder come back to recover. Wu Yihai adults to oversee Super Gu Formation.”

Fang Yuan frowned deeply, and he was too late to look like: “How can it like this? I still…”

He said, it seems that subconsciously moved towards the northwest, and hesitantly said: “But on the Scarlet Dragon River side, the problem is very serious and urgently needs to be solved.”

“This thing, Revered Great Elder has been properly arranged, Wu Yihai adults do not have to worry about. Adults, you still have to leave, there is an urgent need to go to oversee. This is the message Gu that Sir Wu Yong personally gave you. Adults can go directly to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain ruins and don’t have to return to Wu Family.” Wu Fa said, stuffing an Information Dao mortal gu into Fang Yuan’s hand.

Fang Yuan took over the message Gu and permeated his mind on the spot to check it out.

The content of this message Gu is naturally Wu Yong’s tone. It is said that the situation in the super dream is so severe that it needs Fang Yuan to leave immediately. It is best not to waste it.

Fang Yuan is deeply sighed: “So, then I have to go.”

“Go ahead, Wu Yihai.” Wu Fa Elder looked worried.

Fang Yuan shook his head and looked at the northwest again. This changed direction and flew northeast.

Wu Fa Elder kept watching Fang Yuan until he disappeared into the sky.

Wu Fa Elder sneered a bit and looked at the northwest. Although we all know that there is a mountain in the northwest, Dapeng Mountain is the headquarters of Qiao Family.

Wu Fa Elder returned to Wu Family Wu Ceremonial Mountain and told Wu Yong: “Revered Great Elder, things have been done, Wu Yihai, has gone to the Super Gu Formation.”

Wu Yong is in the study, he stands up straight, his hands are flying, flying dragons and dancing phoenixes on a piece of white paper.

When he heard Wu Fa, he was slightly nodded, and he was handiwork.

There are five big characters on the white paper: they can be borrowed and are not reliable.

“A long time ago, I was still a teenager. Mother asked me about Qiao Family. I answered these five words. I remember very clearly that mother was laughing on the spot.” spoke until here, Wu Yong sighed. “It’s a pity that my brother still doesn’t understand.”

Remarks: 9:30 and 2nd.

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