“Good poetry, good poetry.” Fairy Tianlu smiled, “especially the last sentence, the dream of the moon, beautiful, beautiful. I think it must be me, hehe.”

She deliberately knocked on the war and suddenly eased the atmosphere in the pavilion.

Lun Fei smiled helplessly and re-settled: “everyone laughs, makes a little work, and is hard to be elegant.”

“Fellow Immortal Lun Fei is modest and has a poem below,” said Luo Muzi.

“Oh? I am listening.” Qiao Siliu smiled and looked forward to Luo Muzi with the look of anticipation.

Luo Muzi was silent and then spoke.

Mountain climbing,

High risk in the step.

Floating dust like light flow,

Dark sacred heart.

Jin Yu is like a dream,

Wannian hates loneliness.

Five Regions and Nine Heavens

In one breath.

This five-character poem came out, its imposing manner and artistic conception, and suddenly made Gu Immortal present slightly moving.


Mountaineering and searching for the fairy, means Gu Immortal cultivation.

Gu Immortal cultivation, to deal with the Disaster and Tribulation, to manage the Immortal Aperture with great care. It is like climbing, every step to the heights, there will be difficulties and obstacles.

The dust is like a stream of light, meaning the River of Time, rolling in, passing by in the world, with floating dust, like floating dust.

The secret of the Tibetan heart, this surface means that Gu Immortal stores Immortal Gu and mortal gu in his own Immortal Aperture. But the presence of Gu Immortal has a literary background that has been tasted. This sentence has a meaning.

Darkness is the emotion of darkness, frustration, failure, compromise, and disappointment.

Everyone is a god, and the gods have no one to know. If you look at the life of the world, who can really get away?

Gu Immortal is under great pressure in the cultivation, and all kinds of negative emotions are produced in the heart, even in the case of Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable.

Mountaineering to find the fairy place, high risk in the step. The dust is like a stream of light, and it is hidden in the heart. These two words are concise, but the meaning is profound, and the taste is fascinating, causing Gu Immortal to resonate strongly.

After that, “Golden Jade is like a dream, and hate loneliness for a long time” means yellow gold fine jade, but nothingness, all kinds of wealth, like a dream. For a long time, love, hate, and hatred have all dissolved. The poet is revealed, and the mood of the dust is not seen.

The last sentence “Five Regions and Nine Heavens, all in one breath”, very atmospheric, sweeping the foreword of depression, imposing manner. There are also several layers of meaning. People live in the world and are alive. When one breath is broken, people are dead. People are alive, but also to sigh. Gu Immortal cultivation, if you can compare Heaven and Earth, become the leader in Five Regions and Nine Heavens, and work hard in your own efforts.

The whole poem is first and foremost, and the imposing manner is pleasing.

For a time, the constant immortal silence in the pavilion, silently taste this poem.

Qiao Siliu secretly exclaimed: “This is strange. According to my understanding of Luo Muzi, how can his temperament make such a poem? I am afraid that it is a good work of others and he is used by him. Well, he did not say that this is He made it himself.”

She looked at Luo Muzi.

Luo Muzi is stable on the surface, sitting straight, sitting quietly drinking tea, but the smile on the corner of his mouth has already sold out his inner feelings.

Qiao Siliu gave a sneer, but did not reveal it.

She is very good at Rank 1 and looks at towards Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s looks a little weird!

“This is Five Words Last Breath Poem? How is it possible? Dee Immortal Qi Jue’s Celestial Grotto, isn’t it going to wait until the Five Regions fight, and when the dreams start, will it be born?”

“Weird! Weird! Strange!”

Demon Immortal Qi Jue is the Great Expert of Olden Antiquity Era, Rank 8 Gu Immortal, strong strength, once with Infinite Demonic Venerable, 1 win, 1 draw, and 1 defeat.

Of course, the first two battles, Infinite Demonic Venerable did not achieve Rank 9.

For the last time, Infinite Demonic Venerable was above the threshold of Demon Immortal Qi Jue with Rank 9. But the two sides still played nine days and nine nights, the latter only lost. Infinite Demonic Venerable did not kill Demon Immortal Qi Jue but let him go.

Infinite Demonic Venerable said this sentence: “You are my life’s enemy, but without you, I will not work hard. I can have today’s cultivation base, and you also promote success.”

Demonified Demon Venerable is so recognized, Demon Immortal Qi Jue is famous.

He left Celestial Grotto after his death and has been living for a long time.

Fang Yuan previous life Five hundred years, Five Regions chaos, dreams come, Boundary Wall melts, Five Regions is one. Such a big change caused the turbulent shock of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, which caused many Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto hidden in the world to be shocked and revealed.

De Ju Immortal Qi Jue’s Qi Jue Celestial Grotto, in such a situation, is revealed in the eyes of the world.

Undoubtedly, its appearance suddenly caused a sensation in the Five Regions.

“No, no.”

“According to the truth, this first Word Words Last Breath Poem is carved on the gas monument in Qi Jue Celestial Grotto. How can this Luo Muzi know in advance?”

“could it be that he has already entered Qi Jue Celestial Grotto?!”

Fang Yuan For a time, my heart was a little chaotic.

In Qi Jue Celestial Grotto, there is Demon Immortal’s True Inheritance. What level of this Demon Immortal is, obviously, it is similar to Sword Immortal Bo Qing, even if Hei Fan is weak!

“If I can get this True Inheritance…”

“Kill this Mu Muzi, get Qi Jue True Inheritance?”

Fang Yuan has a strong killing intent in his heart.

Luo Muzi still doesn’t know Fang Yuan’s thoughts. He also looks at towards Fang Yuan with a provocative look: “I don’t know Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, what good works, We all are looking forward to it.”

“That is a must.” Lun Fei immediately spoke up. “Wu Yihai is born out of the ordinary. The experience is rich. The Eastern Sea is rich in resources. I can’t compare the ink in Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal.”

The two men held Fang Yuan high, and the words were very beautiful, but the mind was full of Evil Intention.

Qiao Siliu knows that she didn’t maintain Fang Yuan at the moment, but stared at Fang Yuan for a moment, and encouraged: “I also want to hear Yihai your poetry. I believe this must be different.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Fairy Tianlu kept up.

For a time, Fang Yuan was run on, he touched his nose, said with a bitter smile: “everyone Fellow Immortal looked at me, I have no poetry, I will not do it at all.”

“Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal is modest! Too humble!” Luo Muzi laughed heartily.

Fang Yuan spread his hand: “I tell the truth, in fact, I don’t even know that it is a poem to appreciate the moon.”

“Even so, Wu Yihai may wish to make a come out on the spot. It must be a wonderful work. It doesn’t matter if it is longer. We all will wait.” Lun Fei said, not giving Fang Yuan a chance to step down.

Fang Yuan sighed deeply.

The poems in his stomach are certainly not in the minority.

Many of the poems on Earth are eternal, and those famous quatrains arbitrarily excerpt some of the scenes, and they are enough to support this scene and resolve the martyrdom of Gu Immortals.


So what?

Fang Yuan glanced around the circle.

Luo Muzi, Lun Fei loves Qiao Siliu, and she is not pleasing to the eye of Fang Yuan, the tacit understanding of the two, together, and the fight against the crowd. What is better with these vulgar people?

Fairy Tianlu is Qiao Siliu’s girlfriend, a good helper, helping Qiao Siliu to make an all-out effort. As for her buddy, there are not many words. It is a long time to be silent and to drink tea quietly. This is his wisdom.

As for Qiao Siliu…

The fairy is beautiful and homely, and is known as one of the Southern Border Three Great Fairies. It is naturally proud.

Qiao Family Although she has orders, she is close to Fang Yuan, but she has a set of means.

Today, she hosted this month of appreciation, she used her mind. Not only in terms of the details of the seat, but also to consider Zhou Xiang, but also bring the girlfriends to help out, the better one is to invite Lun Fei and Luo Muzi to join.

When two men compete with each other, even a sow will feel good. Only when one of the competitions wins, another is completely out of the game, the winning man looks toward the sow, which will be realized suddenly: Oh, it turned out to be a sow!

These words are a bit exaggerated, but the truth is common.

When a competitor appears, the woman who appears to be pursued is more valuable and worth cherishing.

Qiao Siliu is well versed in this way. In this way, she wants to seduce Fang Yuan’s mind and turn passive into initiative. As long as Fang Yuan takes the initiative to pursue it, Qiao Siliu can respond to the situation and bring Fang Yuan back.

If you change to the real Wu Yihai, you may have fallen into the calculation of this beautiful fairy.

It is a pity that she is facing Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has always been unmoved because he knows the relationship between Wu Family and Qiao Family, as well as the calculations of the senior members of Qiao Family.

At this point, Fang Yuan is a high-rise building, stable like a mountain, Luo Muzi, Lun Fei is just two jumping clowns that’s all.

When Fang Yuan was in Gu Immortal, Gu Immortals also focused on him.

Silence in the pavilion, this silence is undoubtedly a kind of pressure.

“Luo Muzi, Lun Fei want to deal with me, I am embarrassed. Qiao Siliu also wants to force me to fight, um… maybe there are some shameful emotions. After all, the previous sea tea, for such a beauty, is a kind of As slow as Fairy Tianlu, standing on Qiao Siliu, there is nothing wrong with it…”

Fang Yuan thought of a move, laughed in the dark, and then said: “Then I will come one, you can not laugh at me.”

“Listen to Fellow Immortal’s masterpiece!”

“I am waiting for my attention!!”

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei’s faces are full of laughter.

Then a moment later, all the people heard the Fang Yuan martyrdom

“The sea, you are all water.”

“Horse, you have four legs.”

“Beauty, you have big eyes and a mouth!”

The poem is over.

The whole scene is silent!

The rest of Gu Immortal’s face seemed to be stiff.

Even Qiao Siliu and Fairy Tianlu are no exception.

“This, this, this… what a ghost!”

“Is this a poem? This is a nonsense!!”

“The coward, this Wu Yihai is a coward.”

“What’s the gadget? What is the elegance of the moon, and the atmosphere is completely destroyed!”

Gu Immortals seems to have a common voice, and they all roar in their minds.

Fang Yuan smiled, looked at towards Qiao Siliu: “I don’t know Qiao Family Fairy is still satisfied?”

“Satisfied with a fart!”

“You are still very embarrassed to ask this kind of question? Your face is really thick enough!!”

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei roared in their hearts, but because of the grace, there was nothing on the surface, and the pavilion was still silent.

“Oh, huh, huh.” Qiao Siliu laughed, how to listen to it has a very stubborn feeling. “This poem is really special. To be honest, I… I have never heard such a poem. It’s Yihai. You made it, um… now it’s a taste, don’t have a humorous taste, let me have a good time.”

Luo Muzi : “…”

Lun Fei: “…”

Remarks: I saw the previous one before the code word. I felt very good last night. Today I feel that there are still improvements. It is indeed a bit cumbersome. So I cut a part and added new content to make this story more fluid. I have modified the upload in the previous article. Let’s go back to the previous one and look at today’s chapter. There will be no sudden feeling. At the end of the 9 half-point look, there is a second. Today’s poems in this chapter, I spent more than two hours conceived, sincerity, if you have a ticket, please vote over, thank you!

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