“His grandmother, have you made a mistake! My nine fragrances, even a cup of sea water is better than that?” Luo Muzi roared in his heart, on the surface maintained grace.

“Damn! This Wu Yihai is swindling and slipping. We are offering tea. He is offering sea water. This face is really thick enough! Fairy Siliu still recognizes him so much, it is too irritating, too angry!” Lun Fei stone table Under the double fists, the pinch must be violent.

Fairy Tianlu is busy round the field: “The moon is already high, the tea is drinking, but there is no poetry, it is always not beautiful.”

Fang Yuan’s pretense is incomprehensible: “don’t tell me really want to make poetry?”

A look of unprepared, first heard.

Luo Muzi and Lun Fei suddenly brightened their eyes, which is another chance!

It is also a good opportunity to fight against the enemy.

“The last time I was slicked by you, I was fooled. This time, I must drop your limelight and then step on it.”

Luo Muzi is full of thoughts, but on the surface is smiling and graceful.

The same is true of Lun Fei, turning almost the same mind.

They don’t know, who is Fang Yuan?

More poetry? !

Oh my God!

This is more serious than display one’s slight skill before an expert.

Fang Yuan is from Earth, and there are a lot of ancient poems. There are many masterpieces of famous history, and there are masterpieces of shaking the old and illuminating the new. If you just throw a copy, you can beat both of them.

“It is indeed a poem, and there is a head in it.” Qiao Siliu responded to Fang Yuan’s words.

“Oh? I’d like to hear the details.” Fang Yuan followed the words.

“This is a story that has been circulated in Southern Border’s and is the origin of Moon Holiday.” Qiao Siliu began to swear.

A long time ago, in a Southern Border’s village.

A mortal young man fell in love with one Gu Master’s daughter, and the Gu Master’s daughter also fell in love with this mortal boy.

Young man has the courage to go to the relatives, and the result is denied by the Master Gu Master.

“You are just a mortal, and my daughter is a Gu Master. In the future, how can you deserve my daughter? You give me a roll!”

Young man Asked hard, Gu Master sneer: “I want to marry daughter to you, you are simply delusional! You can’t even have a cup of tea in your district? Can you use it?”

Young man said: “Isn’t it a cup of tea? Is this difficult? I made it, would you marry daughter to me?”

Gu Master is a headache.

He knows that daughter is very fond of the young man in front of him, forcibly dismantling them, and will let the daughter hate himself as a father.

Gu Master said: “If you can make a cup of tea that I am satisfied with, I am willing to give you a chance.”

Young man was overjoyed and quickly promised: “old mister, I can definitely make it.”

Gu Master daughter listened to this matter and was very worried: “My family is famous for tea, but you have to make a tea that I am satisfied with. You are just a mortal, without Gu Master’s ability, how can you make a cup of tea? ”

Young man said: “You can rest assured. Who can say that mortals can’t make tea? I will tell you three reasons.”

“The first reason is that big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.”

So, the young man came to the stream, caught a big fish, broke the fisherman’s belly, took out the small fish, broke the small fish alone, and took out the small shrimp.

“The second reason, people have to eat, but also to pull.”

So, the young man ate the small shrimp and pulled out a stall.

“The third reason is that you can make flowers and plants more flourishing.”

Therefore, the young man buried the hoe in the soil, and the flowers and plants flourished and the heights were raised.

Young man picked out a flower and soaked it in the stream, and the whole stream became tea.

Gu Master sipped a cup of tea like this, quite a long time can’t speak.

His daughter called: “Hey, you don’t want to go back?”

Gu Master, this is barely nodded: “young man, you have passed the first test. But you are a mortal, want to marry my daughter, it is still impossible. You are too rude, no talent, no poetry.”

Young man scratched his head and was annoyed: “I didn’t miss the poem, but I can give it a try.”

Gu Master smirked: “Is it by you?”

Young man asked: “Why can’t I?”

Gu Master: “Young man, not just a few words, just a poem. We Gu Master poetry, can make Heaven and Earth discolored, can make people dance. Can you?”

Young man boring voice: “Do not try, how do you know if you can’t?”

“Okay, then give it a try, don’t say I won’t give you a chance. If you fail, you will give me a go, don’t see my daughter again.” Gu Master said.

Young man had to promise, he started to go around and wanted to swear.

But he never had a poem and had no clue.

At this time, he saw the ants on the ground, and saw the birds and the sunset outside the window, suddenly patted his head.

He shouted: “The swallows fly low-flying snakes, and the ants move in the rain.”

Southern Border Rainy, this time is just spring.

The young man just finished, the sky began to float the rain.

Gu Master is face changed.

Young man said again: “A drop of spring rain, a drop of oil, we have a few more games.”

The rain outside the house is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky becomes gloomy sinking, no longer clear before.

Gu Master is a bit ugly.

Young man scratched his head and scratched his head: “The money is yellow and the land is busy, and the willows are lost.”

At this point, the young man stuck, only the last sentence, but the death and the death could not come out.

“Give you the last time.” Gu Master is sneer.

Young man’s eyes suddenly brightened, pointing to Gu Master, who said, “The old man received a lot of food, we are still famine.”

Gu Master was so angry that he jumped his feet and stood up at once, and the teacups in his hands were knocked out.

Then fingering the young man, roaring: “A mortal in your district, a big Dog’s Courage!”

But his daughter laughed and clap his hands: “Great, this poem makes Heaven and Earth discolored, letting you dance.”

Gu Master, seeing the daughter, standing on the side of the lover, angry and angry, but can not refute.

“Well, I have passed the second test, and there is the last level. Do you want to marry my daughter, the bride price? Can you afford the gift that makes me happy?”

Young man bowed his head in frustration. He lived in a thatched cottage, sleeping on sandals, and only wearing a patched dress.

“I am willing to use all my property as a dowry.” Young man is very serious.

“You take it out and I see it!” Gu Master.

The young man led Gu Master to his residence, the shabby thatched cottage.

Young man told Gu Master: “These are all my possessions.”

“Just rely on this broken room full of loopholes?” Gu Master, pointing his finger, very disdainful.

“Just rely on this yellow grass mat that is broken in half?” Gu Master slammed the straw mat.

“Just rely on these broken stones as a stool?” Gu Master slammed his feet and kicked the stone.

Young man bowed his head.

Every time Master Gu Master said a word, the young man lowered his head.

When the Master Gu Master finished three sentences, the head of the young man was almost as low as his chest.

But at that time, from the stone kicked by Master Gu Master, suddenly a swaying Gu insect like a moon, shining, very beautiful.

Gu Master is stunned.

The young man was also shocked. This stone was just a sneak peek from the foot of the mountain.

Gu Master’s daughter screamed happily: “This Gu Insect is definitely enough, it’s a dowry.”

Gu Master couldn’t refute, he couldn’t speak, and eventually he had to hold his nose and marry his daughter to the mortal young man.

This story, Fang Yuan already heard, but it is really interesting.

The whole story describes a struggle between a mortal and a Gu Master, and ends up with the victory of a mortal.

Young man is brave and has three gates. He finally holds the beauty and is still a female Gu Master. Gu Master did not use force until the end. This is not in line with the logic of reality, but it reveals the longing for the good life in the hearts of mortal people and the pursuit of a happy life.

Young man This image is worth exploring and analyzing.

Regardless of the three reasons he said, or the poems of the embarrassing, they are easy to understand, very simple, and even rough.

But these are the summaries of mortal experience in daily labor.

Especially the poem, although the rhyme is not harmonious, it reveals the truth of the mortal being exploited by Gu Master.

“The old man received a lot of food, we are still famine.”

Gu Master aloof and remote, mortal work extremely hard.

Therefore, in the hearts of mortals, there is a desire to fight with Gu Master.

But Gu Master is too strong, how can mortals beat Gu Master? So in the story, in the final third test, the mortal young man wins the key, actually a broken stone.

Gu insect appeared in the stone, which is obviously break stone.

Break stone This kind of event is very popular in Southern Border. More precisely, the Southern Border break stone is the first in the world of Five Regions, because the Southern Border is mountainous and has extremely strong natural capital.

The mortal young man relies on break stone and finally defeats Master Gu Master. Although this stone is his return, he relies more on Luck Qi.

This also reveals the weakness and helplessness of the mortal heart.

In their opinion, Gu Master is too powerful, they are absolutely impossible to defeat Gu Master’s. If you can overcome it, it must be a strong good luck!

This folktale is based on mortal people and is likely to be created by mortals.

Because of this, the strong resonance of mortals is widely spread in the relatively occluded Southern Border, which is no less than “Human Ancestor Biography”.

In the other four domains, the spread is quite limited and few people know it.

It is because of this story that Moon Holiday’s Southern Border Festival has gradually formed. Whenever this day, whether it is a mortal, Gu Master, or Gu Immortal, will come to enjoy the moon, tea, poems, break stone, to spend the holiday together.

Remarks: Wow, this chapter has been written for a long time, costing a lot of brain cells, and the state is right this evening. I feel very satisfied with this chapter because I have always been committed to shaping a different kind of complete World. What do you think?

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