After a few moments, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and once again pushed the ultimate move.

This time, a whole paragraph of Adverse Current River water, was mobilized by him, setting off a huge wave.

The group is discolored.

Even the attack of Old Ancestor Xuehu has been stagnant.

But a moment later, Old Ancestor Xuehu screamed in the sky, and a more violent offensive broke out.

“It’s really tough. Because there are so many types and types of Gu insects that come in, it causes a lot of problems. But this is already my limit. To be able to streamline Gu insect, you have to calculate it for a few years, or Realm. Go up one level.”

Fang Yuan knows that this Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style has too many Gu insects to participate in, so the factors to be considered become very large and complicated.

Fang Yuan When the sigh progressed hard, he did not know that other Gu Immortal hearts were full of vibration.

Although they don’t say anything, their eyes are constantly blinking.

“Liu Guanyi, this guy…”

“Good progress! He actually can mobilize the Adverse Current River.”

“Unbelievable! Is he still a human? In such a short period of time, reached so much.”

“No, he will never succeed. How could it be that in such a short time, let him really imagine an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move?”

There is no doubt that Fang Yuan has repeatedly broken through and progressed quickly, breaking the common sense of cultivation.

They have never seen it, and one person can create the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in such a short period of time, and the time after time trial exercise has made great progress.

But this scene is happening under their eyelid.

Fang Yuan is still going on.

Old Ancestor Xuehu, Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink Mao Li Qiu, both subconsciously increased the attack.

But the Adverse Current River is too wide and too wide, so the offensive has only cut the 5% of the overall river.

“Come on again! From now.” Fang Yuan looked at his face with a serious look, and reached out to the river under his feet, and sipped in his mouth.

This time, the entire Adverse Current River segment has a received effect, like a slender Flood Dragon, wakes up from the slumber and begins to slowly stretch its body.

“How is it possible?!” Some subconsciously exclaimed.

The entire Adverse Current River begins to fly, like the Flood Dragon, to rise to the body and soar in the Five Regions and Nine Heavens.

“Thinking too beautiful!” Old Ancestor Xuehu roared, suddenly both palms to Void a shot, suddenly an ice burst, in the middle of the Adverse Current River.

Adverse Current River hit the first time and immediately reversed. The ice light seemed to encounter a mirror and was refracted. After hitting the ground, the effort in the blink of an eye, the entire grassland was frozen into a vast ice sheet.

The coldness was overflowing, the sky was snowing, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

The northerly call is not limited, and the entire Heaven and Earth is like a sudden change of face.

This is the power of Rank 8!

Fang Yuan can also be’t help but a surprise.

He stayed in the Adverse Current River for the time being, and the rest of Gu Immortal was sheltered with the help of their respective Rank 8.

Ying Wuxie full head is cold sweat, and the Purple Mountain True Monarch is once again waking up at the most critical moment. If it is not his take action, Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan and the others are not fortunate.

“Let’s go.” Purple Mountain True Monarch immediately.

“But here…” Ying Wuxie is still hesitating, and the Purple Mountain True Monarch will show his palms, a few ray of light circles, and Ying Wuxie and the others, and take them to the sky.

Did not think, Shadow Sect’s side, was the first to evacuate.

Purple Mountain True Monarch walked quite simply, and the combo didn’t make a cry, calling the presence of Gu Immortal for stare blankly.

“Adult, that’s Paragon Immortal Aperture…” Ying Wuxie was in a hurry to the Purple Mountain True Monarch sound transmission.

“Reassured, I have figured out that he can’t die! It will be able to escape.” Purple Mountain True Monarch is extremely stable.

Ying Wuxie has little to believe in the words of Purple Mountain True Monarch, but for a time it is not clear to doubt.

Then, just after a moment later, he saw the entire Adverse Current River water begin to bloom in a pale blue glow.

The blue light is like a cloud, and it looks like a wave.

The eyes of the group are attracted.

I saw that during the period of Fang Yuan, the wind swelled and Qingsi and the sleeves flew together.

His booth eyes are faint, and he sighs in his mouth: “Get up.”

Suddenly the river was soaring, and a group of singer’s ears sounded like a hua hua, and it’s like thousands of people shouting in the same voice.

Immediately, the blue light condenses, and the Adverse Current River shrinks, and in the blink of an eye, it is all condensed.

The enormous Adverse Current River disappeared and was condensed to Fang Yuan and turned into a light blue robes.

This robes, big sleeves fluttering, white as snow. On the robe, the ripples are swaying, which is the scene of the slow flow of the Adverse Current River.

Not only that, but the surface of the snow robes, as well as the faint clouds. There is another rainbow, the blue is pure and curved, it seems to be the Immortal Clothes belt, coiled around Fang Yuan’s arm, the back neck, and around the waist.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style Adverse Current Protection Seal, finally succeeded at this moment!


“How can it be!!”

“I actually used Adverse Current River to temporarily create an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move?”

The group of immortals see this, all of them are stunned. Old Ancestor Xuehu blinks: “old man doesn’t believe this evil!”

He turned his palms and turned to Fang Yuan.

Suddenly a brilliant ice, in the light of lightning, according to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has long been waiting.

Ice illuminates his body but is blocked by the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

The Adverse Current Protection Seal flashed a little, and the terrifying ice light was reversed, moving towards the owner Old Ancestor Xuehu rush to kill.

“Successful!” Fang Yuan raised a heart in the eyes of the blind man and finally fell back.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Although it is a success, it must be tested in practice.

This attack by Old Ancestor Xuehu undoubtedly proves the strength of Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal!

Old Ancestor Xuehu evaded the incoming ice and looked at Fang Yuan’s look and became fierce and embarrassing.

“Let Mao Daddy give it a try.” Mao Li Qiu yelled.

Its huge body suddenly disappeared into place, and a moment later appeared directly behind Fang Yuan’s.

It lifted its right claw up and fell.


A loud noise, Fang Yuan was like a cannonball, and was beaten out.

The field of vision changed dramatically, and Fang Yuan was hit on the ground after a breathing time.

Suddenly it was a loud explosion, forming a thick ice surface, and was thrown out of a huge deep pit.

In the eyes of the public, Fang Yuan slowly got up from the central station of Shenkeng. He was expressionless, and his body was intact, and even a trace of skin was not rubbed!

There is almost no change in the blue-sleeve robes formed by Adverse Current Protection Seal, but the water mist on the surface of the snow robes dissipates a large piece. If you look closely, the snow robes seem to be covered with a layer of ash, not as bright as before.

Mao Li Qiu looked at Fang Yuan and blinked again, looking towards his right paw.

Its right-handed blood is flowing, torn skin and gaping flesh!

Fang Yuan had no damage, but Mao Li Qiu was quite seriously injured.

“Oh…” Gu Immortal sounded a cold air.

“What is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move? Actually, even Mao Li Qiu has suffered!!”

Seeing such a scene, even Bi Chentian is eyelid mad.

“He was really amazing!” Profound Extremity Lord was speechless and his face was full of shocking expression.

“Can even the Immenmorial Desolate Beast’s pure claws be reversed?” Old Ancestor Xuehu frowned.

“How is it possible?” Ying Wuxie, who is already far away, sees this scene and feels like a dream.

Never before, Rank 8 Great Expert attacked one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and the result of Rank 7 Gu Immortal was unscathed. Instead, there was an example of a loss of Rank 8!

Between Rank 8 and Rank 7, the former has always been the latter.

For thousands of years, there has been a perversion of Feng Jiuge, which is unparalleled and shocking, and can be used for Rank 8.

But now, when Fang Yuan created Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style and successfully motivated, Feng Jiuge’s glory is no longer exclusive.

From now on, such supreme glory will belong to another name at the same time.

Liu Guanyi !

“There is Feng Jiuge in the middle, and there is Liu Guanyi in the north…” Bu Zhen Zi whispered in the mouth, it was already staying.

Old Ancestor Xuehu smiled softly: “Good boy, I still look down on you.”

He carried his hands and stopped attacking.

But Mao Li Qiu instead roared: “stinky brat, you are courting death, dare to make Mao Daddy so shameful!!”

Immemorial Desolate Beast stormed Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is not his opponent. He is flying around like a ball.

But after dozens of times, Fang Yuan was unscathed and the style was still there, while Mao Li Qiu was fishing for breath and was bloody.

It is attacked at each time, and it is reversed, and it is equivalent to hit itself.

Mao Li Qiu blows his eyes and thinks, “This stinky brat is a hedgehog. It is really a hand. When did Northern Plains have such a freak?”

Fang Yuan Sees Mao Li Qiu, who can’t help himself, laughs and slams directly into Central Continent Gu Immortals.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals seemed to be like a frightened bird group.

The two Central Continent Rank 8 stayed, and they were silently taking action on Fang Yuan.

But no use!

Adverse Current Protection Seal reversed both of them and smashed behind Mao Li Qiu.

Mao Li Qiu was miserable, and she was all mad at the fur. The open mouth spit out the purple flowers of the sky, and the offensive was majestic and shrouded in a thousand miles.

This blow suddenly caused a big fight.

The scene was confusing and the three parties, Gu Immortal, started to fight.

This is the last scene of Ying Wuxie’s investigation.

He was very impressed with the decisive withdrawal of the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

At the same time, he also understood one point: After this battle, Liu Guanyi will pass the name of the Five Regions, shake the world, and Feng Jiuge go hand in hand!

More than ten days later, a rather wolf silhouette, piercing the Boundary Wall, the arrived Eastern Sea.

It is Fang Yuan.

“Finally got rid of the guy who frowned.” Fang Yuan lamented.

Ten days ago, Old Ancestor Xuehu, Central Continent Gu Immortal and Longevity Heaven, launched a fierce battle, playing heaven and earth turning upside down.

Fang Yuan got out of the scuffle, but was followed by Mao Li Qiu.

Fang Yuan is not the opponent of Mao Li Qiu at all, but after he enters the Northern Plains Boundary Wall, Mao Li Qiu can only look down on the wall.

It is the indigenous Northern Plains ferocious beast, subject to the Boundary Wall.

Fang Yuan was able to escape and completely chased the soldiers.

“Go back to Southern Border.” Fang Yuan didn’t stop and went into the clouds.

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