On the dark stone wall, there is a little bit of the netther fire.

These flares are not big, small as worms, and big ones are just lanterns.

They exude an ice-cold green flame, a green glow, reflected in the faces of Purple Mountain True Monarch, Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, and Bai Ningbing.

First separated from the Adverse Current River, they were delivered directly under the leadership of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

But after that, Purple Mountain True Monarch was once again in a state of madness.

Looking at the Purple Mountain True Monarch on his toes, Bai Ningbing sneered at Ying Wuxie: “Is this your plan? Let this Rank 8 Great Expert kill Fang Yuan?”

This time Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land trip, Ying Wuxie rescued the Purple Mountain True Monarch, but it also lost the soldiers, Stone Slave, Taibai Yunsheng are dead in the battlefield.

Hei Loulan is silent.

Such a Rank 8 Gu Immortal, how to look at how not reliable.

But because of the Shadow Sect covenant, Hei Loulan stunned.

Ying Wuxie was so sarcasted by Bai Ningbing, but it was not changed.

He has experienced many setbacks and has now grown into a shrewd that Mount Tai has collapsed.

He slowly said: “I missed Fang Yuan. I didn’t expect him to become a perseverance Immortal Gu and become the master of Adverse Current River. No wonder Will of Heaven chose him as a chess piece. This character can only be destroyed, no May be defeated.”

Ying Wuxie did not hesitate to praise Fang Yuan.

Despite being a deadly enemy, Ying Wuxie is open-minded and recognizes Fang Yuan’s strength and strength.

Bai Ningbing coldly snorted, the heart could not help but the scene of Fang Yuan conquering Adverse Current River, she did not open her mouth.

The narrow cave, leaving only the sound of the Purple Mountain True Monarch screaming, constantly echoing.

After a few moments, Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly stopped yelling, and the little body swayed and stood still.

He straightened his body and his eyes again showed a clear and bright color.

“Adult, you are awake!” Ying Wuxie was overjoyed and quickly approached.

Purple Mountain True Monarch had a forehead in his hand and a burst of pain in his head that hurt his face.

“Before the Adverse Current River, I was forced to wake up, so the time was short. This time is different, I have more time to wake up. How long has it been? How is the result of the war?”

“It’s been half a month passed. Fang Yuan fled the Northern Plains along the Boundary Wall. I guess it was in the Eastern Sea. After all, he has some roots in the Eastern Sea. As for the war, there is no result. Central Continent Gu Immortal intended to evacuate, and the result was pursued by Old Ancestor Xuehu, between the dangers, drops from the sky, an Immortal Gu Home. Both sides have already hit White Heaven | daytime.” Ying Wuxie replied.

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: “this time, Central Continent Gu Immortal is bound to bode ill rather than well. When Ju Yang Immortal Venerable used Northern Plains as a nest, how could it not be arranged? Let’s just say Rank 8 Gu Immortal in Longevity Heaven. Not showing up.”

“Adult, next, how do we act?” Ying Wuxie asked.

He used to be the Shadow Sect leader, and now the Purple Mountain True Monarch wakes up, naturally the leader of the Rank 8 Great Expert, Shadow Sect, and his Ying Wuxie retreats.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is about to open, and suddenly the sound of hu hu is heard in the hole.

At the same time, the neighboring nether fire attached to the surrounding wall is constantly flashing and swaying violently, as if it is really in the strong wind.

Purple Mountain True Monarch Bright glow flashes: “This wall is one of my carefully arranged retreats. These nether fires have been meticulously cultivated by me to form a natural gu formation, without the axe and chiseling, to prevent others from calculating. I am mad. How many times did these nether fires flash?”

“One hundred and seven times.” Bai Ningbing replied faintly.

“I am afraid that there is Fang Yuan’s calculation. His investigation of the move move, able to follow Luck Dao’s prototype mystery, find our position. Even if we are in Immortal Aperture, it can’t be prevented.” Ying Wuxie said solemnly.

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded : “Fang Yuan This person is worthy of being cultivated by Will of Heaven to deal with the key characters of our Shadow Sect’s. This person is very timid, and he is shocked and willing to be a great generation. Heaven’s Chosen.”

Dignified Shadow Sect’s purple, actually has such a high evaluation of Fang Yuan.

But the three Gu Immortals who were present were silent and seemed to default to the words of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch went on to say: “Next, our plan is to talk to Fang Yuan.”

The word is amazing.

“What, peace talks?” Ying Wuxie and the others have changed color.

“What’s so weird?” Purple Mountain True Monarch looked at the three.

He has a thorough understanding of the current situation. This is because at the beginning of his recovery, Ying Wuxie used Information Dao to let Purple Mountain True Monarch know everything that Ying Wuxie knew.

“You are still too young, and there are not many things to know. Now our primary enemy is not Fang Yuan, but Heavenly Court.” Purple Mountain True Monarch shook his head, looked to towards Ying Wuxie, “You thought to rescue the soul of the soul.” Is it so easy? In addition to the Southern Border’s Super Gu Formation and the big dreams, I can guarantee that when you start, Heavenly Court will definitely come out! Just like Righteous Heavenly Mountain, they Driving Supervising Heaven Tower in an attempt to ruin my plan. Like this, they went to Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land to try to save Ma Hongyun.”

Ying Wuxie looks sad: “Adult, I have considered this point, but the body is in danger, I have been trapped in dreams, and I am so mad at dreams, so I am so anxious…”

“It is precisely because of this that we need to work with Fang Yuan.” Purple Mountain True Monarch continued.

“First of all, Fang Yuan’s strength is already amazing. With the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, you can deal with Rank 8 Gu Immortal.”

“Secondly, Fang Yuan is the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, named Demon Execution List. Heavenly Court is our common enemy.”

“Finally, we cooperate and benefit both parties. My Shadow Sect has a lot of cultivation resources, and he has the means of Dream Interpretation in his hands. It is convenient for us to overcome the obstacles of super dreams and save the soul of the soul.”

Ying Wuxie frowned, and he tried to let go of his personal feelings and consider the possibility of the matter.

But soon, he was full of worry: “Fang Yuan is sinister and sinister, and always regards us as a confidant, and tries every means to eradicate us. Now he has become the master of Adverse Current River, even the existence of Rank 8 can not help him. My ancestors urgently need the Dream Interpretation method, but Fang Yuan’s demand for cultivation resources is not so urgent. It is unlikely that he will cooperate with us.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: “You make a lot of sense, but you don’t know that Paragon Immortal Body has major drawbacks.”

“What do you mean by adults? You mean, is Dao Marks on Paragon Immortal Body not mutually exclusive?”. Ying Wuxie asked strangely.

“Of course not. Dao Marks is not exclusive. This is the biggest advantage of the Paragon Immortal Body. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I mean the real big hidden danger!” Purple Mountain True Monarch shook his head.

“Is there still a major hidden danger?” Ying Wuxie was shocked.

“Our original plan was to make the Rank 10 Paragon Immortal Fetus Immortal Gu. Only the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu of the Race 10 can be truly perfect without any drawbacks. But obviously, it is only the Rank 9 that is finally made. The major hidden dangers are not manifested at this time, but it will definitely make Fang Yuan have to cooperate with us.” Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Paragon Immortal Body has huge drawbacks!

What kind of drawbacks are there, so that Purple Mountain True Monarch is so sure to clamp Fang Yuan?

Ying Wuxie and the others are very curious, but the Purple Mountain True Monarch is stopped, not elaborated.

At the same time, there is suspicion in the heart of Purple Mountain True Monarch.


“From Ying Wuxie’s intelligence, my refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is quite hasty and does not match the original plan.”

“What is the reason, let the body start immediately, so anxious?”

“It seems that when I contact Fang Yuan’s, I have to go to the River of Time!”

Eastern Sea.

On the blue sea, Fang Yuan quickly travels through the long white clouds, pointing to Southern Border.

“It’s coming again!” Fang Yuan suddenly changed face.

He can feel that the Crossing Dark power is quickly consumed. At this rate, it will soon be consumed.

Obviously, this is the Great Expert who is calculating himself.

No one left or right, Fang Yuan quickly dropped Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Entering the Immortal Aperture, it was isolated inside and out, rejecting the Great Expert’s projections and temporarily solving the danger of exposure.

Fang Yuan sighed.

Since the Battle of Adverse Current River, he has been subjected to successive calculations.

Liu Guanyi This identity is a complete fire.

Not only Northern Plains, Central Continent, but also Eastern Sea, Southern Border, Western Desert’s Gu Immortal, and a strong interest in Liu Guanyi produce, want to calculate more information.

Liu Guanyi is just a fake identity, and the root cause is still Fang Yuan.

As a result , Fang Yuan took all the pressure.

Even with Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, he often stopped and hid in the Immortal Aperture.

All the way, Fang Yuan calculated in secret, and the number of calculations has been as many as 4~5.

This greatly interfered with his trip, which made him have to stop and stop and still stay in the Eastern Sea.

If you change to the previous speed, the ready person is in the Southern Border.

“If there is no Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, I am afraid this situation is even more serious.”

“However, it is normal to be able to trigger such a sensation and attention. Someone has already juxtaposed me with Feng Jiuge.”

“Before overthrowing 88 Floors True Yang Building and Royal Court Blessed Land, there is Shadow Sect to help cover it. I don’t feel this pressure. Now it’s completely realized. It seems that I’m working on an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to deal with this kind of calculation. It is also quite necessary.”

Fang Yuan is Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, and it is not impossible to figure out an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. It’s just that there is no Adverse Current Protection Seal.

After all, the Adverse Current Protection Seal was introduced not only because of Fang Yuan’s Water Dao Realm, but also other important factors.

The most important thing is that Immortal Gu is quite suitable, and the starting point is very positive, so that it can go smoothly.

Now it is suitable for Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu, but it is Crossing Dark, but this is not Wisdom Dao, but belongs to Dark Dao.

Fang Yuan’s Realm in Dark Dao is not at all outstanding.

Ps: The state of the body is not good, today is even more.

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