With Realm, Fang Yuan conceived an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move on the spot.

Because it is based on the Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, this move is called Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style by Fang Yuan.

But this ultimate move has just been created, and there is still a distance from the use.

H艒ng h艒ng h艒ng !

Old Ancestor Xuehu, Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink Mao Li Qiu Two Rank 8 exist, constantly attacking the Adverse Current River, hit the waves of the river, countering countless offensives, the river began to decline.

Fang Yuan’s did, and the ready to anger the bottom line of these people. What’s more, he does not want to bow his head, so that Old Ancestor Xuehu, Mao Li Qiu, etc. are willing to spend great effort, consume the Adverse Current River, and also kill Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan inspected the river and estimated in his heart: “There is still a lot of time to continue.”

His mind was a little more stable.

Adverse Current River is one of Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. It suffers from the attack of two Rank 8s and is only slow to consume.

Of course, there is also a reason for this, that is, Xuehu and Mao Li Qiu are not doing their best.

They are jealous of each other, and Central Continent Gu Immortal such as Bi Chentian and Wei Lingyang are also standing by, waiting for opportunities. These people are mutually restrained and defend each other. How can they put all their energy on Fang Yuan’s body?

It is precisely because of this complicated scene that Fang Yuan has invisibly relieved a lot of external pressure, allowing him to test the ultimate move with ease.

First time.

Fang Yuan cautious and solemn.

The first is perseverance Immortal Gu, which has been consuming Red Jujube Immortal Essence, allowing Fang Yuan to be free in the Adverse Current River, independent of Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm.

Then there was a large number of Water Dao mortal gu, one after another rising up, in the Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture, around the body of the perseverance Immortal Gu, constantly flying up and down.

Soon, a lot of water vapor rose and the faint blue glow fainted in the water vapor.

However, soon, these blue glows dissipated, and some even turned from blue to red, and the originally cool water vapor quickly warmed up and became hotter.

鈥淔ailed.鈥?Fang Yuan stopped immediately.

The sight in front of him exceeded his expectations.

This is not what he expected.

Stop the immortal essence of infusion, p膩 p膩 p膩, a slight noise, a large number of Water Dao mortal gu suddenly burst in the air, destroyed on the spot.

Fang Yuan sinks his heart and keeps thinking.

According to what he envisioned, it should be that the blue light is getting richer, the cooler the water vapor is, why is red light appearing, and the temperature is higher?

Fang Yuan constantly calculated in his mind, and soon, thanks to his Wisdom Dao cultivation base, he found the root of the found.

That is the use of two opposing water Dao mortal gu.

Fang Yuan immediately replaced one of them. In Adverse Current River, he was able to open Immortal Aperture and naturally communicate with Treasure Yellow Heaven. He wanted to acquire some Water Dao mortal gu, which was a little thing with no difficulty.

Modified the entire Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Fang Yuan retested the action and started the second push of the ultimate move.

Perseverance Immortal Gu is always urging.

The surrounding Water Dao mortal gu rises up and continues to spin around it.

First, steam transpiration, blue light rendering, and soon after this stage, Fang Yuan began to promote Immortal Gu Pulling Water.

Rank 6 Strength Dao Immortal Gu Pulling Water.

This is the second core of the entire Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The first core, naturally, is the well-deserved Rank 7 perseverance Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan cautious and solemn.

On the basis of the perseverance Immortal Gu, the promotion of Pulling Water is a very risky thing.

Once the reconciliation is not good, the two Immortal Gus will interfere and damage each other, and may even cause the destruction of one or two Immortal Gus.

Experimenting with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not only a risk to Gu Immortal, but also to the immortal and mortal Gu insect involved. Even because Immortal Gu itself contains the Grand Dao’s fragment, if it is backlash, it will be even worse.

Fang Yuan’s is cautious and will soon be rewarded.

He is camp across trouble.

Despite the gradual urging of the Pulling Water Immortal Gu, the mysterious power that emerged can never be blended into the big frame.

“Where is the problem?”

Fang Yuan stopped.

Another large number of Water Dao mortal gu was destroyed.

Experimenting with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move has to pay the price.

A complete and effective Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, from imagination to experimentation, Gu Immortal has to pay a lot of energy and resources.

The outside world’s offensive continued, Fang Yuan turned a deaf ear, he is the Paragon Immortal Body, his mind is lively and dynamic, one after another.

In addition, his Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, Wisdom Dao means that he is pushing fast.

This time is faster than the last time!

Just a few breaths of time, Fang Yuan is the root of the found.

The power of perseverance Immortal Gu and Pulling Water Immortal Gu cannot be integrated, apparently the number and type of Water Dao mortal gu are not in place. These mortal gus are in the middle of the two Immortal Gus, playing a great role in communication and harmony.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment, reducing the number of Water Dao Immortal Gu, and adding a little more, while adding some other types of Water Dao mortal gu.

The third urging.

This time, Fang Yuan has been smooth and smooth, and the Pulling Water Immortal Gu has been successfully added to the whole.

Almost at the moment of success, the Adverse Current River at the foot of Fang Yuan waved.

Finally started to work!

However, there is a large distance from the entire target.

Fang Yuan did not stop, and the situation in front of him did not allow him to stop. He continued to experiment and constantly spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which caused the body to be strong and weak.

鈥淲hat is this Liu Guanyi doing?鈥?/p>

“When he was occasionally, he showed a variety of Gu insect breaths. It seems that he was experimenting with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move?”

Except Old Ancestor Xuehu and Mao Li Qiu, the rest of Gu Immortal are on the sidelines.

Fang Yuan test Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, each time will reveal the atmosphere of Gu insect, can not hide the other Gu Immortal.

To hide the atmosphere of Gu insect, you must have a special Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is often rare, such as Fang Yuan’s Divergent Dark Murder.

Fang Yuan can imagine Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style, which has reached its limits and cannot be considered for the effect of hiding the Gu insect breath.

But it doesn’t matter.

It is also difficult to judge the type of Gu insect by the smell of Gu insect.

What’s more, Fang Yuan temporarily created the Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style, which is complex and varied, covering many Gu insects, not afraid of being thrown out on the spot.

Fourth, fifth time…

Fang Yuan constantly tries to motivate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, sometimes progressing quickly, sometimes because of some minor modifications, leading back to the first few steps.

Fang Yuan is not discouraged, expressionless, keep going until the end.

“Sure enough, I am auditioning Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

鈥淗e He He, is this Liu Guanyi stupid? Temporarily created Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, did he think he was Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable?鈥?/p>

“Even if he imagined Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, I would like to see if he can deal with all the Gu Immortal present?”

Gu Immortals watched the battle and sneered at Fang Yuan’s innocence.

If Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is so easy to create, is it Immortal Realm Ultimate Move?

But very soon, some of Gu Immortal changed his face slightly.

They found that some of the mysterious changes are taking place in the Adverse Current River around Fang Yuan.

“The twenty-first time.”

Fang Yuan extend the palm, aiming at the river under his feet, and grabbing it with a little force.

“Get up.” At the same time, he whispered in his mouth.


a light sound, suddenly a big bag was bulging on the river at his feet.

This bag is naturally made up of Adverse Current River water. When it is bulged, it bursts and the river splashes.

Ultimate move failed!

Fang Yuan’s in the nasal cavity, slowly shed two bright red blood.

鈥淗is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, effective against Adverse Current River?鈥?Yuyi Yezi saw this scene, and both eyes burst into a glare.

“No, more accurately, it should be said that he wants to use this Adverse Current River to form Immortal Realm Ultimate Move!” Bu Zhen Zi blurted out.

“hmph, ridiculous.” Profound Extremity Lord sneer again and again, “I thought that in order to take advantage of Adverse Current River, I imagined that my mother had sacrificed grand formation, which took me a few years. Liu Guanyi, you become Adverse Current River is also too big, so I want to create the corresponding Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in such a short time?”

Obviously, almost all of Gu Immortal, who are present, are not optimistic about Fang Yuan.

But then, Fang Yuan began to show again.

H奴 l膩 !

This time, a small mound came up on the river at his feet.

The mound collapsed and the river poured a leaf through Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan鈥檚 face suddenly turned white and his body swayed. This time is not only the nasal cavity, but even the deafness is bleeding.

“Failed again, Resetting Person!” a moment later, Fang Yuan completely recovered.

“Looking for the reason for the failure. It seems that there was a small problem at the last minute…” Fang Yuan fell into meditation.

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