Seeing Fang Yuan’s words, he succeeded in persuading Old Ancestor Xuehu, whether it was the Central Continent’s side or the Longevity Heaven side, all involuntarily slightly discolored.

Old Ancestor Xuehu is the Rank 8 number one person of the Northern Plains Demonic Path. If he goes all out, in front of Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink Mao Li Qiu, Bi Chentian, Wei Lingyang, take Fang Yuan, it will be the ability. What happened.

However, Old Ancestor Xuehu is followed by a rather harsh covenant condition that was thrown to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s heart was quickly dissipated. If he followed such a treaty, he was not an equal ally of Old Ancestor Xuehu, but his slave!

“Old Ancestor Xuehu, this covenant… Are you kidding?” Fang Yuan’s face didn’t look good.

So Old Ancestor Xuehu really laughed: “Of course not a joke!”

“Liu Guanyi, have you not analyzed the head before? In the presence, only you and me are Demonic Path people, natural allies.”

“You killed Yelu Qunxing, killed Liu Family Gu Immortal, plundered Liu Family resources, don’t tell me, do you want to surrender to Longevity Heaven?”

“Or go home and go to Central Continent? Go to 10 Great Ancient Sects and Heavenly Court’s running dogs?”

“Only I am your best choice.”

Spoke until here, he paused, looked at towards Ming Wuxie: “You have to know, I have troubles too. I have a long history with these people. But it seems that you and them, there is hatred. I can not simply An Adverse Current River, one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, to offend another one Rank 8?”

Ying Wuxie’s heart suddenly jumped.

Old Ancestor Xuehu was forced to drop on Fang Yuan, but in fact he also tried Shadow Sect to test the details of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

After all, the madness of Purple Mountain True Monarch has been seen before.

If the Purple Mountain True Monarch is mad and uncontrolled, perhaps Old Ancestor Xuehu will also start with them. After all, killing a sinister Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the spouls of war, enough for Old Ancestor Xuehu.

Not to mention, at this time, when the Old Ancestor Xuehu refining gu failed, the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land was ruined, and the previous investment was almost completely ruined.

Fang Yuan is as heavy as water.

Old Ancestor Xuehu is the Demonic Path author雄authority, not so fooled.

Before the words, it is true that Old Ancestor Xuehu is moving.

But Old Ancestor Xuehu also had shrewd and calculations, which in turn used Fang Yuan’s words to deal with Fang Yuan.

Old Ancestor Xuehu’s words, perhaps the ingredients of speculation and temptation.

But Fang Yuan knows that he can never cooperate with Mao Li Qiu or Wei Lingyang.

Longevity Heaven is short-lived. Fang Yuan killed Yelu Qunxing, offended Huang Jin Clan, and now clips Ma Hongyun, and Longevity Heaven is courting death.

On the other hand, Central Continent is even more difficult to go.

He now has Wisdom Dao means to protect himself, but he is not secure. Usually they are deep in the shallow, not relying on the Immortal Aperture to isolate the inside and outside, relying on the Super Border Formation in the Southern Border to avoid the Central Continent Gu Immortal’s estimated detection.

If he goes to Central Continent, he will be quickly perceived by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Fairy Ziwei, and by that time, the true identity will be immediately brought to justice. After all, his name can always be hung on the Demon Execution List.

As for Shadow Sect, because Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is even more impossible.

So in the presence, only Old Ancestor Xuehu, Fang Yuan can be on on.

But now, Old Ancestor Xuehu made it clear that to help Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan must agree to these covenants. And if Fang Yuan promised the covenant, it would undoubtedly be if I signed the contract and worked for Old Ancestor Xuehu.

“If you promise, I can keep you safe. If you don’t agree, I will attack Adverse Current River. Today you will definitely die here, don’t think about it.” Old Ancestor Xuehu is overbearing, staring at Fang Yuan, pressing He made a quick decision.

Fang Yuan is full of hesitation and struggle: “And let me think about it!”

“I only give you three time.” Old Ancestor Xuehu’s face is cold, and the chill is vomiting. He only gives Fang Yuan three breaths.

How harsh is it!

Fang Yuan smiled, but the heart was still deceived, but Old Ancestor Xuehu couldn’t delay the time, and finally no longer disguised: “That would try Old Ancestor’s means.”

“Hahaha.” Old Ancestor Xuehu smiled and smiled. “I know, can be the main character of Adverse Current River, how can it be so easy to get down to people? So I will beat you and make you squat. beg for mercy!”

Old Ancestor Xuehu Seeing the huntering heart, it seems that he still did not want to let Fang Yuan die.

But who knows, is this his strategy?

Old Ancestor Xuehu take action, * cold wave, invasive, endless, powerful.

Adverse Current River flows constantly, reversing the Xuehu offensive and depleting its own river.

Fang Yuan is still moving, and it will be very early to spread to himself. But in this game he will lose, because he can only be beaten passively, without any means of counterattack.

“You must think of a way to get rid of the current Predicament, to escape.”

Fang Yuan smiled on his face, facing the Central Continent’s side: “Central Continent Gu Immortal is a visitor. When is it not waiting? Don’t tell me waiting for the Northern Plains Gu Immortal to unite, Pack yours?”

Wei Lingyang and Bi Chentian suddenly felt a sudden heart.

Zhao Lianyun screamed: “The murderer! You still care about yourself! I have to see you die in front of my eyes, can you be willing to leave!”

The rest of Central Continent Gu Immortal was silent and looked at the two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

But Wei Lingyang, Bi Chentian motionless, it seems that the stone statue does not react.

Fang Yuan is also looking towards towards Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink.

Mao Li Qiu has already smiled: “Little dolls, you don’t have to use words to run, and provoke distraction, it’s useless. I am here, Xuehu doesn’t kill you, I want to kill you too!”

Said, it actually started to work.

Its open mouth spit, a path of purgatory breath, like a fog, is reversed by the Adverse Current River, aggravating the loss of the Adverse Current River.

Fang Yuan smiled in the bottom of his heart. These Rank 8 exist, both human and beast, are savvy and can’t shake them with words.

“It seems that at the moment, just rely on yourself.”

“The trick I made is that although it is strong, it has to exist in the four Rank 8. Oh no, it is a sneak away from the presence of five people. I am afraid it is quite difficult.”

Five Rank 8 exist, namely Old Ancestor Xuehu, Mao Li Qiu, Bi Chentian, Wei Lingyang and the stateless Clear Mountain True Monarch.

Fang Yuan intently looks at the water surface at the foot, for a time even some stare blankly.

The offensive outside the river was like a wave, and from time to time it made a terrible explosion.

Fang Yuan has an inspiration for his mind, regardless of whether he is indifferent or not.

Pushing Immortal Gu, the river under his feet, suddenly with his heart, set off waves.

“It seems that if I have been pushing perseverance Immortal Gu, it is the main Adverse Current River. In this Adverse Current River, it is also feasible to use other Immortal Gu!”

What he just used is the Strength Dao Immortal Gu Pulling Water.

Under the influence of Pulling Water Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan found himself able to mobilize the Adverse Current River just like other common rivers.

It’s just that, Fang Yuan is still not able to get out of here.

A Pulling Water Immortal Gu, but the area of ​​Rank 6, driving the Adverse Current River, is also very slow, and wants to escape from the sky, it is a fantasy.

“Old Ancestor Xuehu seems to be able to use the Adverse Current River to form a grand formation. Why can’t I? I am the owner of the Adverse Current River, with perseverance Immortal Gu, who can control this river freely. Perhaps I can form an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move ……”

This thought together, suddenly in the mind of Fang Yuan’s, was out of control.

Perseverance Immortal Gu allows Fang Yuan to be recognized by Adverse Current River, and Pulling Water Immortal Gu can be used to rivers. This is the basis for the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Adding other Gu insects to form the final Immortal Realm Ultimate Move seems to be…not difficult.

Fang Yuan feels that she can do it!

This feeling is not a random speculation.

It is Realm!

Fang Yuan’s Realm has achieved great results. One of the most important is Water Dao.

Fang Yuan recently completed the Water Dao Grandmaster.

One by one Water Dao Gu insect added, quickly plump the entire Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

But not enough.

“Not enough…power!” Fang Yuan has a heart.

The skeleton is built, the wings are full, but the developed strong muscles are lacking. Just two Immortal Gus, not yet.

Then add it!

Fang Yuan immediately thinks of Strength Dao.

Ten Thousand Me !

He is the best at the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move he created after his rebirth.

This is also the case.

Strength Dao Grandmaster Realm, and Water Dao Grandmaster Realm, let everything be where water flows, a canal is formed, as if it were natural.

and many more!

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of an unrelated Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This ultimate move, from Yelu Qunxing, uses the stars to form a powerful ultimate move, and Fang Yuan now uses the Adverse Current River to do the same, using the foreign object!

So, meridian also has.

Skeleton, skin and flesh, wing, meridian, all four.

In a very short time, Fang Yuan created an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

“This is Ten Thousand Me 2nd Style.” Fang Yuan’s eyes are sharp.

Ps: Today, there is no manuscript, and the idea needs to continue to be rationalized.

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