The flame stick was attacked by golden light, and the golden light was completely absorbed into the stick. Golden light quickly circulated in the flame stick, and finally stayed at the end of the stick, gradually turned into a sharp gunpoint.

At this point, the fire stick was completely transformed into a short shot of a red golden!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move 吒金艳阳枪, finally spurred success!

“Your death is coming.” Zhao Lianyun spits out one mouthful of impure air, her face is full of excitement, her right hand hold the 艳金艳阳枪, the arm is slowly raised, aiming at the opposite Zhao Pu, a moment of enthusiasm, morale high.

Zhao Pu’s face was dignified. His “both eyes” fixed on the gilt Yanyang gun in the hands of Zhao Lianyun. The tribute praised: “This gun is powerful, the temperature and brilliance are restrained. Once it breaks out, it must be terrifying damage. But… …”

Spoke until here, his words suddenly Rank 1, his face revealing a conspiracy smile.

He continued to Zhao Lianyun: “You don’t think, what’s wrong with you now?”

“Well?” Zhao Lianyun felt that there was something hot and salty on the side of his lips that was flowing.

She stretched out her left hand and gently wiped it, and suddenly found that the left hand was red blood!

She began to bleed unconsciously.

“This is?!” Zhao Lianyun’s pupil suddenly shrank into a needle tip, and his body trembled.

“This is my ultimate move blood flow. He He He.” Zhao Pu laughed heartily.

“Impossible? You obviously…” Zhao Lianyun was talking, and suddenly a large amount of blood flowed from his mouth involuntarily, and her white teeth were all red.

“Hahaha, you want to say, why don’t I have any signs of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move? Actually, I have been urging, just changing one way nothing more.” Zhao Pu smiled.

“Could it be that, is the rumored trick?” Yuyi Yezi’s eyes wide open, hoarsely said.

Zhao Pu glanced at him: “The kid, the knowledge is quite wide.”

Gu insect Cultivation, Utilization, and Refinement, all three aspects, are wide-ranging and profound.

Refining gu aspect, there are various methods of refining gu. Regarding Gus, nature is also like so.

There are many unusual techniques and techniques involved in the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. For example, Burning Heaven Enchantress has mastered the combo. She can use two or more Flame Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move for continuous use to achieve a stronger effect.

Another example is the change that Fang Yuan has mastered. Ten Thousand Me of combine Enslavement and Strength, itself is the strength of the strength of the Dao phantom. But after the change, Fang Yuan had Ten Thousand Me’s first Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal. The change itself is based on Ten Thousand Me. But it can do some of the attacking effects that Ten Thousand Me can’t do.

Now Zhaopu’s technique is to take the move. If he directly urged Blood Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move blood, it is bound to be wary of Zhao Lianyun, premature destruction or dodge. However, Zhao Pu split this move into several parts, and used it when they played. When all these parts are used, the power of blood flow can be achieved.

The benefits of doing so are obvious. There is no iconic scene to produce, people can be unconsciously in the middle of the move, it is impossible to prevent!

“Damn! It turns out that he has been Tibetan mastiffs, has been disguised, on the surface is repeated attacks, no breakthrough, my Life Locking Silver Chain protection, in fact, is secretly conspiring, and finally reach the purpose!”

After a while, Zhao Lianyun found that he was not only bleeding from the mouth and nose, but also that his ears began to spill out of the blood. The eyes are also filled with some faint blood, which makes Zhao Lianyun’s vision begin to blur.

Zhao Lianyun heart pēng pēng jump, she involuntarily think of the appearance of Yuyi Yezi.

“I am still in the middle of the trick!”

“Is it going to be like this, will I be the same as Yuyi Yezi?”

“It’s really blackmail!!”

Zhao Lianyun stirred his heart and threw a slap in the hands of Zhao Pu.

However, Zhao Pu already was waiting, and he was very alert to the gun in Zhao Lianyun’s hand. Zhao Lianyun had just shrugged his shoulders and he had already begun to shift.

Jin Jinyangyang gun did not lock the enemy’s ability, but the speed was very fast, and Zhao Pu passed by.

Zhao Pu was shocked. Jin Jinyan shot all the way through the great hall and shot directly into the air outside the temple. Then he banged and exploded. The boundless heat wave to all directions, 狠狠 shocked the past. The dazzling golden light and the hot flames formed a small sun-like sphere in an instant. But soon, the sun ball disappeared.

“So soidable power, if you really want to shoot me…” Zhao Pu was cold and sweaty. “Fortunately, both of them have already been recruited.”

“Oh.” Yuyi Yezi secretly sighed, walked to Zhao Lianyun and began to fight alongside her.

Zhao Lianyun is a bit frustrated and her morale is low. She still has too little practical experience, and her mood is easily affected. This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is a rare advantage in her hands, but now she is almost wasted.

“The injury on your body…” Zhao Lianyun looked worried to the companion next to him.

Yuyi Yezi’s injury, there is no sign of any improvement.

Zhao Pu said with a smile : “You think I let you rest and treatment, is it deliberately let you off. He He He, as long as I am in this move, unless I personally give you the lift, otherwise, the usual means are not Used. You have tried it yourself. Is there any effect?”

“But I am still a man of this kind. I will allow both of you to surrender. As long as you beg for mercy and put Immortal Gu in your hands, I will accept you as slaves and wrap your two lives.”

“Hugh thinking!” Zhao Lianyun gnashing teeth, interrupted Zhao Pu’s solicitation.

Zhao Pu does not think that hey, laughed heartily: “The war situation has been set, you still don’t recognize the situation? The current affairs person is Junjie, you are still young and young, and if you die, you are really a hundred, and there is hope in life.”

Yuyi Yezi said with a sneer : “I really can’t cure the wounds in my body. I can only let the blood flow more and more. But I don’t have nothing. I have already calculated it. If you kill you, the wounds on us can be After he died, he was relieved.”

“Well?” Zhao Pu’s face changed slightly. He looked up and down Yuyi Yezi again and again. “Boy, I am a bit stunned at you.”

Yuyi Yezi is a reputable Refining Dao Gu Immortal. He has a very strong knowledge of Refining Dao. Even Rank 7 Gu Immortal often discusses the contents of refining gu and even asks him.

Yuyi Yezi is not only good at refining gu, but also has a hand in Gu Formula.

Refining Dao and Wisdom Dao are also two genres that are close together and can work together.

Yuyi Yezi calculated the truth through his injuries and the various performances of Zhao Pu.

“Be sure to kill him before our blood drains. He will not die, we will die!” Yuyi Yezi to Zhao Lianyun sound transmission, heavy tone.

The two of them have indeed been forced into a dead end. Only by returning to fearlessly killing and killing a strong enemy can you gain the power to survive.

“Start!” Zhao Lianyun low roaring sound, more clean and neat.

“The two little guys of arrogant and conceited let you try my true strength!” Zhao Pu laughed and rushed to the top, one against two.

The two sides are fighting in the great hall, you come to me, for a time, playing hard to understand.

Life Locking Silver Chain continued to shoot, and Zhao Pu had a Blood Cloud on top of his head. At the foot of a Blood Cloud, after three dodge, he aimed at the back three silver chains and immediately spit out a blood.

The blood is contaminated with the silver chain, which immediately turns the latter into a pool of blood.

“Eight Gates of Refinement, the third door, the door, open!” Yuyi Yezi took the opportunity to pounce on the palm of his hand and pointed at Zhao Pu.

Suddenly two small palm light, fast, middle Zhaopu back.

Zhao Pu groaned, suddenly blood on his back splashed, covering the wound.

His face flashed a trace of surprise, his heart said: “Weird, how can this kid’s attack power be much stronger?”

Although Yuyi Yezi is Refining Dao Gu Immortal, the combat capability is not too bad.

As long as he gives him a certain amount of time, he can make targeted changes. In particular, his Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Eight Gates of Refinement can be evolved according to the actual situation, adding some targeted restraint.

Yuyi Yezi and Zhao Lianyun know that they have no retreat, and the fighting power that is emanating at a time is very impressive. (~^~)

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