If people are desperate, natural threats will skyrocket.

In contrast, Blood Dao Demon Immortal, but he is unwilling to fight, as long as he takes time, he can win.

So for a time, Zhao Pu was crushed by Zhao Lianyun and Yuyi Yezi.

However, Zhao Pu’s combat experience is by no means comparable to Central Continent.

He was very slippery and tumbling, and Zhao Lianyun and Yuyi Yezi couldn’t take him.

As time went by, the situation tilted toward Zhao Pu.

Yuyi Yezi first weakened the offensive.

He was far ahead of Zhao Lianyun, and he suffered more. He finally passed out because of excessive blood loss.

“Your companion may have died of excessive blood loss, you are the next one. You have not much time, and you don’t want to step up the attack?” Zhao Pu said with a smile.

Zhao Lianyun is extremely boring. She knew that Zhao Pu was deliberately provocative and disturbed her mood, but she could not calm her mind and become more and more impetuous.

Her eyes continued to bleed, and the vision was blurred, all bloody.

More terrifying is that not only the seven bloodshed, but her whole body, the millions of pores, penetrate the blood beads.

“Abominable… Damn…” Strong vertigo continued to come, and Zhao Lianyun had begun to stand on the ground and his body was shaking.

In the end, Zhao Pu hit a short shot and flew Zhao Lianyun out. After falling to the ground, he rolled three times and stopped.

“Damn!” Zhao Lianyun supported the ground with both hands and wanted to get up, but because she had too much blood loss, she had no Strength Qi under her body and was extremely weak.

She couldn’t even do a move to get up.

“Everything is over.” Zhao Pu embraced his arms and walked slowly to Zhao Lianyun. Looking down at her condescending.


Constantly flowing from Zhao Lianyun’s body.

Soon, her side formed a pool of blood.

Zhao Lianyun fell in a pool of blood. Has become a thoroughly bloody person, even her eyes are bleeding. It is also mixed with tears.

“Would you like to end…”

“It’s here.”

“Blood…this time, I am not afraid at all, good luck.”

Zhao Lianyun’s heart emerged from the past.

It was still during the Royal Court battle.

Zhao Lianyun lost the shelter of father and didn’t want to sacrifice himself as a political chip to marry Wei Family Young Master. He could only rely on Ma Hongyun for the time being.

In a battle, Zhao Lianyun was unfortunately shot in the thigh.

Blood flow is like a note.

“I am going to die, ah, it hurts! Mother, I am going to die!” Zhao Lianyun lay on the carriage. Howling, tears.

“Don’t be noisy, Miss Xiaoyun, you can’t die. It hurts nothing more.” Ma Hongyun skillfully wrapped her wounds while comforting.

“Blood, so much blood! You don’t know that I am dizzy?! I have never suffered such a heavy injury.” Zhao Lianyun sighed.

“You, how do you feel so delicate? Northern Plains’ people, injuries are common. Very long time, scars are glory and merits!” Ma Hongyun said.

Zhao Lianyun big roll one’s eyes : “Would you like to comfort people? Hey, how can I be so bad luck…”

“Hahaha.” Ma Hongyun laughed. I used the wrong hand.

Zhao Lianyun burst into tears: “It hurts! You are light! And, you laugh a little. The old lady is so badly hurt, you seem to be very happy.”

Ma Hongyun hurriedly waved his hand. But still laughing: “I am not happy, just think that Miss Xiaoyun is so cute. Usually, it is old-fashioned and awe-inspiring. Now Miss Xiaoyun, I feel that it is a younger who is younger than me. Sister.”

“You guy, very arrogant…” Zhao Lianyun was waiting for the attack, and Ma Hongyun reached out and touched her forehead.

Zhao Lianyun a trip. I do not know why, the heart has risen a warmth.

Ma Hongyun took care of himself – ly said: “No fever. It’s a good thing. Miss Xiaoyun, can’t be so squeaky. Some injuries. There is nothing to shed some blood. It will make people laugh again next time.” Hey.”

The end of the memory is over.

“Do you make fun of it?”

“Now me. It shouldn’t make you teasing again.”

“You guy…”

“In order to save you, the old lady really wants to run out of blood.”

“It’s really strange to think about it. I will be willing to die for one person.”

“So, even if I die, I will be willing!”

In Zhao Lianyun’s mind, thoughts come and go.

“Dead!” Zhao Puloudly shouted, raised his palm, the tip of his hand like a knife, and squatted.

A fatal blow!

If this shot is inserted, it will be able to break Zhao Lianyun’s head as easily as piercing the tofu.

But it is at this time.

Zhao Lianyun’s body suddenly evoked a strong radiance.

Rays of light is so glaring that Zhao Pu has involuntarily closed his eyes and quickly retreated.

“this is……”

“Why is there such a strong rays of light?”

“Impossible! this aura ……really strong !”


Zhao Pu involuntarily made a miserable.

In the glory, his entire body is unable to move a single step. Soon, he was like a snow melting in the hot sun, completely destroyed.

During the critical period, Passion Immortal Gu once again fought, and Zhao Pu directly died!

Northern Plains, deep in the trench.

“Ying Wuxie, where do you want to hide?!” Fang Yuan changed the Sword Flood Dragon, roaring in the trench, the sound swayed in the wild, filled with sharp killing intent.

With Qi Luck Sense, Fang Yuan went all the way and finally came to the depths of the trench.

In the shadow, a giant city slowly rises out.

Ying Wuxie is standing on the huge city.

“I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Ying Wuxie opened her mouth, her eyes were calm and her tone was light.

“hmph!Stone Slave is dead, just four of you, or the Mortal Gu Home at your feet?” Fang Yuan sneered.

Although the scale of the Drifting Cloud City is huge and the appearance is magnificent, it is just a Mortal Gu Home, not Immortal Gu Home.

It is not easy to form an Immortal Gu Home. Even with Shadow Sect, with many Immortal Gus, you can’t easily upgrade a Drifting Cloud City to Immortal Gu Home.

If there is an Immortal Gu Home, Fang Yuan will also produce many taboo emotions.

Because of the power of the Immortal Gu Home, it grows with the number of immortal essence. Fang Yuan used Ju Yang immortal essence, manipulates over the Graceful Battle Stage, and bloomed in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

But Drifting Cloud City is just a Mortal Gu Home. For Fang Yuan, it’s not enough to fear.

“So what about me?” The second silhouette appeared on Drifting Cloud City.

This person is just Rank 6 Gu Immortal, but it is Fang Yuan’s “old acquaintance”.

It is Shadow Sect placed in the Langya School, Refining Dao Gu Immortal Sixth Hair!

Fang Yuan’s eyes are slightly sinking.

Sixth Hair’s own battle strength, Fang Yuan is still not in sight. But Sixth Hair and Fang Yuan are both members of the Langya School, and both parties have a covenant of Information Dao.

This makes Fang Yuan deal with Sixth Hair, which is very inconvenient. If it is a little careless, it will be sanctioned by the Information Dao Covenant and seriously injured.

However, the emergence of Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan also has a psychological expectation.

“Kill!” Fang Yuan, a dragon tail, rushed directly.

Drifting Cloud City quickly retreated, and at the same time, a Battlefield Ultimate Move rose and a large number of yaksha octopus came together.

“Your identity has let Fang Yuan refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. Delay time, wait a moment, we can use Roads Open In All Directions again.” Ying Wuxie patted the shoulders of Sixth Hair.

“Adult, you go to rest, here I will handle it.” Sixth Hair told Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie nodded, under the city, the figure immediately fell into the Drifting Cloud City.

This is a massacre.

Although the number of yaksha octopus is more, it is not a rival of Fang Yuan’s.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon is surrounded by reign of terror, and the battlefield is invincible.

Drifting Cloud City Although it is in the field of vision, Fang Yuan does not dare to spit out the sword light Dragon Breath, in case it kills Sixth Hair, it is not good.

Instead, they will suffer.

Maybe it was a counterattack by Ying Wuxie and the others, and he was killed here.

Ying Wuxie and the others Although they are at a disadvantage, Fang Yuan is not blindly optimistic. He knows that he has an advantage, but it does not constitute a crushing trend.

In particular, Bai Ningbing, who is able to change the White Phase status, and Ying Wuxie, who has mastered Leading Soul to Enter the Dream. Although the former is only the Rank 6 cultivation base, the latter’s Leading Soul to Enter the Dream is also a half-hanger.

“Information Dao… When can I be free from this genre?”

Fang Yuan is distressed.

Information Dao is the backlog of pain in his heart.

Fang Yuan also tried hard, but she still lacked some opportunities and did not solve this problem successfully.

Sixth Hair presided over the battle, not asking for nothing but seeking nothing, and the execution tactics were quite thorough.

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