Blood Dao Gu Immortal !

Because of the historical reasons such as the Old Ancestor Blood Sea and the genre characteristics of Blood Dao, people in the Five Regions who are cultivating Blood Dao are judged to be Demonic Path.

Previously, the alliance between Chu Sect and Baiju Family dealt with the joint discussion of Huang Jin Clan, and the Chu Du party might have attracted a strong support. Unfortunately, this person’s cultivation Blood Dao, Chu Du immediately refused, the attitude is very simple, without any hesitation.

That’s because Chu Du wants to build the Righteous Path. Once it’s on the side with Blood Dao, it can only be divided into Demonic Path, which makes Chu Du’s a lot of effort.

But for Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, there are no such concerns.

Because Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land is itself a gathering place for Northern Plains’ Demonic Path Gu Immortal. It is not a family, nor a sect. Both the family and the sect have the characteristics of to cultivate members, all of whom have mortal members. Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land is just a simple combination of interests.

Zhao Lianyun left the twelve snow peaks and came to the tenth snow peak.

The guarded here is a Demonic Path Gu Immortal, surnamed Zhao, wearing a linen cloth shoes, no hair on the head, face common, not tall or short.

He stood in the middle of the great hall, and Yuyi Yezi stepped back and forth until the edge of the great hall.

The latter was bathed in blood and the injury was extremely embarrassing.

Zhao Lianyun saw this companion and almost couldn’t recognize him. Yuyi Yezi is a beautiful, weak boy, but at the moment he seems to have just lapped from the Blood Sea and was taken from the boundless blood.

“This Gu Immortal’s other ability is normal, but there is a Blood Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move, very powerful! At the time of the rush, the first thing is that his plasma is splashed and then turned into a bloody stream. Once it is touched by the blood. Even if it is in the middle of the stroke. After that, the blood will flow. As time goes by, the bloodshed will become even worse! You must be careful.” Yuyi Yezi has been fighting hard, seeing Zhao Lianyun, and quickly warned.

“I know! You take a break, I will deal with him.” Zhao Lianyun stepped forward.

“Very good, come back to die.” Zhao Pu stood in the same place, motionless, arms around his chest, smirking, revealing the sharp teeth of Mori, suddenly a disposition of a devil and slaughter breath, assaults the senses .

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Life Locking Silver Chain.

Zhao Lianyun has been brewing since then. At this moment, a lot of Gu insect breaths, and the immortal essence is consumed. A silver light membrane covers her body.


The sound of a chain of chain collisions sounds from the silver light membrane.

Subsequently, six long chains were fired from the silver light membrane. Six chains, silver light, and awesome, around Zhao Lianyun’s body, a circle of fluttering around the front and rear, forming a strong protection.

After a lot of special training, Zhao Lianyun had a battle with Zhao Daniu not long ago. It seems to be reborn. In the battle, every move has the effect of killing and decisive, no longer the new look.

The tenth Peak Lord Blood Dao Demon Immortal Zhao Pu, but the sight at Zhao Lianyun urging the ultimate move, did not take action to block, a matter of doing things, let Zhao Lianyun play.

Zhao Lianyun sees this and immediately spurs another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Meteor showers fall!

Immortal essence also cost a batch, over the top of Zhao Lianyun’s head, in the high dome of the great hall, suddenly formed a dark blue.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh ……

Countless meteors, from this dark blue, bursting into the sky, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses simultaneous archery, the scene is spectacular!

These meteors are very small, as if they are countless hidden weapons. Once they are shot, they are magnificent, just like a rainstorm, it is inevitable.

Zhaopu if no action, I’m afraid to be these tiny meteor shot into a sieve.

He really didn’t dare to get big again, and suddenly there was a huge Blood Cloud on his head, as if he had opened a big umbrella and firmly protected Zhao Pu. The meteor shot in the Blood Cloud was occluded by it, and the volume of the Blood Cloud quickly shrank at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Zhao Pu secretly bite his teeth, stepping on his feet, his body is like a red line, and he shoots at Zhao Lianyun.

Zhao Lianyun has a heart, and subconsciously takes a step back.

The silver chain around her is already moving earlier than her. One of them is like a Flood Dragon attack, shooting at Zhao Pu.

Zhao Pu quickly ducked, bypassing this direction and choosing another side to attack.

But almost at the same time, another silver chain shot him.

Zhao Pu had no choice but to withdraw and then choose the direction.

After three times and five times, Zhao Pu was surprised to find that these silver chains can attack on their own, which is called offensive and defensive. The single chain is not so flexible. In general, they can form a cooperation with each other.

“Little girl, you defensive ultimate move is not bad!” Zhao Pu attacked without success, simply no longer try, retreat a distance, re-apply means to supplement the seemingly thinning Blood Cloud.

This is of course.

Zhao Lianyun has many Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, all of which are selected by Spiritual Fate House and even Heavenly Court for Zhao Lianyun special intention.

Especially suitable for the original Scholar of Zhao Lianyun. Not only the ultimate move is easy to implement, but even if the failure of the backlash is not great, the more important thing is that the ultimate move itself is very good.

Above the head, the meteor is still pouring.

Zhao Pu constantly replenished the Blood Cloud on top of his head.

Yuyi Yezi is shrinking and is treating herself.

Zhao Lianyun did not answer, she continued to brew the third Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in the silent silent.

Only her most skilled, but also the first two extreme move, respectively, meteor shower and Life Locking Silver Chain, this third move is slightly more complicated than these two moves.

During the usual training, Zhao Lianyun just took a little extra effort and was able to rush.

But in actual combat, she found that the cost was much greater.

Although she now has the protection of Life Locking Silver Chain, the environment is relatively safe, similar to the training, but the mood is indeed very different, let her try several times, and end up with mistakes.

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move? You don’t tell me. I don’t know, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move can’t be easily used? The more you use it, the more chance you will find the flaw. Let me teach you how to teach you. Fight!” Zhao Pu snorted and slammed again.

But this time, he rushed to half the distance, he will open his mouth.


A huge explosion, suddenly burst out, and Zhao Lianyun suddenly felt the blood slammed. In Zhao Lianyun Void Orifice, Gu insect, which has just risen a little and half, is therefore receiving interference and falling again.

Among them, a lot of mortal gu has also been lost.

Zhao Pu is a Blood Dao Demon Immortal, but there is a similar method to Sound Dao, called Zhao Lianyun, and even the Yuyi Yezi healing on the side is received.

In this way, Zhao Pu continued to attack around Zhao Lianyun, Life Locking Silver Chain to protect Zhao Lianyun in safety.

However, Zhao Lianyun wanted to spur the third Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which has not been successful and suffered from all kinds of interference from Zhao Pu.

Zhao Lianyun is full of helplessness, Dark Dao: “This opponent is indeed like Yuyi Yezi, other means are sparse, so I can’t break my Life Locking Silver Chain. But he is very difficult, all kinds of means are endless, let I motivated the ultimate move to fail repeatedly. No, I have to continue perseverance!”

Zhao Lianyun is firmly convinced that ****** continues to try to motivate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Xu is that she has been disturbed too many times, and the number of failures has increased. Instead, she has honed her will and strengthened her beliefs.

Finally, her booth eyes suddenly shot the glare of the glare.

Then, Zhao Lianyun extended his right hand and opened the mouth to the heart of his right hand, spitting out a series of flames.

The flame stayed in the palm of Zhao Lianyun, initially a Fireball, suspended in the palm of the right hand.

Then, Zhao Lianyun spits fire, and the flame in his palm begins to swell.

It is strange to say that this group of flames does not expand as a whole, but becomes larger and larger, but expands to the left and the right.

Soon, Zhao Lianyun had a long flame stick in his palm.

The fire stick stops expanding until it reaches the length of one adult’s arm. The flame on the stick is originally burning and now begins to converge.

After a few breaths, the lingering flame tongues all converge, and the flames condense and form, as if they were red-plated sticks.

Zhao Lianyun closed his mouth and suddenly opened it, giving a sharp sigh: “Hey!”

With this voice, there was a golden glow, which shot from her mouth and was in the middle of the flame stick. (~^~)

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