“You are courting death!” Long eyes stared at Stone Slave, and Fang Yuan had some angel intent.

Stone Slave looked up at Fang Yuan and said, “Master, you are going! Go!”

“Stone Slave, your loyalty, I will keep it in mind.” Ying Wuxie looked at Stone Slave deeply and turned away.

He led the remaining two immortals and quickly evacuated.

Because Fang Yuan was entangled in Stone Slave, this time, Ying Wuxie and the others went out of the Licorice Root Boundary Wall and officially entered Northern Plains.

At the moment of stepping on the grassland, Ying Wuxie immediately called Taibai Yunsheng from the Immortal Aperture.

The latter has recovered from the coma, but his injury is still very serious and the life crisis has not been lifted.

Combined with the power of the Four Immortals, they immediately mobilized the Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions and disappeared instantly.


In the dream.

The battle is over.

The Demonic Path thieves of the raid attack all accounted for their lives and no one survived.

The caravans are not much better, and the casualties are heavy.

The corpses are everywhere in the valley, and the blood is flowing all over the floor.

“Beard uncle, you cheer up! Wake up!” Young Fang Yuan squatted beside the bearded Gu Master’s, staring at the terrifying wound on his face, panicking.

“Come on, come and save him!” Fang Yuan shouted, his voice hoarse.

But no one came over.

Fang Yuan quickly ran away from the young Young Master: “Young Master, beard uncle is injured to save you, he is dying, you can save him!”

“He didn’t save this person, the wound is not the focus, the key is that Poison Gu, we can’t save.” Young Master shook his head and laughed.

“No, you have a solution. You don’t have the same Poison Gu?” Fang Yuan said.

The young Young Master looked like a sinker: “You want me to spend a precious Gu insect for an outsider? You know, this Healing Gu bug is very limited?”

“But the beard is uncle to save the Young Master, and you are hurt.” Fang Yuan argued.

“Even if he doesn’t save me, I have a secret guard arranged by Father, and it is enough to protect myself.” Young Master sneered and waved to Fang Yuan. “You are rolling, how can my Healing Gu be used in your unimportant person?” Body?”

Fang Yuan gnawed his teeth, scorned Young Master, clenched his fists and stood in motionless.

“You want to courting death?” The face of the young Young Master is filled with an ingrid intent.

“Fang Yuan ……” At this moment, the bearded Gu Master woke up and whispered.

Fang Yuan shivered and quickly turned around and ran to the beard’s side: “Beard uncle, you woke up!”

Fang Yuan was surprised and happy.

“Don’t be against the Young Master. It’s just you.” Don’t force it, how can the precious Healing Gu be used on our unimportant person?” The bearded spoke until here, laughed at laughter.

“But, uncle your injury…” Fang Yuan was very upset, sobbing and weeping.



a light sound, Stone Slave powerlessly knees on the floor.

“He He He.” He looked at the Sword Flood Dragon in front of him and made a laugh. “I succeeded! The masters successfully withdrew, haha… Shadow Sect unbeaten, Gloomy Soul Long live Eh!”

Fang Yuan stretched out Dragon Claw and crushed him forcibly.

Loosen Dragon Claw, stone chips and pieces scattered all over the place, where can you distinguish the original face of Stone Slave?

“Death is dead, shouting and shouting.” Fang Yuan sneered, picking up the most critical piece from the stone.

Then he flew out of the Licorice Root Boundary Wall and returned to Northern Plains.

The key stones were thrown to the ground, and the Immortal Aperture inside suddenly began to capture the Northern Plains’ Heaven Qi and Earth Qi and began to fall into the Immortal Aperture to form Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan did not wait, but motivated Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Qi Luck Sense to find out the location of Ying Wuxie and the others.

This investigation, Fang Yuan suddenly found that Ying Wuxie and the others have been very far away from themselves.

“Hmph! Did you use the previous Far Ancient Battle Formation… but what does it matter? You will die in my hands sooner or later.”

“But this position seems to be in the trench of the Zombie Alliance’s.”

Fang Yuan restores the person, slightly frowned.

The location of the Zombie Alliance trench, he is of course familiar. The Northern Plains Zombie Alliance’s Drifting Cloud City is also buried there, but no one has ever found it. It is not surprising that Ying Wuxie and the others have entered it.

“The Southern Border Zombie Alliance has been smashed, the Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance headquarters is besieged, and the Northern Plains Zombie Alliance has been lurking in the trench, no one has found it. It seems that Ying Wuxie and the others will have a lift.”

This is an inevitable thing.

Drifting Cloud City has cultivation resources and various Immortal Gus in the hands of the original Northern Plains Immortal Zombie.

But Stone Slave is dead, they have injuries, and then fight, even in Northern Plains instead of Boundary Wall, Fang Yuan will still dominate.

Stone Slave’s Immortal Aperture Blessed Land has been formed, and Fang Yuan has entered it and found that it is impossible to conquer the Earth Spirit. His Realm is only the Earth Dao Great Master, not the Grandmaster, and can’t swallow the Rank 7 Blessed Land.

In my dreams…

I heard that there is a kind of herbal medicine that can alleviate the poison of the beard Gu Master. The young Fang Yuan chooses to sneak out of the team, climb the mountain wall at night, and pick the herbs that grow there.

The mountain wind is cold and cold, and his limbs are ice-cold.

The mountain wall is steep, and it is the die without a burial site.

“Be sure to pick herbs and give your beard uncle treatment!”

“He saved my life, the help of life, can I not report?”

“hold on, Fang Yuan, not vital point, hu hu ……”

Panting, Fang Yuan with difficulty reached out, and after several efforts, finally got a medicinal herb.

At dawn, he carried a basket full of medicinal herb, rags, and turned to the camp.


“Well, this dream is finally over.” Fang Yuan woke up from his dreams.

At this point, he finally got rid of the entanglement of dreams and completely recovered.

This dream is not all good, and the Dream Dao coffin inside is more than the imagination of Fang Yuan. In the final scene, Fang Yuan’s full basket of medicinal herb is actually the Dream Dao coffin.

“If I dream, I won’t have such a huge gain. Could it be that, Ying Wuxie’s Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, although it can be used for attacking, but actually it is the ultimate move of picking Dream Dao coffin? ”

Fang Yuan guessed while he was flying.

Without the trouble of dreams, he once again launched a fight against Ying Wuxie’s.

Regardless of Ying Wuxie’s escape to the ends of the earth, Fang Yuan will kill this ill-health in the bud!

Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.

“Fairy Lianyun, you don’t want to push Passion Immortal Gu anymore. You have already paid the price and can’t make any more noise. You are so often motivated, the next time I really don’t know what the price will be!” Shi Zhenyi persuaded.

Zhao Lianyun shook his head and his eyes were firm.

Before she was in the hard battle with Zhao Daniu, Passion Immortal Gu broke out. But this time, Passion Immortal Gu did not engulf immortal essence, but took the cost of something on Zhao Lianyun.

This thing is the voice of Zhao Lianyun.

After the fierce battle, Zhao Lianyun could no longer make any noise. Even if it’s dumb, she’s not able to pronounce it.

“Fortunately, I am waiting for me to save! I can’t stand by and have been waiting here. No sound, how? I can continue to communicate with you through Gu insect. No big deal.” Zhao Lianyun to Shi Zhenyi sound Transmission.

Shi Zhenyi sighed, can’t persuade anything, can only be left by Zhao Lianyun.

But this time, no matter how Zhao Lianyun calls, Passion Immortal Gu is motionless, without any signs of urging.

Zhao Lianyun without any choice, had to go out of the twelfth snow peak with Shi Zhenyi.

Once out of this range, Zhao Lianyun was sent to another mountain, which was separated from Shi Zhenyi.

Unlike before, this mountain has a burst of fierce battle.

“Who is fighting here? Should it be one of Yuyi Yezi, Bu Zhen Zi, Mu Linglan?” Zhao Lianyun was surprised and happy, and rushed up the mountain.

Climbing all the way, very soon, she came to the palace on the summit.

Bloody snorting, a beautiful little Year in the red palace, is struggling with Gu Immortal of Great Snow Mountain.

It is Refining Dao Gu Immortal Yuyi Yezi !

“Yuyi Yezi, hold on, I am here to support you.” Zhao Lianyun is busy with sound transmission calling.

Yuyi Yezi was pleasantly surprised and quickly replied: “Be careful, this is the Blood Dao Demon Immortal!”

“What? Cultivation Blood Dao!” Zhao Lianyun suddenly startedled, screaming at the enemy. (~^~)

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