Fang Yuan heard Ying Wuxie yelling “Leading Soul to Enter the Dream” and was shocked.

Leading Soul to Enter the Dream is the Dream Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move, the power of the power, rare in the world. Among the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Ying Wuxie’s Leading Soul to Enter the Dream makes the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord in Supervising Heaven Tower fall asleep and indulge in dreams.

Fang Yuan is even in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. If it is not the Will of Heaven, he is definitely the end of the battle.

In today’s environment, Dream Dao Immortal Gu is extremely rare, let alone the Dream Dao ultimate move.

A fresh Heaven Swallowing, in the face of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, Gu Immortal basically has no means to restrain or protect.

Fang Yuan is no exception.

Although he has the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, he is also the Paragon Immortal Body. In the face of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, even if it is a moment of immersion in a dream, it is possible to fail in the ever-changing battlefield.

Fang Yuan immediately pulled up the dragon body and safely retreated.

In the process of retreating, there was another suspicion in his heart.

At the beginning, Ying Wuxie’s Leading Soul to Enter the Dream was so powerful because of the numerous Immortal Gus and the increase of Eleventh Perfect Physique.

How many Immortal Gus can you have in the hands of Ying Wuxie today, forming Leading Soul to Enter the Dream?

Fang Yuan doesn’t know the exact number, but Fang Yuan knows that the body of Ying Wuxie’s Strength Dao Immortal Zombie is definitely a drop in his number.

Fang Yuan quickly opened a long distance with Ying Wuxie and the others, and still did not see himself being dragged into a dream.

“don’t tell me Ying Wuxie is just swindling me?”

Fang Yuan’s This thought has just risen in my mind, and the outlook for the eyes has changed.

Previous life Five hundred years of Southern Border.

Silvergrass Mountain has been ruined by Bai Ningbing self-exploding, and Fang Yuan has invested in a caravan, serving as a guard, earning primevalals while cultivating.

The caravan went to a certain valley and suddenly pulled out two teams from front to back.


“Protect the goods!!”

The caravan was shocked. In one time, the valley shouted to kill the earthquake. One was the thief of Demonic Path, and the other was the caravan that transported the goods.

The young Fang Yuan is mixed in the caravan, biting his teeth, and his face is flustered.


“This is a dream. I am in a dream!”

The confusion that just entered the dream quickly dissipated, and Fang Yuan understood that he was ready to motivate the Dream Interpretation ultimate move.

But at this time, he was inexplicably separated from the dream and returned to reality. The Sword Flood Dragon dragon body is still in the Boundary Wall.

“what’s going on?” When Fang Yuan just came up with this doubt, his vision changed again.

He found himself being pulled into a dream again.

Continue the dream scene of the last scene.

In the valley, the both righteous and demonic sides are hard to find.

“Weird, there should be no thieves living here.” The young Young Master of the caravan, who is condescending and centrally located, is puzzled.

The head of the caravan around him, while presiding over the defense, added a message: “Yes, this business road is an old business road that has been cooked. This mountain thief team does not know where it came from. strange.”

Young Master coldly snorted: “The Demonic Path Gu Master here, up to Rank 2, we are defensive, not afraid of them.”

“Young Master said that the custody of these thieves has come and gone.” The general manager of the caravan smiled.

Just then, their heads were uploaded with a rumbling sound.

The young Young Master and the caravan leader and the others, looked up.

This hope, the caravan crowd suddenly turned pale with fright.

I saw countless boulders, rolling from the valley. The caravan is located at the root of the mountain wall, and the huge rock has rolled down. The offensive is no less than a Rank 2 Gu Master take action.

Above the mountain wall, there are numerous silhouettes of layers stacked. Although these are all mortal, but because of careful deployment, the tactics are correct, the strength of the Rank 2 Gu Master is released!

“Fast, quick withdrawal!” Young Young Master’s face brushed white.

“It’s too late…” The caravan leader was miserable.

Countless boulder was on the top of the car master’s Gu Master. At one time, the caravan suffered heavy casualties, and Demonic Path’s morale was great.


“Damn!” Fang Yuan slammed his head and detached himself from the dream.

“This is indeed Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, but formidable power is very incomplete, so that I can enter the dream from time to time, and can not let me sink into it. However, it is enough to pose a huge threat to me.” Fang Yuan is steep .

Ying Wuxie and the others inspected the surroundings with vigilance, but after waiting for a while, there was still no appearance of Fang Yuan and no attacks were coming.

“Has he retreated?” Hei Loulan was incredibly unbelievable.

Bai Ningbing didn’t talk, but looked at Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie sighed: “Oh… sorry.”

After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Ying Wuxie started to rebuild the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream. At Eastern Sea’s, Ying Wuxie added Immortal Gu to Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng and the others, and naturally there is more to gain.

But until now, he just barely formed the ultimate move of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

Originally, Ying Wuxie was planning to launch Leading Soul to Enter the Dream when Fang Yuan mobilized his trump card.

But Fang Yuan has not been able to do it.

As long as Fang Yuan tries to motivate his trick card, it will take a long time to brew and give Ying Wuxie a good opportunity to take action. If Fang Yuan is in the body of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, he is in a dream. Even if it is only a moment, it will cause Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to fail.

The stronger the power of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the more damage Gu Immortal will take after the failure.

Undoubtedly, once Fang Yuan is rushing to the trump card, he will fall into a dream and will undoubtedly trigger failure and suffer heavy losses.

Ying Wuxie explained in detail, Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others, also feel sorry.

However, at that time, Ying Wuxie had no choice but to act.

If you do not act, Fang Yuan’s attack will lead to qualitative changes, and the battle produces a huge tilt, which will eventually leave the lives of Ying Wuxie and the others.

Ying Wuxie is very sensitive and accurate in his judgment of the situation.

“Now, Fang Yuan is not going to attack for the time being. Let’s go. Leading Soul to Enter the Dream is not complete, the effect power will continue to decrease over time.”

Ying Wuxie gave an order and the five cents continued to set off.

But walking not far, Fang Yuan came back again.

In the past, the interference of the dreams on him became smaller and smaller. Fang Yuan did not want Ying Wuxie and the others to slip away from their own eyelid and immediately began to pursue them.

Taibai Yunsheng is still unconscious, and the Four Immortals are entangled in Fang Yuan. It was a difficult trek in the Boundary Wall. It was so troubled by Fang Yuan that it was even more difficult.


“Be careful!” Fang Yuan suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

Fang Yuan didn’t have time to react. He only heard a bang, and all the stones on the top of the head were scattered around, and the head of Fang Yuan was sore.

“Beard uncle, you saved my life, thank you!” Fang Yuan saw the beard uncle not far away, and he suddenly reacted. Just after he was almost dropped by the huge stone, fortunately, the beard uncle take action, defeated the boulder in advance and saved his life.

“You don’t love the war, protect yourself.” The beard uncle cares.

At this moment, in the center of the caravan, the scream of the caravan leader suddenly came. “Come on, come and protect Young Master!”

I don’t know when, two of the XXXXX’s Demonic Path Gu Master have entered the center and are besieging the caravan’s Master, who once humiliated Fang Yuan’s young Young Master.

The young Young Master is left and right, and the danger is like a ring, so that the Gu Masters of the Righteous Path’s side can be seen with fear.

“You stay here, I go to support!” The beard uncle throws a sentence and rushes.


When the dream time after time hits, Fang Yuan is also uncomfortable.

The attack of the dream has greatly affected his play, so that his battle strength can play 20-30% at most.

But from the perspective of the war, it is even more disadvantageous for Ying Wuxie and the others.

It is obvious from the battle that Fang Yuan is getting less and less affected by dreams.

And Ying Wuxie and the others, has not left the Boundary Wall.

“You go, I will deal with him!” At the crucial moment, Stone Slave stepped forward.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is a territorial seal!

He screamed at the bottom of his body and cracked from the inside out.

At the same time, with him as the center, covering the square single hundred li space has undergone a mysterious change, becoming a seamless integration, and the surrounding space is separated.

Fang Yuan wanted to retire, but the dream came at a critical moment, which made him miss the opportunity, causing him to be trapped within the scope of the ultimate move.

Fang Yuan spit Dragon Breath, the sword light Dragon Breath has not been flying 5~6 steps, it is disappeared.

Fang Yuan stretched the body of the Flood Dragon and couldn’t get out. (~^~)

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