Red Jujube Immortal Essence consumed more than twenty pieces at a time.

a moment later, the blood color flame disappeared completely, and Fang Yuan returned to the previous state.

“oh! ”

“Resetting Person is only useful to the human body. If I change to other life forms, I can’t use Resetting Person directly. This is very inconvenient.”

“And Resetting Person has a lot of limitations, but fortunately I have Three Breaths From Now, this detective move!”

Fang Yuan felt in his heart that he also ignited another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Combine Enslavement and Strength, the technique of Ten Thousand Me.

Hū lā 啦.

A large number of Fang Yuan, thousands of people, gathered into a stream of people, rushing toward Ying Wuxie and the others.

“How is it possible? He is so fast, he is slowing down? Don’t tell me He has eliminated the flesh and blood?” Hei Loulan was terrified.

Fang Yuan’s counterattack came too fast, still as strong as Hei Loulan, sinking into the bottom.

Hei Loulan knows that in Fang Yuan’s hand, he has Resetting Person Immortal Gu.

But Resetting Person Immortal Gu is more demanding on time. Even Fang Yuan is hard to escape. Because he is in the middle of the move, he must first find his own state, and then he must cancel the change pattern. During this period, there may be some hesitation, and finally he will motivate Resetting Person. It is also time consuming to motivate this Immortal Gu itself.

With such a toss, Hei Loulan puts her in the air and thinks that it is difficult to eliminate this flesh and blood.

Fang Yuan is not sure about the details of Hei Loulan and Bai Ningbing. Hei Loulan also does not understand that in Fang Yuan’s hand holds Three Breaths From Now.

This investigation of the ultimate move allows Fang Yuan to see his own faults three times in advance. Because of this, Fang Yuan has more time to react and process.

all in all. The price of Hei Loulan’s serious injury has had a small negative impact on Fang Yuan.

Red Jujube Immortal Essence does consume a lot. However, Fang Yuan has a large family and a good economy. This money is not in my heart.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul.

Ying Wuxie open mouth roaring, countless Fang Yuan phantom, all pēng pēng burst.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Stone Slave’s right foot squats, the ground rises and counts numerous thorns, piercing thousands of Fang Yuan phantom.

Then, Stone Slave snorted and the thorns swept through the sky, and the sky’s blockbuster Ten Thousand Me was also emptied instantly.

This trick works very well. Containing 2nd Style changes, Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Me army is almost collapsed.

Earth Dao Rank 7 Gu Immortal Stone Slave, he is the mainstay in this battle, without his defensive contribution, how can Ying Wuxie and the others support this moment?

“The next one is you.” Fang Yuan reappeared into a Sword Flood Dragon, and he laughed.


At this time, the tiger phantom Zodiac Beast on the side whispered and suddenly retreated.

This Far Ancient Zodiac Beast came over by Fang Yuan summon, although he has been fighting. However, it was stabilized by Ying Wuxie, and the attack was not effective. Instead, he was injured a lot.

Tiger phantom Zodiac Beast is not loyal to Fang Yuan, which is not comparable to Ying Wuxie’s Soul Beast called ultimate move.

The injury was severe enough to a certain extent. It immediately breaks into a run and walks through the space and returns to the River of Time.

But it doesn’t matter.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Zodiac Beast Call !

Fang Yuan once again motivated this ultimate move. This time calls out a sheep-shaped Far Ancient Zodiac Beast.

Although Zodiac Beast Call each time, only summon a Zodiac Beast. But the number of Zodiac Beast in the River of Time is quite large, and this only ran. Then summon the other and that’s it.

The sheep-shaped Far Ancient Zodiac Beast rushed to Ying Wuxie and the others, and Stone Slave whispered, suddenly expanding into a giant, no less than Zodiac Beast, standing firm, taking the initiative to counterattack, using ingenious fighting techniques, Zodiac Beast fell to the ground.

A bang.

Far Ancient sheep-shaped Zodiac Beast fell to the ground, causing the surrounding surface to tremble.

The sheep-shaped Zodiac Beast quickly climbed up, with anger, the horns on top, and stabbed Stone Slave.

While Stone Slave was dodging, he grabbed the curved horns with both hands.

Two giant lifeforms, each in a tangle together, is difficult to win and lose.

Fang Yuan, the frequency and number of sword light Dragon Breath have dropped a lot.

He felt the burning pain in his throat, and the scorpion was about to smoke!

The sword light Dragon Breath is the strongest means of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon. The real Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, continuous spit, but only twenty or thirty times nothing more.

But Fang Yuan spurted hundreds of times and finally reached the limit that the body could bear.

If you spit it out, the scorpion will smash and the forformable power of the sword light Dragon Breath will be greatly reduced.

The battle has been until now, the last tiger phantom Zodiac Beast has been injured and retreat, and Fang Yuan has shown some fatigue.

Although he has become Rank 7 Gu Immortal, with Red Jujube Immortal Essence, the battle strength has skyrocketed, and the Higher Rank level in the reached Rank 7. But the opponents he faces are also different.

Hei Loulan is a female lieutenant, Vigorous True Martial Physique, and has annexed a Strength Dao Blessed Land at Jade Vase Mountain. Dao Marks has grown a lot. At the same time, she also inherited the True Inheritance of Burning Heaven Enchantress, as well as Immortal Gu, battle strength outstanding.

Bai Ningbing is the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, transformed into the mysterious Dragonoid, mastering White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, inherited White Phase’s True Inheritance.

Not to mention Ying Wuxie, it is itself one of the main Soul Fragments of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s. It was the last hope of Eleventh Perfect Physique and Shadow Sect. Soul Dao was amazingly amazing. The Realm of each genre was unknown, but it should not be low. At least the Luck Dao aspect is like this.

Stone Slave itself is a Stoneman in the nonhuman race. This race is born with a wealth of Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, and with Stone Slave’s Earth Daro, it complements each other.

The most unfortunate is Taibai Yunsheng. Even so, the old guy is old and strong, majoring in Time Dao, perfect multi-cultivation Cloud Dao, with Immortal Gu in hand, and the protection power of Cloud Ring ultimate move is also very impressive.

Although the five people are the Rank 6 cultivation base, they are similar to the Fang Yuan in the previous Rank 6 period. The battle strength Transcendent is refined and has the Rank 7 level.

At this moment, each and every one is an elite, temperament is good, mutual cooperation, and the residual resources of Shadow Sect continue to support them. The key is that the means are endless, absolutely stronger than the single Yelu Qunxing. It’s going to be difficult.

The battle of Gu Immortal must not be rushed.

Because of the wide variety of Immortal Gu, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is endless, a little wonderful, some pegasus, some overbearing and arrogant, some sinister secrets.

Fang Yuan one against five, firmly prevailed, and Ying Wuxie and the others struggled and never turned over.

“Damn, he hasn’t used that trick until now!” Ying Wuxie thought, streaming the blood of Immortal Zombie from the nose.

Ying Wuxie wiped off with the back of his hand, but soon Immortal Zombie green blood flowed down again.


“I have repeatedly used Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to take the backlash in this Boundary Wall, and even the body of Immortal Zombie can’t stand it.”

“I still do, and the rest can imagine that it is only worse.”

Ying Wuxie looked at her companions and found that they were all pale and in a bad state.

Fang Yuan is not restricted here, but they can’t. Not only do they have to stabilize the figure at all times, they resist the rejection and attraction of the Boundary Wall, but they also have to fight against Fang Yuan. The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is frequently used in battle, and the loss of Immortal Aperture is bound to be even more terrible!

“We have the residual resources of Shadow Sect, and the strength of the battle strength is normal.”

“Fang Yuan’s battle strength has risen so fast!”

“The speed of this kind of promotion is simply shocking. The five of us are joining forces and are not his opponents.”

Ying Wuxie thinks more, the more he is afraid of Fang Yuan. The depths of this taboo, even produced a little fear!

Yes, it is fear.

Ying Wuxie started to be a little scared.

He has to admit that Fang Yuan’s is strong and more heart-felt to the growth rate of Fang Yuan’s!

“White Phase, open.”

Bai Ningbing, who has been brewing the ultimate move, suddenly whispered, and his body suddenly rose to the sky.

Ying Wuxie suddenly smiled, he looked to Bai Ningbing: “You finally succeeded!”

Bai Ningbing has changed a lot at the moment.

She completely changed her appearance, and in the blink of an eye, she became a little giant with a tall 5~6.

She is dressed in ice, three heads six arms, bare feet, surrounded by Frost Qi, like the Immortal Clothes, surrounded by two cold clouds, revealing a touch of blue.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move White Phase !

“Fang Yuan, come to fight!” Bai Ningbing snorted, and the speed suddenly appeared. It seemed to be a streak of white light. She changed her previous defensive and turned to active attack.

“New hatred and old hate, it is finished today.” Fang Yuan dragon eye slightly shrunk, does not dodge or evade, rushed straight up.

A silver light, a white light, the two sides crossed in midair.

The inertia of speed is too strong, whether it is Bai Ningbing or Fang Yuan, they are flying far and wide.

“I was slightly injured.” Fang Yuan Dragon Head leaned down slightly and saw a long sword mark on the dragon body. The traces were very shallow, but the Dragon Scale was shredded and some were pierced. Dragon skin, seeping out some dragon blood.

In contrast, Bai Ningbing is much worse than Fang Yuan.

One of her brain holes, all three arms were destroyed, almost half of the body was gone.

However, she did not shed any blood, and the chill was overflowing.

“White Phase. This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, rumored, is known as undying and indestructible. Even if there is only one nail-sized remnant, it can be reborn and restored. After the formation of White Phase, it is not flesh and blood. The body is a wonderful state of life!” Ying Wuxie was very excited.

Sure enough, in the next battle, Bai Ningbing performed as expected by Ying Wuxie.

Although, she competes at each time, she is not an opponent of Fang Yuan’s. But with the characteristics of White Phase, she can recover as soon as possible.

The battle between Bai Ningbing and Fang Yuan attracted most of Fang Yuan’s firepower.

The battle continued, Fang Yuan was felt tired, after all is flesh and blood, but Bai Ningbing is still lively dragon and animated tiger.

Just when Fang Yuan was going to give up Bai Ningbing and deal with Ying Wuxie and the others…

“The time is right!” Ying Wuxie suddenly snorted and burst into the atmosphere of countless Gu insects.

He looked toward Fang Yuan, whispering in the mouth

Leading Soul to Enter the Dream !

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