Although just just promoted immortal, Bai Ningbing has some advantages over the usual Gu Immortal.

First of all, she is the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique of one of the Ten Perfect Physiques, the best cultivation ice and snow genre. Similar to Hei Loulan’s Vigorous True Martial Physique, a Dao Marks goes beyond the Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Second, he became the owner of White Phase’s Celestial Grotto. Inherited White Phase’s True Inheritance and mastered all the Gu insects left by White Phase. These Gu insects are full of Rank 7 Immortal Gu!

However, Rank 8 Immortal Gu does not.

The historical status of White Phase is still a little different from Hei Fan. However, the combination of Five Phases is more than Hei Fan.

The flaw of Bai Ningbing is that Immortal Gu on her opponent’s head, as well as Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, are unfamiliar, often failing to spur, causing a backlash injury crisis.

Cultivation, Utilization, and Refinement is one of the three priorities of Gu Master cultivation.

Bai Ningbing wants to use these gains skillfully, and it takes a long time to perform tempering.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go from actual combat.


At this moment, Bai Ningbing’s shortcomings are effectively obscured.

Because of her side, there are Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng, and Stone Slave four Gu Immortals companions.

It was because of mutual cover that Bai Ningbing had a leisurely time to brew Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan has misunderstood the intelligence of Bai Ningbing.

On the one hand, he believes that Bai Ningbing is similar to Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan’s, and all of them are benefited by Shadow Sect’s, which will enhance their combat capability.

on the other hand. Fang Yuan used to use Qi Luck Sense and found Bai Ningbing, but he could not know about White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

Therefore, Fang Yuan greatly underestimated the true fighting power of Bai Ningbing.

If Fang Yuan knows the truth, he may not choose Taibai Yunsheng as his primary target. Instead, put the target first on Bai Ningbing.

However, Fang Yuan has always lacked the means of Information Dao, and how to know White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

Although Fang Yuan is a born-again person, he is far from being a omnipotent person.

Bai Ningbing’s gaze can make the target in the field of vision condense the frost and delay the action. This is the means of White Phase.

Fang Yuan knows how weird. Take immediate action. Fly back directly and cover your whereabouts.

The visibility in the Licorice Root Boundary Wall was very poor, and Fang Yuan disappeared into Bai Ningbing’s field of vision immediately after his display.

Bai Ningbing bit his teeth, Fang Yuan Wily old fox, and suddenly saw the limitations of this move.

“Even if you have such a trump card, you are never reluctant. Unfortunately, we have specifically tailored the tactics.” Bai Ningbing is very sorry.

Fang Yuan’s move to destroy the Super Gu Formation in the Eastern Sea, the power of the big, called Ying Wuxie, Bai Ningbing and the others taboo, and even chilling.

Along the way, they are naturally discussing how to guard against Fang Yuan’s hand.

Fang Yuan has never used that trick, leading Ying Wuxie and the others to prepare for the war. The greater part has done nothing.

“I hate that the time of inheriting White Phase’s True Inheritance is too short. Although this ultimate move has limitations, there are other ultimate moves that match each other. It can be compensated.”

Bai Ningbing has spurred this ultimate move, which has been awkward. If it is based on this, and at the same time stimulating another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the probability of failure is great.

Bai Ningbing is not Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan can be multi-tasking and motivate multiple Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, but Bai Ningbing’s literacy is very low.

Fang Yuan has temporarily retired. Concealed figure, but still takes the initiative and the upper hand.

Under such circumstances, Bai Ningbing cannot be risky.

Once the adventure fails, he is undoubtedly self-defeating, no flaws to create flaws, let Fang Yuan to use.

Bai Ningbing knows Fang Yuan very well. With such a flaw, Fang Yuan can never let go. Fang Yuan’s grasp of opportunity in battle, even Bai Ningbing, is awesome.

“Fang Yuan is frozen by my eyes. Once he recovers, the speed is fast, even my eyes are hard to keep up!” Bai Ningbing thought.

Fang Yuan changed Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon. The speed of the explosion was amazing. Together with Sword Escape and Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, Rank 7 expert Yelu Qunxing died at this speed.

Bai Ningbing knows that her previous trick of freezing is just a fight against Fang Yuan.

Now that Fang Yuan has prepared for it, and then shows the speed of the horrible, the effect of this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move will drop to the bottom.

“It seems that there is only a change!” Bai Ningbing immediately decided.

She can’t change.

Before, Fang Yuan showed his speed and almost killed Taibai Yunsheng.

If Bai Ningbing does not actively change, continue to use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to freeze, the next time you may die is herself!

As the situation is at stake, Bai Ningbing voluntarily retreats behind Stone Slave and whispers to Ying Wuxie: “Protect me, I want to sacrifice that trick!”

Bai Ningbing and Ying Wuxie re-unioned, and there were big enemies outside. Both sides handed over some details to each other.

Therefore, Bai Ningbing did not say it, but Ying Wuxie understood it.

His face is full of respectful appearance, slowly nodded: “Okay, use that trick, your safety will be handed over to us!”

Then, Ying Wuxie went straight to the Stone Slave command: “If you sacrificed you, you should protect Bai Ningbing.”

Stone Slave is loyal to Ying Wuxie. Hearing this, immediately nodded should be, without any rebellion and hesitation.

“Reassure, he has my eye-blocking technique. According to the flaws of the Paragon Immortal Body you said before, if he does not have the means, he will need more than a dozen breaths to fully recover.” Bai Ningbing confidently .

Ying Wuxie nodded: “So good.”

He did not doubt the words of Bai Ningbing.

The means of White Phase is naturally unique. It’s not that easy to target an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. It is often more frequent, and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is more familiar with the enemy’s repeated use. After a long period of calculation, it is possible to get targeted means. Fang Yuan has a fairly low probability of targeting.

However, at this time, in the vision of the Five Immortals, a white manned suddenly appeared.

“Be careful!”

“It’s sword light Dragon Breath !!”

“Defense, protect Bai Ningbing and Taibai Yunsheng!”

A path of sword light Dragon Breath struck, re-emerging the previous torrential rain, and for a time leting Ying Wuxie and other three immortals rushed and struggled.

Bai Ningbing To fully brew the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Taibai Yunsheng has been seriously injured in a coma.

They only have three immortals left, the pressure suddenly increases, they are suppressed, and they have no power to fight back.

Fang Yuan distantly around Ying Wuxie and the others, open mouth breathe out, issued a path of the word light Dragon Breath, from all directions to Ying Wuxie and the others.

His Sword Flood Dragon is covered with thin ice.

Bai Ningbing’s gaze freezes the ultimate move with the effect right. Of course, the more important issue is Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Body.

Although he changed to Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, his body’s Dao Marks still did not criticize each other.

As a result, there are drawbacks.

Similar to Bai Ningbing’s gaze freeze, hitting Fang Yuan’s body, it will not be weakened by Dao Marks on Fang Yuan, and can play all the power.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan changed into Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, rough skin and thick flesh. Otherwise, the pure body is only frozen directly.

Fang Yuan responded positively while suppressing Ying Wuxie and the others.

Although he is receiving the effect of freezing his eyes, it is easier to treat.

Because Dao Marks are not mutually exclusive, Fang Yuan can achieve the degree of qualitative change caused by the use of Mortal Dao.

Unlike Taibai Yunsheng, after the injury, it is difficult to treat.

Fang Yuan continues to spit sword light Dragon Breath, suppressing Ying Wuxie and the others, but also a temptation.

He soon discovered that Bai Ningbing was heavily protected by Ying Wuxie and the others, without any flaws. Unless he is forced to break ahead, there are no other convenient ways to go.

“What about the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move…” Fang Yuan was a little dignified. Since it can be guarded and valued by Ying Wuxie and the others, it seems that the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move brewed by Bai Ningbing is no small feat.

So, once you recover, you will dive directly.

He has no restrictions in Licorice Root Boundary Wall, free and free, and speed is out, even Fang Yuan himself can’t control it!

It’s like a white light!

Ying Wuxie and other five immortals have no time to scream, and Fang Yuan has already penetrated their formation and rushed out.

Bai Ningbing was shocked by a cold sweat and almost spurred the ultimate move to fail.

Hei Loulan has been hit hard!

Her entire left arm disappeared, and even the left torso was smashed. The wound was horrible to see, and the fleshy bones in the flesh were visible from the outside.

The blood is like a fountain, and soon a large pool is piled up at the foot of Hei Loulan’s!

Seeing Dao Marks on the wound, I can’t stop the blood!

In this way, Hei Loulan will be the first person to die.

Hei Loulan without any choice, immediately transferred to incarnation, after a few breaths, she turned into Immortal Zombie.

Immortal Zombie is still affordable for this type of injury. The bright red blood immediately turned into a miserable Green Immortal Zombie Cold Blood. Although the blood was still overflowing, the speed of the rogue dropped by countless times.

“He He He ……” Hei Loulan kneeled on the floor, gasping for a big breath, but his mouth was rising.

She is actually laughing!

On the other side, Fang Yuan’s heart was filled with strange feelings: “Well? Actually it’s been concealed! A Hei Loulan!”

On the Dragon Claw, which had just torn Hei Loulan’s left arm, there was still blood and meat residue.

At the moment, these flesh and blood have gradually turned into a bloody flame, attached to Fang Yuan’s Dragon Claw, on the Dragon Scale, burning and burning.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Flesh and blood!

This kind of flame is fueled by flesh and blood and burns continuously. There is no end to the flesh and blood. There is no means of restraint and it cannot be extinguished.

And the more flesh and blood, the more burning the blood fire, the more prosperous!

Fang Yuan changed into Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, but it was a bloody and flamboyant road.

However, Fang Yuan’s reaction is also extremely fast.

He immediately revoked the Transformation Ultimate Move and returned to the person.

Then he mobilized a Time Dao treatment for Immortal Gu

Resetting Person !

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