Taibai Yunsheng majored in Time Dao, but Resetting Person, Resetting Rivers and Mountains, and two Fangortal Gus, both in the Fang Fang Yuan’s hand, in the Eastern Sea, took the Cloud Dao. He has the foundation of Cloud Dao originally, and the collection of Shadow Sect is rich, and there is no shortage of cloud True Inheritances. At this time, the means of defense is also very good.

Only after Taibai Yunsheng added a Cloud Ring to Gu Immortal, his face became less beautiful.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in Boundary Wall, each time will trigger the shock of Immortal Aperture.

With five times of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, his Immortal Aperture had five earthquakes and the losses were not small.

“Interesting.” Fang Yuan snorted and the Flood Dragon swam away and easily flew up to the sky.

Ying Wuxie and other five immortals saw this scene, each face gloomy.

In this Boundary Wall, they struggled and resisted invisible rejection or attraction.

In contrast, Fang Yuan is a free movement and it is very easy.

Fang Yuan flew to the sky and immediately occupied the air. He is condescending, wandering away, open mouth constantly spit Dragon Breath, a time of sword light as rain, according to the five cents head down the basin.

“Be careful, don’t try to separate, so you don’t have to be broken by him alone!” Ying Wuxie shouted and reminded everyone.

Shortly sword light Covered down, Ying Wuxie suddenly opened his snarl, making a very sharp and harsh sound.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul.

The power of the Soul, completely covered in the sky, did not touch the surrounding Gu Immortal, showing the superior manipulates of Ying Wuxie.

Fang Yuan’s offensive was always encountered. The sword light Dragon Breath had a noticeable pause. But it quickly recovered.

“Since I am looking for Shadow Sect’s trouble, I am not going to guard against Soul Dao’s attack?” Fang Yuan sneered.

He is ready to be prepared.

However, he did not have the restraint of Soul Dao Immortal Gu, so he just resived the impact and influence.

However, Fang Yuan’s own soul background is very strong. The damage of Soul, for him. It is completely affordable. Even if the soul is injured, it doesn’t matter, because Fang Yuan has Audacity Gu on hand!

“Damn.” Ying Wuxie cursed and defended against the sword light Dragon Breath.

He also knows that in Fang Yuan’s hand has Audacity Gu.

Although Audacity Gu is just a mortal gu, it is derived from Soul Shaking Mountain and is naturally different.

Like Soul Shaking Mountain, Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. The hidden Dao Marks are extremely large. In terms of total volume, it is more than the Rank 9 Immortal Gu. However, Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm has always been scattered Dao Marks, probably the same kind, densely arranged together. The Rank 9 Immortal Gu is the Grand Dao’s fragment, which can be used by Gu Immortal manipulates to exert a mysterious power.

Rank between 9 Immortal Gu and Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. Can’t really compare the high and low.

Chī chī chī chi!

The sword light is like a rain, and the five cents are almost unable to lift their heads.

There are sword marks everywhere on the ground.

The five immortals were pressed like this, and naturally felt very uncomfortable.

The best way to cope with this kind of intensive attack is to spread it out and avoid it. But as a result, Fang Yuan has every chance to break!

But the Five Immortals are not blindly beaten, and Stone Slave is finally brewed, showing Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Hong long long.

In the midst of the muffled sound, the ground shook. A big palm, made entirely of earthy stones, protrudes from the ground.

Big palm Five fingers open, slowly covering the top of the five cents, and keeping Ying Wuxie and the others under the palm of your hand. The thick palm back is subject to the aggressive attack of the sword light Dragon Breath.

Even though Earth Dao big palm was quickly beaten and unsustainable, it took advantage of this opportunity. Hei Loulan is also brewing.

She stretched out the right hand, and the five fingers came together, and they met a little, and suddenly spurred to the sky.


Suddenly a red glowing light burst out from her fingers, and it was able to penetrate the entire palm and come to Fang Yuan with lightning speed.

The speed of this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is so amazing that there is an Earth Dao big palm cover, and if it is a little careless, it will definitely be shot.

However, this line of fire did not hit Fang Yuan, and he flew easily across the body of Flood Dragon, directly escaping.

“There was no hit!” Hei Loulan sank in his heart.

Three Breaths From Now.

Hei Loulan didn’t know that Fang Yuan had such a Time Dao detective move move.

“Strangely, Hei Loulan is the Strength Dao Gu Immortal, who is wearing the Flame Dao technique, and is not subject to the slightest constraint of Dao Marks. It must be Shadow Sect’s means. After all, Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is designed by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.” Hei Loulan worked hard and was seen some details.

Soon, Earth Dao big palm crashed and sword light Dragon Breath continued to suppress.

However, the Five Immortals did not panic before, and each and every one exhibited Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the sword rain was prevented.

“So what about this trick? Let me see how you deal with it.” Fang Yuan took the initiative and showed another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move with no difficulty.

Time Dao Zodiac Beast Call.


A tiger phantom Zodiac Beast, received summon, appeared in the Boundary Wall and came to help Fang Yuan fight.

Fang Yuan throws a large amount of common level Year Gu, tiger phantom Zodiac Beast morale rises, rushes to Ying Wuxie and other five cents.

Stone Slave is full of bitterness, and the sword light Dragon Breath has already made them tired. At this time, another Far Ancient Zodiac Beast is being stirred.

This Zodiac Beast is also able to move forward and backward in the Boundary Wall.

The reason is similar to the original Cloud Beast. Cloud Beast is a life in White Heaven | daytime, not an indigenous in Five Regions, and is not plagued by Boundary Wall.

Zodiac Beast lives in the River of Time and is also like so.

“Let me come.” Ying Wuxie stepped forward and showed a very similar approach.

Soul Dao Soul Beast is calling!

In that year, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable created Soul Dao, and Shadow Sect was the Great Expert playing Soul Dao. Hei Fan can imagine Zodiac Beast Call. How can Shadow Sect have no similar means?

Ying Wuxie take action is extraordinary, all of a sudden summon has three Far Ancient Soul Beast.

“My Soul Beast is also unaffected by the Boundary Wall because it comes from Life and Death Gate!”

Ying Wuxie’s pride did not last long, because he saw the change of Fang Yuan’s Sword Flood Dragon has been culled.

Sword Flood Dragon is a sneak peek.

Stretching out of Dragon Claw, the head of a Soul Beast was directly blasted.

At the end of the dragon’s tail, one of the thighs of another Soul Beast was cut off.

Open mouth again, the sword light Dragon Breath pierced the third Far Ancient Soul Beast.

Fang Yuan’s changing Sword Flood Dragon is inherently good at the battle strength. More importantly, Fang Yuan has Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Unknown to Ghosts.

This makes no one Soul Beast able to sense his existence.

Therefore, Fang Yuan originally battle strength is beyond the Far Ancient Soul Beast, Soul Beast can’t sense the existence of Fang Yuan’s, and Fang Yuan has a huge advantage against Soul Beast!

The three Soul Beast were ignorant and unresponsive, and they were hit hard by Fang Yuan.

Fortunately, Soul Beast has no obvious weaknesses. Otherwise, it has long been solved by Fang Yuan.

Even so, Soul Beast’s body is obviously thinner and more transparent.

Ying Wuxie, although her face is not good-looking, she also sat down on the Fang Yuan **** three-headed Far Ancient Soul Beast and did not take action.

Ying Wuxie secretly said in heart : “It doesn’t matter, even if you kill the three Far Ancient Soul Beast, what can you do? I will push the ultimate move again, and I will summon the three Far Ancient Soul Beast again. Life and Death What is the most in the Gate? Undoubtedly the soul and Soul Beast!”

But at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly gave up the entanglement with Far Ancient Soul Beast and suddenly spurred Immortal Dao Sword Escape.

Sword Escape Immortal Gu !

Fang Yuan’s speed suddenly emerged and left an afterimage directly in place.

Hurry up!

Taibai Yunsheng did not respond, and was hit by Fang Yuan.

The body-protected Cloud Ring crashed directly, and Taibai Yunsheng was broken by Dragon Claw, and the large intestine was smashed.

“I didn’t kill?” Fang Yuan surprised.

He originally wanted to spit Dragon Breath. After all, the sword light Dragon Breath is the most powerful weapon of the Sword Flood Dragon, but at the crucial moment, his Dragon Mouth is inexplicably more layered.

Fang Yuan couldn’t open his mouth and had to use Dragon Claw.

However, the speed was too fast, too rushed, Fang Yuan did not use all his strength, and was offset by Taibai Yunsheng’s body-protected Cloud Ring, so Taibai Yunsheng linger on in a steadily worsening condition.

“Bai Ningbing!” Fang Yuan forced the Dragon Mouth to open, and the ice layer that sealed Dragon Mouth was directly broken.

Fang Yuan looked back and saw that he had been charging too fast. At this time, there was already a long distance from the five cents.

At this time, Bai Ningbing had been blocked in front of the Four Immortals, her blue-eyed scorpion was cold and she looked at Fang Yuan with fearless fear.

“Quick and fast!” Hei Loulan grabbed Taibai Yunsheng’s leg and pulled him to the end.

Then, she leaned down and applied treatment. Unfortunately, Taibai Yunsheng was very wounded and there was no sign of relief for the time.

Once Gu Immortal was hit, it was so difficult.

Dao Marks is exclusive!

Fang Yuan’s Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation, once the wound is created, will leave a lot of Sword Dao’s Dao Marks. This makes Taibai Yunsheng’s fragile body unbearable.

“Hey, if I have Resetting Person, it won’t be so troublesome.” With this in mind, Taibai Yunsheng fell into a coma and died.

This is also the result of Hei Loulan’s efforts to save.

“Damn Fang Yuan, the real purpose is to kill Taibai Yunsheng!” Ying Wuxie face.

He took the road of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan is entangled with Soul Beast on the surface, actually looking for opportunities in battle since the beginning of the war. He is afraid that he will target the Taibai Yunsheng’s.

After all, Taibai Yunsheng is the weakest member of the Five Immortals.

Persimmons should be softly pinched!

“Taibai Yunsheng is not counting on!” Ying Wuxie is sinking. How long does it take to fight? I have already had a reduction in staff, and how should I deal with such a strong and fierce Fang Yuan?


At this moment, Fang Yuan snorted and felt something wrong.

He stretched the body of the Flood Dragon and was surprised to find that the Dragon Scale was covered with a thin layer of ice.

“Bai Ningbing’s eyes are weird!” Fang Yuan reacted.

“If you want to repel Fang Yuan, you must first curb his speed.” In the eyes of Bai Ningbing, the cold glow overflows. He also has clear thinking and judgment on the entire battle!

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