Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace.

“Not here.”

“Not here!”

“It’s weird, how can this Central Continent Gu Immortal suddenly disappear with disappear without a trace?”

Southern Desolate Immortal No previous devise strategies, the calmness of the face disappeared, and the forehead had a dense layer of sweat.

He constantly manipulates the sky and looks for directions, but he can’t find the location of the Central Continent group of gu immortals.

Sovereign Yao is also a bit embarrassed, hurriedly said: “Southern Desolate adults, what do I need to do?”

At this time, the sound of Immortal Zombie Ju Yang came into the ears of two people: “This is Uncontained Road.”

Southern Desolate Immortal suddenly became even more shocked: “don’t tell me Central Continent Gu Immortal mastered Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not?”

But Immortal Zombie Ju Yang immediately vetoed: “Not so, but they took advantage of the Uncontained Road that Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable has left behind.”

Uncontained Road.

Space Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move.

Once, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable traveled throughout World in search of the way home.

There is no doubt that he is the most Venerable of all Venerables. Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s footprint, almost all over the Five Regions and Two Heavens.

Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable is too small for individuals, and Gu Master World is too broad to create Uncontained Road.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move allows him to shorten his journey and speed up his exploration.

Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable already disappeared, his whereabouts are unknown, but his legacy in the Uncontained Road ultimate move in Five Regions and Two Heavens, some of which are still enduring, and have a long-lasting stance.

Regarding Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the investigation of Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s has never stopped.

Because Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable is different from other Venerables, he is Demon from Beyond The Heavens. From this point, Heavenly Court will never let him go.

Spiritual Fate House is able to master one of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance and let Zhao Lianyun inherit smoothly. One of the achievements of Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s in the Heavenly Court.

Central Continent Gu Immortals found this Uncontained Road. And there are ways to use Uncontained Road to shorten your journey.

“Then this Uncontained Road ultimate move, where does it point?” Southern Desolate Immortal reacted. Immediately realized the key.

Immortal Zombie Ju Yang replied: “I can’t probe. This is all is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s handiwork.”

When Ju Yang Immortal Venerable was in the world, it was in the remains of Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s. Eat too much. Ju Yang Immortal Venerable is the founder of Luck Dao, but for Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, he seems to have always lacked a strong response.

Southern Desolate Immortal Silence.

Sovereign Yao is dumbfounded.

How is this good?

Immortal Zombie Ju Yang replied: “Since they have used Uncontained Road, we only have to wait for them to appear again.”

Sovereign Yao asked: “So, can Central Continent Gu Immortals appear anywhere? If they appear directly in Northern Plains, how is it?”

Central Continent Gu Immortal Although the battered and exhausted , the battle strength has also been damaged a lot, but the lineup is still very powerful!

Three Immortal Gu Homes and three Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Not counting those Rank 6 Rank 7 Gu Immortal, there is also a Rank 9 Passion Immortal Gu!

This huge lineup, if it appears in the headquarters of a super-powerful Huang Jin Clan, the bad luck is not Central Continent Gu Immortal, but Huang Jin Clan!

“If this group of Central Continent Gu Immortal suddenly appeared near my Yao Family…” After thinking to this point, Sovereign Yao suddenly became uneasy.

“Also please Immortal Ancestor show the right path.” Southern Desolate Immortal asks for advice.

Immortal Zombie Ju Yang is a hehe smile: “Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and they have mutual coexistence and mutual dependence. This is the disaster of Northern Plains, and it can also be transformed into the blessing of Northern Plains. My body has already died. This has already It’s not my time. Do your best, whether it’s success or failure. How to turn Disaster and Tribulation into a phlox, but also look at yourself.”

Immortal Zombie Ju Yang said this. There is no more sound.

Southern Desolate Immortal and Sovereign Yao are both indifferent.

Southern Border, Super Gu Formation.

In Fang Yuan’s hand Hold a common coffin.

He throws it away and throws the coffin into the stove in front of him.

The flame in the stove burned, but it burst into chills.

The fire in the stove is also very special, not the usual orange-red flame, but a little blue in the pale, this is the cold flame.

Mustache. The cold flame suddenly went out, quietly. Unpredictable.

Fly one Gu Insect from the stove.

This Gu Insect is like a cockroach. The body is slender, with a little greenish brown and **** wide. When I drifted to Fang Yuan’s, my body was more unique and unique.

This is a Strength Dao Gu insect, of course only a mortal gu.

But its name is Pulling Water. From this point of view, it is of course different.

Pulling Water, Fang Yuan has one, and it is Rank 6 Strength Dao Immortal Gu. Now this is Strength Dao mortal gu.

Pulling Water Gu can evoke a mysterious force, let Gu Master or Gu Immortal manipulates rivers and so on. The effect of this Pulling Water mortal gu is far less than that of the Rank 6 Pulling Water Immortal Gu.

But Fang Yuan is very happy.


One, Immortal Gu is the only one. If you are using Fang Yuan and two Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, you need to use Pulling Water Immortal Gu. What should I do? Now with mortal gu Pulling Water, Fang Yuan can use a lot of mortal gu to temporarily replace the role of Pulling Water Immortal Gu. So, one Gu Immortal does not even have a need for the corresponding mortal gu even though he has an Immortal Gus.

Both, Fang Yuan’s attempt to succeed was due to Water Dao Realm promoted to Grandmaster level.

Although Pulling Water Gu is a Strength Dao Gu insect, it also involves Water Dao. Until now, Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao, although it is the Grandmaster Realm, has never been able to promote the Mortal Gu Formula of Pulling Water.

Now that Water Dao Realm has been promoted to the Grandmaster class, he has almost no calculations, and he has portrayed Mortal Gu Formula by feeling.

Everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

“Water Dao Grandmaster.” Fang Yuan began to feel the beauty of all aspects.

Not just Gu Formula, but also ultimate move, Fang Yuan previous life There are also many Water Dao accumulations in the past 500 years, such as Water Dao’s ultimate move or Water Dao’s Gu Formula.

Now when he recalls these aspects, he has a new feeling and a deeper understanding.

This feeling is awesome.

It’s like the brick he had stood under the tower before, looking at the tower. Now he suddenly rose to the top of the tower, and the scenery he saw was still different.

“Although the rise of Realm has skyrocketed and there is no objective material to measure. But my strength has grown a lot.”

“Especially, there are five other genres of Realm, all of which are Grandmaster Realm. These genres of Grandmaster Realm are combined with each other. Mutual influence and promotion will result in even greater benefits.”

“It’s no wonder that five hundred years of previous life. That many people are fascinated by dreams.”

Fang Yuan recalled that at that time, he was still focusing on the cultivation of Blood Dao.

Of course, this is also a reason.

First, Fang Yuan was not in a good position at that time. The outside has always been a strong enemy, and Fang Yuan needs fighting power.

Secondly, Fang Yuan knows nothing about Dream Dao. There is no such thing as Dream Interpretation ultimate move, and it is not worth the candle.

Thirdly, Fang Yuan now recalls that this is probably the ingredient of Will of Heaven.

Just when Fang Yuan wants to feel the Water Dao Grandmaster Realm and bring all aspects of improvement, Wu Family has finally come to one Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

This Gu Immortals brought Wu Yong’s order, and of course, Immortal Gu borrowed by Fang Yuan from Wu Family.

Fang Yuan quickly completed the handover and left the Super Gu Formation.

He flew all the way northeast. nonstop.

This time, his excuse for Wu Yong, is a last resort. You need to go back to the Eastern Sea alone.

Anyone has their own secrets. If it is Wu Family Gu Immortal, Wu Yong must go deeper. But for Wu Yihai, Wu Yong even wants to ask, I am afraid I can’t ask anything. So Wu Yong is very wise and didn’t ask.

Fang Yuan entered the Boundary Wall and came to the Eastern Sea. He found an unnamed Sea Territory and dropped Immortal Aperture. Temporary rest.

During this time, he continued to practice the ultimate move in Paragon Immortal Aperture. Familiar with the new Immortal Gu.

As time went by, Fang Yuan became more and more calm. He decided that this time would kill Ying Wuxie. Get rid of angina, so try to prepare as much as possible.

When Fang Yuan felt that the time was right, he immediately put away Immortal Aperture, ready to leave, and implement his long-awaited killing plan.

Qi Luck Sense !

Fang Yuan spurred the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. To his surprise, he found that Ying Wuxie and the others actually left the Southern Border and returned to the Eastern Sea.

“Well, in the Eastern Sea, it is more suitable for me.” Fang Yuan did not hesitate, soaring, vanguard pointed to the target.

Ying Wuxie and the others fly on the sea.

Bai Ningbing walked side by side with them.

Their relationship has changed and become an ally of equal status.

It turned out that a few days ago, Ying Wuxie took out Yang Gu and let Bai Ningbing hold the intent.

Ying Wuxie took this opportunity to discuss cooperation with Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing is not the same as before, saying that he would rather not Yang Gu, but also set Ying Wuxie and the others to die.

Ying Wuxie was so clever and awkward that she finally persuaded Bai Ningbing to reach a new alliance with her.

Bai Ningbing obtained Yang Gu, also knows that Fang Yuan owns Superior Heavenly Eagle, which is a huge threat.

At this time, it is obviously unwise to stay in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

Because of the existence of Superior Heavenly Eagle, Fang Yuan can easily enter Celestial Grotto. If Bai Ningbing and the others stayed in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, it became a Pan Yuan’s clue, allowing Fang Yuan to easily find White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

At this time, Bai Ningbing looked at the blue sea, frowned, secret sound transmission: “Ying Wuxie, you said that you have to deal with Fang Yuan’s method, now we ran to the Eastern Sea, still have been on the road. What is the method? Let’s just say it.”

Ying Wuxie laughed: “To deal with Rank 8, you need the same level of Rank 8. Eastern Sea is not our destination, Northern Plains is.”

“So, in the Northern Plains’ remnant forces, Shadow Sect has the existence of Rank 8? Hey, you cheated.” Bai Ningbing disdainfully sound transmission replied.

If there is a Rank 8 battle strength, how can I use it at Righteous Heavenly Mountain?

Ying Wuxie smiled: “That’s because the timing is wrong.”

“This time is right?”

“This time is very good, Northern Plains and Central Continent two sides, around Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu, is about to start killing. We will go to Northern Plains this time, will go straight to the center of the vortex Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land! Luck Equal to Heaven, rely on Rank 8 battle strength, killing Fang Yuan, regaining Paragon Immortal Body!” Ying Wuxie spoke until here, suddenly smiled and looked back.

“Hey, he is coming.”

Ps: Today is even more, I was planning to add more this week, but this week’s writing status is not good. So, move to 25 and add more, and give back to everyone. In addition, a new micro-letter public number has been created. You can follow the “author”. The focus of the future will gradually move to the new “author”, and will release some content about my life, so that everyone can know me more. There are also some of the book’s outside, such as Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s stories and so on. Regarding the q·q group, there will be an integration in the near future. Our q·q book group is really too much. I can’t see it at all, I need to integrate and unify. The name of the group is to be changed, and some groups are to be merged. All of this is to better communicate with readers and friends, collect your opinions, and do some interaction in the future, and more easily give back to the everyone brothers who have supported me!

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