While speaking, Ying Wuxie feels the violent shock of Qi Luck on the top of his head.

This time, Fang Yuan pulled the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move and suddenly rose a lot. Ying Wuxie found himself unable to shield the mask even if he was drilling into the Immortal Aperture.

However, Ying Wuxie is not a person who is waiting for you. He thought about it and decided to do the opposite.

Before he, he tried every means to cover himself and converging. Now that this direction is not possible, Ying Wuxie has in turn actively strengthened the Qi Luck vibration.

Everyone is connected Luck, and Fang Yuan can rely on this relationship to find himself with Qi Luck Sense. Then Ying Wuxie can naturally do it.

Therefore, Ying Wuxie has also developed a Gu insect collocation in recent days, which allows him to calculate the distance between himself and Fang Yuan according to the shock of his own Qi Luck.

Ying Wuxie named this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move as “Seismic Distance”.

Thus, Fang Yuan’s Meeting Past Acquaintance is also not good enough to deal with Ying Wuxie’s.

Ying Wuxie is one of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment. Although it loses its memory, it is supplemented by the River of Time. Realm is not lacking.

Most important is still Realm.

Because of this, Ying Wuxie is able to conceive different combinations of Gu insects anytime, anywhere to cope with a variety of situations.

Of course, this must be something that Realm is superb, and at the same time, it also requires Gu Immortal to experiment and practice for a certain period of time.

“arranging formation! Repels Fang Yuan according to our previous tactics.” I noticed that Fang Yuan’s approached quickly, and Ying Wuxie ordered that five Gu Immortals stayed in place and began to form gu formation.

Successfully persuaded Bai Ningbing to join, Bai Ningbing’s inheritance in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto also made the strength of Ying Wuxie party grow rapidly.

This Immortal Dao gu formation, just a short time ago, trapped Ying Wuxie and the others formidable method, this time Ying Wuxie wants Fang Yuan to taste the pain.

“Come.” Bai Ningbing said.

She is now the owner of White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, and her body immediately skyrocketed. I have mastered the very good Immortal Gu, so the means of investigation is not the same as before, surpassing the surrounding Yi Wuxie, Hei Loulan and the others, so the first one found the Fang Yuan’s trail.

The other four immortals quickly followed the sound.

I saw Sea Territory in the south. Set off a wave of shackles.

A Sword Flood Dragon squats, is very strong, and wears clouds.

The sharp Dragon Horn slams into the sky, the dense squama silver light flashes, and the Dragon Claw horrible. The mouthful of the dragon tooth flashes in the cold.

Ying Wuxie and other five immortals are enemies.

Bai Ningbing stepped forward and became more and more popular: “Can the enemy come in?”

Fang Yuan saw Bai Ningbing. Although she was incarnation, she became more beautiful, but it was not a big change. The foundation was still there, so Fang Yuan stunned.

He did not expect to see Bai Ningbing in this case.

In fact, there has been no long-standing relationship between Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing. Even in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Bai Ningbing also stayed outside and did not show up.

It seems that since Three Kings Mountain, Bai Ningbing rebelled, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing were separated, and until now, the two met again.

Everything has changed.

At the beginning, the two young Gu Masters who survived from Silvergrass Mountain have now achieved Gu Immortal.

Known as genius, it is one of the Ten Perfect Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, the promising Bai Ningbing. Become a Rank 6 Dragonoid Gu Immortal and have White Phase’s Celestial Grotto in his hand.

Fang Yuan’s experience was more abundant. After that, he first became the owner of Fox Immortal Blessed Land. Then he sang Northern Plains, overthrew the 88 Floors True Yang Building, smashed the Royal Court Blessed Land, and then appeared in the Eastern Sea, Central Continent, Western Desert, and finally in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. The result of Shadow Sect’s 100,000 Annual Plan Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

Use this Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan’s cultivation base is like a rocket-like upgrade, fast speed, peerless, and now has a Rank 7 cultivation base. During the period, I used Dreamland to reach the six genres of the Grandmaster Realm.

The two started fighting from Silvergrass Mountain, during which they called Black & White Twin Fiends, walked along the Southern Border, worked closely together, and now meet again, becoming a complete enemy.

“Alright, even you pack it up.” Fang Yuan killing intent flooded the heart, Dragon roar sounded, he spit out a Dragon Breath.

White’s Dragon Breath, with its sharpest brilliance, shines through countless distances and hits Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing does not dodge or evade, but the mouth is smiling.

a moment later , sword light Dragon Breath hit an invisible light wall and worked hard.

It is natural to be able to trap the gu formation of Ying Wuxie and the others.

“gu formation?” Fang Yuan’s heart sinks.

For a time, he has no good idea.

Formation Dao.

Fang Yuan has always been involved in Formation Dao, even if it is five hundred years of previous life is also like so.

To break gu formation, you naturally need the accomplishments of Formation Dao. Or, Wisdom Dao can figure it out.

Fang Yuan is the Realm of the Wisdom Dao Grandmaster. However, the lack of a powerful Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu on hand, it is quite difficult to figure out the flaws of this gu formation.

Sword Flood Dragon hovered in the air and stalked.

Ying Wuxie and the others, who are in the gu formation, wait for Fang Yuan to attack.

For a time, Fang Yuan thought about his thoughts.

“The other party arranged gu formation in advance, indicating that although they could not cover their whereabouts, they have already mastered the means of investigating me.”

“Just the temptation, at least that this gu formation is unusual.”

“Since they can arrange this gu formation, they are sure to deal with me.”

“The rotten ship has three pounds of nails, and it took only a while for Ying Wuxie to have such a means.”

Fang Yuan did not blindly attack.

He couldn’t see through this gu formation, and Fang Yuan would recklessly rush into the gu formation unless he was a fool. But it does not rule out Bai Ningbing and the others bluff. This gu formation is weak inside, but it is stronger than protecting the outside world.

So, what Fang Yuan will do next is still a temptation.

Just as Fang Yuan and Ying Wuxie group of people fight, Black Heaven.

Uncontained Road.

Three Immortal Gu Homes float slowly.

Wanhai Longliu has regained consciousness. He looks at the scene inside Uncontained Road. He feels amazed: “Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s means, it is beyond imagination. He has disappeared for so long, three more than 100,000 years ago Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, still Can play a role, not what I saw with my own eyes, I will never believe it.”

Ling Wei Yang laughed: “Okay, since you are awake, we don’t have to stay here. depart!”

It turned out that Central Continent Gu Immortal was thoughtful. Although he was able to leave the Uncontained Road, he deliberately stayed here in order to wait for Wanhai Longliu to wake up.

Before Wanhai Longliu, I was released for the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Fall into a deep sleep.

At this moment, with his awakening, Central Continent Gu Immortal has the strength of three more Rank 8 Gu Immortal!

The three Immortal Gu Homes are steeply rising.

This is the last leg of Uncontained Road.

Central Continent Gu Immortal is united in the battle for the next battle.

“Fortunately, hold on, I am coming!” Zhao Lianyun both eyes flash. The face is a firm expression.

But just as the last paragraph is going to pass, the mutation is steep.

A huge grimace suddenly appeared, blocking the front of the three Immortal Gu Home, completely blocking the entire Uncontained Road.

“what happened?”

“This is Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s…”

The three Rank 8 Gu Immortal are still in the midst of shock, and the faces open their mouths and make a silent roar.

In the roar, the entire Uncontained Road began to collapse, and numerous Space Dao crevices splattered and terrifying the rift of space. Spread like a spider web.


A loud noise, Central Continent Gu Immortals suddenly found that this wonderful passage in his body, like a mirror suddenly broke into countless pieces.

“Defense!” Wanhai Longliu.

“Come on for me.” Bi Chentian and Ling Wei Yang agreed to send their own Immortal Gu Home to the maximum power.

However, the three Immortal Gu Homes are also fragile at the moment, as if they were small slabs in the tsunami.

All of a sudden, the three Immortal Gu Home, which were originally together, were turbulent by the chaotic and mad Space Dao. Separated and separated.

A huge hollow, suddenly formed, as if the giant beast opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Take everything around you.

Wan Bird Longliu manipulates the Bird Catching Pavilion, which supports a few breaths, is swallowed up by this huge hollow, and suddenly disappears.

The remaining Feng Man Building and Horned Link Camp were struggling, and the Horned Link Camp was like a gimmick, cut out of the face by piece of Space Dao. Feng Man Building is also disintegrating. The powerful Immortal Gu Home is fragile at this moment.

Uncontained Road is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, in conjunction with Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s means, equito to two Demon Venerable take action.

Central Continent Gu Immortals absolutely did not expect, they thought that the shortcut of Uncontained Road, turned into a fatal trap!

Three more than 100,000 years, Medieval Antiquity Era Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable Travel to Black Heaven, leaving Uncontained Road.

After that, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable refine failed, leaving behind all kinds of hands.

Then went to the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s era, it seems to have an insight into the plan of the former, or for other reasons, in short, he is here, also left an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Duke Long doesn’t know Venerable’s secret either, Fairy Ziwei can count, and can’t count these things.

At this moment, Central Continent Gu Immortal faces a huge crisis of annihilation!

“I am going to die? Will you die here? No, no! Good luck waiting for me to save, how can I stop here? Help me, help me, love ****!”

Zhao Lianyun shouted in his heart.

Seeming to be her unshakable strong thoughts, Passion Immortal Gu began to shine in her Void Orifice.

This brilliance is centered on Zhao Lianyun and quickly spreads to all around.

A bang.

The Feng Man Building was completely disintegrated, and Gu Immortals exclaimed and shouted.

But many people only supported less than a few breaths and were smashed into pieces by Space Dao’s mad storm. Only a thin layer of radiance on Zhao Lianyun is unbreakable.

Not only that, but this layer of glory also spread rapidly, affecting the surrounding four people.

A hollow formed in front of Zhao Lianyun’s eyes.

a moment later, love **** sent out an impulse, let Zhao Lianyun with the surrounding four Gu Immortals, directly into the hollow.

The field of vision suddenly changed.

“Where is this?” Zhao Lianyun found himself down to earth.

“It’s naturally Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.” A voice came.

Ps: One more tonight. Baidu Post Bar was blocked, we still have WeChat! The original WeChat public account was reported unwarrantedly, and the new “micro-letter, public, and public” “author”, everyone pays attention, this is a new gathering place for book fans. Even if you open a new book in the future, you will always use this number. As long as it is a book fan, everyone is welcome! Today, the “author” micro-letter, public, and public numbers, engaged in a vote, elected a role, I will add the character’s extra story in the micro-letter, public, and public. Let’s vote and see which character has the highest Mortal Qi. (~^~)

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