“Here… where is it?” Zhao Lianyun looked out the window with amazement.

But this time, even the Yuyi Yezi of knowledgeable, could not answer her.

But Bu Zhen Zi, who is responsible for protecting Zhao Lianyun’s safety, with a less certain tone, started talking: “This strange sight, don’t tell me is Uncontained Road?!”

From Central Continent’s three Immortal Gu Home Bird Catching Pavilion, Horned Link Camp and Feng Man Building, are on a huge ramp.

This ramp, with a blue color as the main color, one after another, a colorful and slender line, stretches along the ramp. These colorful lines are set on the inner wall of the azure path, silky and brilliant.

“What is Uncontained Road?” Yuyi Yezi asked.

Bu Zhen Zi took a look at Zhao Lianyun with a complicated look: “You should be familiar with it?”

“I?” Zhao Lianyun was surprised, she didn’t understand why Bu Zhen Zi would say that.

Bu Zhen Zi sighed, said: “Because Uncontained Road is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s original Immortal Realm Ultimate Move!”

Southern Border, Super Gu Formation.

In the dream.

“Disciple meets Master!” Fang Yuan kneels on the ground and bows to the female Gu Immortal.

Female immortal un’ed : “I am Jing Miao Zi, specializing in Water Dao. Although you are my descendant, you can cultivate my Water Dao, but also depends on your creation and understanding. Through this test, you can truly Be my closing discipline.”

“Please also show Master.” Fang Yuan is very respectful.

Female immortal A big sleeve wave, the dream suddenly changed. Fang Yuan stood in front of a green deep water.

This piece of deep water, green and pleasant, is like a huge jade stone.

“river is rolling, it is water. The sea is dry. It is water. And the blue waves in front of your eyes are not good, it is also water. Water Dao wide-ranging and profound, for the teacher to repair the water together. You step into this pool, when is it? I can stand on the surface of the water without Gu insect, and I will officially accept you as a disciple.”

Fang Yuan’s eyes widened and he heard this test for the first time. I can’t help but say: “Master. If I don’t use Gu insect, it’s the same as the ordinary folk. How does the human mortal body stand on the water without sinking?”

“That’s your thing.” female immortal big sleeves, disappeared before Fang Yuan’s eyes.

Fang Yuan frowned and walked around the waterhole. After a few laps, he set foot on the green pool.


a light sound. His whole person fell into the water with ease.

He quickly climbed to the shore, completely falling chicken, not so embarrassed.

Fang Yuan bit his teeth and hesitated to make the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation.

But this time, the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, has no effect, no change at all.

Fang Yuan sighed in his heart: “Sure enough, it is useless… Hey, this is troublesome.”

Not long ago, Fang Yuan’s Luck Dao Realm improved. Let him easily and naturally increase the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move and upgrade it to a higher level. At this point, Ying Wuxie and the others are exposed, just in Southern Border.

After discovering this point, Fang Yuan actively began preparations, continuously enhanced his strength, and borrowed Immortal Gu from Wu Family.

but. He wants to leave, but the camera is troubled.

Fang Yuan, Wu Family In the Super Gu Formation, there is no Rank 7 Gu Immortal to suppress the situation. Coupled with Wu Family’s pick, the immortal destiny business is very important. Once there is no expert to look after, other families have to make troubles, it must be easy.

Although Wu Yong agreed very much, he helped Fang Yuan to borrow Wu Family Immortal Gu, but he did not loosen it in this matter.

Although Wu Family’s Gu Immortal is strong and powerful, the family is big and the stalls are large, but they need more staff. The number of Gu Immortal is so rare that it leads to a stretch of manpower. Some positions, not to mention the tone. Just as Fang Yuan is now guarding the Super Gu Formation, not everyone at Wu Family has the ability to serve. Even if you have the ability, you should consider the political aspect.

Fang Yuan suddenly made such a request and wanted to leave the job, which made Wu Yong feel a headache.

However, Fang Yuan’s attitude was firm and Wu Yong had to start and began to deploy Gu Immortals.

But this thing took a turn and the whole body, Wu Yong said frankly that it took time, and Fang Yuan had to choose to wait.

However, in the process of waiting, Fang Yuan has a panoramic dream.

The dreams are strange and constantly flowing. There are realistic dreams and strange dreams.

Fang Yuan generally chooses realistic dreams and explores. Fantastic dreams are elusive, and Fang Yuan doesn’t want to take unnecessary risks.

“According to historical records, female immortal Jing Miao Zi is the Shui Ni. The master of this dream, Master is Jing Miao Zi, and her closing discipline. That only have one person, the history is famous. Water Dao Great Expert Reverend Calm Sea !”

“In the history of Central Continent, there was the Immemorial Desolate Beast Water Buddhist Salutation, which caused the Fallen Heavenly River to be diverted and the tsunami to cover the land. Central Continent flooded the central part of the country and the eastern tsunami turned into the sky. It was already the Riverly Court Gu Immortal’s Reverend Calm Sea, which stood up Out, a few words of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, let the Fallen Heavenly River road return to place, the sea surface repeats calm, the means is extremely outstanding.”

“My Dream Interpretation ultimate move is almost unprofitable. Actually, there is no such thing as this test. Strange, weird.”

This is not the first time Fang Yuan has spurred the ultimate move Dream Interpretation.

But several times the ultimate move spurred it down, and the dream didn’t move.

Fang Yuan thinks about it, guessing that this is a dream, very powerful, the core Immortal Gu of the ultimate move Dream Interpretation is only the Rank 6 level, and Power can’t crack this dream!

The distinction between the strength and weakness of a dream is not the person associated with the dream.

For example, Fang Yuan once explored the dream of Constellation Immortal Venerable, where he used the Dream Interpretation ultimate move to gain a lot.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan’s Dream Interpretation can’t make him through the dream of Reverend Calm Sea.

Reverend Calm Sea is just the Rank 8 level, certainly not as good as Constellation Immortal Venerable.

However, the strength of the dream is not related to the strength of the cultivation base of the two.

As for the relationship, Fang Yuan is too clear.

Don’t forget, Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life, and not too happy with the adventure of dreams, his energy is mainly placed on the cultivation of Blood Dao.

Fang Yuan does not have a deep research on dreams, but he knows a little common sense, that is, the stronger the dream, the greater the benefit after exploration.

With this in mind, Fang Yuan’s interest in this dream has deepened.

“The Wu Family has not yet issued an arrange. I want to borrow Immortal Gu, Wu Yong will definitely hold it in his hands until he completes the assignment.”

“In this case, this period of time, I will study this dream well.”

In the next few days, Fang Yuan sinks his heart and motivates him to try and explore in time after time.

Let yourself stand above the water without using Gu insect.

On the surface, this has no problem.

Because Gu insect is not used, Gu Master is basically the same as mortal. Of course, this is not like Good Guuck Equal to Heaven, Black Swine Gu, such as Gu insect engraving Dao Marks on Gu Master.

“There are water Dao Gu insects like Waterfish, which can be engraved on Gu Master’s feet with Water Dao’s Dao Marks. Let Gu Master run freely on the water. However, this has nothing to do with this dream. ”

Not to mention that in this dream, you can’t use water enough. Even if it works, Fang Yuan will not use it.

Because he knows that this problem lies not in his content itself, but in his own.

As for the solution to freeze the surface of the water into ice and then stand on it, it is also a small clever mistake. There is no insight into the nature of the puzzle.

“As Jing Miao Zi said before, she tested my understanding. This kind of realistic dream, since Reverend Calm Sea can pass, I don’t make sense without understanding. After all, my Water Dao Realm already has Quasi Grandmaster. The extent of it.”

Fang Yuan kept trying, and he had countless counts of falling into the pool.

Common mortal, if it falls into this dream, I am afraid that it will fall into the water pool only once, it is enough for the Human Soul to fly.

And Gu Immortal fell into the pool, after three or four times, the soul will be weak to the bottom.

Fang Yuan’s soul background is strong, he enters dreams at each time, at least 17~18 times, the soul will be weak to the limit.

At this time, Fang Yuan will use Audacity Gu for healing.

Audacity Gu is a mortal gu, but it comes from Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm Soul Shaking Mountain.

Fang Yuan has this kind of help, and she has been working hard and gradually feels.

This kind of feeling can’t be said clearly in words, very mysterious.

Fang Yuan tried again.

When he landed on the water, he slammed and he accidentally fell into the green deep water again.

When he climbed the shore, he saw Master Jing Miao Zi, stopped at Tan, and looked at him.

Jing Miao Zi is angry – ly said: “What is your understanding? This simple test, even now, can not do. You are not worthy of my identification.”

Fang Yuan is a smile: “No, Master, I am achieved. As you said, let me stand on the deep water surface, not sinking, I have already achieved.”

Jing Miao Zi extremely angry, pointing finger at Fang Yuan’s water: “What is this?”

Fang Yuan shook his head: “This is nothing. The deep water in my heart is not shocked. I have stood on it. Looking down, I can see the mirror-like deep water with my clear reflection.”

Jing Miao Zi’s face intent and smile disappeared slowly.

She took a deep look at Fang Yuan, this time slowly nodded, indifferently said: “right, from today, you are my official closure of the discipline.”

a moment later, the whole dream suddenly disappeared, and Fang Yuan returned to reality.

“This dream is only a scene?” Fang Yuan was surprised.

Soon, the surprise in his eyes turned into a happy color.

“Good guy, my Water Dao Realm officially reached the Grandmaster level!”

Previously, Fang Yuan’s Water Dao Realm was officially Quasi Grandmaster, and it was a little more than the Grandmaster. There was still a long distance from the Grandmaster.

But now, this distance has been directly crossed, and it has made Fang Yuan a real Water Dao Grandmaster!

Following Transformation Dao, Strength Dao, Blood Dao, Wisdom Dao, and Star Dao, Fang Yuan finally had a sixth genre to achieve Grandmaster Realm.

Ps: It’s even more today. It’s a bit hard to write, there are too many characters, and the plot is very complicated. I was wondering if it was time to cut down some content.

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