In the confusion, Zhao Lianyun was taken to a small secret room.

“Where is this?” She opened her eyes and looked around.

This chamber is very quiet, with a quietness deep into the bone marrow, seemingly deeply immersed in every brick in this chamber, in every inch of the wall.

The secret room is not bright, a dark, candle-like light, like silk, winding around, and barely let Zhao Lianyun see.

“Come here.” From this light, an old and old voice is heard.

Zhao Lianyun is on the way to the sound.

Going closer, she found a person who was consistent with the voice and still old and old.

She is the Revive Great Elder of Spiritual Fate House.

Revered Great Elder looked at Zhao Lianyun with a deep look and looked at the Passing Gu on Zhao Lianyun’s shoulder.

Her eyes moved slightly and calmed down quickly.

“Your Majesty,” Revered Great Elder said.

Zhao Lianyun only thinks that the old man, although he is old, has met for the first time, but finds that she has a supreme prestige. In the plain tone, there is a force that people have to obey.

So Zhao Lianyun bowed and she saw a futon on the masonry.

She kneeled on the futon on her knees, her upper body straight, her eyes fixed on the old man in front of her eyes.

The old man said: “Look straight ahead.”

Zhao Lianyun looked straight ahead, the light in the chamber suddenly brightened, and Zhao Lianyun screamed involuntarily.

Because she saw it clearly, on the wall in front of her, it was covered with a densely packed small stone-like jade.

“These are Life Tablet Gus. Everyone on the brand is a fairy of Spiritual Fate House. From the first generation to the present…” Revered Great Elder slowly said.

Zhao Lianyun’s breathing suddenly rushed, her eyes glanced at the wall in front of her, and there were countless numbers of these cards, which made her dazzled.

On the top left corner, the first name tag is hung. Above is the name of the first generation fairy, which is Shui Ni.

The second generation fairy, named Yu Yu.

The third generation of fairy is Huixin.


She also saw Mo Yao, Lian Xiang and so on. Let her be familiar with the name.

Zhao Lianyun looks at these names, breathing has become more and more difficult. She is like a child, looking up at the sky in the night, looking at the shining stars in the sky.

She knows the names of these people. It is Gu Immortal World’s one after another. Spiritual Fate House’s each generation fairy, almost all are honored Central Continent’s Gu Immortal ! Their Transcendent is refined and unconventional. They are like one after another pearls, which are chained together, and they are intertwined with each other. They have been intertwined with the creation of Spiritual Fate House, and the countless splendor and glory in the long history.

Zhao Lianyun was a bit crazy, and Reveded Great Elder snorted: “From today on, you are the contemporary fairy of my Spiritual Fate House. Your Life Tablet Gu will be hung on the wall.”

this moment. Zhao Lianyun’s heart suddenly paused.

She has wide eyes and looks at the old lady next to her. There are countless doubts in the surprise: “How come? I am not dreaming? According to the regulation of Spiritual Fate House, I am not qualified, I…”

She said here, suddenly what of what, then she quickly diverted her attention, looking to shoulder Passion Gu: “don’t tell me is this awkward sake?”

Revered Great Elder slightly nod : “This is Passion Gu, you have been admitted Passion Gu’s recognition.”

Zhao Lianyun is stunned and wakes up. I am already in this secret room.

She is not sure what the Passion Gu looks like. But she knows that Passion Immortal Gu is the town of Spiritual Fate House!

“is it possible This is Passion Gu?!” Zhao Lianyun lovable body trembled and the tone went away.

Revered Great Elder again slightly nod.

Zhao Lianyun gasps a few breaths. Huge joy came to her heart, and then quickly overflowed, letting her feel the feeling of being surrounded by great happiness.

But this kind of happiness came too suddenly, too big. She didn’t even have a happy expression, but she showed a hint of fear and uneasiness.

She is afraid that everything is fake. She worried that all this was just a dream after her coma.

So she opened her eyes and asked Reevered Great Elder nervously: “Why?”

Why is this, there are too many problems involved.

Why does Passion Gu choose her?

Why did she become the fairy of Spiritual Fate House?

What happened because of all this?

Revered Great Elder didn’t answer directly, but long sighed, then yo-ly said: “You must have read “Human Ancestor Biography”, in the chapter of therein, that’s what it says.”

Human Ancestor obtained Passion, courage and betrayal, he is no longer unable to move forward because of fear.

He continued to move forward.

On this day, he walked on the road and heard a voice coming from behind him: “Human Ancestor, I can find you. You go slowly, wait for me.”

Human Ancestor stopped and turned to see a Snowman running in front of him.

“What are you doing, Snowman.” Human Ancestor curiously asked.

Snowman is screaming: “Human Ancestor, I finally found you. I am the most powerful Snowman in the tribe. Snowman is afraid of fire. I have to prove that it is not like this. I walked the world and have conquered the Radiant Flower Ring in the sky. Fire, the underground Azure Divine Stone Furnace Fire, and the Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire in the sea. But I recently heard that there is a fourth kind of fire in this world, called the fire of love. Once it burns, it can bring the world. All life is burned to ashes. I don’t believe, I heard that you just received Passion Gu, so I want to give it a try.”

“Fire of Passion?” Human Ancestor was curious, and he was the first to hear it.

So he called Passion Gu and asked, “Hey, oh, can you make a Fire of Passion?”

Passion Gu replied: “I can and can’t.”

Human Ancestor and Snowman were very strange and asked, “What can and can’t?”

Passion Gu explained: “I can, because I want to issue a Fire of Passion, I can’t. I can’t, because I can’t do it alone, I have to have at least two hearts.”

“Two hearts?” Snowman was a little worried, and she took her heart out of her chest.

This heart is very strong and tough, exuding a crush.

Snowman said: “This is my conquering heart, but unfortunately I only have one heart.”

Human Ancestor said: “Nothing. I also have a heart.”

Human Ancestor had a heart, but he gave this heart to Hope Gu.

He later had a lonely heart, and he lived in One’s Self Gu.

He still has an unwilling heart.

So this time, he took out the unwillingness.

Unwilling to dry up, thin and small, this is because the heart of this heart is almost annihilated. Human Ancestor used to use almost all his efforts in Ordinary Abyss to water the achievements.

Passion Gu flew into the unwilling heart and flew out. Fly to the heart of conquest and fly out again.

It flew into the air and said, “Well, you want the fire of Passion, just take two hearts and collide.”

Snowman and Human Ancestor each collided with each other with unconcerned hearts and unwillingness.

Slap, produced sparks.

Sparks When the wind rises, it burns into a flame.

Fire of Passion !

Passion’s flame burned on Human Ancestor’s heart, and burned it in the blink of an eye.

Human Ancestor is dumbfounded.

Passion Gu said: “Passion has its own price and is willing.”

Snowman is laughed heartily: “Human Ancestor, fortunately, you have two hearts, or you have no heart, you will die.”

Then Snowman looked towards the conquering heart in his palm.

Passion’s flame shrouded the heart, but it made the heart shine.

Snowman doesn’t care -ly said: “What, this Passion’s fire, not as good as it looks, no Radiant Flower Ring Fire’s hot, no heavy Azure Divine Stone Furnace Fire, no Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire’s frenzy.”

She said, she will fully conquer the heart in her own mind.

However, next, she had a flame in her body, like a snowflake in the sun, and began to melt quickly.

She turned pale with fright, and quickly fluttered the fan in an attempt to extinguish the flame of Passion.

But the fire of Passion is invincible.

In the end, Snowman melted completely, leaving only one heart, burning with a huge flame.

Human Ancestor was very surprised. He felt the power of the Snowman, but she didn’t expect her to disappear completely.

“The flame of Passion is terrifying.” Human Ancestor was amazed.

Passion Gu said: “The results of Passion are different from heart to heart. Snowman’s heart is the heart of conquest, but your heart is unwilling, and it is burned out. So it is the result. In fact, Passion The fire is burning and there are good results.”

Passion’s results are different, and every Passion is an adventure.

Human Ancestor suddenly remembered something, excited-ly said: “Passion Gu, you just said that Passion can make people feel willing. This is very good, I want to fall in love with Featherman, let them fly for me willingly, save me for Ordinary Abyss Daughter.”

Just at this time, a voice came out: “father, father.”

From the flame ignited by the conquering heart, a boy came out.

He is the Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond.

Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond slammed into Human Ancestor’s embrace and called: “father, father, I have elder sister. I support you, let’s save the elder sister together.”

Human Ancestor smiled and stroked the head of Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond: “My son, you are so sensible!”

Human Ancestor took the Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond and re-started. Soon after, they returned to Featherman’s gathering place.

Human Ancestor took his own loneliness and said to Feathermen: “Do you have heart?”

Feathermen replied: “We all have a heart of freedom.”

Human Ancestor said with a smile : “Let’s fall in love with each other. I also have a heart, I have Passion Gu.”

Feathermen shook his head: “The heart of freedom will burn in the flames of Passion.”

The process of pursuing Passion is the process of loss of freedom.

Human Ancestor is very perseverance: “The result of Passion varies from heart to heart. Don’t just look at one heart, I still have a lonely heart.”

But Feathermen disagreed no matter how Human Ancestor persuaded him.

Ps:Passion Gu, these words are always blocked, I am also drunk. (~^~)

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