Human Ancestor is helpless, only ask for Passion Gu: “Hey, hey, they don’t want to love me, you can help me, ignite the Passion flame between our hearts.”

Passion Gu sighs: “This is something beyond my ability. I can’t prescribe someone else to love, no matter which heart has to take the initiative to hit.”

Human Ancestor shook his head: “No, this is a great opportunity for me to save my daughter. I can’t just give up. One’s Self Gu, it’s up to you.”

One’s Self Gu nodded, made a difference.

It once swallowed a Strength Force Gu, and now Human Ancestor has its own power.

So these Feathermans were captured by Human Ancestor, one after another was pulled out and let Human Ancestor hit.

But no matter how it hits, no two hearts can touch the spark of Passion.

Passion Gu sighs: “Human Ancestor, you force others to love is absolutely impossible, only to call hatred.”

It is barely fell, one Gu Insect appears in front of Human Ancestor’s.

Human Ancestor At first glance, it really is Hatred Gu.

Hatred Gu makes all Featherman swearing.

They cried: “Human Ancestor, you are too much, so bully us. We want you to pay the price!”

So these Feathermans all flew together, and they all flew a lot of light worms on their bodies. These are wild free cockroaches.

Free 蛊 merges into one, forming a free 蛊 of incomparable gigantic.

This free slap was taken away and Human Ancestor’s Passion Gu was taken away.

“From then on, Passion is free.” This huge freedom said.

Human Ancestor’s One’s Self Gu took a quick take action and wanted to snatch it, but it was no match for the power of freedom and had to take a bite on the Passion Gu.

One’s Self Gu 咻咻-ly said: “Passion, also your own!”


Zhao Lianyun heard the story of Reved Great Elder, still a little ignorant.

The allegory story of “Human Ancestor Biography”, although widely circulated in this world, Zhao Lianyun has seen it many times in his childhood, but it is regarded as a pure story.

to be frank. She did not expect that this majestic grandmother would tell her about Human Ancestor Biography in such a solemn atmosphere.

Spiritual Fate House Revered Great Elder looked at Zhao Lianyun’s look. I know that she never valued “Human Ancestor Biography”.

So, Revered Great Elder said straight: “The Passing Gu on your shoulder, although up to Rank 9, has an enormous drawback.”

“What are the drawbacks?” Zhao Lianyun asked.

“That is that it can never be refined.” Revered Great Elder said solemnly

“What do you mean? Even Gu Immortal can’t?” Zhao Lianyun asked.

Revered Great Elder smiled: “Don’t say Gu Immortal, even Rank 9 Venerable can’t. In history, many Venerable have tried. Ju Yang Immortal Venerable is three years in a row, day and night, trying to refine this 蛊It’s still a fiasco.”

Zhao Lianyun 乍 heard this secret, involuntarily wide eyes.

“It turns out that in this world, and Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable can’t do anything!” she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Venerable in the past, can only be said to be the strongest battle strength, peerless in the whole world. But they are not all-powerful, I want to be Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable in the refining gu aspect, seeking Old Ancestor Long Haired Help. From this point you can see the general.” Revered Great Elder is still a tone of voice.

“So, Passion Gu is uncontrolled. It is free and no one can execute commands.” Revered Great Elder concluded.

“But why is it…” Zhao Lianyun said, stop looking towards Passion Gu on his shoulder.

In her vision, Passion Gu is still so bright and gorgeous.

Revered Great Elder said: “This is the Passion Gu initiative to recognize you. This situation, although rare, has happened many times in the history of My Sect. The most recent one is Fairy Mo Yao.”

“Why does it recognize me?” Zhao Lianyun was curious.

Revered Great Elder shook his head: “I am not too clear. But there are two points in My Sect’s experience. The first point. Someone wants to believe in Passion in order to get it recognized. This is the basis. Second, someone There is love in my heart. And the more intense the love, the higher the chance of being recognized by Passion Gu.”

“Is it?” Zhao Lianyun heard the blink of an eye.

She was so stunned that it was because she loved Ma Hongyun and even was willing to pay for Ma Hongyun, which led to the recognition of Passion Gu and acquired Passion Gu.

As for Feng Jinhuang, why not?

Very simple. There is no loved one in her heart.

Passion, it is not family, friendship.

Revered Great Elder continued: “Because Passion Gu is uncontrolled and wants to use Passion, it has to be approved by Passion Gu first. So since My Sect started, there is a regulation. That is, any one gets Passion Gu. The recognized person, both men and women, is the fairy of this generation of My Sect.”

Zhao Lianyun blinked: “How are there men in the fairy?”

Revered Great Elder lightly smiled: “My Sect is a woman, but there are many men. How come? No? You look at the middle of the life card, marked Sheng Yushan, then look at the lower right corner, there are thousands The name of Yuan Liang is a famous infatuated man in the history of My Sect.”

“In fact, Passion Gu, there are many wonderful things. For example, Passion Gu is different in different people’s eyes. You tell me, what are you looking at now?”

Zhao Lianyun replied truthfully: “The color is fascinating.”

Revered Great Elder nodded: “In my opinion, it is not gray, like a stone on the side of the road.”

“how come?”

Revered Great Elder smirked, but there were many vicissitudes in his eyes: “I am always not convinced of Passion, Passion Gu is in my eyes, it will be so image. In the fairy tales of the past, the image of Passion Gu is different, and some saw Clear water, some looks at a peach flower, all kinds of images, numerous.”

“And, the effectiveness of Passion is different.”

“Also ask adults to give more advice.” Zhao Lianyun said.

Revered Great Elder continues: “In general, one Gu Insect, regardless of immortal and mortal, has a fixed utility. For example, water arrows are always reminders of water arrows. But Passion Gu is different, it can be said It is omnipotent and has endless utility. It can be irritated, healed and protected.”

Zhao Lianyun listened more and more hi, and shouted: “It’s amazing!”

Revered Great Elder shook his head: “Passion Gu is a Rank 9 Gu. It’s natural. It’s endless, but it’s uncontrollable. If you want it to attack, it takes you away. You want protection, but it does. I will treat you. It is a long time, you want it to play, but it is lonely and silent. You don’t want it to go out, but it jumps out to show power.”

Zhao Lianyun can’t help but be discouraged, but quickly and cheeringness: “Even so, it’s Rank 9 Immortal Gu, and any utility that comes with it will be extraordinary.”

Revered Great Elder: “You said the right. But you forgot that any power is not coming out of thin air, it is a price to pay. Passion Gu each time to play power, will take away some of your things.”

Zhao Lianyun got a little nervous: “What kind of thing?”

“The most common is immortal essence. But you are not Gu Immortal, then you will take away your face, your gaze, and even your life span.” Revered Great Elder said solemnly.

Zhao Lianyun paled up and she involuntarily looked forward towards the shoulder of the Passion Gu.

But at this time, her gaze became very different from before.

“Well, this Immortal Gu will become your own reminder? As a result, then I have to hurry up!” Zhao Lianyun raised a sense of consciousness.

She cheeredness, and said to Revered Great Elder: “I have to save Ma Hongyun even if I pay a big price. Adults, I am the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, is the power of the right on sect back to Northern Plains?”

Revered Great Elder did not immediately answer Zhao Lianyun’s words.

Her face looks quite complicated.

Some time ago, Heavenly Court Duke Long woke up, the news came out, 10 Great Ancient Sects was shocked!

Duke Long is a figure of Bo Qing. It is only by single-handedly that the new race of Dragonoid is created.

In other words, he is the ancestor of Dragonoid.

He is very Legendary, but his reputation is not obvious, hidden in the long river of history. Even among 10 Great Ancient Sects, it is not everyone’s knowledge.

Duke Long was extremely high and Unimaginable. After he woke up, Fairy Ziwei immediately dismissed the leader and took the initiative to Duke Long.

The rest of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, all of them refused.

Duke Long relies on Information Dao, after knowing the changes, personally ordered Zhao Lianyun to be the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House.

Not only that, but Duke Long also gave Zhao Lianyun Void Orifice to become Gu Immortal. More exaggerated is that he also ordered 10 Great Ancient Sects to actively cooperate with Zhao Lianyun to form a rescue team. After a while, he went to Northern Plains to rescue Ma Hongyun.

10 Great Ancient Sects is stunned, but no one is dissatisfied.

For historical reasons, Duke Long’s arrangement for Passion Gu is no doubt dare to question this.

These messages, of course, are not accessible to Zhao Lianyun.

Revered Great Elder also doesn’t want to let her know about these things.

Zhao Lianyun is now in front of her, but she has been in a coma for many days. She would never know, centering around her, the entire 10 Great Ancient Sects blew up a turbulent undercurrent storm.

Zhao Lianyun Sees that Revered Great Elder is not answering him, she is involuntarily getting more nervous. She was very afraid of what Revered Great Elder said was impossible.

But Reveded Great Elder then said: “Zhao Lianyun, you are Demon from Beyond The Heavens, and more assured Heavenly Thief True Inheritance. Perhaps you will be the most special first generation fairy of my Spiritual Fate House.”

“Maybe it’s because of the special things in you…”

“You can rest assured that your things have alarmed Heavenly Court, 10 Great Ancient Sects will contribute, with you as the core, form an elite team, go to Northern Plains to rescue your lover Ma Hongyun.”

“What?!” Zhao Lianyun’s eyes widened, and when she heard the news, she was surprised to be overwhelmed! (~^~)

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