Bai Ningbing certainly knows, but Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit are all left behind by Gu Immortal’s obsession, combined with Heaven and Earth in Immortal Aperture to form a peculiar existence.

Because of obsession, Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit generally have recognizing Master conditions and cannot lie.

But Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit can’t lie, it doesn’t mean they can’t talk.

Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit accept the wrong perception, but they believe it is true. When you say it, it is not a lie.

The words of White Phase Heaven Spirit are a bit ridiculous.

Bo Qing is Bo Qing because it is extremely rare in the history of Human Race.

What does Bo Qing call it?

Quasi Immortal Venerable, the sorcerer of the five continents!

He is recognized as the only one of the Gu Immortal through the ages, second only to the Rank 9 Gu Venerable’s character.

Such a character, in the endless stream of long river of history, is also like the moonlight in the night sky, eye-catching. If this is the so-called Duke Long, how can the Great Expert like Bo Qing be recorded by history?

Bai Ningbing is full of doubts.

But this time, White Phase Heaven Spirit did not solve his doubts, but said: “Young Lord people, you are now on the line. Only by using the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method, turning yourself into a Dragonoid can solve your present. danger.”

“However, this method is also quite dangerous.”

White Phase Heaven Spirit spoke until here, frowning deeply, sighing and continuing: “You know, refining gu has always been demanding on coffins. Gaoming’s Refining Dao Great Expert, even to study each point How many Dao Marks are on the coffin.”

“And Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu. But it is Gu Immortal itself as an immortal materials to refining. However, this immortal materials, but it varies from person to person. What is the number of Dao Marks in Gu Immortals? The genre is very different. Therefore, the success of this method may not be very high.”

“If you are a Young Lord, you are Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond Physique. Or your own cultivation Transformation Dao, or Refining Dao, you will be more confident. But the Young Lord is another extreme Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique !”

“Oh… if you use this method, there is no success rate. And in the process of refining gu, all the Dao Marks on your body will affect the final result. Young Lord people can have Ice and Snow Dao traces. It has become a black.”

Bai Ningbing is suddenly shining!

“Ice and Snow Dao marks will disappear. Isn’t that the Information Dao covenant on my body and the Transformation Dao mark? Will it disappear?”

His heart suddenly excited.

Until now. What bothers him is the Transformation Dao mark.

At that time, he was at the Southern Border’s Silvergrass Mountain, because he turned and he became a woman. To this day, once he uses Void Orifice and becomes Gu Immortal for a while, his Transformation Dao marks will be suppressed. Thereby transforming into a male body. If he does not use Void Orifice and becomes a mortal, then the Transformation Dao mark will turn it into a woman.

Of course, Information Dao’s Dao Marks, which is related to the Shadow Sect Covenant, is the biggest shackle of Bai Ningbing’s freedom.

He Bai Ningbing is a person under the Ganren people?

Just until now, there is no good way and nothing more.

“Yes, use, this, law!” Bai Ningbing did not hesitate, struggled, tried his best, spit out these four words.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

A female immortal. I am taking a look at the Information Dao Gu insect reported.

She is a beautiful embroidered purple robe. If the skin is white, Qingsi falls to the waist and it is difficult to hide her posture. If the eyes are secluded, there will always be a layer of mourning in the eyebrows.

It is Wisdom Dao Great Expert that replaces Old Man Yan Shi. Fairy Ziwei who is responsible for the leadership of Heavenly Court!

She pulled her heart out of the Information Dao Gu insect, her mouth slightly upturned, revealing a smile.

“Love **** will actually recognize Zhao Lianyun? Something.”

Fairy Ziwei is not surprised.

She knows a lot of historical secrets, and the history of love **** has always been so unreliable. I thought that since it was able to recognize Inkman Mo Yao and now recognize Demon from Beyond The Heavens Zhao Lianyun, what is strange?

“Revered Elders of Spiritual Fate House couldn’t decide on this, so I put this puzzle in my hands? It became smart.”

Fairy Ziwei immediately sighed again.

Spiritual Fate House has not been good lately.

Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Bo Qing Even if he died, he became Immortal Zombie, and therein played a very important role. Once, it was Sword Immortal Bo Qing, which was recruited by Spiritual Fate House. Bo Qing sword light Central Continent, which brings great damage to Central Continent, 10 Great Ancient Sects, and even Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the Spiritual Fate House was under tremendous pressure.

Whether Zhao Lianyun is recognized as a contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, these Revered Elders of Spiritual Fate House are also undecided. Recognition and non-acceptance are both dilemmas.

Reporting this problem to Fairy Ziwei seems to be a move to evade responsibility.

But Fairy Ziwei has no resentment.

Because she is the origin of Spiritual Fate House.

Fairy Ziwei used to be Gu Immortal of Spiritual Fate House. Later, when the natural talent was outstanding, it was accepted by Heavenly Court after being promoted to Rank 8.

Although 10 Great Ancient Sects is Heavenly Court’s lower sect, the relationship is not as simple as the subordinates.

Many of Gu Immortal, who are members of Heavenly Court, have never forgotten the sects that have been born. The descendants of these sects, if absorbed by Heavenly Court, will become the natural political ally of these Gu Immortal.

Therefore, Fairy Ziwei is of course biased towards the Spiritual Fate House and is willing to solve this problem for the Spiritual Fate House.

In fact, she and Fairy Bai Qing have some bloodline origins.

Fairy Bai Qing is the mother of Feng Jinhuang, Feng Jinhuang and Zhao Lianyun compete for the position of the fairy, who is not retreating.

Spiritual Fate House Revered Elders, if it recognizes Zhao Lianyun, it definitely no doubts Feng Jinhuang. Therefore, it is necessary to report to Fairy Ziwei and let her decide.

This kind of problem is not a problem for Fairy Ziwei.

She was about to respond in Information Dao Gu insect, and suddenly she felt a shock.

The degree of this shock is so small that Fairy Ziwei almost thought it was an illusion.

But very soon. The vibration came again, and the magnitude was a little bigger than before.

Fairy Ziwei just stood up in surprise.

She had to be surprised.

Because she is now in the Heavenly Court, the heart of Heavenly Court has been running for countless years and is extremely defensive. How can it be inexplicably vibrate?

The vibration continues, and this strangeness attracts more and more Gu Immortal attention.

Grandma Sha stopped refining gu and was amazed.

Wei Lingyang walked out of his great hall and kept watching.

Fairy Ziwei finally couldn’t sit still and walked out of the hall, and then she heard the vague dragon in the shock.

Long Xiao melodious, more and more loud. The extent of the turbulence of Heavenly Court. It also rose along with one way.

In the astounding look of Fairy Ziwei. A dragon phantom beam of light rises from the depths of Heavenly Court.

“That place, isn’t it the depths of the fairy tomb? Don’t tell me Yes, is there a sage who woke up?” Fairy Ziwei frowned.

At this time, Grandma Sha and Wei Lingyang also came to her.

“This kind of scene, which happened in the depths of the fairy tomb, is probably the wake of Heavenly Court’s Senior. Just don’t know what it is?” Grandma Sha said his judgment.

Wei Lingyang said: “The fairy tomb is deep and unmeasurable. Mysterious is extremely, even if we don’t know how much Gu Immortal is sleeping inside. But Heavenly Court is so shocked, I am afraid that the person who wakes up is extremely out of the ordinary! ”

Grandma Sha nodded, she was also awakened from the sleep, but when she woke up, Heavenly Court was as quiet as usual, no movement at all. This is in stark contrast to this scene.

Fairy Ziwei took a deep breath: “Do you know if you go to see?”

Three immortals flew to the depths of the tomb, and saw the originally empty garden. A deep pit appeared.

At the bottom of the pit, there is a dry old fogey lying.

Old fogey saw Three Gu Immortals, with difficulty Open a trace of the eye, weak and incomparable – ly said: “Water, water…”

Fairy Ziwei quickly went forward and used treatment.

Grandma Sha, Wei Lingyang look at each other in dismay, before the movement is not small, I did not expect to meet. This person is actually so weak.

This can’t help but is very surprising.

“My treatment didn’t work.” At this time, Fairy Ziwei frowned and said.

Wei Lingyang quickly stepped forward and showed all the results. Old fogey still had no effect on his body.

Wei Lingyang said solemnly: “Not good, this Senior is very weird, my method is not effective. The life of Senior has been very good, and then continue this way, I am afraid that time it takes to drink a cup of tea, it will It has completely disappeared.”

Fairy Ziwei both eyes flash, analyzes: “Just said that the water, must be some kind of water can save him. Common water, certainly not. What would it be?”

Grandma Sha is a refining Dao expert. She uses her own treatments and says: “There are three fires in the world, and there are also Three Waters. They are all Rank 9 immortal materials. No matter which one, Heavenly Court has stocks. Yes.”

But Three Waters took it, but it still didn’t work.

Old fogey has breathed almost nothing, at stake.

Three immortals are anxious to jump, how can this be good?

Fairy Ziwei suddenly pointed at the forehead of old fogey: “Senior’s forehead seems to have two bumps, like a stone, what is this?”

Grandma Sha got this reminder, and suddenly the flash of light flashed: “I know what water is!”

She quickly took out True Dragon Heavenly Water and poured this Rank 8 immortal materials into the mouth of the old man.

Old fogey got this water, and immediately became alive, and the skin began to swell. Soon his throat rolled up and there was Strength Qi taking the initiative to drink water.

The effect is immediate!

Three immortals are overjoyed.

Old man After drinking a pound of True Dragon Heavenly Water, he extended the hand and pushed the Grandma Sha away slowly.

Grandma Sha know the plan, no longer instill True Dragon Heavenly Water.

Old fogey trembled and stood up.

He is different for the whole person.

Originally, the loose skin is full of a few points, and the whole face is like a personal one. It is no longer a simple one.

He opened his old eyes, looking at the three immortals in front of him, sighing: “This is my last life, True Dragon Heavenly Water is not very useful, a pound is enough, more is a waste. I have felt someone, in Somewhere I used the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method, I smelled the fate, so I had to wake up.”

“You, you are Duke Long?!” Fairy Ziwei has wide eyes and tongues.

“Oh, it’s the old man.”

Ps: Today is a chapter, because I want to write “Human Ancestor Biography”. Human Ancestor Biography is hard to write and harder to write than poetry. Sometimes it takes no matter whether it takes two or three days. It must be combined with the text, but also contains philosophical feelings, as well as a clear theme. Inspiration is very important, I must seize this rare inspiration. Hope to understand!

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