Ps. Put today’s update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point 515fan, everyone has 8 tickets, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

Rank 9’s Passion Gu.

Zhao Lianyun doesn’t know this Gu Insect, but it doesn’t prevent her from recognizing the out of the ordinary.

Because in her vision, this Gu insect seems to be the center of Heaven and Earth, the universe, and it radiates the sky above the body. The whole Gu insect seems to be the most splendid flame in the world. All the facts, everything in the world must be dumped for it, and it must work around it.

“Is this a miracle?” Zhao Lianyun burst into tears and the last single thought head appeared in his mind.

Then she stumbled and stunned on the spot.

Spiritual Fate House Shake!

Passion Gu is the town of Immortal Gu of Spiritual Fate House.

It took the initiative to fly out of its habitat and came to Zhao Lianyun. More crucially, even if Zhao Lianyun was in a coma, it did not fly away, but stayed on Zhao Lianyun’s shoulder.

That night, Spiritual Fate House recalled all-in-one Gu Immortal and eagerly discussed such a major event.

Spiritual Fate House Revered Great Elder, 2nd elder, 3rd elder, Feng Jiuge, Fairy Bai Qing, Xu Hao, Li Junying, etc., Yingjie gathering, Immortal Qi flying, is Spiritual Fate House For hundreds of years, Gu Immortal is the most present Once.

“Everyone, we all know the regulation of sect. Now Passion Gu has recognized Zhao Lianyun, then she is the contemporary fairy of the school!” Xu Hao said, he expressionless, but the tone revealed a hint of ecstasy.

At the beginning, he pointed to Zhao Lianyun, but it was just Feng Jinhuang, who fought her fame and raised Zhao Lianyun’s little trick.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lianyun has a dead brain and is still looking down on it.

Xu Hao has a lot of helplessness about this.

He cultivated Zhao Lianyun and used her as a chess piece to deal with Feng Jinhuang. The real purpose is to fight Feng Jinhuang’s father Feng Jiuge.

People in Jiang Hu. There is always an internal strife fight.

When the organization is large, the internals will naturally divide each faction.

At present, the Feng Pai, headed by Feng Jiuge, is the most powerful in the Spiritual Fate House.

Xu Hao, Li Junying and the others. The phoenix was pressed underneath, and it was almost breathless. Fortunately, Spiritual Fate House’s two Rank 8 Gu Immortal Revered Great Elder and 2nd Revered Elder are fair and unbiased, with the Spiritual Fate House as the standpoint. This made Xu Hao and Li Junying not be phoenix, rejecting the power core of Spiritual Fate House.

Zhao Lianyun begged Feng Jinhuang, the vast majority of outsiders can only see the surface, only a few people understand that this is a struggle for political struggle in Spiritual Fate House.

Zhao Lianyun is a mortal, but since he inherited Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, he is indeed qualified to have the qualification to compete with Feng Jinhuang for the Spiritual Fate House.

Xu Hao regards Zhao Lianyun as a weapon of struggle in his hand, a chess piece.

Originally, Xu Hao was still thinking about it, and couldn’t let Zhao Lianyun go down again. In his opinion. This is a political show and it is over. Zhao Lianyun is so stupid, she won’t get anything any more.

However, in the first few hours, when Xu Hao heard that Passion Gu actually appeared and stayed on Zhao Lianyun, he was shocked.

After the extreme shock, it is ecstasy!

He is keenly aware that this is a gift from the drops from the sky. This gift is too heavy. So much so that he was almost fainted by happiness.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This opportunity must be taken to support Zhao Lianyun as the fairy of Spiritual Fate House!

On this basis, countering the “Feng Pie”, this will be an unprecedented opportunity for Xu Hao in sect! As long as he grasps this opportunity. Then his future sect career will be greatly improved.

Xu Hao has no doubt about this.

Therefore, he first stood up directly and strongly supported Zhao Lianyun to become the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House!

He continued to speak: “My Sect’s rules are clear and clear, the fairy tales are selected. Listen to the public opinion, and look at the natural talent, 3rd-layer.”

Means: First look at the whole sect’s intentions, then look at the candidate’s natural talent and talent, and finally focus on the high-level Gu Immortals more interested in which.

Xu Hao continued to talk about it: “Now, when it comes to public opinion, Zhao Lianyun is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but he is affectionate and righteous. In order to save the lover, he will not hesitate to plead with his opponent. Sect knows her nature. Up on natural talent, In fact, natural talent is not important. If you are willing, you can enhance a cultivation natural talent. Zhao Lianyun’s talents, I believe everyone knows her experience in Northern Plains, talents are also elites. Finally, everyone’s mind I very much agree with Zhao Lianyun, I am on the surface, I am very supportive of Zhao Lianyun as the fairy of this school.”

“I secondly.” Xu Haocorn barely fell, Li Junying agreed.

She is the wife of Xu Hao and has always been advancing and retreating.

This is not surprising.

But the next scene is to make the others a little shocked.

“I agree with Xu Hao’s point of view.”

“I also recognize Xu Hao’s statement.”

“Since even Passion Gu recognizes Zhao Lianyun, what else can I say?”


For a time, there are 5~6 Gu Immortals that are attached to Xu Hao.

Fairy Bai Qing can’t sit still.

She feels: It seems that everyone present agrees with Xu Hao and thinks that the position of the Spiritual Fate House fairy should belong to Zhao Lianyun.

Fairy Bai Qing is Gu Immortal of Spiritual Fate House and is the mother of Feng Jinhuang.

The position of the fairy of Spiritual Fate House is very special.

She is the cultivation seed elected from the genius Gu Master from the Spiritual Fate House. Then focus on investing, focusing on to cultivate and helping her promote immortal. The fairy of each generation grows up and is almost the facade of the Spiritual Fate House.

Spiritual Fate House is an organization that not only has an old man, but also a new Gu Immortal force that needs new blood to fill and operate.

Fairy Bai Qing itself is also the fairy of Spiritual Fate House. She personally experienced that the whole sect funded her cultivation.

Although Feng Jiuge and Bai Qing are both Gu Immortal, they can fully fund daughter Feng Jinhuang promoted immortal independently, but this kind of funding is not as strong as the whole sect funding.

Fairy Bai Qing didn’t want to see it, and the daughter was lost.

But she also deeply understands: the current situation is very bad for her!

Because of the sect’s regulations, in addition to “listening to the public opinion, looking at the natural talent, 3rd-layer”, the most important one is that the election fairy is

Once Passion Gu approves which. No matter how unpopular this is, how natural talent is bad, how not to be optimistic about Gu Immortal’s top management. Then the fairy of this generation is none other than it. And regardless of men and women!

It is precisely because of this provision that Xu Hao’s words are completed and many of Gu Immortal’s approvals are expressed.

In fact, relying solely on the political power of Xu Hao. Not strong. In normal times, you will never get support from this many.

“Although sect stipulates this, I don’t have hope. Because in the history of sect, there is a fairy supported by this regulation, and she is…”

Fairy Bai Qing is moving, she is open mouth.

But at this time, Feng Jiuge next to her gently held her back.

“don’t be impatient.”

“I know, you want to mention Mo Yao? At first, she was just an Inkman slave, but recognized by Passion Gu. It was funded and became Gu Immortal, probation Bo Qing. But in the end, she betrayed sect , violated Heavenly Court.”

Feng Jiuge sound transmission.

Fairy Bai Qing nodded, secret communication: “right, this is the only opportunity for Huang’er. We only need to take care of this point, discuss it, and use the power of the Feng faction, maybe we can let sect change this rule. After all. The rules are also made by people, isn’t that so? This door rule is obviously not reasonable!”

But Feng Jiuge shook his head.

He vetoed Fairy Bai Qing’s idea: “Xu Hao is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Why didn’t he talk about this before? He only talked about the first three conditions. It seems that this is the best for him. The door rules are forgotten.”

Fairy Bai Qing has a slight glimpse.

Feng Jiuge continued: “This is his trick, a trap. If you talk about it, you will be successful. Although there are things about Mo Yao and Bo Qing, the rules have not changed. Great War of After the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, My Sect was under great pressure, but the door gauge has never changed its mind. The water inside is very deep. Today, if you want to inspire the power of the phoenix, overestimate one’s capabilities If you want to get rid of this door rule, you should be defeated. We are hit hard, and Xu Hao is unscathed, which is exactly what he wants to see.”

Fairy Bai Qing has a cold sweat.

“I am reckless.” She quickly calmed down, then sinked her heart and reflected on why she made such a mistake.

“It’s about Huang’er, I am confused by love. No, there is one more point. I am going up to Rank 7 and Rank 7 Immortal Gu. Before I compare, my mind is floating. But in the Righteous Path, it’s not just cultivation. Base and fist and kick. If it’s not Husband reminder today, I almost made a big mistake.”

Think of it here, Fairy Bai Qing involuntarily looked towards Feng Jiuge.

There was a strong sense of security in her heart. Although Feng Jiuge was born as Demonic Path, in the past few years, he did not rely on fists in sect, and his political wrists were superior to himself. How else could there be the glory of today’s Fengpai?

“Husband can see Xu Hao’s trap, then I will give it to you.” Fairy Bai Qing secret sound transmission, the tone reveals sweet affection.

Feng Jiuge smiled bitterly: “I don’t intend to intervene in this matter. Because intervening does not help.”

“What do you mean?” Fairy Bai Qing.

Feng Jiuge didn’t talk, but looked up at the sky.

“It’s not fooled…” Xu Hao originally is still looking forward to someone jumping out, but no one is against him. Even Feng Jiuge is silent. This makes Xu Hao feel a little pity.

But he quickly picked up his emotions and decided in his heart: “fine! Since there is no objection, this matter is a nail.”

I know that Revered Great Elder said: “I mean you know everything. But after all, Zhao Lianyun is a special person, it is Demon from Beyond The Heavens. I will report your meaning, please personally decide.”

“What?” Xu Hao was a little dumbfounded.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. On 5 month 15 day, the red envelope rain can give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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