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Southern Border.

Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

“Wu Yihai, please, please.” Wu An bent over and led the way.

Fang Yuan nodded, in front of him, Super Gu Formation slowly opened an entrance.

“Please, please let me know.” Wu An turned his way to the side and smiled. He was very enthusiastic.

The identity of Wu Yihai, now the entire Southern Border’s Gu Immortal World, is almost known.

Fang Yuan airborne and immediately became the leader of the Wu Family in Super Dream. Only Wu An of the Rank 6 cultivation base is naturally very close to the immediate boss.

Fang Yuan has not yet taken office, he flew out of the Super Gu Formation, as far as a hundred miles away, where a small hill was silently guarding two days and two nights, in order to meet Fang Yuan in advance.

After welcoming to Fang Yuan, he strolled around Fang Yuan and revolved around Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan asked what he asked, and he knew everything. If Fang Yuan wants to kick his ass at the moment, he will be overjoyed, unhesitatingly lifted his buttocks and sent it to Fang Yuan’s feet to let Fang Yuan kick.

However, it is precisely because of him that this way, let Fang Yuan have a very clear understanding of the Gu Immortal and the current pattern of the Super Gu Formation.

Fang Yuan was not polite with Wu An and first entered the entrance. Wu An quickly kept up, always smiling and bending over.

In this scene, I don’t know how much Gu Immortal is squatting in the dark.

“Wu Yihai is here. Not long ago, he took advantage of Wu Family’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and successfully abandoned his Eastern Sea Gu Immortal identity and truly became a member of Southern Border’s.” Ba Quanfeng said while cautiously watching The look of Gu Immortal next to him.

Standing next to him, no one else, is the recognized Rank 7 strongest tree in the Southern Border Gu Immortal World.

Ba De has regained his gaze, indifferently said: “Look first.”

When he finished, he turned and left.

It seems that Wu Yihai is coming. For him, it is only a trivial matter.

Ba Quanfeng is extremely disappointing.

He wanted to set up Ba De, Wu Yihai arrived, but he was a newcomer. Not only in the Super Gu Formation, but also for the entire Southern Border Gu Immortal World, he is a newcomer.

Wu Duxiu died, Wu Family has only one Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wu Yong, Wu Family has greatly reduced its strength. Let many families sway. Especially the strong Ba Family.

When Wu Family was strong, Ba Quanfeng had a full stomach. Now Wu Family Rank 8 Gu Immortal has died, and another newcomer, Wu Yihai, has inevitably moved his mind.

Unfortunately, Ba De said to look first.

After all, Wu Yihai’s strength and skills are not clear.

Ba De is safe and honest.

If Wu Yihai is young or weak, he will never mind representing Ba Family and becoming the main controller of Super Gu Formation!

There is space in the Super Gu Formation. It seems to be built around a whole super dream, and formed a huge ring city.

Each part is controlled by a family of ten three families Righteous Path. This huge gu formation space is divided into 13 points.

The space that Wu Family controls is naturally very broad and is one of the very best of the ten three families. Only Ba Family can be compared with it. Shang Family and Tie Family are weak.

Fang Yuan entered, because he already had the information provided by Wu Family in his hands, and there was Wu Hen, the henchman, so he didn’t get lost.

quickly. He went deep into the core, saw Wu Family and another Gu Immortal Wu Liao.

This man is a wolf-backed beard, with a brave look. His chin has a steel-like beard. Don’t humble to Fang Yuan: “Welcome to Wu Yihai. Please stay in the middle of the matter, not to welcome adults.”

The tone is dull and there is a kind of arrogance in the bones.

Fang Yuan feels very interesting. Wu Liao and Wu An are both Rank 6 cultivation bases, but they form a sharp contrast.

Together with his Wu Yihai, this is the whole team of Wu Family stationed in the Super Gu Formation.

There is also one Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

But Fang Yuan is here. He was naturally transferred from this place.

Wu Family Although the family is big, it is called the first force in the Southern Border Righteous Path, but Gu Immortal is not too much to assign. The power of each Gu Immortal must be carefully considered and carefully planned.

“Be first to do business. The orders in the family, you two should have known. Take me to refine the two Immortal Gus that belong to me.” Fang Yuan.

This is the first priority that bears the brunt.

Wu Liao See Wu Yihai, who is very popular and can’t help but produce a sense of identity.

Wu An quickly ran to Fang Yuan and smiled. “Adult, please, small, this will take you.”

A moment later, Fang Yuan succeeded in refining two Immortal Gus.

It is not easy to refine someone else’s Immortal Gu. But with the initiative of Wu Family, it is different.

Fang Yuan has only been sighed in relief.

He certainly knows that the Immountal Gu that is suitable for you in the Wu Family collection, or that is particularly good, will definitely be there. But he still chose the two Immortal Gus here.

He does this, of course, has his own plans.

With these two Immortal Gus, Fang Yuan has taken root in this Super Gu Formation.

In the future, even if Wu Family wants to change Fang Yuan, we must first consider this!

This Super Gu Formation has been established, and every Immortal Gu is closely related. Any change will affect a wide range. Every Immortal Gu that is controlled by each family is also the embodiment of each of the inputs in the Super Dream, and is the main influencing factor of the power of the various forces here.

“Adult, small has prepared some delicacies for adults to taste.” After Fang Yuan refined Immortal Gu, Wu An immediately eagerly gathered up, charming and authentic.

Fang Yuan expressionless, aloof and remote un’ed.

Wu An felt like a heard, and he couldn’t help but lead the way: “The adults come here.”

Wu Liao coldly snorted, disdainful, and could not understand Wu An’s flattery.

But Fang Yuan said: “Wu Liao, you are coming. I have something to ask you.”

“Yes, adults.” Wu Liao responded reverently.

The banquet is indeed quite right, and the wine and food are reminiscent.

Fang Yuan sat in everyone, Wu An and Wu Liao sit around.

Fang Yuan knows that the partial belief is dark and the sound is clear. He can’t listen to Wu An’s side. So during the banquet, Fang Yuan special intention asked many questions about the two.

Wu An and Wu Liao answered separately.

After the banquet, Fang Yuan’s situation on the Super Gu Formation. More understanding, the heart already has a fairly clear outline.

In Fang Yuan’s plan, for a long time, he has to be closed-door cultivation here.

The environment here. Of course he must be clear.

Righteous Path is not the same as Demonic Path, Demonic Path is straightforward, and Righteous Path is about the regulation of Righteous Path. What is the regulation of the Righteous Path? It is nothing more than a set of rules about the distribution of interests that have gradually formed since the customary convention.

Fang Yuan has already realized in his heart. Since he came here as Wu Yihai, it is natural to solve the problem with the wrist of Righteous Path. If you use the Demonic Path method here, I am afraid that the opponent will laugh and ecstasy, and let the self-powered side be separated from the German side. Even if Wu Yong is to cover the younger brother, he will not be able to withstand the pressure and, for the benefit of Wu Family, transfer Fang Yuan out.

After all, the entire Wu Family is still the master of Wu Yong Leader.

It used to be Wu Family, but Ba Family, Shang Family, and Tie Family did not care about Wu Family’s breath. Qiao Family is the most loyal ally of Wu Family.

However, after the death of Wu Duxiu, the pattern here has also been greatly affected. Ba Family has long been tempted. In particular, Ba Family has assigned the tree to the Ba De station.

From this point of view, Fang Yuan is keenly aware that Ba Family will be his main opponent in the future.

And Qiao Family…

Fang Yuan has some headaches.

He came here and how many betrayed the previous cooperation agreement with Qiao Family. Qiao Family’s attitude and how much support he can give him, Fang Yuan has no bottom in mind.

After the banquet, Fang Yuan retired Wu Liao and Wu An and rested alone.

Before leaving, Wu An had some words to say and wanted to say something. But hesitated.

Wu Liao silently retired, and the feeling of Fang Yuan’s in her heart rose a little. The question asked by Fang Yuan at the banquet was very sharp, and Wu Liao answered hard. But for Fang Yuan’s ability, there is a lot of confidence in produced.

Righteous Path Gu Immortal, its own strength of the battle strength is the foundation, but these are useless, and you need a political hand.

However, after a banquet in the wind and dust, it lasted for several days. Fang Yuan did not show up publicly, but instead of shrinking his own residence, closed-door cultivation.

“don’t tell me this Wu Yihai, really just a rogue cultivator nothing more?” Fang Yuan’s this style, no doubt the style of the rogue cultivator, which makes many Gu Immortal who secretly pay attention to him, have done Such a guess.

Wu Liao was disappointed. He wanted a boss who could hold the situation, not a pure closed-door cultivation.

Wu An is very anxious.

These days, he has invited Fang Yuan many times and thought about it for various reasons. But Fang Yuan has turned back one after another and told him that there is no urgent matter, don’t bother him.

Wu An couldn’t touch Fang Yuan’s mind, and as time went by, his anxiety was turned into a panic.

Behind Wu An, there are the other Gu Immortal. They are also very anxious.

the reason is simple.

That is the immortal destiny business.

I was able to do immortal destiny business before, it was Wu Family’s pick, and combined with the other Gu Immortal, the secret trade.

The Rank 7 Gu Immortal of the originally Wu Family went away, and Wu Yihai transferred.

Immortal destiny business was suspended, after all, Wu Family’s words became Wu Yihai. More critically, he also mastered two Immortal Gus!

Wu An is so arrogant that Fang Yuan, in addition to holding the thigh, has a deep meaning, that is, about immortal destiny trading.

Wu An has gained a lot of benefits from it, and he has no interest appeals. He will not be so enthusiastic about Fang Yuan.

At first, Wu An and Fang Yuan’s were in contact and progressed very well. But soon, Fang Yuan did not play the cards according to common sense, which led Wu An to be helpless.

Immortal destiny business is not good, once exposed, will certainly be held accountable. This is a big move for public and private purposes.

Wu An was not sure if he pulled the Fang Yuan into the water.

Biting his teeth, he decided to move the sky!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. On 5 month 15 day, the red envelope rain can give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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