Ps. Put today’s update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point 515fan, everyone has 8 tickets, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

Hearing his own “big brother”, arrange to go to the library to collect Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan laughed.

For him, Immortal Gu is not lacking. Not to mention the Rank 6 Immortal Gu, which is the Rank 7 Immortal Gu, and Fang Yuan has a lot. As for Rank 8 Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan has Manner Gu, Intelligent Sword Gu, and Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu on hand. Although the most important is currently, Manner Gu is still used. Intelligent Sword Gu needs Rank 8 immortal essence, and Years Flow Like Water is more attractive to Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

But only in terms of quantity, Fang Yuan has more Rank 8 Immortal Gu than Wu Yong.

There is even a Rank 9 Wisdom Gu.

Of course, strictly speaking, Wisdom Gu does not belong to Fang Yuan.

In the Wu Family’s collection, there are indeed many Immortal Gus that are exquisite or forformable power. More likely, many Immortal Gus are suitable for Fang Yuan.

However, in Fang Yuan’s heart, he deeply understands what is most helpful to him at this stage.

That is the dream!

As long as the dream is passed, Fang Yuan can use the Dream Interpretation ultimate move to quickly upgrade his genre Realm.

The genre Realm has improved, and the Immortal Aperture Blessed Land he can annex is much more.

Unlike now, subject to the genre Realm, many Immortal Aperture Blessed Land Fang Yuan can’t be swallowed.

The number of Gu Immortal is very small.

In a domain, there are usually hundreds of Gu Immortal. The greater part is the Rank 6, and the lesser part of the Rank 7, the Rank 8 is always only a handful.

Among these Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan is able to annex the Immortal Aperture, only a part of Rank 6 and Rank 7. In this part, only the Immortal Aperture suitable for his genre Realm can be swallowed. Don’t forget, Central Continent Fang Yuan can’t go in and cut a part. Many of the other four domains cannot be touched by Gu Immortal Fang Yuan. For example, it is closely related to Rank 8 Gu Immortal. It is difficult to search for seclusion, similar to Feng Jiuge and Shi Lei.

In this case, the Immortal Aperture that allows Fang Yuan to be annexed is really not much.

I was able to swallow a lot before, and my own cultivation base skyrocketed. On the one hand is the accumulation of Fang Yuan’s. After all, many Gu Immortal were killed before, and a lot of intelligence was received. On the other hand, Fang Yuan’s Luck Qi was strong enough.

The Realm of various genres has been upgraded, and for Fang Yuan, the benefits are obvious.

That is his choice. Greatly expanded.

The Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, which can be annexed, has also grown.

“Before I swallowed Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, I jumped from the Rank 6 cultivation base to Rank 7. But after Rank 7, I swallowed some of the Rank 6 Immortal Aperture and the effect across the Disaster and Tribulation was very good.”

“The speed of growth of the cultivation base will inevitably slow down. However, after the various Realm upgrades, the promotion speed of the cultivation base of the Rank 7 hierarchy will rise again. It is unlikely that the Race 6 will be restored. After all, the Immortal Aperture Blessed Land of the Rank 7 is less. Much more. But compared to normal cultivation, it is still amazing!”

Of course, the specific speed of Fang Yuan is still not estimated.

Because this depends on the specific situation.

If his Luck Dao is good enough, he can swallow a lot of Rank 7 Blessed Land. As long as the number is sufficient, it is not impossible to immediately raise the Rank 8.

This is the power of Paragon Immortal Aperture’s.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul spent nearly 100,000 years, preferring to sacrifice Shadow Sect, Zombie Alliance, etc., and also to create this Immortal Gu, not without reason.

In the case of Gu Immortal, the cultivation approach simply won’t work.

“However. Rank 7’s Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, the total number of the entire Five Regions added up, there is not a lot. The cultivation base rises Rank 8, forget it.”

Fang Yuan thought about it. I feel that the cultivation base immediately rose to Rank 8, and I hope it is too embarrassing.

He is still quite awake.

Fang Yuan is not overly greedy. He knows what is important and what is secondary.

So, in the face of Wu Yong, he replied: “You don’t need to go to the library to see it. I already have a goal.”

“Oh?” Wu Yong felt a little surprised.

Next, Fang Yuan reported the names of two Immortal Gus, one for Rank 6 and one for Rank 7.

Wu Yong felt even more surprised. He looked at Fang Yuan deeply and some understood Fang Yuan’s thoughts. But he still plays dumb: “The two Immortal Gus, but already formed the Super Gu Formation, became part of the gu formation, maintaining that super dream. Are you sure you want these two Immortal Gus?”

Fang Yuan nodded, without any hesitation, showed his response, after a lot of deliberation.

In order to construct the Super Gu Formation and protect the dreams, the Southern Border’s major Righteous Path forces have contributed their own human and material resources. There are six Immortal Gus paid by Wu Family, and this information is not necessary.

Fang Yuan is on the Gu Immortal of Qiao Family, and she is ready to explore.

As for the two Immortal Gus he chose, among these Immortal Gus, it is the most important part of the operation of the Super Gu Formation.

It can be said that if Fang Yuan becomes the master of these two Immortal Gus, then he can master the greatest voice in the Super Gu Formation.

Fang Yuan continued to open his face with sincerity: “Brother, you grew up in the family since childhood, with the strongest super-power behind Southern Border. But I am not, I grew up in the Eastern Sea and have always been lonely. I am a rogue cultivator. You have not done a rogue cultivator. It is impossible to fully understand the pain of the rogue cultivator.”

“So this time, I want to come over, come to Southern Border, join Wu Family, I don’t want to go back to Eastern Sea.”

“I admit that I do have my ambitions, but which one is Gu Immortal without ambition?”

“Brother, I tell you the truth. You are Rank 8 Gu Immortal, have Rank 8 Immortal Gu, and Wu Family’s Reved Great Elder, and live freely in Wu Family. And I, I come from Eastern Sea, just Rank 7 Cultivation base , with some means of change. How can I fight you? I never wanted to fight against you.”

“I just want to make my cultivation, to go up a level. Qiao Family and I reached a covenant, they supported me to fight. I was forced to do so, without the help of Qiao Family, I could not participate in the funeral of Mother.”

“But I always surnamed Wu, my body is flowing with Wu Family’s bloodline. Although my mother abandoned the baby, but she is still at the time of her death, I am coming back. No matter how she thinks, she is always me. My mother.”

“These days, I think about it, the dream is my ideal place. I am willing to leave Wu Family, where I will be cultivation for life. Just ask for some support in the family, so that I will not have the cultivation resources. I am satisfied.”

Fang Yuan is quite sincere. Very emotional.

At the end of the day, his eyes were red, and he also gave Wu Yong a deep tribute.

Wu Yong moved.

He left his seat and walked to Fang Yuan’s. Hold Fang Yuan’s shoulders.

“My brother!” He started talking, his voice trembled and his face was more excited.

“You are my younger brother, we have the same mother.”

“Your mind, I understand. I understand your difficulties. I am also pleased that you can understand my difficulties.”

“In this case, I will allow you to ask. Don’t forget what you said today!”

“Elder brother!” Fang Yuan whimpered, and the tears fell directly from the corner of his eye. “Today’s words, I swear not to forget! My brother is a younger brother, and the younger brother will scream for his brother. In the future, the non-brothers will agree, and the younger brother will not act arbitrarily. Take a step at Wu Family headquarters. Never talk too much with Wu Family Gu Immortals.”

Wu Yong grabs Fang Yuan’s hand and slaps his back: “Qing does not bear me. I don’t want to be Qing!”

A moment later, Fang Yuan left the great hall.

“Finally, I can go to the Super Gu Formation and explore the dreams in a bright and beautiful way.” The excitement in his heart is not enough to explain to Human Dao.

Wu Yong is re-located in the main position and has a deep gaze.

“My younger brother is a handsome man who knows the truth. It is very clear. right, right.”

“He didn’t mention the Immortal Gu legacy and took the initiative to leave the Wu Family headquarters. Without him here. I will soon integrate the entire Wu Family.”

“The dream is really a chicken rib. The current method is still far from being able to develop this treasure mountain. As long as he is loyal to the Super Gu Formation, he is cultivating. But if you ask Wu Family, I will give him several times more. Cultivation resources, what’s the matter?”

“Dream is such a situation now, not necessarily in the future. After all, it is related to Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s prophecy…hehe, so to speak, my younger brother’s ambition is not small.”

“However, as he said, who has no ambitions? Ambitious is not terrifying, terrifying is too ambitious, can’t recognize himself, and make stupid things beyond his ability. For example, Qiao Family…hmph!”

Central Continent, Spiritual Fate House.

Zhao Lianyun kneels on the ground and looks like a stone statue.

The cabin in front of the house, the tightly closed door, no one.

Feng Jinhuang has not lived here.

Zhao Lianyun knows this, but she still pleads here.

Because she understands that this is her only hope! She has to hold on to it, because there is no other way.

At this moment, Zhao Lianyun’s legs have been completely numb, she is so tired that she is faint, and there is a trace of memories in her mind.

In the grassland where wildflowers bloom.

“This flower is for you, Miss Xiaoyun. They say that female children like flowers.” Ma Hongyun held a large number of flowers and stood in front of Zhao Lianyun with a smirk.

“It’s stinking!” Zhao Lianyun squeezed his nose and looked disgusted. “What flowers are you collecting? This kind of streak is specially grown on the animal’s droppings. Take it off and take it off quickly.”

Ma Hongyun stayed and replied: “It is because they grow on the faeces, so they grow stronger and grow bigger.”

Zhao Lianyun mad roll one’s eyes, kicking and kicking on Ma Hongyun’s calf: “You give me a roll! Fool! Nothing to send flowers, think about how to please your Young Lord is the most important! You idiot!! ”

Ma Hongyun’s painful straight jump, also very feeled wrong: “I want to thank you, thank you for helping me lie, or else I will be executed because of stealing shoes.”

The scene of the past dissipated, Zhao Lianyun returned to ice-cold cruel reality.

“Big fool!”

“However, my current work is like a fool.”

“I can’t think of Zhao Lianyun, I will make such stupid stupid things!”

“You always do stupid things, but always get good results. I am not you, but this is the only thing I can do… I am just a mortal.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Lianyun’s tears are rolling down, and the sadness and bitterness in his heart are hard to say.

Just then, in her blurred vision, she saw a gu.

Rank 9


Flying in front of Zhao Lianyun.

Ps: Today, Cavan is too serious! I have worked hard and deleted several versions to get this chapter. Some time ago, I was updated, and I was really worried about the quality of the book. Today’s state is also very bad, only this chapter. I can’t say it to everyone!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. On 5 month 15 day, the red envelope rain can give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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