Wu Duxiu slowly opening both of his eyes.

“It’s a new Heavens.” She whispered in her heart.

A Rank 8 Immortal Gu, flying around in this small room.

Gourmet Dao Immortal Gu is fragrant!

This is a treatment of Immortal Gu, which makes the entire cottage full of a strong scent. However, the decadent smell on Wu Duxiu is also very strong, and the medicinal fragrance can’t be covered.

The two odors are mixed together, even if Gu Immortal is unbearable.

After one day, there will be one less day.

Wu Duxiu knows that she is not far from the limit.

At the moment, she was lying on the bed, looking at the scene in the hut, but her heart was full of peace.

Once upon a time, when she was still one Rank 6 Gu Immortal, but because of her love for a Demonic Path gu cultivator, she suffered severe punishment from the family.

She was detained in this hut and was banned for fifty years.

Unexpectedly, this made her immortal destiny.

It turns out that in this hut, there is the Great Expert inheritance of the Wu Family ancestors. Wu Duxiu got it, secretly-close cultivation, the strength is a thousand miles, and it is rising rapidly.

She even passed the Great Expert Blessed Land here, secret and lover repeatedly. Wu Family’s Gu Immortals, never expected, just under their eyelid, Wu Duxiu blatantly violated Wu Family’s regulation.

In those years, Wu Duxiu enjoyed himself and was immersed in unparalleled happiness.

At that time, she was a young and beautiful silly girl. She didn’t know that the people were sinister and couldn’t see the love she loved. In fact, there were other plots.

Time flies.

After thousands of years, Wu Duxiu returned here again.

She has already done the work, and the deadline is coming. The time of existence of life is based on the number of days.

The old man squatted with vicissitudes and exhaustion, and his gaze gaze seemed to leap over the millennium. Looking back, in the lush years, the laughter in this hut, every bit of it came to her heart. .

In these memories. It seems that the spring is always bright.

The windows of the cottage are open, the gentle wind is wrapped in flowers and the smell of grass. Naughty into the house.

A young girl, beautiful and beautiful, a pair of eyes clear and watery, very impressive. She sang in the hut. Cleaning, doing a lot of housework in the mortal world, but very happy, excited.

At that time, joy came so easily. However, as the age grows, this simple happiness is far away.

As for the lover, Wu Duxiu’s earliest first love, she has forgotten.

The impression is blurred.

The damage that was once brought to Wu Duxiu once made her toss and turn the pain. The resentment that afflicted her physical and mental exhaustion has already dissipated with the wind.

Zhī ya.

a light sound, the wooden door of the cottage, was slowly pushed open.

Wu Duxiu with difficulty, over the head, through a curtain of hemp yarn, she saw a familiar silhouette.

She is not surprised, this is what she meant.

She is the Wu Family’s Reved Great Elder, who is in charge of the authority for thousands of years to the expert. Without her meaning, who dares to set foot here?

“You are coming.” Wu Duxiu had a hard time opening. The tone is weak.

But the newcomer is very respectful, kneeling on the ground, and deeply polite: “Child meets mother.”

This person looks like a middle-aged, looks common. Strong body and slender eyebrows add a bit of gloom to his whole person.

Wu Duxiu Opening: “Call you, I want to tell you something. You have a half-young younger brother, which I was born in Eastern Sea. I will leave everything of Wu Family to you.” My own legacy. Leave it to him. Do you understand?”

Middle-aged man quickly daggers, his forehead touches the ground: “child knows.”

“Go on.” Wu Duxiu was silent for a moment, and that continued.

“The child retire!” Middle aged Gu Immortal cautious and solemn, he slowly stood up and bowed his body back a few steps, then turned around, walked out of the hut, and then gently closed the door.

He didn’t dare to breathe, his face was respectful, never changed, until he returned all the way, across several mountains, and returned to his Immortal Gu Home, he changed his face.

“The old lady is confused!”

“Pro before death, actually want to recruit her illegitimate child!”

“The wild species, staying in the Eastern Sea is not enough? Why come back and compete with me for property?”

Middle aged Gu Immortal was furious.

“Master, and don’t be angry, angry and hurt.” One Rank 7’s hunchback Gu Immortal quickly advised.

Middle aged Gu Immortal kicked him off and snarled: “The aging mother is on her Wind Dao Immortal Gu. She is going to give these Immortal Gus to the hybrid. Without these Immortal Gu, I am empty. Is there any use of Rank 8 cultivation base? Is it not to be bullied by Ba Family, Tie Family, Shang Family?”

“Tell what I give to Wu Family, hmph! What do I need for these resources? I want Rank 8 Immortal Gu, it’s real battle strength! The fist is hard, what can’t get it?”

Middle aged Gu Immortal, more and more angry, stepping in the Immortal Gu Home.

“Master, or else we will do it directly!” Rank 7 Camel back Cam Immortal stepped forward, palms like a knife, squatting down everything.

Middle aged Gu Immortal The action of pacing suddenly stopped.

He frowned and asked Rank 7 hunchback Gu Immortal: “You mean…”

“right. Reevered Great Elder has only two children under him, except for you, the Eastern Sea’s illegitimate child. Let’s do it, the legacy of Revered Great Elder, isn’t it all yours?” Rank 7 Camelback Gu Immortal smiled overcast.

Middle aged Gu Immortal blinked again and again, and soon there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.


“If I let my mother find out, I will have to take the consequences!” Recalling the mother’s wrist, middle aged Gu Immortal Rao is the Rank 8 cultivation base, and also involuntarily trembled.

“Still forget it. He is just Rank 7, even if he returns to the family, how can he?” middle aged Gu Immortal sighed long.

But the hunchback Gu Immortal did not give up, still swearing: “Master, you must not think so. The other party already has Rank 7 cultivation base, and then get the Immortal Gu of Revered Great Elder, what will happen?”

Middle aged Gu Immortal coldly snorted, restored some arrogant demeanor: “Even if you have Rank 8 Immortal Gu, his Dao Marks accumulation is far less than me. It won’t be my opponent. It’s a pity that the two Rank 8 Immortal Gu. Hey…”

Humpback Gu Immortal smiles: “The reason why you hesitate is that you are afraid of this failure, and let Reevered Great Elder punish you. In fact, we can not take our own action. Outside our family, that Ba Family, Tie Family, Chi Family and so on, all take advantage of my family’s status, and I want to take it all the time. I believe that if you release the route message, you will be able to attract other take action. At that time, we can take the fishing boat. It’s good.”

Middle aged Gu Immortal hearing that, his eyes are bright, and he compliments: “Good tricks, good deeds. Xu Tuo, you are not my right arm. In the future, I will become a Revered Great Elder, and I will not be ill-treated.”

“Master, I will solve the problem for you in the next place. It is entirely in the next position, and it is also glory.” Gu Immortal Xu Tuo eyes are red and his voice is sobbing.

Middle aged Gu Immortal Pat Xu Tuo’s shoulder, no words, full of gratification.

In Immortal Gu Home, the monarch and the minister are in a good atmosphere.

“Master, it’s not too late, let’s arrange it now?”

“Well, go, you do things, I am relieved.”

Leaving Immortal Gu Home, Xu Tuo flashed a sharp shadow in the depths of his eyes.

“Hmph! It took a long time for the tongue to finally smack this Wu Yong, as a result, even if I exposed the information of this illegitimate child, when I was traced to the upper body, I would finally get the blessing of Wu Yong, very safe! Will not reveal your true identity.”

The true identity of Xu Tuo is not as simple as Wu Yong’s slave. In fact, he is Gu Immortal of Ba Family. It is Ba Family’s position inside the Wu Family.

The Southern Border landscape is different from Northern Plains and is also quite different from Central Continent.

Among the Southern Border Righteous Path forces, Wu Family is the leader. The most powerful period in history, Rank 8 Gu Immortal is as many as three! Basically, Wu Family has at least one Rank 8 expert, which guards the family’s overall situation.

The strength of Wu Family has always come. Wu Duxiu is approaching, Wu Yong is not enough, although it is Rank 8, but it is not strong compared to other Rightse Path Rank 8.

Wu Yihai, the illegitimate son of Wu Duxiu, has a genius posture based on intelligence. Although he is always a rogue cultivator in the Eastern Sea, but the battle strength is strong, and there is also a reputation in the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World.

Killing Wu Yihai not only weakens the Wu Family power, but also hits Wu Yong’s reputation, and may even lead Wu Family into civil strife and suspicion.

Xu Tuo is full of hope.

A few days later.

Three Gu Immortals shuttled through the Miasma Gas Boundary Wall.

“Young Master, we are going through this Miasma Gas Boundary Wall. This is the last moment. Once we get out of Miasma Gas Boundary Wall, their chance of ambush will be greatly reduced.” One Gu Immortal old man said dignifiedly .

Wu Yihai immediately said: “Zhang Shu, you mean, the next journey is the most dangerous!”

“right.” Gu Immortal old man is heavily nodded.

Another youth Gu Immortal said: “But as long as we cross this pass, it is boundless oceans, vast skies. As long as Young Master sees your mother, the bitterness, hardship and pain on this road can get a hundred times s return!”

Wu Yihai reveals a complex look when he mentions his own mother

He sighed: “Oh! What return, I didn’t really think much. I just wanted to see my own mother, she abandoned me, and she arranged Zhang Shu to lead me to the path of cultivation. I want to see it myself. See her, see her last, I will leave. After all is Eastern Sea, it is Eastern Sea’s Gu Immortal.”

Zhang Shu said with a smile : “Young Master, you can rest assured, Revered Great Elder is far-sighted and has prepared everything for you. Although you are Eastern Sea promoted immortal, we Wu Family has Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, you can Wash your Heaven Qi and Earth Qi and transfer you from Eastern Sea Gu Immortal to Southern Border’s. After you transcends tribulation, you can absorb Southern Border’s Heaven Qi and Earth Qi without any trouble.”

“Oh? There is such a means…” Wu Yihai hearing that.

Although he has a reputation in the Eastern Sea, he is a rogue cultivator, and he experiences the pain and weakness of the rogue cultivator cultivation. Wu Yihai is naturally quite willing if he can rely on a super power.

He was thinking, suddenly, a parallel light like the Dragon Breath, hit his face!

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