This Dragon Breath is extremely sharp and has not yet been shot. Wu Yihai feels like a needle on his face.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t escape.


A shattered metal collision, a small golden round shield at the moment of life and death, appeared in front of Wu Yihai.

The sword light Dragon Breath was shot on the Golden Shield. In the blink of an eye, the Golden Shield was broken, and the remaining power was still shot at Wu Yihai’s face.

However, Wu Yihai had the golden shield’s resistance, and finally got the precious time to live.

He is also the Rank 7 Gu Immortal with the name of Eastern Sea. At this time, low roaring sound, and the Transformation Dao ultimate move is displayed.

Glittering, Wu Yihai disappeared in place, but replaced by a giant tortoise.

The limbs and head and tail of the giant tortoise were all shrunk in the shell.

The sword light Dragon Breath hit the shell of the giant tortoise and immediately imprinted a long trace.

“The great Dragon Breath! The Horned Divine Turtle that I changed is the Far Ancient Desolate Beast. The carapace is hard and is among the top ten in the Eastern Sea’s Far Ancient Desolate Beast.” Wu Yihai was shocked. “Look Come here to the enemy, all the ambushes in front of the far surpasses! Now look at Zhang Shu and Brother Leng.”

Wu Yihai is Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, but his changed Horned Divine Turtle is huge and the speed in the sea is also right. On the land, it is countless times.

Fighting power has also dropped many times, and Wu Yihai uses only the strong defense of Horned Divine Turtle.

Against high attack and weakness, Wu Yihai lost his initiative in the battlefield despite his life.

Of course, he also has other means that can be changed into other forms. But don’t forget that Transformation Dao Gu Immortal has a major drawback.

That is: you can’t change. There must be a certain time interval between different forms of change. Gu Immortal, after all, wiped out the temporary Dao Marks imprint on his body to continue to change.

Fang Yuan owns Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, which is a special case. He was also mistaken by Qi Zai for the True Inheritance of the Obeded Reckless Demonic Venerable.

So, when Wu Yihai changed to Horned Divine Turtle, he saved his life. But within a short time, there is no decent counterattack.

However, Wu Yihai did not panic.

Because he knows that there are two Rank 7 Gu Immortal experts beside him.

One is Zhang Shu. Another is Brother Leng. Although Wu Yihai still doesn’t know the names of the two, he knows that both of them are sent by his mother to escort him to the Southern Border’s cadre!

On the previous road, the two Gu Immortals also showed strong combat capabilities. Very reliable, helping Wu Yihai to retire a few waves of ambush.

Wu Yihai hopes for Zhang Shu and Brother Leng, but Zhang Shu vomits blood in the open mouth.

He had to vomit blood.

Because his golden shield was broken by the sword light Dragon Breath.

This is his Zhang Shu’s defensive ultimate move. After being broken, Zhang Shu inevitably receives the backlash and immediately spits blood.

Like Wu Yihai, Zhang Shu’s heart was also very shocked.

“In this Miasma Gas Boundary Wall, any Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is subject to suffocation. This sword light Dragon Breath penetrates the suffocating air and not only breaks my golden shield. It also leaves a mark on the Horned Divine Turtle shell. , how strong is Dragon Breath itself!”

Zhang Shu was vomiting blood, and Brother Leng flew up.

The cooperation between the two is quite tacit.

The surnamed Leng’s youth Gu Immortal knows that Zhang Shu’s defensive ultimate move is not broken and needs to be adjusted.

He rushed very aggressively, aggressive.

In a blink of an eye, he changed from a human form to a Thunder Glow giant wolf.

Thunder Glow giant wolf is Far Ancient Desolate Beast, the fur is blue, and the tip of the wolf is transformed into a strange blue crystal. It emits a slight electric light.

As soon as the Thunder Glow giant wolf appeared, it illuminated the dark purple color.

It spurts along the Dragon Breath, forming a passage that rushes forward.

Four claws licking the ground. The majestic wolf body shiny muscles brought a strong speed to the cold surname Gu Immortal.

At the same time as the sprint, there are countless lightning snakes on the Thunder Glow giant wolf.

The lightning snake condenses into a beam that crosses the top of the Thunder Glow giant wolf and flies forward.

This is the cold surname Gu Immortal that motivated Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

See this scene. Zhang Shu suddenly settled down in his heart.

After a few breaths, he pressed the injury with the body and flashed a dazzling brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, he changed into a golden Saber-toothed Tiger, which is twice as big as the Thunder Glow giant wolf.

It turned out that he was also a Transformation Dao Gu Immortal.

This is of course the deliberate arrangement of Wu Duxiu.

Because of the Boundary Wall of Five Regions, the environment is quite special. To cross the Boundary Wall, the various genres are not high or low. But if there is a battle, there is often an advantage for Transformation Dao Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal In the Boundary Wall, every time Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is used, it will trigger the Immortal Aperture shock, which is not hurting the enemy.

But if Gu Immortal changes into a ferocious beast, simply using the body to fight, but avoiding this drawback, has a more sustained combat capability.

Gu Immortal Zhang Shu glanced back behind him. He knew the defensive ability of Horned Divine Turtle. After Wu Yihai, he followed the route of Thunder Glow giant wolf and rushed over.

Soon, Zhang Shu saw the Thunder Glow giant wolf running back!

Behind the Thunder Glow giant wolf, a path of the sword light Dragon Breath, squirted, and in the rich dark purple smoldering, the sound of the dragon beast roared.

“What happened?” Zhang Shu was very surprised. He knew that Lengxing Qingnian Gu Immortal was brave and war-torn, and he would never run away without any reason. Now that he is doing this, there must be a reason!

“Don’t fight, retreat.” Cold surname Gu Immortal saw the golden giant tiger and immediately spit.

Zhang Shu was even more surprised, why the cold surname Gu Immortal had to fight hard.

He is about to ask, this time he finally saw the culprit attacking them.

A Sword Flood Dragon penetrates the dark purple color and appears in his vision.

Silver white’s Dragon Scale, dense layer. Dragon eye pale, Dragon Horn spiked to the air, four Dragon Claw 狰狞 terrible, dragon tooth flickering cold glow. And the body of Immortal Gu is full of breath!

“don’t tell me is a wild Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon!?” Zhang Shu’s eyes are incredible.

But the iron-clad facts are in front of his eyes, and he has to believe.

In an instant, he finally understood why the usual chamb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire does not frown, the cold surname Gu Immortal, actually will retreat abnormally.

Because he encounts a wild Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, and this Sword Flood Dragon is not from the source of the Five Regions, but lives in White Heaven | daytime or Black Heaven.

Why does Zhang Shu judge this way?

Because this Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon is in the Miasma Gas Boundary Wall, it moves smoothly and smoothly, and there is no tension or repulsion at all.

For Gu Immortal, there is always a geographical distinction. Therefore, entering the Boundary Wall must be greatly affected.

Only the indigenous life in Far Ancient White Heaven | daytime or Black Heaven will move forward and fall in the Five Regions Boundary Wall.

Zhang Shu did not hesitate, but also turned around and ran.

Without the influence of the Boundary Wall, this advantage alone is enormous. Gu Immortal In the Boundary Wall, the strength that can be exerted is definitely only the way 5~6 is made.

Even if it is left outside, facing the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon alone, or the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon with the wild Immortal Gu, Zhang Shu is not sure. What’s more, today, in the special environment of Boundary Wall?

“How can we be so bad luck? It’s a coincidence that there is a wild Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, wandering in the Boundary Wall?”

“I guess it’s very likely that this Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon was attracted by some Gu Immortal special intention and blocked us!”

In the run, Zhang Shu and the cold surname Gu Immortal quickly communicated.

Soon, they merged with Wu Yihai, which became Horned Divine Turtle.

Wu Yihai also knew the situation ahead of time. He was busy with sound transmission: “Try not to entangle with this Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon. Maybe it was deliberately led, let us fight it, consume our immortal essence And battle strength!”

“So how are we going to be?”

“Retract, stay away from Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon. Try not to irritate it, but also show our strength. Wild beast is not smart enough, but when they know that this prey is too threatening, they will give up.”

Three Gu Immortals quickly negotiated countermeasures.

Attacking and defending more, let the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon hang behind them and squirt the sword light Dragon Breath.

Three Gu Immortals slowly retreat and were head and face filthy with grime by sword light Dragon Breath, basically unable to lift their heads.

“What to do, this Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon seems to be eyeing us!”

“Maybe I used to use Thunder Dao ultimate move and angered him.”

“I have an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move that can dispel the anger of these ferocious beasts. Just change the ultimate move.”

The three immortals quickly negotiated and decided to defend by the cold surnames Gu Immortal and Zhang Shu, while Wu Yihai changed shape to heal the anger of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon.

Wu Yihai cautiously turned into a human form.

He hid behind the rest of the two immortals, urging means to quickly eliminate the Dao Marks mark on his body, ready for the next change.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon In the end, this is a wild ferocious beast, with low intelligence and a move towards the giant wolf and the Golden Tiger attack.

Zhang Shu and the cold surname Gu Immortal thus suffered a fierce attack from the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, and the defense was quite difficult. There have been more injuries, but in order to get rid of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon as soon as possible, they did not use the attack on Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to prevent the situation from getting worse and fall into the calculation of others.

“It’s almost, I remember Immortal Realm Ultimate Move…Eh!” Wu Yihai’s happy tone suddenly turned into exclamation.

Because he saw that the golden giant tiger that Zhang Shu had turned into, was smashed on the spot by an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Sword Dao ultimate move Divergent Dark Murder !

Everything came so suddenly, without any hint of it.

Then, the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon exploded in an instant, and it was like a silver lightning. It left a gorgeous light in the pupil of the eye of the three immortals, and disappeared into the original. Ground.

Cold surname Gu Immortal was shocked!

“fall into trap! Oops!!”

He turned and looked back, only to see the broken head fragments of Wu Yihai, and the white brain. His headless body was captured by the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon and then inserted into the Immortal Aperture.

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