“What?” Hearing the words of Gu Immortals under the tree, Fang Yuan’s ears suddenly supported.

He drilled directly from the bushes and appeared above the heads of the two Gu Immortals, kneeling down on a big tree.

For the monkey that Fang Yuan is changing now, curiosity is very strong, which is a very correct response.

Both Gu Immortals didn’t even lift their heads.

But Fang Yuan is very clear. These two Gu Immortals have already spurred the means of investigation and have also discovered Fang Yuan. Just Fang Yuan’s Meeting Past Acquaintance is the Rank 8 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is completely above the two above Immortal.

Two immortals have no doubt about him and continue to talk.

One of them said : “Brother Luo Although I am relieved, I also heard about Miss White Rabbit, I was interested, I wanted to get in touch with the rumored dreams, and try my chance. I was only a Rogue cultivator. But everything is honest. Since you have promised you and set the Information Dao Covenant, you will naturally not make some extraordinary things.”

“It is because of Scorching Thunder Child that you have such a reputation, and our brother will come into contact with you. Otherwise, you will not see me even. I will go with you. When you enter the entrance of grand formation, you will claim to be It’s the Luo Family, who brought my Immortal Gu to my brother.” Surnamed Luo Gu Immortal turned and walked, while enriching.

On the other side, the self-proclaimed Scorching Thunder Child’s rogue cultivator follows closely from behind and listens carefully.

Fang Yuan sat on the tree, looked at them away, and kept up, jumping up a few big trees.

It was not until the two Gu Immortals disappeared that he stopped his body, looked around and asked for a doubt.

Pretending to be extremely realistic, the transformation of the Daing Grand Dao Grandmaster.

At the end of the day, neither of these Gu Immortals had any doubts.

“Interesting.” Fang Yuan retracted into the tree, and the boss eyes were shot and the excitement appeared on his heart.

He accidentally bumped into the secret trade of two Gu Immortals.

These two Gu Immortals were so unfortunate that they chose to meet on this mountain, but also under the Fang Fang Yuan’s eyelid.

This Luck Qi is really good!

Listen to their voices. It is clear that a Rightse Path Gu Immortal in the defense gu formation has done a bad deal with the outside rogue cultivator Gu Immortal Scorching Thunder Child.

Righteous Path Gu Immortal leads the Scorching Thunder Child, allowing the latter to enter the defense gu formation and try to touch the opportunity.

Thoughts about Scorching Thunder Child. Fang Yuan is scornful.

“Do you think this dream is so good? What is the chance? Without a specific Dream Dao means, what can you do?”

“And that Righteous Path Gu Immortal calls himself Luo, I am afraid it is the super-power Luo Family.”

Southern Border Righteous Path Super forces, with a total of ten three families, distributed throughout the Southern Border. A majestic party. Among them, Luo Family is one of them.

“Is it right? You can also rely on this channel to penetrate the defense gu formation and get into the dream?” Inevitably, Fang Yuan’s thoughts flashed.

He finally gazed at the grand formation illusion and turned and walked away.

Fang Yuan changed monkeys, jumping quickly among the trees, climbing down the mountain and continually trekking. After spending most of the day, he finally left the original mountain.

Just wandering like this. After climbing a few peaks, Fang Yuan revoked the change and also originated.

He is steadfast in life, and if he changes in the vicinity of the Super Gu Formation, knowing that he is driving Immortal Realm Ultimate Move may attract the attention and attention of Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

“This distance should be safer.” Fang Yuan secretly estimated.

He is not sure, because he has no knowledge or concept about this Super Gu Formation.

but. Even if it was discovered by Righteous Path Gu Immortal, it doesn’t matter much.

“I don’t believe that after the establishment of the Righteous Path Super Gu Formation, then Demonic Path and loose immortals will not come to test!”

Fang Yuan did not expect it.

Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Like a thunder ball, the Southern Border Gu Immortal World originally calms, the ripples of the lake, and the explosions are full of turmoil.

Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain , originally related to the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage. Attracted the forces of Southern Border, the attention of countless Gu Immortal.

Then Roundeous and Demonic Gu Immortal confronted the entire Southern Border Gu Immortal World.

But in the end, there was a sudden war on the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, everything was destroyed, and Gu Immortals who participated in the war were all killed. On the ruins of Righteous Heavenly Mountain, it is inexplicably enveloped with a huge outward dream.

This makes Southern Border Gu Immortals, if you want to explore the Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s ruins. The parties involved, whether it is Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court or Fang Yuan, are tacitly kept secret, and the Southern Border’s Gu Immortal are still foggy.

Since Righteous Path takes action first, and here around the super dream, after setting up the gu formation, Demonic Path and lose immortals are not reconciled, many people will spy on the gu formation.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals has repeatedly discovered these people’s tracks, but as long as they don’t break into the gu formation, they close their eyes.

Fang Yuan chose a common cave and was patiently waiting for a few days.

He finally waited for Scorching Thunder Child and left the defense gu formation.

Scorching Thunder Child’s actions are not hidden. The direction of departure is also the way he came before.

“Scorching Thunder Child, since Gutimmort, pretend to be Luo Family, naturally wants to be brazen when he leaves, otherwise it will be guilty.” Fang Yuan stared at Scorching Thunder Child and saw him fly away. Fang Yuan also immediately Stay away and follow up.

The two men flew around for a while, and Scorching Thunder Child suddenly slowed down and stopped at the top of an unknown hill.

He looked back at the look at Fang Yuan: “I have been flying with me for so long, I don’t know what’s going on?”

Scorching Thunder Child doesn’t have the situation with swords drawn and bows bent.

Because Fang Yuan was tracking, he actively showed the traces and let Scorching Thunder Child discover.

Using Manner Gu, I showed my goodwill and made it visible to Scorching Thunder Child.

Scorching Thunder Child has therefore not been mad at Fang Yuan, but he is still on alert.

“I am sorry for disturbing Fellow Immortal.” Fang Yuan took a gift and was very politely stated.

Scorching Thunder Child After listening to Fang Yuan’s words, his face eased.

It turns out that Fang Yuan claimed to be a mountain rogue cultivator and was quite curious about the dream. Inadvertently listening to the rumors, said Scorching Thunder Child has a doorway, can bribe Righteous Path Gu Immortal, let himself into the defense gu formation, personally touch the dream, try to trigger what chance.

Fang Yuan stayed outside for a long time and finally waited until Scorching Thunder Child came out, which was followed up.

“It turned out that this business has spread. Even an outsider like you can easily find out.” Scorching Thunder Child has no doubts and smiles.

“Come with me, you want to enter the dream and hit immortal destiny. This is human nature. However, I am not a key middleman, I will take you to see Miss White Rabbit.” Scorching Thunder Child is very enthusiastic.

Although he does not know Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan has a breath of Southern Border Gu Immortal.

and. Southern Border is the most common domain of the hidden cultivator in the Five Regions. This is the Southern Border’s style, and many Gu Immortal from the promoted immortal to the end of the age, are not known to the world.

Less than a day’s journey, Fang Yuan was led by Scorching Thunder Child, saw Miss White Rabbit.

The female Gu Immortal looks like a ruby, a cute round face, and a big, shiny eyes. The lips are slightly raised and the tone is very fast when speaking. Tú tú suddenly rushed out.

Fang Yuan was surprised to see the scene with Miss White Rabbit.

Because of this Miss White Rabbit, a Mortal Gu Home was placed directly on the mountain, and many Demonic Path and loose immortal came in and out of this Gu Home.

“I am here to do dream business, you are right!”

“If you want to enter a dream, I have the most reliable way, depending on how much you can pay.”

“The more you pay, the faster you can get into the dream. Maybe you will meet your immortal destiny soon!” Miss White Rabbit spoke until here, the thumb is up, facing Fang Yuan, anti-finger The wall behind it.

There are already a lot of small brands in it. The name of each person is written on the sign.

“There are five more platoons.” Scorching Thunder Child looked and felt very much.

“You need to know how important immortal destiny is!” Miss White Rabbit continued to stare at Fang Yuan, citing several historical examples, and then added, “Prophecy of Three Venerables’ prophecy, you know for sure.” Dream. This is about the Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s chance! Think about it, what if you become the future Great Dream Immortal Venerable? Even if you only touched a chance, it will definitely change your current situation. If you don’t go Do, don’t try it, how do you know you can’t?”

“It’s like this. Even if you know you can’t, you won’t regret it in the future.” Scorching Thunder Child echoed, “I can make Righteous Path Gu Immortals such a dream, we can have such an opportunity, how much rare!”

“Yeah, it’s just beginning, so the Righteous Path’s side management is not particularly strict.” Miss White Rabbit continued, deliberately spurred Fang Yuan, “Wait a while, it’s not the same. This business is not long, the opportunity Just see if you can grasp it!”

“How much does it cost?” Fang Yuan pretended to hesitate.

Miss White Rabbit reported a number.

Fang Yuan is hesitant: “I will consider it again.”

“That line, you can think about it!” Miss White Rabbit laughed, the attitude is still very polite.

At this time, a female Gu Immortal approached the counter. Miss White Rabbit’s smile suddenly eagerly a bit, abandoned Fang Yuan and greeted him: “Euphony elder sister, do you want to come back again?”

The woman Gu Immortal nodded, said solemnly: “I feel that this time for a different place, into the dream, there will be a different harvest.”

Gu Immortal in Mortal Gu Home is really a lot, coming and going. Nor is Miss White Rabbit entertained, and from time to time there are signs hanging on the wall.

Fang Yuan walked out of Mortal Gu Home and bid farewell to Scorching Thunder Child.

“You can think about it again, but in my own opinion, it is still good to decide as early as possible. Can’t drag it. In this case, you are also saw, the more you decide, the more Gu Immortal will be in yours. In front. Time can’t be dragged.” Scorching Thunder Child squats before leaving.

Fang Yuan thanked him and left the place.

“Why, that person hasn’t made up his mind yet?” Miss White Rabbit greeted her Euphony elder sister and asked Scorching Thunder Child.

“He said that you have to think about it, hey, I thought I could make a recommendation fee to make up for some of the losses.” Scorching Thunder Child missed with a bitter smile.

“Scorching Thunder Child, you are rich, why should you cry at me?” Miss White Rabbit laughed. “However, I think the person you brought is probably the hidden cultivator in the mountains. It is so poor and has no food.” Otherwise, how can I leave immediately? I really have some personalities. When I come for the first time, I have to patrol here.”

Scorching Thunder Child smiled: “How can I be rich in my family? Thanks to Miss White Rabbit overpraised. To be honest, this is really expensive, and I feel quite painful.”

Miss White Rabbit smiled and revealed his white teeth: “This is business, pay attention to your love. I want to pay a higher price, naturally because it is worth the price. It is related to Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s chance, what do you say?”

Scorching Thunder Child nodded, suddenly made up his mind, said solemnly: “I have another resource, I have to try again.”

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