“zhi zhi 吱!” A Yellow Hair female monkey climbed and jumped and walked to Fang Yuan’s.

Yellow Hair The monkey stood in front of Fang Yuan and took the peach in his arms to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took it silently, then dropped it and threw it on the ground under the tree.

The mother monkey snorted, then waved her arms and jumped in front of Fang Yuan, yelling and shouting, shaking the branches under the feet of Fang Yuan, and the lush leaves rubbed against each other, giving a rustling sound.

Fang Yuan sighed and sighed.

The mother monkey came up and was close to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan kicked the mother monkey down.

The mother monkey was shackled down the tree, the painful fangs and grin, looking at Fang Yuan on the tree, the love of the mother monkey’s eyes has been replaced by fear, and limped away.

Fang Yuan is not only a face change, but the whole figure has also changed from a human body to a male monkey.

This is also the case, only to attract the former mother monkey to take the initiative to show love.

Here is the peak of an unknown mountain.

Fang Yuan came here and changed into a monkey lurking for almost half a month.

He hides his identity and focuses on Super Gu Formation.

Nothing wrong, in front of his eyes, is the super dream.

It is a pity that the super dream is completely obscured by the gu formation of the Righteous Path. With a naked eye, only a mirage of green hills is seen.

Even if Fang Yuan uses the means, he can only see some appearances, and the scenes in gu formation are still stupid.

“Unfortunately, my strongest detective move is Three Breaths From Now, and I can’t cope with this Super Gu Formation. Among the Super Gu Formation, Immortal Gu should contain a lot.”

“The person who laid out this gu formation is the Reved Elder Chi Quyou of Chi Family. This person is the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster, the most powerful fairy gu formation named Three Tunes Nine Ponds Formation. Chi Family descendant Gu Immortal used to be in Five Regions chaotic war period. With this array, many Central Continent Gu Immortal were killed. This is Chi Quyou’s peak masterpiece in his later years, and it is still early to death. But maybe I can speculate. I have this Super Gu Formation in front of me. There is also the style of Three Tunes Nine Ponds Formation. There are arrays in the array, layered.”

“Now the gu formation is just a part of the power, and even Immortal Gu is not motivated. After all, stimulating Immortal Gu is costing immortal essence.”

“Even so, according to my observations these days, it is impossible for me alone to destroy such a degree of gu formation. Not to mention, this gu formation is resident with the Righteous Path Gu Immortal. At least 13 people!”

Southern Border’s Righteous Path Super forces, there are a total of ten three families.

The Super Gu Formation here is built by a lot of people. In order to protect their own interests, each of them will send at least one Gu Immortal to guard. These Gu Immortals are often elites in the family, otherwise the town will not be able to live.

“The defense is too strict. I want to enter here and do the Dream Interpretation. It is impossible to storm. It can only be taken.” Fang Yuan shook his head in his heart.

But how to get it. Fang Yuan also has no clue.

There is no direction at all.

Because of this problem, the entire Southern Border Righteous Path has been involved. These Righteous Path forces have joined forces to form a piece of iron. The distribution of benefits is also very reasonable.

Fang Yuan is alone, even if the cultivation base promoted to Rank 7, it is not enough to face such a giant.

It is not unreasonable that these Rightse Path forces can stand up to today and occupy most of the cultivation resources of the Southern Border.

Just like before, Fang Yuan attempted to disrupt Northern Plains, and the result was the same as the combination of Righteous Path and Chu Du and the others.

Fang Yuan is a born-again person. But the Will of Heaven’s factor, the advantage of rebirth. In fact, it is quite small.

More critical is this super dream. There are also gu formations, which are not seen in previous life. Therefore, Fang Yuan’s understanding of this place is also very small.

“What should I do?” Fang Yuan was very upset.

Bai Ningbing, who is in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, looks at the Earth Spirit in front of him, and it is the same distress.

“I broke the 30th-layer great hall, it’s a thorny, saw you, you said you can’t recognize me as master?” Bai Ningbing looked at White Phase Heaven Spirit, his face was covered with a layer of ice.

White Phase Heaven Spirit is a small old man.

He smoked the smoke and sat on the steps. It looked like Bai Ningbing, taking a deep breath and spitting it out: “Hey, the youngster is now mad. You just entered Celestial Grotto, I did sound transmission to you. If you get through this 30th-layer great hall, you will see me. But I didn’t say it, I will recognize you as the main one. If you can get through here, you can only show that you have obtained preliminary qualifications and can accept the next test. “”

“What is the next test?” Bai Ningbing coldly asked.

“Receive an immortal materials back.” White Phase Heaven Spirit looked up at Bai Ningbing, hey hey smiled, and looked a bit cumbersome.

“What immortal materials, where?” Bai Ningbing asked again.

“Do you see the large hole at the top of the temple?” White Phase Heaven Spirit pointed his head and said.

“The first time I saw this great hall was saw, it was too obvious.” Bai Ningbing replied bluntly.

White Phase Heaven Spirit once again sighed: “This Immortal Gu Home Thirty Heaven Palace, the biggest role is to save a lot of immortal materials. But thousands of years ago, an immortal materials saved in the top layer, it hit the top of the temple, Run out.”

“What are you talking about?” Bai Ningbing was amazed.

“Don’t be so shocked, youngster, this world is bigger than your imagination. The mystery of all things will make you feel the greatness of nature Heaven and Earth in your future life…” White Phase Heaven Spirit is very emotional.

“Don’t worry, just say something right.” Bai Ningbing interrupted him mercilessly.

“oh! You are a youngster, so you have no patience. Listening to the embarrassment of the elderly is also a good thing for you.” White Phase Heaven Spirit said with a sigh.

Bai Ningbing is silent, just look at the White Phase Heaven Spirit with a pair of blue scorpions.

White Phase Heaven Spirit took another sip of smoke: “Well, tell you and that’s it. I want you to conquer, it’s a flame. It’s hidden in the depths of the sea in the west. In normal times, you are I can’t find it because it can be integrated with any seawater, regardless of each other. But every once in a while, it will float out of the sea and play. At that time, it is your chance.”

Bai Ningbing follows the direction of the White Phase Heaven Spirit, arriving at the west side of the sea.

The sea is vast and endless. Surging forward with great momentum, imposing manner

Bai Ningbing has been lurking here for more than ten days. I finally waited for the opportunity in the White Phase Heaven Spirit.

Huā huā huā !

The sea has set off countless waves, and the surge of waves, each and every one is more than ten feet.

Normally, the gentle sea of ​​silence, at this moment, turned into a coward who roared to the sky, the fierce beauty of the tsunami, and the first time I saw Bai Ningbing felt awkward.

Then he flew up to the sky. Saw White Phase Heaven Spirit The immortal materials spoken in the mouth.

It was a small flame.

Flame orange yellow, round, only the size of an adult’s fist.

It burns and glows out, forming the shape of a flying dragon, constantly rising and falling around the orange Fireball.

Bai Ningbing, who has always been expressionless, can’t help but have a rare shock at the moment.

“Dao Mark Halo, and there is a smart image, this is Rank 9 immortal materials !”

Rank 9 immortal materials, rare in the world.

It is a Heaven and Earth material that can be made into Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Bai Ningbing didn’t expect: White Phase Heaven Spirit asked him to charge. It is actually a Rank 9 immortal materials!

This is beyond his ability, and Bai Ningbing had to take the risk of urging with the body Immortal Gu. Form a unique means to contact the outside of Ying Wuxie.

“Don’t let you try not to contact me. If you let White Phase Heaven Spirit notice it, it’s awful.” Ying Wuxie said.

“I am a problem across the camera. I have to charge a Rank 9 immortal materials, it is an orange flame…”

After listening to the full description of Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie’s face has also changed: “Do you say that its Dao Mark Halo is like a group of dragons flying around? The surrounding sea water is rushing out, as if afraid of this flame?”

“This is true. Around the flame, a large hole has been formed, and there is no drop of seawater in the square. I can already see the sea at the bottom of the cave. And the size of this void continues to expand,” added Bai Ningbing.

Ying Wuxie’s face changed again, and the voice of this time was a little trembling: “Human Ancestor Biography” you must have read it. This is the Human Flame of one of Heaven, Earth, Human three flames – Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire !”

“Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire?!” Bai Ningbing heard this answer and couldn’t help but swear.

I stumbled. Bai Ningbing asked again: “What should I do?”

Ying Wuxie sighs: “It’s very difficult. With your cultivation base, it’s basically hopeless to conquer these wildfires alone. However, this fire is not a wild thing, but was conquered by White Phase, so there are still some Maybe. I have three methods here for you, so try them as much as possible.”

“How successful is it?” Bai Ningbing asked.

Ying Wuxie smiled: “I don’t know, there is a certain chance of success, but it may be very small, only to see you Luck Qi.”

The communication time between the two parties was very short. In order to avoid exposure, Ying Wuxie first cut off the contact.

Ying Wuxie’s face is not clear, and my heart is covered with haze.

“Heman Flame in Heaven, Earth, Human three flames… I am afraid that only the body resurrection will have a greater grasp.”

“It seems that I have to help Bai Ningbing. If he fails, it will be very unfavorable for my next plan.”

Ying Wuxie decided to take action.

Although he is far from Bai Ningbing, the latter is in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, and Heaven Spirit is always on the lookout, but Ying Wuxie has many ways to help Bai Ningbing.

First of all, it is Luck Qi!

Ying Wuxie’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Burning Soul Burst.

He motivated this ultimate move again. The previous rush was still in the Super Gu Formation in Central Continent Earth Abyss. At that time, Ying Wuxie was going to make Fixed Immortal Travel, so it burned his soul and made his Qi Luck soar!

Of course, eventually his refining gu failed.

This is because Heavenly Court has already pre-empted Fixed Immortal Travel.

Immortal Gu is the only one, even if Luck Qi is no better, it is impossible for Ying Wuxie to refine the second simultaneous Fixed Immortal Travel.

Before Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie used Connecting Luck Immortal Gu to link his Luck Qi to himself.

At this time, Bai Ningbing wants to accept the Rank 9 immortal materials Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire. The means can’t be improved. Ying Wuxie can only start from Luck Qi and help Bai Ningbing!

On the other hand, near the periphery of the super dream.

“Hey? There is a situation!” Fang Yuan, who became a monkey, quickly shrank between the branches.

The silhouette of the two Gu Immortals emerged and stood under the tree where Fang Yuan lived.

The peach that had just been thrown away by Fang Yuan was at the foot of one Gu Immortal.

“Brother Luo, there is work.” One Gu Immortal said.

“Take you in, but if something goes wrong, it will be discovered, but it has nothing to do with me.” Another Gu Immortal spoke.

Ps: Thank you very much for your support. Thank you for voting for me. These days I am stuck in a state of touch, exhaustion, and excitement in the 3rd-layer state. 55 number, I want to add a wave, more about 4, 5, and give back to the vast brother sister!

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