After half an hour.

Desolate Beast Snow Monster was killed by Fang Yuan, leaving only one head.


Even if it was just a head, Snow Monster’s fierceness was still unabated, and against Fang Yuan, a spit of ice.

Unlike the usual Desolate Beast, Snow Monster is made up of ice and snow, similar to Cloud Beast, Blood Beast, and Mire Monster.

Fang Yuan’s remotely controlled Strength Dao Immortal Zombie, coldly snorted, stood in front of the head of the Desolate Beast Snow Monster, resting on the head of Snow Monster’s head.

Suddenly, a thin frost covered the back of Strength Dao Immortal Zombies’s hand.

Fang Yuan, regardless of it, provoked a large number of My Intent Gu.

I am in a hurry, like a wave, illuminating the head of Snow Monster.

Snow Monster’s head is filled with a lot of Will of Heaven.

Fang Yuan’s I entered it and immediately smashed it with Will of Heaven. It was like a fire and water collision.

Will of Heaven is small, but I mean it is continuous.

In a short while, Will of Heaven retired and was exhausted by my intention.


At the last minute, suddenly Snow Monster’s head took a self-exploding.

a big cloud of ice, all around splash.

Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao Immortal Zombie was buried in this snow.

However, this is self-exploding of before death, without any lethality. Soon, the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie, which was driven by Fang Yuan, was drilled from the snow pile and was unscathed.

But the face is a bit ugly.

“Even if I use my intention to wash, I will wipe the Will of Heaven, and the end result is just Snow Monster self-exploding. Can’t you accept it?”

“But even if it can be conquered, My Intent Gu just washed a head, it cost hundreds of them, and the cost is quite a lot.”

My Intent Gu is just a mortal gu, but it is also as high as Rank 5.

Simultaneously. These My Intent Gus are not the personal refining of Fang Yuan, but are contributed by Langya School, please other Hairyman Gu Immortal take action refining. After this step, Fang Yuan’s success has improved.

More critical is the cost of time.

Fang Yuan had to break a Desolate Beast Snow Monster to the point of serious injury and could not resist. Let it be unable to move a single step. In order to continue to instill a lot of my intentions, wash the Will of Heaven.

A Desolate Beast Snow Monster may not be too expensive. But in Fang Yuan’s Little Northern Plains, there are many of Snow Monster.

After the quantity goes up, the time is much more. The second Earthly Disaster will come, not worthy of Fang Yuan to do so.

“In fact, even if I slave the Desolate Beast Snow Monster, it would be dangerous to take them out.”

“In the beginning, one of the Soul Fragments of Shadow Sect’s first generation, code-named Gu Immortal, developed the Life and Death Immortal Aperture method in the Super Gu Formation of the Northern Plains trench. The big explosion in the study, many immortal materials They are all flooded with Will of Heaven, and green is like a snake. In this way, these immortal materials are directly discarded. Such a clear attitude has already explained many problems.”

“If I really sell these Will of Heaven Snow Monster for me, I am afraid I will be affected by a worse chain.”

After the failed attempt, Fang Yuan had to perform the previous scheduling and continue to kill these Snow Monsters.

It’s important to get rid of these Snow Monsters before the second Earthly Disaster, and there’s no one left. Even the Will of Heaven has to be thoroughly washed away.

Common Snow Monster. It’s all cannon fodder, and Fang Yuan with no difficulty can get rid of it.

But Desolate Beast Snow Monster, it’s a bit difficult, it takes a lot of effort. As for the Far Ancient Snow Monster, it is even more troublesome.

Fang Yuan can’t help but began to miss Flying Sword Immortal Gu.

Focusing on the Flying Sword Immortal Gu, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Sword Mark Demanding Life is launched, and the Far Ancient Snow Monster is very effective. The Threefold Sword Wave is based on a group attack, dealing with a single Far Ancient Snow Monster, which is a bit of a big deal.

And with Threefold Sword Wave, the cost is a lot.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan re-obtained Strength Dao Immortal Gu, so that Ten Thousand Me ultimate move can be re-emerged.

The Strength Dao genre has always been less dependent on primeval essence and immortal essence, and Ten Thousand Me’s first type of Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal has a much lower cost than the Threefold Sword Wave.

In the following period of time, Fang Yuan will focus on the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, with the focus on eradicating these Far Ancient Snow Monster and Deserte Beast Snow Monster.

He first tried to enslave a Snow Monster with the slave Immortal Gu.

After the failure of slavery, Snow Monster was provocative and in extreme anger, and he would pursue Feng Yuan.

Fang Yuan immediately retreated, taking the Snow Monster to a great distance and using the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal to kill.

As a result, the other Snow Monster may be a lot less likely to be alarmed.

In the past, when Fang Yuan took action three or four times, it would make Snow Monster a group, but now it is completely different and the efficiency is greatly improved.

After the Enslave Dao attempt failed, the goal would be a very Hatred Gu division. This point is fully utilized by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan also tried other methods before, but the Common level Enslave Dao means that the level is too low, and some Wisdom Dao means have no effect in front of Will of Heaven.

Therefore, Fang Yuan borrowed the slave Immortal Gu, which is not nothing.

As the days passed, Snow Monster was no longer the original 30%. It is less than ten days from the second Earthly Disaster.

Fang Yuan remotely extends the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie to the Little Southern Border in Paragon Immortal Aperture.

In one corner, the body of Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie is placed.

“Although there is the Immortal Zombie body, it can only be seen at, can not be used.” Fang Yuan sighed, mobilized My Intent Gu, began to set up formation.

After the hour, a gu formation with hundreds of My Intent Gus as the core was successfully established.

This gu formation mainly serves as a seal.

Fang Yuan’s method of set up formation obtained from the Shadow Sect transaction.

Stay with Will of Heaven with a lot of My Intent Gu seal.

This method was adopted by Shadow Sect in the Super Gu Formation throughout the Five Regions.

After checking three times and confirming that it was correct, Fang Yuan was sighed in relief.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie is lying in the middle of the gu formation, and the gu formation has completely sealed the Spring and Autumn Cicada.

Spring and Autumn Cicada originally was used by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang to use the supreme means to stay in the air. It made Ying Wuxie unable to motivate Spring and Autumn Cicada for a rebirth. So I fell into Danger Realm in Central Continent Earth Abyss and had to trade with Fang Yuan.

In the transaction, Ying Wuxie returned Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie body, along with Spring and Autumn Cicada, to Fang Yuan.

After Fang Yuan succeeded, she found that Spring and Autumn Cicada was still sealed, and even the river of River of Time could not be achieved. Weak day by day, falling into the edge of starvation.

Fang Yuan tried a lot of methods, but found that the seal was extremely powerful, and he couldn’t find out even with a trace of his foot. Without any choice, Fang Yuan had to give up this attempt for the time being.

Not long ago, the means of Rank 8 Restriction Dao Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang seemed to be exhausted. Spring and Autumn Cicada’s seal suddenly lifted itself. Fang Yuan knew that hiding the Will of Heaven in Spring and Autumn Cicada, and had to use the Refining Dao method to eradicate it.

Fang Yuan’s This body of Immortal Zombie, he did not dare to go outside. Saved in your own Immortal Aperture is the safest and most secure.

But Fang Yuan is also worried about the second Earthly Disaster, Will and Heaven in Spring and Autumn Cicada, which will be linked to Disaster and Tribulation. So this time, he laid out this layer of gu formation, and Seal lived in Will of Heaven, eliminating this hidden danger in advance.

Three days later, in the Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, the Snow Monster was completely eradicated.

Next, I used to brush out everything about Will of Heaven.

To this end, Fang Yuan also paid a lot of money. Giant Hand Seal Although the cost is low, but the use of so many times, the accumulated consumption is very high.

Now Fang Yuan is on hand, the number of immortal essence is not much, immortal essence stones is also like so.

Because Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed, Fang Yuan has that many cultivation resources, but can’t sell it. 琅琊sect contribution is also decreasing.

Although Fang Yuan often pointed to the Hayyman Gu Immortal battle, it would help. However, Langya Earth Spirit also learned badly, and moved his mind to reward the task in this area and reduce it. It also greatly increases the reward for the task of eradicating the Fallen Star Dog.

“Treasure Yellow Heaven…Treasure Yellow Heaven…when are you going to open?”

Fang Yuan is looking forward to the opening of Treasure Yellow Heaven while preparing for the second transcends tribulation.

Four days before the Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan thoroughly washed out the Will of Heaven in the Immortal Aperture and then he came to Soul Shaking Mountain.

Using the Ten Thousand Me ultimate move and so on, he made Soul Shaking Mountain unrecognizable.

Then use Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, who stuffed Soul Shaking Mountain into his Paragon Immortal Aperture.

In the past, Fang Yuan didn’t have Resetting Rivers and Mountains, and he didn’t dare to do it at random. Now there are a lot of concerns in this area.

This movement naturally attracted the appearance of the Langya Earth Spirit.

His expression nervously asked: “Elder Fang Yuan, what do you want to do?”

He is very worried, after all, Soul Shaking Mountain is something of Fang Yuan, unlike Unrestrained Valley. Fang Yuan wants to take it away, it is completely ok, and he can’t stop it.

Fang Yuan is a clever tongue, saying that he has long thought of a proper excuse and will leave Langya Blessed Land for a while.

Langya Earth Spirit believed it, and he wanted Fang Yuan to eradicate the Fallen Star Dog. As a result, Fang Yuan had to leave and took Soul Shaking Mountain.

Langya Earth Spirit is very worried.

Fang Yuan took advantage of this opportunity to spend the sect contribution in his hands, while escorting Wisdom Gu, borrowing many Immortal Gu from the Langya Earth Spirit, and a large number of immortal essence stones.

Finally, I have made up for Green Grape Immortal Essence!

Unfortunately, Treasure Yellow Heaven didn’t open until Fang Yuan left Langya Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan sighed and chose to move some of the resources in Immortal Aperture out of the house and temporarily hand it over to Langya Earth Spirit.

“So many resources? It seems that Fang Yuan is very good at managing Immortal Aperture.” Langya Earth Spirit is somewhat surprised by the amount of resources.

But in fact, this is just a small part owned by Fang Yuan. The extent that 30% is not.

Fang Yuan will naturally not move all the resources. Langya Earth Spirit is not a fool and will immediately suspect Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Less than half a day after the Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan came to the northern ice sheet again through the Transmission Gu Formation.

Although the North Icefield was created by Reckless Demonic Venerable, it hides countless Reckless True Meaning. But Will of Heaven still exists.

So Fang Yuan did not come here in advance.

The icefield was vast and vast, and Fang Yuan chose a direction and found the right place to drop the Immortal Aperture.

What will be the second Earthly Disaster?

Whatever it is, the power of the second Earthly Disaster must be stronger than the first.

Fang Yuan is waiting for you!

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