Fang Yuan slowly flies into the sky.

Before leaving, he looked again and looked at Cloud City below.

On his face, there was full of bitterness, and after a deep sigh, he turned and flew away.

Last time, he accepted the mission of the Langya Earth Spirit, explored the Grand Mound, and made the Langya Earth Spirit very happy and happy. But this time, Fang Yuan perseverance refused, did not accept the task of crusting Fallen Star Dog, the two sides broke up.

In Cloud City, the Langya Earth Spirit sits in the main position and is also gnashing teeth.

He resisted his anger and picked up the cup, but Hot Rainbow Tea had not yet entered his mouth, and he was slammed into the floor tiles.

“Fang Yuan, this guy!” Langya Earth Spirit squeezed his fists and grinded his teeth, which was very unpleasant.

However, he also perceives the look of Fang Yuan before his departure, and the anger in his heart is slightly relieved.

“Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan, maybe you are really busy, painstaking cultivation, have your own arrangement plan. But this is about my Langya School exhibition, you are a part of My Sect. At the crucial moment, you can’t give up on yourself. , to protect the interests of sect? After all, you are still outsiders! Not my Hairyman Gu Immortal!”

Langya Earth Spirit thought of it, picking up his eyes, the cool glow is shining.

Standing in his position, Fang Yuan is unwilling to accept this sect mission, and Langya Earth Spirit can’t be forced to oppress.

He created the Langya School and sent a covenant to restrict all members. However, the covenant may not be imposed, and it is possible to force members to do what they are not willing to do. Of course, when Langya School faces a major crisis, this rule is gone.

But now, Langya School is just opening Grand Mound, and it has nothing to do with major crises. Fang Yuan doesn’t want to, Langya Earth Spirit really has no way to think about it.

Langya Earth Spirit couldn’t sit still, got up and walked around in the living room.

He bears his hands, bows his head and meditates, and his heart is filled with distress and irritability. Let his brows wrinkle tighter and tighter: “Fang Yuan is not willing to do it, what should the Fallen Star Dog do?”

Think about it, there is no good way.

The Langya Earth Spirit itself has absolutely no way. Leaving Langya Blessed Land. ??

There is still one method, which is Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze.

But the Langya Earth Spirit holds the most critical array of Immortal Gu, which is a powerful tool to protect Langya Blessed Land in the absence of the Refining Furnace Immortal Gu Home.

Langya Earth Spirit didn’t want to go out of Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze entrust because of this situation. What if there is an accident?

Langya Earth Spirit This cognition is still very clear.

“oh! don’t tell me. I really want to be like Fang Yuan before leaving. What do you persuade? Can you use this Fallen Star Dog as a sharpening stone to sharpen the battle of Hairyman Gu Immortals?” Langya Earth Spirit sighed.

Fang Yuan flies in the air and the clothes fly.

The whistling wind, assaults the senses, sound of the wind rang through the ears.

His heart is an ice-cold.

The previous smile and long sigh was just a performance.

Fang Yuan knows that in this Langya Blessed Land, the Langya Earth Spirit is almost omnipotent and the inductive detection capability is extremely powerful. Otherwise, he will not collect the Longevity Gu of that many.

This is also because the history of Langya Blessed Land is too long. The background is extremely rich with countless Dao Marks. This makes the Langya Earth Spirit very capable in this Blessed Land. Other Earth Spirit can’t compare with him.

“My current plan is to rely on Langya School to help me develop cultivation. I am a chess player. Langya School is the chess piece that I use. If I accept the task, wouldn’t I become a pawn and be born and killed for Langya School?”

“Hmph! Grand Mound is very dangerous to get Will of Heaven’s. I suspect that Will of Heaven has set a trap, but it is not present. I was restrained by Immemorial, so I didn’t quote it.”

Fang Yuan is cautious, in this case, he will never go to Grand Mound easily.

He wants cultivation Transformation Dao. To refining Transformation Immortal Gu, killing Desolate Beast to get immortal materials and more. But these things don’t require him to do it himself.

Langya School opens Grand Mound and naturally gets these. Fang Yuan Just use sect to contribute to the transaction, stay in the rear, and feel cultivation.

Don’t say danger. There may be traps laid out by Will of Heaven. Even if not, Fang Yuan does not intend to delay his cultivation!

I am the biggest in the world.

Fang Yuan has a firm attitude.

For the unhappyness of today, he also had psychological expectations.

“I will never work for Langya School, but my relationship with Langya Earth Spirit has to be handled well.”

“The more this kind of disagreement is, the worse the relationship between me and Langya Earth Spirit is. The extreme is that the Langya Earth Spirit can’t be patient, can’t be patient, drive me out of sect, and even kill me.”

“In a short time, I have to re-on the power of Langya School. At least the second Earthly Disaster in front of me, I will borrow his Water Dao Immortal Gu.”

Fang Yuan calmly thinks and analyzes the situation he is in.

He once had a conflict with the previous Langya Earth Spirit, and the relationship fell to freezing point. This is a mistake, Fang Yuan is alert to himself and does not want to make another second.

“Sometimes, if the situation allows, it can help out, but still.”

“I just use it purely for Langya School, which is designed to facilitate my own cultivation.”

“Only if you are strong and the cultivation base is improved, it is the most reliable.”

Will of Heaven can affect every aspect, everything. But the extent of the impact is limited. Unlike the False Intent, Will of Heaven can directly participate in the process of thinking in the mind, distorting the results of life thinking.

At this point, Will of Heaven is not comparable to False Intent.

After learning about Will of Heaven from Shadow Sect, Fang Yuan knew that Will of Heaven essentially was just a kind of will.

Will of Heaven is at best subtle.

Therefore, Will of Heaven used Fang Yuan as the chess piece. When dealing with Shadow Sect and Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, it never appeared, but the long-term layout, step by step, and surrounded by groups.

But the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and finally Fang Yuan relied on the instinct of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, out of control of Will of Heaven’s, which led to the present situation.

So the fundamental way to deal with Will of Heaven is to improve Gu Immortal’s cultivation base and strengthen his strength.

For example, Qi Zai pursued Fang Yuan because Fang Yuan was only Rank 6 Gu Immortal and was weaker than him. If Fang Yuan is Rank 8, he will never be stupid to chase.

Similarly, for the group of Cloud Beast, if Fang Yuan has the strength, it can be easily removed. It was because of his weak strength that he was chased around.

“So, even Earthly Disaster and Heavenly Tribulation is the opportunity for Will of Heaven to get rid of me. I have to be at risk and overcome difficulties! Whenever I spend a Disaster and Tribulation, it is the breakthrough Will of Heaven’s time after time After the time after time, I can finally compete against Will of Heaven. When I achieve Demon Venerable, peerless in the whole world, see Will of Heaven, how can I?”

In Fang Yuan’s heart, there is such a clear comprehension.

Go to your own Cloud City and learn that a Hairyman messenger has arrived.

Fang Yuan announced the Hairyman messenger.

He is a Gu Master of Rank 5 peak.

“Adult, this is my city lord command is small, served here.” Hairyman Gu Master is respectful.

While speaking, he put a wooden box in his hands.

Fang Yuan reached out and did not open the wooden box. Instead, she looked up and down the Hairyman messenger.

At this glance, Hairyman Gu Master suddenly felt cold in his heart, as if it was stark naked, the hair was lighted, and the secrets were all seen by the other side.

“From today, you will stay here, I will point you to the cultivation on Enslave Dao.” Fang Yuan is a long way to go.

“Thank you on the guide!” Hairyman Gu Master immediately fell to the ground, excited and trembled.

“Retreat.” Fang Yuan had no interest in the Gu Master of the Hairyman Rank 5 peak.

After retreating him, Fang Yuan turned to the quiet room and continued the cultivation.

He patted the wooden box, lying in the box with one Immortal Gu, not the other, it was the Rank 6 slave Immortal Gu!

It turned out that Fang Yuan was consciously married before the severe days, the time was ripe, looked towards Hair 12, and wanted to borrow his slave Immortal Gu, willing to pay with sect contribution.

Although Hair 12 promised, it did not accept the contribution of Fang Yuan’s sect. Instead, it turned to another request.

Not long ago, he received a bloodline descendant on the continent of the sea. Hair 12 and the grandmother of this descendant have had a love story, and with this descendant natural talent right, Hair 12 wants to continue to cultivate him. And this descendant cultivation is Enslave Dao, and Hair 12 wants Fang Yuan to personally point him.

Fang Yuan is indispensable.

To be honest, this trading method is more beneficial to him.

After all, his more recent sect contributions are used less, and some savings are some.

In Immortal Aperture, the range of ice and snow has stopped expanding.

This shows that the Ice and Snow Dao marks added by the previous Earthly Disaster have fully affected the transformation of the Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan controlled the Immortal Zombie, cautiously close to a Desolate Beast Snow Monster.

In Immortal Aperture, because of the different time flows, it has been a long time since the last cofferdam. The Snow Monsters are re-relaxing, so Fang Yuan is faced with a Snow Monster.

Beast Immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan thought of the Green Grape Immortal Essence directly into the Immortal Gu.

Desolate Beast Snow Monster suddenly shocked, like a seemingly invisible heavy strike.

But in the end, it roared up, and now the hidden line of Strength Dao Immortal Zombie, come in a rush to kill.

“Failed, then withdraw!”

Fang Yuan retreats immediately.

According to common sense, it is appropriate to crush a Desolate Beast Snow Monster with his soul background. But now it is not the case.

“Sure enough, as Shadow Sect said, these Fill of Heaven’s life is not subject to my slavery and control. Keeping them is the biggest hidden danger!”

Fang Yuan sighed.

Although I learned about this information from the transaction, with his personality, if you don’t try it yourself, you will never give up.

“If you can enslave, whether it is controlling the Desolate Beast Snow Monster, it is good to control it, or sell it to Treasure Yellow Heaven. Unfortunately, as a result, it can only be killed.”

“Wait! Maybe I can use my intentions first, wash out Will of Heaven, and then try to enslave with the slave Immortal Gu?” Fang Yuan thought again.

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