Fang Yuan is a white robe with black hair tumbling and landing in Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Little Northern Plains.

This time transcends tribulation, he still intends to do it here.

In several other places, there are some resources. Little Northern Plains There is only ice and snow here, and the most important Snow Monster and Will of Heaven are eradicated.

Paragon Immortal Aperture has a wide space, but the only goal of Disaster and Tribulation is Fang Yuan.

So where is he, where is Disaster and Tribulation happening.

Immortal Aperture has fallen and is planted in Northern Plains. The tributary of the Immortal Aperture and the River of Time merge, and the time flow rate is greatly reduced.

The first is to check the layout.

A large number of Gu insects have been placed in Paragon Immortal Aperture.

The greater part is the related Gu insect of the Immortal Disaster Refines Aperture ultimate move.

In addition, there is a Soul Shaking Mountain, located next to Fang Yuan’s.

At this time, Soul Shaking Mountain is beyond recognition. This is Fang Yuan, in order to prevent others, using Fixed Immortal Travel, when he transcends tribulation, suddenly sent in. So this hidden danger was eliminated ahead of time.

The first transcends tribulation, Fang Yuan did not have Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, and there was no Resetting Rivers and Mountains, so Soul Shaking Mountain could not be brought in.

It is different now.

With Picking Mountain, Fang Yuan can put Soul Shaking Mountain into his own Immortal Aperture by himself. Otherwise, if you use other Hairyman Gu Immortal, it will not only cost a sect contribution, but also let Hairyman Gu Immortal enter the Paragon Immortal Aperture, exposing the great secret of Fang Yuan’s.

With Resetting Rivers and Mountains, it is not afraid that Soul Shaking Mountain will be damaged in Disaster and Tribulation. The more severe the damage to Soul Shaking Mountain. The lower the output of Audacity Gu.

After checking it out, Fang Yuan was convinced that everything was in order. Immediately, his mind was moved and the Paragon Immortal Aperture Portal was opened.

Hū Hū Hū ……

A large number of Qi of Heaven and Earth, through the portal. Into the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

For a time, the momentum was spectacular, as if it were a tidal wave, pouring into it.

“This time, I brought Soul Shaking Mountain and added a burden to Paragon Immortal Aperture. So Qi of Heaven and Earth, much more than the last time.”

Qi of Heaven and Earth swarmed in. Fang Yuan is at the same time. Begin to arrange a variety of Gu insects outside the Immortal Aperture.

The previous Earthly Disaster was laid out, and this time Fang Yuan is more proficient.

Fang Yuan transcends tribulation, naturally use this trick Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture.

First, the Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move can weaken the Earthly Disaster’s formidable power in disguise.

Secondly, it extracts Reckless True Meaning and helps Fang Yuan cultivation Transformation Dao.

Unlike the first transcends tribulation, this time. Many of the mortal gus that make up the ultimate move Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture are Fang Yuan’s own. And for the ultimate move of Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture itself, he has some minor changes.

The improved Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture is also one of Fang Yuan’s preparations for transcends tribulation!

Although his Refining Dao Realm is not high, Wisdom Dao has a Grandmaster degree. The current improvement is only a icing on the cake, and it is optional. But as long as we continue to go deeper, Fang Yuan believes that there will come a day. He will transform this ultimate move into the version that suits him best.

After all, Fang Yuan cannot always rely on Langya School. Each time transcends tribulation, borrowing so many Gu insects from the Langya Earth Spirit. It is very expensive. Fang Yuan improved Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture and wanted to get rid of this control of Langya Earth Spirit.

After a few moments, Fang Yuan was properly arranged and began to mobilize immortal essence, one after another to motivate Gu insect.

The azure light flooded and filled the Immortal Aperture while hooking the outside world. Gradually. The green glow inside and outside Immortal Aperture merges into a huge light and shadow, covering a range of thousands of miles.

Thousands of Green Grape Immortal Essence was consumed, which enabled Fang Yuan to successfully launch the Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move.

The second Earthly Disaster is coming.

Heaven and Earth, rising winds, scudding clouds.

At first, it was only a breeze, and soon, the wind would rise wildly!

In the blink of an eye, a violent wind has formed, and the world has swept the world, blowing the fierce momentum of all things.

“This is what tribulation?” Fang Yuan stood at Soul Shaking Mountain and waited.

Although he has not recognized the footsteps of this Earthly Disaster, as far as the prelude is concerned, this one Earthly Disaster is the same as the previous one, and the formidable power burst is absolutely beyond common sense.

The wind is raging, rolling up the ice and snow on the ground, blowing a piece of Heaven and Earth.

Paragon Immortal Aperture itself has fewer Light Dao’s Dao Marks, only shimmering. At this moment, the snow is filled and the earth is covered, and Fang Yuan’s vision is limited at once.

Dīng líng líng ……dīng líng líng ……

“What sound?” Fang Yuan had already mobilized various means to detect it at all times. At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of the bells in the sound of the wind.

This weird scene makes Fang Yuan brows slightly wrinkle.

“could it be that, this is…” There was a sudden flash of light in his mind.

Just at this time, the wind chimes sounded loud, and a huge blue and white flower flew out of the wind and crashed directly into Soul Shaking Mountain.

The speed of this blue and white flower is so fast.

It was simply too fast to hit the Soul Shaking Mountain and immediately knocked Soul Shaking Mountain out of a long scar. The rocks along the way were all smashed into powders, and they were immediately blown away by the wind.

Dīng líng líng ! Dīng líng líng ! !

The wind bells were a big hit, a moment later, eighteen blue and white swirled out, hitting Soul Shaking Mountain one after another, smashing themselves and tearing out the new deep marks of Eighteen.

“This is Wind Flower!” Fang Yuan’s eyes were shot and the answer was confirmed.

Wind Flower is a quintessence of the wind. Only the extremely violent winds will give birth to special plants.

It has no roots and no need to spin and dance in the wind. As big as a horse, the color is light green and extremely sharp.

Dīng líng líng bell!

Fang Yuan just recognized Wind Flower, the next wave of Wind Flower, and it was attacked again.

This time Wind Flower is more numerous, with 4~5 ten. And the direction of the attack was also from all directions, and it crashed into the Soul Shaking Mountain one after another.

Soul Shaking Mountain The boulder is broken, the smoke is rolling, and the small stones are quickly swallowed up by the winds that wrap up around.

Fang Yuan quickly retreated and shrank from the top.

He secretly gritted his teeth and felt awkward.

“Previous Earthly Disaster, Will of Heaven spawned a lot of Snow Monster, but I can fly and take the initiative.”

“This time, Will of Heaven obviously absorbed the lesson, changed the tactics, and used Wind Flower Tribulation to deal with me.”

This is exactly the Fang Yuan’s soft rib!

Fang Yuan’s speed is not as fast as Wind Flower, and the protection means is only common level.

“Fortunately, I moved to Soul Shaking Mountain this time. Otherwise, there is no danger, I am afraid it will be bad!” Fang Yuan felt very fortunate.

Resetting Rivers and Mountains !

He spurred Time Dao Immortal Gu, and the scars on Soul Shaking Mountain disappeared and turned into the original.

But then, almost the next second, the endless Wind Flower hit again, crushing the layer upon layer of rock and cutting it into dross.

“This is not going well!”

“Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture has just been motivated, and immortal essence consumes most of it.”

“Now it’s safe for the time being, but it’s a lot of Green Grape Immortal Essence. Use these immortal essence to treat Soul Shaking Mountain, linger on in a steadily worsening condition nothing more.”

Fang Yuan’s eyes narrowed and his thoughts turned sharply.

His combat experience is extremely rich and he will soon think about the law of response.

Strength Dao ultimate move Ten Thousand Me !

Transformation Dao ultimate move Meeting Past Acquaintance !

Immortal Gu Crossing Dark !

He trembled and the means broke out, and countless Fang Yuan, occupying the entire Soul Shaking Mountain.

One of them screamed in the sky, and all of Fang Yuan phantom rushed to the wind outside the mountains.

At the same time, the Fang Yuan body promoted the cover of Meeting Past Acquaintance, rely on Ten Thousand Me, and changed into a stone on Soul Shaking Mountain.

With Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, Meeting Past Acquaintance is back to the original, making it easy and momentary. Unlike the previous improved version, Fang Yuan replaced the Transformation Immortal Gu with a large number of mortal gus, causing the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move to start very slowly and not save.

After changing into an inconspicuous rock, Fang Yuan did not stop, and then used Crossing Dark Immortal Gu to cover his breath.

Dīng líng líng ……

A large number of Wind Flower, turned to attack thousands of Fang Yuan phantom.

Disaster and Tribulation The firepower plummeted and the pressure on Soul Shaking Mountain was greatly reduced.

For a moment, Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Me phantom was completely exhausted by Wind Flower.

Fang Yuan once again spurred Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, turned into countless phantoms, carried his own breath, and rushed out again.

Wind Flower is sloppy, spinning in the wind, one after another phantom is killed instantly.

After two or three times, Will of Heaven has an insight into Fang Yuan’s tactics. All Wind Flower no matter what Fang Yuan phantom, directly concentrates on firepower and storms Soul Shaking Mountain.

Fang Yuan gnashing teeth, feel the sinister intentions of Will of Heaven’s.

“Soul Shaking Mountain is my biggest economic pillar. Will of Heaven wants to completely destroy it and break my future!”

Fang Yuan Fortunately, there are Resetting Rivers and Mountains in hand.

Just using Resetting Rivers and Mountains to cure Soul Shaking Mountain is just to keep Fang Yuan deadlocked and can’t change his extreme passive situation at the moment.

Green Grape Immortal Essence is consumed intensively.

Threefold Sword Wave !

Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal !

Fang Yuan tried to fight back, but Wind Flower was too fast and the two extreme move effects were not very good. Especially the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, although magnificent, but the flying speed is relatively slow, flying into the wind, you can’t get any Wind Flower. Unless Wind Flower comes to it personally.

Toxic gas!

Fang Yuan opened a spray, purple black gas immediately followed the wind, scattered around.

A large number of Wind Flowers, as long as they are contaminated with poison gas, are rapidly wilting.

Fang Yuan’s face is a surprise color.

The poisonous gas is the ultimate move, which he improved from the Wisdom Dao ultimate move. With Lady’s Heart as the core, there are many drawbacks and it is more chicken.

Fang Yuan rarely uses it.

I didn’t expect to use it at this moment, but it was received.

Under the influence of poison gas, Wind Flower’s violent offensive suddenly dropped to the bottom.

The wind has also slowed down.

A glare of cold light illuminates the entire Soul Shaking Mountain.

Fang Yuan looked up and saw that there was a round of meniscus hanging in the sky.

Fang Yuan suddenly picked up his eyes and whispered out: “Snow Moon!”

This round of meniscus, white as snow, illuminates the white light, causing the Soul Shaking Mountain to plummet.

Soon, the layer upon layer of frost covered the entire Soul Shaking Mountain’s surface.

Fang Yuan’s heart is suddenly put into a huge boulder, Dark Dao: “It turned out that this is not Wind Flower Tribulation, but Wind Flower Snow Moon Tribulation! The former is Earthly Disaster, the latter is Heavenly Tribulation. This second Earthly Disaster is enhanced. It’s too ridiculous!”

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