Langya Blessed Land, Cloud Cover Continent. ?

Among the first Cloud City, Langya Earth Spirit entertained Fang Yuan and sat down.

“Come, Fang Yuan, drink tea. This is the famous Hot Rainbow Tea!” Langya Earth Spirit smiled passionately.

Fang Yuan took the cup and saw the cup of tea. The red dragonfly was scattered. Careful to distinguish, there is another rainbow inside, like a fish, suddenly right, suddenly left, when the time is up, cheerfully jumped very well.

Fang Yuan has five hundred years of previous life experience and has a wide open mind.

Ordinary good tea, you should savor it and taste it. But this tea is an exception, you have to drink it in one breath. The most important thing is that the rainbow in the tea, drinking into the stomach, can really be regarded as the real taste of Hot Rainbow Tea.

Fang Yuan looked at the tea with a cup of tea, but did not drink.

The body of the whole body is excellent. For a time, his mind is full of thoughts, and his thoughts are all around.

This Langya Earth Spirit likes to drink Hot Rainbow Tea. But former Langya Earth Spirit, but love to drink cloud tea.

The difference between the two types of tea also reflects the very different nature of the two Langya Earth Spirits.

One of the main ingredients of Yunyan Tea is Floating Sphere Tea Grass.

This is the main plant planted by Taibai Yunsheng in his Blessed Land. This Floating Sphere Tea Grass floats in the sky and is out of the ordinary.

Floating Sphere Tea Grass is relatively high-end, growing in the sky, it is difficult for mortals to pick.

But in Northern Plains, there is also a very close to the people, picking up the tea of ​​Earth Qi, called Milk Tea Flower.

This flower grows a lot on the Northern Plains’ grass. In some places where the water plants are rich, almost everywhere, the number is enormous. The flower shape of the Milk Tea Flower is in the shape of a cup. Every few days, the cups are filled with full of flowers.

The flowers are sweet and delicious, attracting countless wild bee group butterflies, and also on these bee butterflies to spread flowers for the Milk Tea Flower.

Of course, ordinary people can drink too.

Living in Northern Plains’ Gu Master, even mortals. Almost all of this natural drink has been drunk.

In fact, tea and wine, whether in the Northern Plains or in the other four domains, are very popular food.

At Southern Border. There are Blue Sea cloud tea bricks for sale. The origin of this tea brick is not the Southern Border, but the Eastern Sea. Yi Family, one of the Southern Border’s forces, is inextricably linked to the Eastern Sea. Every year they sell countless Blue Sea cloud tea bricks across Southern Border. Earn the wealth of massive.

In Central Continent, the variety of tea is even more famous. Spiritual Fate House’s Blue Shore Tea, Myriad Dragon Dock’s Flood Dragon Reflection Tea, is a well-known tea.

There is also some tea, which is specially made by Gu Immortal, only the tea that Gu Immortal will make.

For example, Fairy Lishan’s snow tea, Feng Jiuge’s Bihai Chaosheng tea and so on.

Langya Earth Spirit See Fang Yuan for a long time, don’t drink, cough, can’t help but urge: “Elder Fang Yuan, hurry up Hah! You may not too clear. Drink this Hot Rainbow Tea.”

Fang Yuan waved: “Hot Rainbow Tea I have known for a long time, but I picked up this cup of tea at this time, and I suddenly thought of other kinds of things, and I lost my mind for a while.”

Langya Earth Spirit: “The Elder Fang Yuan, what are your thoughts? Could it be that my Langya School is doing a Grand Mound?”

“Not this.” Fang Yuan laughed, and said something that was casually associated with his mind.

Langya Earth Spirit looked disappointed and reluctantly said: “You are the owner of Spring and Autumn Cicada, a born-agacious person with a wide vision and a lot of experience. I know a lot about tea. But do you know? Whether it is tea and wine They have all passed through the Gourmet Dao genre, and they have been widely circulated.”

“Oh? Is there such a thing?” Fang Yuan suddenly became interested.

exactly. He is very interested in Gourmet Dao.

He is now operating the Immortal Aperture, with the goal of operating a variety of resources to meet the needs of Immortal Gu feeding.

But if you master Gourmet Dao, it will be easier to feed Immortal Gu.

It is a pity that Gourmet Dao is very mysterious and has a long history. But this time is also very short. The more you circulate, the less you circulate, and the lesser you are than Wisdom Dao inheritance. If you don’t do it well, you are almost completely annihilated.

About Gourmet Dao, Fang Yuan at the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, through Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, knows some little-known secrets.

The original founder of Gourmet Dao was not Human Race Gu Immortal but Beastman Gu Immortal. For this reason, I am afraid it is also a factor in Gourmet Dao’s current situation.

But for Fang Yuan, no matter who created the genre, as long as it is useful to him. The vast majority of Human Race Gu Immortal has racial pride, but Fang Yuan does not.

If Hairyman is better able to help him and achieve Eternal Life’s goals, he will definitely turn his back on Human Race identity and turn into Hairyman.

Now Langya Earth Spirit has a lot of knowledge about Gourmet Dao, and Fang Yuan hastened to continue.

Langya Earth Spirit revealed: “In fact, the production of any kind of tea, or the brewing of wine, is an unfinished Gu Formula.”

“If you finish it completely, you can refine a special tea or wine cellar. There are already many wine cellars and tea pots in this world. For example, the famous Wine Insect and Opium Tea Gu.”

Wine Insect Needless to say, after Fang Yuan was born again, he benefited from it, and the initial exhibition was very fast.

Opium Tea Gu is a Gu insect that makes Gu Master addictive and more decadent. It is the drug of this world that is suppressed by those in power.

“Unfortunately, the Gourmet Dao genre has not been circulated, and there are signs of annihilation.”

“In today, many Gu Immortal have to compare each other’s Refining Dao rumors, and do not use the fighting in Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, but directly face to face, make a cup of tea, drink each other, often can be divided. “”

The answer from Langya Earth Spirit made Fang Yuan somewhat disappointed.

Earth Spirit doesn’t know much, and the content that is known is about the Refining Dao.

“Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, you must know a lot, know a lot of Gourmet Dao means. After all, he inherited Gourmet Dao True Inheritance. Unfortunately, he is now trapped in a dream, day and night. I want to hit his idea, too It’s hard to be too difficult. This thought flashed in the heart of Fang Yuan.

Langya Earth Spirit chats with Fang Yuan again. He sees Fang Yuan’s topic and never leaves the tea. He can’t help but scream, “Fang Yuan, and you said it. I invite you to drink tea. I want to have a task. you do!”

“Come.” Fang Yuan gave a heartfelt voice and looked at Earth Spirit. “Please say.”

Earth Spirit is simple, his intentional ready is guessed by Fang Yuan.

Sure enough, a moment later Langya Earth Spirit opening: “My Sect mining Grand Mound’s plan, you know. This suggestion is even more personally mentioned. There is also Transmission Gu Formation, which you personally arranged.”

“Because you have a head. Recently, our Gu Immortal will be able to smoothly enter Grand Mound, constantly transform the environment and expand the camp there. But now there is a problem.”

Fang Yuan nodded: “Revered Great Elder wants to say that Fallen Star Dog?”

“right. It is this damn Far Ancient Desolate Beast. I have already injured My Sect number Gu Immortals. I have already ruined its mission, but unfortunately, although some people responded, they are also defeated. I know that The only one who hopes to defeat this Fallen Star Dog is Fang Yuan. But why don’t you pick up the mission?” Langya Earth Spirit asked directly.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “I am very busy recently.”

He has a hard time.

It has been more than a month since the Previous Earthly Disaster.

The second Earthly Disaster. Will come soon.

Fang Yuan is now ready to cope with this Earthly Disaster.

But in the case of Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan does not intend to tell Langya Earth Spirit. In fact, his Paragon Immortal Aperture, this secret also concealed the Langya Earth Spirit.

As long as it does not cause damage to Langya Blessed Land, it is not against the Langya School covenant.

The secret is Fang Yuan’s trump card, and Fang Yuan intends to keep it in the bottom of my heart. Of course, the Shadow Sect is clear.

But Fang Yuan calculated that Shadow Sect was definitely trying to collect Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s. As a result, Shadow Sect will not promote the Paragon Immortal Aperture’s presence in a big way. Can you find yourself uncomfortable?

In the view of Langya Earth Spirit, Fang Yuan has been reborn, and it is a great luck. For Immortal Zombie rebirth, Fang Yuan also has a lot of excuses and explanations. Because he really knows a lot, Immortal Zombie regains a new way!

Fang Yuan has a hard time, but he can’t say it.

Langya Earth Spirit is nodded: “You are really busy.”

He is the birth of Earth Spirit and Langya Blessed Land. He knows everything.

Langya Earth Spirit lobbied: “You are very hard to cultivate. But completing the task is also helping you cultivation. Don’t forget your Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu. If you want to feed it, you have to find six different ones. Abandoned dogs. Use their droppings to feed this Luck Dao Gu insect.”

“In the past, I was feeding Dog Shit Luck, and I was buying it on the Treasure Yellow Heaven. I purchased it from there. But now Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed. Even if it opens in the future, I suggest you raise a dog in the Immortal Aperture. You are just Know cultivation and know the benefits of doing so.”

“If you are an adult, you can see it!” Fang Yuan immediately nodded.

Dog Shit Luck is very important to him.

For Will of Heaven, Luck Dao can borrow.

fate. fate.

The fate of the former is fixed and cannot be changed.

The latter Luck Qi, the change is change, can be on on.

This precious intelligence is one of the results that Fang Yuan has gained from trading with Shadow Sect’s.

Fang Yuan explores the search, gets Will of Heaven’s attention, leads Beast Tide, wants to eradicate him. But at the last minute, it made Fang Yuan happen to have an Immemorial corpse, which is a new place for set up formation.

Fang Yuan thought afterwards that it was not a coincidence that I thought that Dog Shit Luck was one of the heroes.

This Immortal Gu does not help the attack and defense, but the invisible help seems to be great.

“Ju Yang Immortal Venerable Own Luck, All Living Thing Luck, Heaven and Earth Luck Dog Shit Luck is one of Own Luck True Inheritance’s esteems, and I am in the hands of All Living Thing Luck. I am buried in Royal Court Blessed Land, Connecting Luck. Good Luck Equal to Heaven is from this. It’s a pity!”

Recently, Fang Yuan has some terrifying conjectures.

Royal Court Blessed Land is ruined because of yourself. I was influenced by the Mo Yao False Intent at the time, but did he don’t tell me without the influence of Will of Heaven’s? Will it be Will of Heaven, rely on his chess piece, will destroy Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance?

For Will of Heaven, there is not enough damage.

Fatality is the best means of Will of Heaven.

After Fate Gu was destroyed by Red Lotus Demon Venerable, the power of Luck Dao was born, and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable was born.

Langya Earth Spirit straightens up the upper body and whispers: “Elder Fang Yuan, if you can take on this task, complete the mission, whether it is killing or smashing the Fallen Star Dog, the sect contribution will be as high as 800!”

“800 Point” Fang Yuan’s eyes suddenly turned a little brighter.

Then, after he meditated, he replied: “I refuse.”

Ps: Although it is very difficult, it is still updated! During the Chinese New Year, I did not break even more, I realized my promise! Also, thank you for your support!

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