Fang Yuan’s soul wanders in the Unrestrained Valley. ≤,

He did not swim too far, only in the range of Fang Yuan’s body.

Every once in a while, there was a ** fog floating on its own.

Fang Yuan is bathed in the fog of the **, like a book in the water, gradually loose.

“The more solid the soul, the less likely it is to loose. The cultivated here is so many days, the degree of solidification of the soul is more than ten times that of the previous one. It is a fast progress! However, compared with Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, it is Heaven. And Earth gap.” Fang Yuan secretly assessed, and inevitably thought of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is the founder of Soul Dao. Although he is a singer, he still has the soul of the world, but he has the world’s first Soul Dao background.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s is very terrifying.

The normal soul, like an illusory light and shadow, interferes with the mind at most and cannot affect the pure material.

But Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was able to cover the sky with a hand, and it was firmly resisting Vast Tribulation. The posture of the sky has been deeply imprinted in the heart of Fang Yuan’s. Even if he is Amnesia because of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, this memory is not annihilated.

“I am afraid that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul came to Unrestrained Valley. These fogs have not worked for him.” Fang Yuan thought divergently and immediately sighed, “When can I have his cultivation base?”

If Fang Yuan’s soul has Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Dao background, then even if Immortal Zombie has a strong trap, it is not afraid.

** The fog floated and dissipated, and immediately, there was a wind blowing.

Fang Yuan is bathed in the wind, and a trace of wind, like a wire, separates and cuts his soul.

More severe pain than Ling Ling, let Fang Yuan tremble.

But Fang Yuan bite the perseverance and survive the gust.

This gust is not very big. The duration is not long, and Fang Yuan can survive.

But if it hits a strong wind, Fang Yuan will wisely retreat and put the soul into the flesh.

With the protection of the flesh, the power of the hurricane will be reduced many times.

After this gust of wind. Fang Yuan’s soul has reduced 30%.

Cautiously, he chose to return to the flesh.

Audacity Gu!

One after another Audacity Gu, broken in Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture, turned into a mysterious and magical force, acting on his soul.

Soon, his soul will once again be strong.

The weakness and trauma caused by the just cultivation is simply missing!

Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, Is indeed soul cultivation holy land.

There are two great tools in hand, Fang Yuan’s Soul Dao cultivation base is advanced by leaps and bounds. Progress is very fast.

In this way, after a burst of ** fog, after the hurricane, Fang Yuan soul is like a stone, experienced time after time of calcination and torture, become essence, more solid.

Just don’t know when you can get into the body of Immortal Zombie.

After about an hour, Fang Yuan began to feel a sense of irritability.

Fang Yuan wisely suspended the cultivation. The soul is in the flesh and re-enters the Unrestrained Valley.

An hour of time. After Fang Yuan’s repeated cultivation, he explored his own limits.

Soul Dao cultivation has three main aspects.

The well-known strength of the soul, refine soul, is only two aspects of nothing more.

In addition to this, there is a third aspect, that is, the soul.

Strengthen soul. It can be called the soul to strengthen and grow.

Refine soul, can tempering the soul, polishing the essence.

Peace of mind, it is to appease the soul, precipitation results.

The three complement each other. To emphasize one aspect, we can only lose sight of it and lose more.

Among them, strengthen soul preferred Soul Shaking Mountain Audacity Gu. Refine soul The first is the ** fog and hurricane in the Unrestrained Valley. The most effective peace of mind is the Peaceful Soul Soup in the Lake.

**Lake is in the Life and Death Gate. Legend has it that Reckless Great Sun has been drunk on the banks of the lake since his death.

“Life and Death Gate is in Shadow Sect Blessed Land. Shadow Sect Blessed Land, in Southern Border Righteous Heavenly Mountain, is now wrap up by super dreams. Otherwise, I might get this Life and Death Gate, well. Taste the convenience of the three, cultivation soul!”

Fang Yuan is just thinking about it.

That super-large dream is a natural obstacle. At present, he does not have the ability to go beyond.

And, the most important point is Will of Heaven.

Fang Yuan’s has been watched by Will of Heaven’s every move.

Even if there is action in the future, Will of Heaven is also the primary defense of Fang Yuan.

Flying the whole journey, Fang Yuan did not go directly to his own Cloud City.

Instead, rush to the 12 Cloud Cities.

Soon, he was saw Hairyman Gu Immortal Hair 12.

“Elder Fang Yuan, you are here. This is the My Intent Gu that you asked me to refining. You will check it out.” Hair 12 greeted enthusiastically.

Fang Yuan waved his hand and put all the My Intent Gus together and said, “What else to check. Elder Twelfth, I can trust you.”

Hair 12 heartily laughs, the eyes are full of emotions.

Before leaving, he held Fang Yuan’s hands and was grateful – ly said: “I still want to thank you, give me this opportunity, let me refining My Intent Gu. Otherwise, if Treasure Yellow Heaven is open, I can There is no capital to buy what Desolate Beast is.”

“We both make a fortune and win-win. I hope that our cooperation will always be so happy.” Fang Yuan smiled and replied.

“That is inevitable!” Hair 12’s answer is quite simple.

After the handover of the two parties, Fang Yuan rushed back to his own Cloud City.

“My Intent Gu.” In the quiet room, in Fang Yuan’s hand holding a Rank 5 mortal gu, whispering.

This Gu Insect, like a donkey, is very pocket-sized. Its shape is quite special, like the folding of white paper. In the Fang Yuan’s hand, it is also light and floating. When it moves on the foot, it makes a light sound, and it climbs slowly in the center of Fang Yuan’s hand.

My Intent Gu’s Gu Formula comes from Shadow Sect.

Fang Yuan is now the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, not affected by Will of Heaven’s. The other Gu Master Gu Immortal, not the normal person of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, how to fight against Will of Heaven, to prevent it from affecting itself quietly?

One answer given by Shadow Sect’s side is My Intent Gu.

This is Wisdom Dao Gu insect, which can produce a special will. By using my intention to wash myself, I can effectively guard against the impact of Will of Heaven’s.

This is the saga of Shadow Sect against the Will of Heaven’s research.

In the transaction with Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan got the Gu Formula of My Intent Gu and began to refining this kind of Gu insect.

But the results are not high.

He is not Refining Dao Expert, and with his own strength, it is difficult to have much results. Especially his energy and time are very valuable, not too expensive in the refining gu aspect.

Before refining Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, it was because the meaning was too important.

And My Intent Gu, just mortal gu, Fang Yuan’s demand is still very large.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Fang Yuan felt that the My Formula of My Intent Gu was revealed and handed over to Hairyman Gu Immortal of Langya School to take action and help Fang Yuan refining gu.

The cost of moving the Langya Earth Spirit is too high and unnecessary.

Hairyman Gu Immortal in Langya School, in addition to Sixth Hair, is happy intent for Fang Yuan.

Because Fang Yuan is already familiar with them and even has a good deal, the key is to build a school, and everything will contribute to sect. After Fang Grand completed the Grand Mound trip, he held a large amount of sect contribution in his hand, which was what other Hairyman Gu Immortal needed.

Hair 12 is of course only one, and Fang Yuan also calls other Hairyman Gu Immortal.

He pressured the refining gu very low.

Doing this does not make Fang Yuan charge anything.

Hairyman Gu Immortals is relatively simple, and more importantly, these Hairyman Gu Immortal are very good at refining gu, and they are still psychologically resistant to the battle, so they are vying to take the task of Fang Yuan’s.

The batch of My Intent Gu that Fang Yuan had reached was not the first one.

I took My Intent Gu in my hand to Immortal Aperture, and Fang Yuan checked other Gu insects.

He is very trustworthy on the side of Hair 12, very bold, but as cautious as he is, after each receipt, come back and check carefully.

After all, in Langya School, there is a traitor like Sixth Hair.

Fang Yuan doesn’t know that Sixth Hair is already the only traitor. He is cautious and solemn, guarding against Sixth Hair and guarding against other possible traitors.

The inspection took a lot of work, but the time to refining these mortal gus is absolutely incomparable.

After checking it, Fang Yuan can’t help but nodded, and the eyes showed a lot of praise.

“In the end, Hairyman Gu Immortal refining, this quality is really satisfying!”

Fang Yuan sent these My Intent Gus to Immortal Aperture.

To be precise, it was sent to Little Northern Plains. Then one after another reminder, I will spend all of my mortal gu.

A lot of my intentions, washed away just a few battlefields, washed the rest of the Will of Heaven clean. With the exception of Snow Monster within the body’s Will of Heaven, there is no residue on the battlefield.

“These My Intent Gus are against the Will of Heaven’s weapon, but they have a lot of flaws. First, the Rank number is too high, each is Rank 5, and it’s a one-time consumable gu, and it won’t be used once.” Fang Yuan is a pity. .

In his heart, he is full of doubts: “This My Intent Gu side should be a defective product. Although Shadow Sect traded for me, they probably have better and better Gu Formula in their hands! Unfortunately, the deal, I want to get Too many things, already achieved to the extreme, and ultimately did not blackmail out the better Gu Formula.”

In this way, Fang Yuan set out to eradicate Snow Monster in Immortal Aperture, and then I used to brush Will of Heaven.

At the same time, he also used Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, cultivation Soul Dao. Soul Dao background accumulates speed.

In addition, he squeezed out all his leisure time and directed other Hairyman Gu Immortal to fight. In the dark, I am familiar with Immortal Gu, and practice the ultimate move.

The closure of Treasure Yellow Heaven also has a huge impact on Fang Yuan.

Immortal Aperture’s operation and construction, Fang Yuan has capital and ideas, and can only be suspended.

The days passed by.

Fang Yuan Looking forward to the opening of Treasure Yellow Heaven, the second Earthly Disaster is getting closer.

Langya School’s strategy for Grand Mound has not stopped since the beginning.

Occasionally, there is Hairyman Gu Immortal taking the sect mission and going to Grand Mound through the portal.

These Hairyman Gu Immortal deliver the first priority in the past, transforming the environment and stabilizing the Transmission Gu Formation.

Fantastic to Fang Yuan, these Hairyman Gu Immortal did not suffer any setbacks, everything went well, and Will of Heaven didn’t seem to take action on them.

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