Fang Yuan Chaloks at his own Immortal Aperture.

Divine Sense shuttles through the vast space of the Immortal Aperture, with vast expanses of wasteland everywhere.

“Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is still a little. These wastelands have a lack of soil and the plants of the greater part cannot be planted. To fundamentally improve, you have to add Earth Dao’s Dao Marks. In addition, the rest of the methods are palliative. Fang Yuan said in his heart.

Paragon Immortal Aperture’s space is too big, far surpasses common sense.

Even Fang Yuan’s Divine Sense, it takes a long time to completely cover it.

However, when Fang Yuan looked at Immortal Aperture, it was focused, targeted, and not targeted, which greatly improved efficiency.

Several Divine Senses spread quickly to all parties.

Gradually, each and every one Fang Yuan’s focus on the Resource Point is displayed in his mind.

Western Desert, the land is mostly desertified.

A huge pit, the temperature is very high, and the sand in the pit is black.

In the pit, a huge number of Nether Fire Dragon Pythons are intertwined and prosperous.

This is the most primitive pit.

Originally Nether Fire Dragon Python is a family unit, living in twos and threes. But Fang Yuan is here, using the unique method of Northern Plains Dongfang Clan’s support, putting together many Nether Fire Dragon Pythons to make them breed more snakes.

The Nether Fire Dragon Python itself is from Dongfang Clan’s headquarters Blessed Land.

The method of support is that Fang Yuan has searched from the soul of Dongfang Changfan’s. The original version does not say 100%, and even various details and even conjectures are clear.

The combination of the two leads to the proliferation of these Nether Fire Dragon Pythons.

In addition to this pit, there are also three pits.

The dragon python in each pit has no less than the number in the original first pit!

“Five Regions are less than a month old, but time is up to 60 times faster. The number of Nether Fire Dragon Pythons has quadrupled.” Fang Yuan is secretly nodded.

Sixty times the flow rate ratio at this time is really terrifying!

Nether Fire Dragon Python is placed in Fox Immortal Blessed Land. It has been a long time, but it has not improved much. There are no comparisons between the results of the birth and the face of Fang Yuan.

This is because Fox Immortal Blessed Land is located outside the Five Regions, and the time-to-flow ratio is greatly reduced, resulting in poor resource growth.

The Nether Fire Dragon Python group is like this, and the rest of the Dragon Fish group, Eternal Hate Spider group, Arrow Bamboo Forest, Stardust Grass, etc., are also scaled up, each with a lot.

However, in terms of growth, Arrow Bamboo Forest, Stardust Grass, etc. It’s not as vibrant as it was in Star Form Blessed Land.

This is because Star Dao’s Dao Marks in Paragon Immortal Aperture is far less than in Star Form Blessed Land.

Gu Immortal runs the Immortal Aperture and always looks at all aspects of Immortal Aperture to prevent omissions.

In particular, the Immortal Aperture has a small space, and various resources are close together, which are easy to influence each other and cause errors.

Fang Yuan’s situation is still right.

Because Paragon Immortal Aperture has a wide range of space, each resource is equitably separated from each other and is far from isolated. The probability of a problem is small.

“When Treasure Yellow Heaven opens, I will sell these resources. The harvest will be very gratifying.” Fang Yuan is very satisfied with the look.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is off and it has a big impact on him.

He worked and built the Immortal Aperture. But without Treasure Yellow Heaven, a lot of things can’t be bought. Although the collection of Langya School is rich, it is mostly the immortal materials of refining gu. For Fang Yuan, the help is not great.

Dissipating the excess Divine Sense, leaving only the most important one, went to Little Northern Plains.

This time, Little Northern Plains is the focus of Fang Yuan’s.

吼, 吼, 吼…

On Little Northern Plains, a lot of Snow Monster is constantly wandering.

Especially the farther north, the weather is more cold. There are even small pieces of snow falling. On the ground, there is also a thin layer of ice and snow.

Fang Yuan observes it carefully. The scope of snow and ice is more than when he was last detected. Expanded a lot.

These are the benefits of the previous Earthly Disaster.

First Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan in icefield transcends tribulation. The Disaster and Tribulation was extremely fierce, which also led to the great harvest of Fang Yuan, which received a large number of Dao Marks from Ice and Snow Dao.

It is because of these Dao Marks that there is a scene of little snow drifting in Little Northern Plains.

This kind of environment is undoubtedly more suitable for the Snow Monster to survive.

In today’s Little Northern Plains, Common’s Snow Monster is countless, with a large number of Desolate Beast Snow Monster and a handful of Far Ancient Snow Monster.

Before trading with Shadow Sect, Fang Yuan also planned to keep these Snow Monsters as a resource to operate in Immortal Aperture.

But after the transaction, Fang Yuan understood Will of Heaven and decided to remove these Snow Monster from worn exhausted!

Because of these Snow Monster’s with the body, they are full of Will of Heaven.

Fang Yuan came with a killing intent. At this moment, Divine Sense moved, and a Strength Dao Immortal Zombie carried a large amount of immortal essence and flew around with a large group of Gu insects.

Sword Dao Immortal Move Threefold Sword Wave !

Gu insect was irritated by one after another, immortal essence, and after the sputum, a wave of sputum erupted.

Hua la la ……

Silver white Sword Wave, tumbling over, waves of flowers, emitting a killing intent that is colder than ice and snow.

The common Snow Monsters, without any resistance, were swallowed up by the raging Sword Wave and then smashed into pieces. The pieces were then smashed into slag, and the slag was washed away and cleaned without any presence.

And those Desolate Beast Snow Monster, there is resistance.

However, it can only resist a few breaths and is swept away by Sword Wave.

Sword Dao, the offensive is extremely strong. It is recognized by Gu Immortal World today, one of the five major genres.

The Threefold Sword Wave is one of the best ultimate moves, and the Sword Wave is even stronger than a wave. Fang Yuan was originally a transcends tribulation, which relied on this trick to kill the Ruin Bat, which was made by ice and snow.

The three-wave Sword Wave used to kill thousands of common Snow Monsters and six Desolate Beast Snow Monsters.

Thousands of Snow Monster, almost no loss of Sword Wave. The key is the six Desolate Beast Snow Monster, which has lost a lot of Sword Wave at each end, and finally let the three-wave Sword Wave dissipate.


With a fierce scream, Snow Monster, up to seventy feet, rushed from a distance, wrapped in boundless anger.

Along with it, there are several Desolate Beast Snow Monster, tens of thousands of common Snow Monster.

A huge Snow Monster beast group, awesome. If the army swept the battlefield, he would come to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan mobilizes Strength Dao Immortal Zombie and turns and runs!

He is now out. Only the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie can be remotely controlled, carrying immortal essence and Gu insect.

This is the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie. This is Fang Yuan’s advice from Burning Heaven Enchantress, and Immortal Aperture has long since dissipated.

The immortal essence and the various Gu insects can only be placed on the Immortal Zombie, which is very unsafe during combat.

Therefore, Fang Yuan eradicated these Snow Monster and chose a way to strike.

There are also very cumbersome guerrilla tactics.

Hit a shot and change a place!

Take another shot. Change another place.

The Snow Monster community is huge, but when it comes to the scene of the murder, Fang Yuan has escaped and disappeared.

The anger of Snow Monster can’t be vented, they are screaming and screaming. Far Ancient Snow Monster is angry and throws snowballs. The huge snowballs are like the meteors of each and every one, all around.

Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, the gap in wisdom. As a result, Fang Yuan is firmly in the initiative, and Snow Monster can only be beaten passively.

Out of a safe position, Fang Yuan remotely controlled the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie to stop. Take a short break.

Although this body was not injured, Fang Yuan did not pay the price.

The price is Green Grape Immortal Essence.

I am urging Threefold Sword Wave, which consumes a lot of immortal essence!

There is also a contribution from Langya School sect.

Because the Immortal Gu that makes up the Threefold Sword Wave is not just the core Immortal Gu, but the rest of the support Water Dao Immortal Gu. These Water Dao Immortal Gu and Fang Yuan borrowed from the Langya Earth Spirit, which naturally cost a lot of sect contributions.

In general, the cost of a Threefold Sword Wave is not small.

But now Fang Yuan is a big business. The hand is plentiful and the immortal essence is affordable. Sect contribution aspect. Because of the previous Grand Mound trip, I got a lot of sect contributions. In the short term. Not a problem.

After a short break, the Snow Monster group has been re-established, and Fang Yuan continues to expand the Slaughter action.

“The Snow Monster must be killed before the second Earthly Disaster. Otherwise, the Heavenly Tribulation should be used up. I am afraid I will be planted on the second Earthly Disaster.” Fang Yuan is very bright.

Gu Immortal’s Disaster and Tribulation is stronger than once.

Fang Yuan The second Earthly Disaster is naturally stronger than the first time.

If the Snow Monster left by the First Earthly Disaster and the second Earthly Disaster are together, the hope of the Fang Yuan transcends tribulation is small, and the Thus is almost Danger Realm!

This is not the first time Fang Yuan has acted.

Back to Langya Blessed Land, it has been more than ten days. Almost every day, Fang Yuan kills the Snow Monster group.

Snow Monster is shrinking in size, but the scale is shrinking, but there is still a lot left, and Fang Yuan needs to work harder.

But within a day, the number of attacks has increased, and the movement will become more and more troublesome.

Although Snow Monster is not very intelligent, but also has a survival instinct, in addition to venting emotions, the beasts are also mutual notices and warnings.

Fang Yuan attacked several times, and the Snow Monsters were all alert and attached to the protection of the Far Ancient Snow Monster.

Fang Yuan was not easy to get started, and the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie was evacuated, and today’s Snow Monster was suspended.

No longer concerned about Immortal Aperture, Fang Yuan stood up.

Flying out of Cloud City, he soon came to Unrestrained Valley.

He started the soul cultivation once a day.

“Fang Yuan adults.”

“Elder Fang Yuan is coming again? It is really hard for you to cultivate.”

In the Unrestrained Valley, there are other Gu Immortal. These Hairyman Gu Immortal have been very familiar with Fang Yuan, and they are basically directed by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan entered the valley and they all greeted each other.

Fang Yuan also warmly returned to the past.

Thanks to the traitor Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan is now quite compatible with these Hairyman Gu Immortal.

After choosing a place, after checking, Fang Yuan will fly out of the soul and start cultivation.

Deep into the pain of the soul, let his soul tremble.

Fang Yuan bites the perseverance and does not waver.

For a moment, several of the Haiyman Gu Immortal who paid attention to him took back their eyes and exchanged secretly.

“It’s a cultivation madman!”

“Unimaginable, he spends an hour in Unrestrained Valley every day!”

“This kind of pain… I can’t even get down for half an hour…”

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