One day later, Grand Mound. 壹Reading ·1?k?a?nshu·

“Here…” Fang Yuan clasped a giant grass with 6~7 ten zhang in his hands and looked up into the distance.

The wreckage of a big tree is like a giant ship stranded on the beach.

But only half of it is left, black and white is broken, and it seems that it is suffering from lightning bombardment.

The image of Fang Yuan at this time has also changed dramatically.

He became a apes.

Flame Devouring Monkey.

Far Ancient Rank Desolate Beast.

Although it is not big, it is not easy to get rid of.

The form of the mountain goat, Fang Yuan already is gone. Mountain goat can’t go deep into the depths of Grand Mound, which is already a frequent occurrence of Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Flame Devouring Monkey is one of the more special ones.

It is powerful, but only swallows the flames, so it wanders around. It does not rush with other Desolate Beast, so it is more suitable for Fang Yuan to camouflage.

It doesn’t become a Flame Devouring Monkey, where Fang Yuan is almost impossible.

“Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree ……” Fang Yuan looked at the distance and whispered.

This is already the third target location on the Grand Mound topographic map.

The first location is now occupied by a group of Desolate Beast black blood wolves. The second location, which has been completely abandoned, became the crevice of the two carnivorous beast groups.

Fang Yuan’s current location is already the last destination on the topographic map.

Here I once fell a Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree.

This kind of tree is as big as a mountain, covering the four fields. Immemorial Rank number, there are seventy-seven thousand seven hundred 70 root branches, like a wicker, more like a long snake. At the end of the branch, there is a snake.

The roots of this tree are deeply rooted in the ground, deep into the hundred zhang, near thousand zhang. It feeds on the passing Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast. When hunting, tens of thousands of branches fly like a glimpse. After strangling and tangling. Take blood and survive.

In the long run, countless creatures have died under the tree, skin and flesh rot, white bone piles. Resentment qi skyrocketing. ?? Read the book 1·Yin Qi cascading.

The yin and yang attract each other, and every time the Rain Qi, the Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree will lead to the mighty thunder.

It’s okay to encounter an ordinary thunderstorm, but if Luck Qi is not good, I will encounter an extraordinary imposing manner. That’s bad.

Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree has almost no natural enemies, Immemorial Desolate Beast class, occupying one side, perhaps also attracting Will of Heaven attention, only to reduce Tribulation Lightning.

In short, 300,000 years ago, this area of ​​Grand Mound, burning a sea of ​​fire. This Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree burns like a volcano that is spraying, illuminating the sky and night for months.

“But this Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree. Not yet dead!” Fang Yuan’s deep in the pupil, flashing a damp.

Old Ancestor Long Haired, leaving this Grand Mound topographic map, is more than 100,000 years ago.

This Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree, linger on in a steadily worsening condition, three more than 100,000 years, actually not dead, there are signs of life!

“Although people are the spirit of all things, they are far worse than other life in terms of vitality, life span, body, soul, etc. The vitality of this Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree is absolutely powerful. It is thundered. , actually still alive.” Fang Yuan heart sighed.

Today’s Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree is completely on the ground. The thick trunk is also decaying. There is only a long section of severe li.

The complete state of the Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree, if standing upright, is comparable to the mountains, and the range of attacks covered by the branches covers a hundred miles.

Fang Yuan keenly observed that this piece of Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree was broken. There are dozens of branches running. They are like dozens of pythons, entangled in each other, coiled, and slowly creeping. Once the prey enters their hunting range, they strike lightning and kill the prey.

Although the Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree has been so miserable, it is the Immemorial Desolate Plant, hunting Far Ancient Desolate Beast and Desolate Beast.

Fang Yuan observed for a while, and there was a new appearance: “It is a blessing, and the complete Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree kills a lot of life, causing the bones under the tree to be like a mountain, leading to Thunder Tribulation. But this Thousand Snake Yin Solitary There is only one small section left in the tree. There is no limit to the hunting. The hunting prey is limited, but instead of accumulating what Yin Qi resentment qi, there is no thunder bombardment.”

This is why this Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree is still alive.

Fang Yuan gradually frowned.

He took great risks and traveled to Grand Mound to find the appropriate location for the Transmission Gu Formation. 壹?? Read a book?·1?·

The marking of the Grand Mound topographic map gives Fang Yuan a total of three target locations.

But the first two locations have disappeared, and the third one is not suitable.

Because Thousand Snake Yin Solitary Tree is still alive.

This is Immemorial Desolate Plant, the battle is amazing, and you can fight Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Even the weakest level in Rank 8 is not what Fang Yuan can do. For the big Langya School, it is also a hard bone with a spike.

And fighting here, it will lead to terrifying Beast Tide.

“That said, my mission was a half-final success and I lost more than half. Although the Grand Mound topographic map was perfected, three target locations were excluded. But I did not find a suitable Langya School and arranged for Transmission Gu Formation. The right place.”

“No way. The power of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is waning, and I am still taking the opportunity to go out. After a while, look at Grand Mound again.”

Fang Yuan is secretly sighed.

If this time can be successful, then it is very good. After all, Fang Yuan is in the right position, and internal and external troubles are not a top priority.

But this time it was not successful. Next time, Fang Yuan didn’t have much time and energy.

After all, he is very busy.

Operating the Immortal Aperture is a complex and huge project, not to mention its own cultivation, solving the problems of the Immortal Zombie body, training Fang Yuan and so on.

However, there is no way. People live in this world, and those who are unhappy are ten.

Fang Yuan quietly retired.

He chose a recent direction to evacuate.

But what’s not good is that just after a long journey, Fang Yuan has a lot of different things.

First, two Far Ancient Desolate Beast are fighting, and the momentum is amazing. Then the three Desolate Beast groups didn’t know why, they were hustle and bustle, and the war was at the touch.

Coincidentally, these three Desolate Beast groups blocked Fang Yuan’s way.

“It’s all a sign of Beast Tide.”

“so that’s how it is.”

“Is the protection of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu in my body weakened to this extent? Will of Heaven can’t specifically identify where I am, but the general scope is already perceived. So I am brewing Beast Tide in Grand. I’m mad at Mound. I want to be on this opportunity and let me expose.”

“Well… yes, I now have Spring and Autumn Cicada, a lot of Snow Monster, both of which have Will of Heaven. Although they are all confined to my Immortal Aperture World, but with the outside of Will of Heaven This is one, it seems to be able to echo each other.”

Fang Yuan The brow is deeper and deeper.

He still underestimated the Will of Heaven’s power.

According to the truth. Any Immortal Aperture World, whether Blessed Land or Celestial Grotto, is ** and has nothing to do with the outside of the Five Regions and Nine Heavens. Will of Heaven can’t handle these small worlds.

But now Fang Yuan knows. If there is Will of Heaven in the small world, then the outside world Will of Heaven can echo and attract each other, as if it is a combination.

Relying on the balance between Will of Heaven and the decline of the power of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu. Will of Heaven Although he couldn’t find Fang Yuan’s specific location, he created a large-scale Beast Tide, to find Fang Yuan, and then mercilessly eradicate it!

“Practice knows! Or, the Shadow Sect’s side gives me the information of Will of Heaven, there is still some reservation. This place can’t stay for a long time!” Fang Yuan thought, act now.

He stretched his arms and jumped in the giant grass, trying to get away from the beast group in front of him, away from the trap set by Will of Heaven.

But the sky is not from people.

He is still late.

The two Far Ancient Desolate Beast hit the confrontation’s beast group. Immediately led to the big melee of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

The aftermath of the melee, which affects the surrounding radiation, leads to more confusion.

After the layers are added, Beast Tide is formed, and Fang Yuan is swept in.

Beast Tide terrifying.

Whether it is Desolate Beast or Far Ancient Desolate Beast, it is in a state of extreme frenzy.

Losing the usual reason, everything obeys the instinct of survival, roaring and shouting in the body.

The original prey, dare to attack the hunters. Many of the beast groups that usually survive together are falling apart. There is no order.

A large number of Desolate Beast horrified, and gradually formed a strong impact. This impact force is also wrapped in other ferocious beast. Even if ferocious beast doesn’t want to be caught, you have to be involuntarily at this time.

After a while. The more powerful this impact force, the formation of a flood-like unstoppable momentum.

Sweep everything! Anyone who dares to stop in front of this momentum, no matter how many Desolate Beast or how strong Far Ancient Desolate Beast, must be on the spot.

Fang Yuan At this moment, I feel like a small seesaw in the stormy waves.

He can’t help himself, he can only be wrapped in Beast Tide. Rushing forward.

He must continue to disguise, and once exposed, Will of Heaven will cause the surrounding Beast Tide to drown him in an instant. At that time, even if he had countless immortal essence, a large number of Immortal Gu were in the body, and he would die.

After all, he is still only one Rank 6 Gu Immortal, crossing one Earthly Disaster.

Although Fang Yuan has Shape Transformation, has an attitude, and has Meeting Past Acquaintance, but it is not acceptable.

The power of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is fading, to a certain extent, Fang Yuan is about to be exposed under Will of Heaven!

Can not be actively exposed, it is courting death in advance. Can not blindly perseverance, it is waiting to die.

Fang Yuan was in deep danger and could not find a solution at a time.

“Perhaps the adventure side has a chance.” His heart flashed through this thought.

If there is no way, he can only choose this way.

Hope for Blood Drifting and Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

However, this is deep in Grand Mound.

Desolate Beast is almost everywhere, and Far Ancient Desolate Beast is also endless. Will of Heaven has too many goals, you can choose, influence, and then calmly intercept Fang Yuan.

At this point, Beast Tide suddenly changed direction, originally linear forward, but turned a slight arc.

“This is actually?!” Fang Yuan faraway, a pair of monkey eyes round, surprise.

He was disastantly seeing a mountain of red red bones. There is still a burning blue flame on the bones. The temperature is restrained and there is no trace of fire, but it gives Fang Yuan a very dangerous feeling.

This is the body of an Immemorial Desolate Beast.

It seems that soon after the death, Immemorial breath, even Beast Tide, is also subconsciously avoiding.

“True far and wide looking for something, every cloud has a silver lining another village!” At this moment, Fang Yuan really wants to laugh three times.

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