
The silhouette of the Flame Devouring Monkey turned into a dexterous arc in the air, leaping out, flying away from Beast Tide under the cover of smoke, and quickly approaching the body of Immemorial Desolate Beast.

From the appearance of appearance, this is an elephant corpse.

A gray-blue elephant skin, tattered, subcutaneous flesh and blood has been exhausted. The white bones of the forest, the shelves, and the elephant skin of the enormous form a huge “tent”.

This is a semi-collapsed “tent”, which is full of tragic atmosphere. It is obvious that this Immemorial Desolate Beast suffered a very fierce battle.

Fang Yuan’s heart, can’t help but gave birth to a doubt: “What is the existence of the Immemorial Desolate Beast?”

At this moment his position is very close to the center of Grand Mound.

One of the famous Ten Great Ominous Lands in Northern Plains is indeed extremely dangerous, deep and unmeasurable. Immemorial Desolate Beast hides it, making the super forces have a headache.

After all, Immemorial Desolate Beast’s battle strength is often comparable to Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Among the superpowers, there are only a few who have Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

The vast Northern Plains, the Rank 8 Gu Immortal on the bright side, only the 4~5 people nothing more.

Even if it is the edge of the Grand Mound, a little careless will trigger Beast Tide. Immemorial Desolate Beast, Beast Tide, these two factors led to the Grand Mound not being interfered by the forces of Gu Immortal in Northern Plains.

Fang Yuan is closer to the body of Immemorial Desolate Elephant.

Compared with this huge incomparable corpse, Fang Yuan is like a fly, flying to a broken gray-blue “tent”.

There is no trace of wind.

But Fang Yuan gradually felt the resistance increase.

An invisible force resisted Fang Yuan in a sigh of relief, and Fang Yuan felt that he was walking against the tide and walking deep into the depths of the sea.

After a little more, Fang Yuan even had auditory hallucinations.

Huā huā huā ……

His ears are filled with ebb and flow.

“Water Dao’s Dao Marks!” Fang Yuan has a slight heart.

There is no doubt that this Immemorial Desolate Elephant has an extremely rich Water Dao’s Dao Marks.

Immemorial Desolate Elephant Despite the death, Water Dao’s Dao Marks survived with bones and elephant skins, silently affecting Heaven and Earth in this field.

Fang Yuan has also been exposed to the body of Immemorial Desolate Beast. For example, Dongfang Changfan transcends tribulation.

But the body of Immemorial Ruin Bat has been transformed by Dongfang Changfan, so Fang Yuan does not feel like this.

In the Super Gu Formation of the trench, Fang Yuan also picked up a lot of Immemorial immortal materials. Some immortal materials on Dao Marks are extremely rich and numerous, even producedd by the naked eye Dao Mark Halo!

But these immortal materials are only a small part. Pbtt is in the total number of Dao Marks, and the body of the almost complete Immemorial Desolate Elephant under Fang Yuan is completely unable to explain on equal terms.

Imomorial Desolate Beast is a collection of Dao Marks. It is quite terrifying.

The most important thing is this Immemorial Desolate Beast, it seems that it didn’t take long to die.

Therefore, Fang Yuan feels so uncomfortable and difficult to access.

“Immemorial Desolate Beast, Desolate Plant, each staying in one place for a longer period of time, the massive Dao Marks on the body will affect the surrounding environment and slowly transform the surrounding Heaven and Earth.”

Fang Yuan flashed a heart, but his feet kept moving, and the figure continued to move, and he tried his best to get close.

It is because of these Water Dao’s Dao Marks. So there is no wind. Near the entire corpse, quiet, without any signs of life activity.

“When this Heaven and Earth is slowly remodeled, there will be clouds that will remain all year round, and even a lake will accumulate, and then many different vegetation and wild beast will be created.”

Fang Yuan analyzed this area and it is not stable yet.

Dao Marks, a member of Immemorial Desolate Elephant, is subtly changing the environment around him.

This process may last for decades, hundreds of years. Even thousands of years. During this process, many of the Water Dao’s Dao Marks on Immemorial Desolate Elephant will be lost and escaped, and other Dao Marks around Heaven and Earth are also excluded, mainly Water Dao.

finally. Water Dao’s Dao Marks in Heaven and Earth, and the remaining Water Dao’s Dao Marks in the Immemorial Desolate Elephant form a new balance. Desolate Elephant is wrecked and no longer damaged. The remaining Water Dao’s Dao Marks are no longer reduced, but rather like being warmed and nourish by the surrounding environment.

In addition to Fang Yuan. There are no traces of plants or animals.

Fang Yuan suddenly looked at her eyes.

Beast Tide suddenly became confused, and the originality was uniform and uniform, showing an unusual chaos.

Fang Yuan snorted and turned his head to look.

But Beast Tide was just a bit confusing and quickly returned to normal. It seems to be a wave of stormy waves, bypassing the Immemorial corpse and rushing to other places. Wherever he went, the vegetation fell, the smoke rolled, and a messy scene.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, “When it seems that Shadow Sect’s side is correct. Desolate Beast is easy to be influenced by Will of Heaven, but the degree of short-term influence is limited. Beast Tide has become a big force, even if it is Will Of Heaven, I found my embarrassment, and it was difficult to achieves Beast Tide and turned to the Immemorial corpse. In this range, I am safe!”

After a few moments, Fang Yuan stopped.

He glanced around all around, slightly nodded.

This distance is just right, not too close to the Immemorial corpse center.

More critically, Gu insect in Fang Yuan’s hand responded.

Before leaving, Langya Earth Spirit entrust had his set of Gu insects for placement. The Gu insect that is now reacting is a specialized investigation. As long as you are aware of the appropriate environment for set up formation within a certain range, the sound and vibration that Gu Immortal will feel will be emitted.

Set up formation !

Fang Yuan stopped the pace of advancement, standing, one after another perfusion of immortal essence, urging Gu insect.

One after another, Immortal Gu, was mobilized one after another.

Some flew out of Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture and circled around Fang Yuan. Some stay in Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture and continue to dance.

The fairy light is lingering and the color is transpiration.

The massive mind was involved, and Fang Yuan had to eliminate the change and show the true body.

Will of Heaven was furious and thoroughly discovered Fang Yuan, and there was a thunder in the air.

But to no avail.

The moment when Will of Heaven is truly hands-on is at Gu Immortal transcends tribulation. It is not the Fang Yuan transcends tribulation, nor the natural refining gu method of the Hairyman genre, to refining Immortal Gu.

Ruiqi strips and flies, mysterious sounds are endless.

Focusing on Fang Yuan, it gradually formed a huge colorful vortex, like an aerosol, if the tide, the imposing manner is magnificent, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

The vortex continues to expand. Regular and thorough.

One by one’s Gu insect, laid out in the Caixia, some buried in the the earth, and some left on the ground. There are more Void Transformations, which stay in midair, and some are imprinted in the air, which are unobservable to the naked eye.

Massive Gu insect, at lightning speed. Arranged.

Fang Yuan mainly serves as the provider of immortal essence. The real set up formation is one Immortal Gu.

Rank 6’s Formation Plate Gu!

It is like a disc, a ceramic dish where the dishes are eaten. At this moment, it is suspended quietly above the head of Fang Yuan’s, and various Gu insects are dispatched.

The entire set up formation process lasted for three a long time.

Fang Yuan took up Gu insect until the sun fell and the dark red glow was on the horizon.

Massive mortal gu is placed, and all Immortal Gu is recycled. All Gu insects. Form a hidden and complicated gu formation, hidden in this Heaven and Earth. When Fang did not start, even Fang Yuan could not detect it.

“It’s amazing!” Fang Yuan said.

This set up formation also benefited him a lot.

Although his Formation Dao Realm is extremely common, his vision is there.

“Formation Dao Gu Immortal If you have the Great Grandmaster Realm, you can use the Dao Marks between Heaven and Earth to set up formation. This gu formation is also like so. This reminds me of a historical figure. ”

This person, named Immortal Empress Jiu Hua, is the famous Formation Dao Great Grandmaster in history.

Her set up formation style. It is a radiant paradise, gorgeous and extraordinary.

More critically, she and Old Ancestor Long Haired are the same age figures. Oh, more accurately. Old Ancestor Long Haired is too old to live.

“Perhaps this Transmission Gu Formation is the result of a deal between Immortal Empress Jiu Hua and Old Ancestor Long Haired.” Fang Yuan secretly guessed.

Gu formation has been established.

Fang Yuan hesitated and started to motivate the gu formation.

In accordance with his cautious personality, it is natural to check the gu formation.

But he really has no research on Formation Dao, and this gu formation seems to be the handiwork of the Great Grandmaster, too high-end complex. Fang Yuan wants to check if there is a leak. Also have no ability to do it.

Gu formation slowly opened, about 5 minutes of effort, to complete the first step.

Light and shadow fly, forming an illusory grand formation covering a radius of more than one. Fang Yuan is in the center and feels the tidal sounds in his ears. But there is no invisible resistance when it comes.

“This gu formation mobilizes Water Dao’s Dao Marks on the Immemorial corpse. It is no wonder that the Langya Earth Spirit must choose to be in this location before gu formation.”

“It is very rare to be able to transmit Gu Immortal’s gu formation. Although this gu formation can be transmitted, it is too slow to start and cannot be used to escape quickly.”

Fang Yuan quickly evaluated it and then ignited the key Immortal Gu in the Immortal Aperture.

The power of this Immortal Gu, which escaped from his with the body, suddenly caused rapid changes.

The bright light around it screamed toward Fang Yuan, and it was condensed by the emptiness. Suddenly, Fang Yuan was clustered and concentrated.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt the pressure of shock.

But in a blink of an eye, the huge oppressive forces disappeared.


In the loud noise, the light cluster suddenly became a burst of light, turning into a little bit of light.

Fang Yuan has disappeared.

After a long while, everything is calm.

It’s as if nothing has ever happened.

“I have already arrived at Langya Blessed Land?” Fang Yuan’s male body was shocked, and the field of vision was full of radiance. Suddenly, he felt down-to-earth, and then fixed his eyes, clear and bright, has returned to Langya Blessed Land.

He is in the middle of a huge gu formation.

This gu formation, he has already been in contact.

Originally from the gu formation of 100 Winds Cliff, it was dropped here.

Fang Yuan suddenly had more clear comprehension: “It seems that this is Main Formation, and the gu formation distributed in Grand Mound, 100 Winds Cliff, etc. is Subsidiary Formation. To drive Super Gu Formation, you need the key. The sex of Immortal Gu, it is equivalent to the key.”

The silhouette of the Langya Earth Spirit suddenly appeared.

He laughed heartily: “Fang Yuan, you kid didn’t let me down!”

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