Fang Yuan has been working day and night, never sleeps. ←,

When he saw the thick clouds, he used Blood Drifting. Most of the time, I use Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

There are several dangerous areas on the way, there are places of rogue cultivator Gu Immortal, or super forces. Fang Yuan did not dare to apply Immortal Gu in a blatant manner, but instead used Mortal Realm Ultimate Move.

His strategy was quite right, and after the events of Six Winged Unicorn pegasus and the wild Dragon Centipede, there were no other surprises.

Will of Heaven layout takes time.

On the other hand, the influence of Will of Heaven on other lives is limited.

Just like the original impact of Six Winged Unicorn pegasus and the wild Dragon Centipede, Will of Heaven can’t directly command Dragon Centipede or pegasus to attack Fang Yuan.

The influence of Will of Heaven’s is mainly due to the situation.

Fang Yuan’s is very fast, and it has been too late for Will of Heaven to lay out.

But Will of Heaven can still think, can figure it out.

This is mainly due to Constellation Immortal Venerable.

According to the information provided by Shadow Sect, Will of Heaven was much easier to deal with before Constellation Immortal Venerable. But after her, Will of Heaven became quite “blackmailed.”

Therefore, the Fang Yuan’s flying route is not a pure straight line.

Instead, it bends around and twists forward.

If it is a straight line, then the way forward is easily guessed by Will of Heaven, arranged ahead of time, waiting for Fang Yuan to plunge into it.

Even, Will of Heaven will calculate Fang Yuan’s true destination, Grand Mound, where it is heavily laid out.

That would be too dangerous!

Fang Yuan The sect task of this trip can’t be done, and his life is in jeopardy.

However, under the leadership of Fang Yuan. Will of Heaven is too late to hinder.

Of course, Fang Yuan will never deliberately return. In case of the Will of Heaven’s layout. Formed behind him, he had already flew away. It’s stupid to take the initiative to crash in now!

Thus, the original distance is far away, and the total distance is now several times longer.

However, in general, Fang Yuan’s speed is still very fast.

So I met the three days later of the wild Dragon Centipede Immortal Gu. On the horizon, Grand Mound slowly broke into his field of vision.

Grand Mound is looking forward!

The long common grass is a huge yellow plain.

The appearance of Grand Mound. It is like a thick green forest and a towering jade tower. On this yellow plain, it is extremely conspicuous.

As Fang Yuan continued to approach, the thick green Grand Mound spread on the horizon and spread in the sights of Fang Yuan’s. It’s like a beach that is quickly rendered on fine writing paper.

In the end, Grand Mound spread across the horizon, covering all of Fang Yuan’s vision.

Massive giant grass, covered in this fierce land, inside the shadows of the beast. The tiger screams and sways in the sky, always coming out.

A vast expanse, a wild imposing manner!

At this moment, Fang Yuan disguised the Will of Heaven. It is useless.

He slowed down, deactivated Immortal Gu and went straight into the Grand Mound.

Compared with giant grass. He is short and small. Compared to the entire Grand Mound, it is like a palace. Flying into a mosquito.

The dense giant grass covers the sky.

The entire Grand Mound. Not only how many ferocious beasts are hidden.

There is a faint sway in front, which seems to be a terrifying Beast Tide.

Fang Yuan sneered, provoked Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu Crossing Dark !

Can cover up the atmosphere, let people ignore, prevent and calculate, to some extent shield Will of Heaven.

Shape Transformation Immortal Gu !

Fang Yuan is turned into a mountain goat and integrated into the Grand Mound.

The front of the turmoil was chaotic and gradually dissipated.

“If Will of Heaven is affectionate, it must be horrified and angry at the moment.” Fang Yuan laughed, shaking his head again, sighing, “Unfortunately, Will of Heaven is ruthless…”

Crossing Dark Immortal Gu helped Feng Yuan.

At the beginning, Hei Loulan was still a mortal Gu Master, and by this Immortal Gu, he hid his breath of Vigorous True Martial Physique and survived.

Ten Perfect Physiques’ Disaster and Tribulation, why is it unusual?

Also because of the lack of compensation for Will of Heaven, I don’t want the existence of Ten Perfect Physiques to affect World Balance.

Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, more far surpasses Ten Perfect Physiques. The magnitude of Disaster and Tribulation is much larger than Ten Perfect Physiques. Even Crossing Dark Immortal Gu has limited effectiveness.

Fang Yuan suddenly thought: “Fairy Jiang Yu is a member of Shadow Sect, Shadow Sect against Will of Heaven, and Crossing Dark Immortal Gu. There must be a lot of tools. Ying Wuxie can really escape Danger Realm, rely on Shadow Sect remnant forces, I am afraid that every cloud has a silver lining , boundless oceans, vast skies .”

He changed to make mountain goat at this time. This Desolate Beast is very common in Grand Mound, although the looks impressive but is worthless, but it fits perfectly.

Not as awkward as the body of Gu Immortal, and it doesn’t fit in with Grand Mound.

Soon, he encountered Desolate Beast.

A Golden Sand Crow Horse.

This is a big horse.

The size of the mountain goat is much larger than that of Fang Yuan. Shiny muscles, strong bones, leather hair seems to be dark gold pouring, six horseshoes, hoof black and deep.

Golden Sand Crow Horse is grazing.

The Mountain goat, which was aware of Fang Yuan’s change, raised his head and looked up and down the “uninvited guest.”

Desolate Beast each has its own site, and Fang Yuan’s mountain goat has been broken into the Golden Sand Crow Horse.

However, the Golden Sand Crow Horse is not carnivorous, the temperament is also calm, and the mountain goat is also part of the herbivorous Desolate Beast. In the survival consciousness of the Golden Sand Crow Horse, the mountain goat is not threatening.

However, it is still very vigilant.

I kept staring at Fang Yuan until Fang Yuan left it and left, and it then lowered her head and continued to graze.

Fang Yuan chose to change into a mountain goat, which is naturally well thought out.

In fact, in the Northern Plains, there are a lot of Wolf-shaped Desolate Beast, but if it becomes a Desolate Beast wolf, it will be strongly reacted by Golden Sand Crow Horse.

Crossing the Golden Sand Crow Horse site, Fang Yuan continues on.

He has already remembered the Grand Mound topographic map. Even if you can’t remember, there are quite a few Information Dao Gu insects backed up in Immortal Aperture.

“The first location is in the southeast direction.” Fang Yuan looks out.

But the height of the giant grass is higher, the giant grass on the edge is like a big tree, and deep into the interior, the giant grass is analogous to the tower. Grand Mound Central Giant Grass. More comparable to the mountains.

The mountain goat is not too small, but as Fang Yuan continues to deepen. The surrounding giant grasses are taller and denser, making the mountain goats look petite.

Along the way. Fang Yuan encountered a lot of Desolate Beast.

Some of these Desolate Beasts walk alone, some in twos and threes. The greater part is herbivorous, but also carnivorous.

Fang Yuan’s brains, his wisdom is not comparable to the Desolate Beast.

Therefore, after a few twists and turns, they all crossed over.

BAA Baa baa……

The endless sheep are called into the Fang Yuan’s eardrum.

In the grass ahead, there is a large group of mountain goats hidden.

Fang Yuan was amazed: “It seems that I am already going deep into Grand Mound. This is the first Desolate Beast group I have seen compared to Large Scale.”

There are nearly a hundred of these sheep. In groups, some are grazing, some are lying on the broad terrain to basking in the sun, and some are younger and playing with each other.

Fang Yuan stepped into their field of vision.

One by one wild mountain goat, watching him.

This strange kind, they are the first time I saw it.

Fang Yuan cautious and solemn.

Although he has Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, he also has hidden dangers. If there is a sheep in this group of sheep, what is parasitic about the investigation of the wild Immortal Gu. Can discern Fang Yuan’s disguise, then bad luck.

To be on the safe side, Fang Yuan secretly spurred Manner Gu.

Suddenly, the flock felt Fang Yuan’s “attitude”. Looking into his eyes suddenly eased a lot.

Fang Yuan took a few steps and even had two or three young Desolate Beast mountain goats, and ran to him. Looking at him with a curious eye close at him, and two running around Fang Yuan. Jumping and jumping.

Fang Yuan came out safely and left the field of view of the flock.

The young mountain goat followed him for a while. When they gradually moved away from the flock, they were called by their parents and called back.

This makes Fang Yuan a pity.

If it is possible to abduct these two young sheep and catch them in the Paragon Immortal Aperture, how good it is.

Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to start.

From the site of the mountain goat group, Fang Yuan is very close to the first location marked on the topographic map.

He didn’t care about it and looked at himself.

“The hidden power of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is weakening, but it can support it for a while.” Fang Yuan made a precise estimate.

Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is motivated once, and it takes a long break before it can continue to be motivated.

Its power is left on Fang Yuan’s body to hide his breath. But as time goes by, or other external forces, it continues to weaken and reduce.

And the application of the object is different, the effect of the protection is also different.

For example, the performance of Hei Loulan is very good. The effect on Dark Dao Gu Immortal is reduced. For other genres of Gu Immortal, the effect is even worse. Fortunately, Fang Yuan’s Dao Marks does not interfere with each other, otherwise his effect will be worse.

In short, Fang Yuan must complete the task of the hand while the cover power of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is still there.

Otherwise, the power dissipated, and Will of Heaven paid attention to the fact that countless Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast in Grand Mound were besieging Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan’s end was extremely worrying.

A moment later, Fang Yuan approached the first point.

Before he arrived, Fang Yuan knew that this position had been completely changed.

Because of the topographic map, there is a bone of the IQ Lineage Lion of the Immemorial Desolate Beast.

The guardian bones are a large group of Qi Lineage Lions. There are Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

But now the small mountain-like bones, the immediate is missing. The Qi Lineage Lion group is gone, and Fang Yuan uses the detective ultimate move to hear many vague wolves.

Fang Yuan is slightly sinking in his heart.

“Desolate Beast Black Wolf! And this size… at least thirty.”

A small Desolate Beast wolf.

Although the number is small, it is a fernicious beast of carnivorous.

The territory of the wolves is even broader.

Fang Yuan doesn’t have to look at it from a close distance. He only uses the Mortal Dao detection method. He knows a lot of intelligence by hearing.

This is the wisdom of man.

In this group of Desolate Beast wolves, Immortal Gu may also be parasitic, but unfortunately cannot be independent of wield. Compared with the Gu Immortal of Immortal Gu, there are two concepts.

Fang Yuan meditates: “The first marking point has disappeared. Whether it is the Immemorial Desolate Beast-class Qi Lineage Lion body, or the group of Desolate Beast, the Far Line Desolate Beast’s Qi Lineage Lion group. I don’t know how it disappeared. And when it disappears, three times more than 100,000 years later, it is occupied by a small black-blood wolf.”

Fang Yuan did not hesitate and gave up directly here.

He bypassed the territory of the wolf and began to move to the second destination.

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