Half a stick of incense, Fang Yuan is far from Dragon Elephant Plains.

A large white cloud appeared in front.

Fang Yuan’s speed subconsciously slows down.

He is now paying more attention to Baiyun. The last time he was at Southern Border, he encounted the nasty Cloud Beast.

Eating a long, wise, Fang Yuan is cautious about any large area of ​​white clouds.

After the investigation, Fang Yuan relaxed slightly, and there was no problem with this white cloud.

He flew into the cloud.

In the field of vision, it was suddenly covered by a white mist.

But it doesn’t matter, Fang Yuan has other means of investigation.

Whether it’s hearing, sound waves, or Divine Sense coverage, he can fly freely in the clouds, not like a headless fly flying around.

At the level of Gu Immortal, the means of mortalism are endless, almost everything.

Fang Yuan has dropped sharply and stopped all moving means.

Then, one after another in his mind flashed frequently, mobilizing the various Gu insects in the Immortal Aperture.

A large number of Blood Dao mortal gu, rising winds, scudding clouds, like a bloody red whirlwind in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Then the core Immortal Gu flies up.

Rank 6 Blood Source Immortal Gu !

It is like the king boarding, the imposing manner out of the ordinary, the rest of the mortal gu are support, and instantly an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Blood Drifting for Fang Yuan.

The blood light spurted out from Fang Yuan’s body and quickly liquefied to form a bloody blood.

Blood water carries Fang Yuan, cut through the sky, and head forward.

Fast speed. And before are completely two concepts!

Fang Yuan had to leave Dragon Elephant Plains before, which was the scope of the Righteous Path superpower. So he does not move Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Because most Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves have a strong breath, they will attract attention.

Fang Yuan is surrounded by Dragon Elephant Plains and uses a variety of Mortal Realm Ultimate Moves.

Now away from Dragon Elephant Plains, he can finally motivate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The speed has surged and it has passed quickly.

A slender scarlet track. Was pulled out. But it was covered by thick clouds. I can’t see it outside.

This is the benefit of flying in the clouds.

If there is no cloud, Fang Yuan can only hide the trail. The sky was flying in the air, too swaying.

In a short while, this wide range of clouds was directly penetrated by Fang Yuan.

Thousands of miles away, he has been crossed.

Out of the clouds, Fang Yuan took the initiative to close up Blood Drifting.

During this time, Blood Dao Demon Immortal in Five Regions still can’t see the light, and he has to be a tail. Blood Dao everyone shouted. Like a street mouse, Fang Yuan doesn’t want to get in trouble because of Blood Dao.

Especially Will of Heaven is still watching him closely!

“Unless the Blood Drifting is improved, everyone can’t recognize it.” Fang Yuan flashed a thought in his heart.

Actually, this Blood Drifting. He has improved it again.

In the cultivation of Langya Blessed Land, Fang Yuan is also practicing the Blood Dao Ultimate Move and the Strength Dao ultimate move.

One day, in practice, Fang Yuan has improved the Bloom Drifting.

Originally, when Blood Drifting was launched, hundreds of mortal gus appeared around Fang Yuan’s, flying around, like a huge ring.

After the improvement. These mortal gus are flying in the Immortal Aperture.

Don’t look at this little improvement, but it makes up for a huge flaw.

Flying around Gu Immortal, it is easy to be hit and destroyed, but it is very safe in Immortal Aperture.

With this alone, progress is not too small.

But Blood Drifting is still prestigious, flying in the air, drawing a long blood river, it is difficult to pay attention. There is also a strong bloody smell that is irritating.

If these defects are not improved, the application of Blood Drifting is not very broad.

If Wisdom Halo can take advantage of these improvements, Fang Yuan can be Overnight. But the Immortal Zombie body, Fang Yuan is not sure about its safety.

With cloud cover, there is no cloud, and Fang Yuan does not plan to use Blood Drifting.

He directly spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

Rank 7 Sword Escape Immortal Gu !

Fang Yuan slanted over the sky and flew all the way.

He is even faster now than Blood Drifting!

A single Sword Escape Immortal Gu surpassed the Rank 6 Blood Dao Ultimate Move.

Although according to his current cultivation base, Green Grape Immortal Essence spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu, it was not very durable, but Fang Yuan insisted on this and his attitude was firm.

An important esteem of his trip is – fast! fast! fast!

Emphasize high speed.

It’s all because of Will of Heaven.

“Will of Heaven is Heavenly Dao’s will, and there is a lack of compensation. I see it as a nail in the eye and a stab in the flesh. But Heavenly Dao also has rules for its operation. Will of Heaven must act according to the rules, so there is a limit.”

“Will of Heaven can’t act at will, only in the case of Disaster and Tribulation, can take action on me personally. In normal times, Will of Heaven can only kill me.”

How is Will of Heaven laid out?

That is the impact of sentient beings.

It seems that at the beginning, Fang Yuan was in the Royal Court Blessed Land. Like the Mo Yao False Intent, the Will of Heaven is ubiquitous and can naturally affect other lives.

This kind of influence is subtle, and it is guided by the situation.

In most cases, it is a difference.

Will of Heaven can affect the existence of countless lives at the same time, the difference between each and every one, the influence of time after time, will bring these lives together to form a trap.

But as the matter stands, it takes time to influence others and layout traps.

So Fang Yuan emphasized speed.

The faster he is, the less time Will of Heaven has to influence other lives and arrange for him to deal with him.

On the Southern Border to the Northern Plains’ road, Fang Yuan didn’t know this and lacked effective means of moving, especially the initial stage, giving Will of Heaven ample time.

Now Fang Yuan knows the Will of Heaven’s weak point and naturally needs to make good use of it.

This is also an effective means for Shadow Sect to deal with Will of Heaven’s.

Shadow Sect’s aim is to “hidden savings, a move, such as a volcanic eruption, lightning can not cover the ears, to achieve the goal!”

Fang Yuan learned this completely.

“To deal with Will of Heaven. Shadow Sect, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is my best example. They are my deadly enemies, but the enemy of the enemy. There are better advantages than me, I naturally have to put aside all prejudice and actively follow suit. Learn!”

“And I have a huge advantage over Shadow Sect there is still one, that is, I am the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens !”

“Shadow Sect members have to act, they have to think about themselves, use my intention to wash themselves at all times. Prepare for the influence of Will of Heaven’s.”

“And I don’t need this. Because the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, Will of Heaven can’t affect it!”

In order to guard against Will of Heaven, Fang Yuan spurred Sword Escape, and immortal essence was devastating!

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has retained most of his accumulated cultivation resources.

He is now in the gold, exaggerating to say that it is rich and imposing.

Although I have to build and operate my own Immortal Aperture, most of the plans have not been implemented. Because Treasure Yellow Heaven is off, he got something in the Langya School treasury. Still very limited.

Fang Yuan cut through the sky, and a sharp roar broke out along the way, as if the whole person had become a Flying Sword!

Vertical and horizontal wasteland, sharp and sharp.

suddenly. A tweet, full of pain and horror.

A Far Ancient Desolate Beast, who is desperately trying to escape, is chasing a Rank 7 wild Immortal Gu.

The two slammed into Fang Yuan’s vision.

The front is the Six Winged Unicorn pegasus and the wild Immortal Gu is the Dragon Centipede.

The four-winged pegasus is the Beast Emperor, the six-winged pegasus is the Desolate Beast, and the forehead grows only one horn. The six-winged pegasus is the Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

And this Dragon Centipede, the length of the figure, is up to seven miles! The dragon head, countless knots, constantly flipping on both sides of the flat body. The hard, hard-shelled carapace, under the bright sun, sparkles with dazzling golden light. Very powerful, magnificent and beautiful!

Some of the wild Immortal Gu are parasitic in the body of the Desolate Beast and the Deserte Plant, constantly extracting their nutrients and living as a foodstuff.

This is only the case of the greater part.

Dragon Centipede is the ferocious wild Immortal Gu, which directly captures Desolate Beast and Desolate Plant and uses them as prey for hunting.

The only Dragon Centipede Immortal Gu in the world is already Rank 7, hunting Far Ancient Desolate Beast and Desolate Plant and filling up your own belly.

Fang Yuan is flying straight, this pair of chasing combinations, just in front of him, just stopped on his way.

“Several tricks appeared!” Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

The last time was the cloud beast group, this time was Six Winged Unicorn pegasus and the wild Dragon Centipede Immortal Gu.

The wild Immortal Gu itself is very low-minded, and although it has its own will, it is more susceptible to Will of Heaven.

Six Winged Unicorn pegasus is a Faro Desolate Beast, a ferocious beast of horses, which is more spiritual than most. Will of Heaven is harder to influence.

But it escaped at this time, panic-free, Will of Heaven affected, only need single thought head, you can change the escape direction of Six Winged Unicorn pegasus.

Both of them have become Fang Yuan’s roadblocks!

Pegasus escapes, blocks all obstacles in front of it, and it will do its best to smash it.

The eyes of Dragon Centipede are also projected to Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan’s 蛊Immortal Qi interest all around.

He is Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

The breath is much weaker than the Six Winged Unicorn pegasus. But his Sword Dao is full of breath, which comes from Rank 7 Immortal Gu Sword Escape.

This is more attractive to Dragon Centipede.

Because Dragon Centipede itself is rich in Sword Dao’s Dao Marks!

Its countless limbs contain Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, which makes it carry thousands of swords. Once the prey is entangled, these swords up and down, left and right are attacked before and after, and the Far Ancient Desolate Beast can be smashed out of the blood hole of each and every one, which is very ferocious.

Fang Yuan reacted extremely fast.

He took up Sword Escape Immortal Gu in an instant and disappeared.

Dragon Centipede is confused, but attention is still there. After all, in its long hunting career, there have been many prey that can take the initiative to hide the breath.

Fang Yuan’s body was shocked and there were countless silhouettes.

Combine Enslavement and Strength , Immortal Realm Ultimate Move — Ten Thousand Me !

Before the transaction, Fang Yuan got a lot of Strength Dao Immortal Gu, and his former strongest killing method is back!

Although there is no Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan has replaced it with other mortal gu. The combat power of Ten Thousand Me has dropped a lot, but it is still very useful to confuse the enemy at this moment.

Countless Fang Yuan, all around, like the small group of fish of the Large Scale in the deep sea, suddenly came across the whale shark, all around flying away.

Dragon Centipede is even more confusing, and the speed is slightly stagnation.

Then it has a long body of seven miles, and the whip is usually beaten.

Pēng pēng pēng.

Countless Fang Yuan Strength Dao silhouette, all collapsed.

Six Winged Unicorn pegasus also crashed a lot of Fang Yuan phantom along the way and fled quickly.

Dragon Centipede See pegasus to escape, and refocus the main focus on it.

The two fled and quickly flew out of Fang Yuan’s vision.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air.

His true body has fallen to a low altitude.

The mind is moving, and there are countless Fang Yuan phantoms, all of which collapse at the same time.


Fang Yuan once again spurred Sword Escape, flew into the sky and went away.

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