The place that Langya Earth Spirit points to is Grand Mound!

The real goal of Fang Yuan is also Grand Mound .pbtt

However, he is not easy to say, can only side-click and guide, let Langya Earth Spirit “understand” the answer.

Grand Mound, one of the Northern Plains Ten Great Ominous Land.

Here, there is a giant grass. This kind of grass is extremely thick and huge, and a grass is quite a hundred years old.

On the Grand Mound, there is such a giant grass everywhere.

Huge grass, continuous into a large piece of primitive jungle.

There is a lot of Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast in the jungle, and even the shadow of Immemorial Desolate Beast.

So even Gu Immortal didn’t dare to break into it. Even if you are Rank 8 Gu Immortal, be careful. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will make a Beast Tide here.

Dongfang Changfan will reinforce the inheritance for the body possession. Then Fang Yuan and the others also fought fiercely on Grand Mound.

“Here… should you be familiar?” Langya Earth Spirit looked at Fang Yuan and smiled.

Fang Yuan said: “It’s a bit familiar because of Dongfang Changfan’s thing.” He said, looking at the Langya Earth Spirit, it is clear that the Langya Earth Spirit also knows this history.

“I plan to place the Transmission Gu Formation in Grand Mound. What do you think?” asked Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan pondered then said: “To be honest, I don’t recommend My Sect to arrange gu formation on Grand Mound. It is because I am familiar with it that I feel that I can’t do this. It’s like an ant honeycomb, it’s a little bigger, just Can lead to Beast Tide. This Beast Tide is not a simple Beast Tide, at least Desolate Beast, or even Far Ancient Desolate Beast. It is also possible to motivate Immemorial Desolate Beast.”

“I was there before, there was a fierce battle. But it was because Dongfang Changfan built a battle stage based on the body of Immemorial Ruin Bat. The atmosphere of Immemorial Desolate Beast effectively blocked other Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Because of this, it didn’t make Beast Tide. But after Heavenly Disaster and Earthly Tribulation, Immemorial Desolate Beast’s breath was washed away, the body of Immemorial Ruin Bat. Immediately by countless Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast is scrambling and swallowing. It can be seen that Grand Mound is terrifying.”

“To arrange the Transmission Gu Formation in Grand Mound, if it is on the edge of the Grand Mound, although it can be retired, My Sect Gu Immortal is also easily detected by other forces. If the gu formation is arranged inside the Grand Mound, once the battle is unfavorable, My Sect Gu Immortal You can’t escape. Even if you choose a good location, you can take both into consideration. But if the battle spreads a little, it will lead to Beast Tide. It is easy to be discovered.”

“It is because of these willingness that these superpowers do not want to touch the Grand Mound. My Sect needs more scruples, and more. This place is not a good choice.”

Fang Yuan incisive’s analysis of pros and cons, a bitter heart, loyal look.

Langya Earth Spirit laughed heartily.

While laughing, he patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder.

He smiled for a while, and this said: “Fang Yuan, you are very good. But you can rest assured. You see, what is this?”

In the Langya Earth Spirit, an Information Dao Gu insect was handed over to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Fang Yuan looked at it and pretended to be shocked and overjoyed. He shouted: “This, this, this! There is such a detailed Grand Mound topographic map. It is a sleepy pillow, ah, no, My Sect The background is so honest. If I don’t see it, I’m afraid I won’t believe it!”

“gā gā gā, good boy, experienced.” Langya Earth Spirit smiled and jumped in place. Dance and dance.

“Great, amazing!” Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up and a look of sincerity and admiration.

Langya Earth Spirit exclaimed with excitement: “This is my own body, in order to obtain immortal materials in Grand Mound, after repeated trips, combined with self-experience. And other people’s calculations, get the Grand Mound topographic map!”

“so that’s how it is.” Fang Yuan suddenly realized.

In fact, his heart is already clear.

This information is the a small part of his transaction with Shadow Sect.

It is because of this Grand Mound topographic map that Fang Yuan designed to deliberately say that the trench is actually pulling the Langya Earth Spirit in this direction.

Langya Earth Spirit pointed to Information Dao Gu insect in Fang Yuan’s hand and said: “This topographic map not only records the landforms of Grand Mound, but also the corresponding beast group distribution. There is only one huge flaw. That is the time it took for this topographic map to be created. After so many years, there must be a lot of changes in Grand Mound.”

“Revered Great Elder said that I have such concerns in my heart.” Fang Yuan quickly reconciled.

Langya Earth Spirit continued: “Are you not familiar with it? You are Human Race Gu Immortal, and now Immortal Gu Shape Transformation, I am going to let you run and take this topographic map.”

Langya Earth Spirit has not finished yet, Fang Yuan just stood up and did not hesitate, extremely enthusiastic – ly said: “Revered Great Elder only ordered, for the sake of the faction, but also about the development of such a major event, this is the honor of the next. !”

Langya Earth Spirit laughed heartily, patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder and motioned him to sit down again: “Fang Yuan, you are very good, I have not misread you. You can rest assured that this time you go, the faction will never treat you badly. You Going this time, seeing the opportunity. The main thing is to inspect the Grand Mound terrain and refine the Grand Mound topographic map. If there is an opportunity, arrange the initial Transmission Gu Formation in the right place.”

“You see three positions in this picture. In all three positions, the bodies of Immemorial Desolate Beast are marked. You can look at these three positions. If you can establish Transmission Gu Formation here, it is quite right. ”

“Of course, you have to keep yourself, the whereabouts are hidden, even if they are discovered, they absolutely cannot reveal the existence of My Sect.”

Langya Earth Spirit is attentive.

Fang Yuan is busy nodded, pats his chest and promises: “Revered Great Elder, you can rest assured. I am a little ready, I will leave immediately!”

“Good, very good.” Langya Earth Spirit laughed and he was very happy with Fang Yuan’s performance.

In fact, there is not much to prepare, Langya Blessed Land background is deep, Fang Yuan put Unrestrained Valley, Soul Shaking Mountain and Wisdom Gu, all here, more assured.

Even if there is a Shadow Sect, it does not hinder these overall situations. The ripples that Sixth Hair can pick up are small, and Shadow Sect’s side has been self-contained, and it is impossible to make a surprise attack on Langya Blessed Land.

As for Heavenly Court, what if you found Langya Blessed Land?

Five Regions chaotic war period, Heavenly Court attacked Langya Blessed Land and attacked several times. Finally, Feng Jiuge sacrificed to attack Langya Blessed Land. Not to mention the fact that the Five Regions Boundary Wall is still there.

Checked Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan chose to bring these Immortal Gus almost all over. As for the Immortal Zombie body, it is also carried with you. His Paragon Immortal Aperture is naturally affordable.

In fact, the Immortal Zombie is a trouble, and the Spring and Autumn Cicada is even more troublesome.

Spring and Autumn Cicada has now been inexplicably sealed, unable to capture the water in the River of Time, only passively starving, and gradually towards the abyss of destruction.

Not only that, Spring and Autumn Cicada also contains Will of Heaven.

At this point, Fang Yuan has learned from the previous transaction.

He also knows a lot about the valuable information of Will of Heaven’s.

Great harvest!

“I have Paragon Immortal Aperture, which is a small Heaven and Earth that is independent of the outside world. But with Spring and Autumn Cicada and a lot of Will of Heaven Snow Monster, going out to Grand Mound is bound to hinder me. From Southern Border to Northern Plains’, I met Cloud Beast and Qi Zai’s and so on.”

Fang Yuan is in the heart.

He is no longer ignorant of Will of Heaven, but he knows it very well.

Will of Heaven is not invincible, and Will of Heaven has its own limitations.

After learning about Will of Heaven, the Will of Heaven’s threat fell to many levels.

After all, the unknown enemy is the most troublesome. Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, you can fight every battle without defeat!

First Earthly Disaster, formidable power skyrocketing, Fang Yuan knows, that is, Will of Heaven wants to eradicate his performance. But I mistakenly hit the tribulation in the northern icefield transcends, which helped myself a big favor.

Because of the large part of the Earthly Disaster, influenced by Reckless True Meaning, crowded out the Will of Heaven, forming the Crown Crown, Ruin Bat, and so on.

Snow Monster is the Will of Heaven orthodoxy.

They are instilled with pure Will of Heaven, and it is necessary to eradicate Fang Yuan. Do not take away Fang Yuan and swear.

The impact of Reckless True Meaning, to a large extent, undermines the dangers of Snow Monster.

Now these Snow Monsters are still in Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture. Each and every one has Will of Heaven, similar to Spring and Autumn Cicada. Fang Yuan To go out, under the perception of Will of Heaven’s, it is as obvious as the torch in the dark.

“Will of Heaven can’t be hands-on, unless it’s a chance to take advantage of Disaster and Tribulation. I will go out this time, Will of Heaven will be laid out, influencing others to kill me. The soldiers will block the water and cover it!”

The rays of light are fleeting, and in the heart of the Dragon Elephant Plains, there is a little Year Y.

His white clothed like snow, warm as jade, black hair like a waterfall, hanging to the waist, a pair of black scorpion, deep bottomless.

It is the Ancient Moon’s Fang Yuan.

“Come out!” Fang Yuan took a deep breath and immediately urged the defense against Gu insect and mobilized the investigation.

A large number of investigative techniques were launched together.

All around Sweeping, within a million steps, in his induction, at a glance.

Temporarily safe.

Langya Blessed Land Since the last move from Crescent Moon Lake, wherever it falls, only Langya Earth Spirit knows.

This is the biggest secret of Langya Blessed Land, who didn’t tell Earth Spirit.

But he is also outside, with several Transmission Gu Formations arranged to facilitate internal and external communication, and the access of Gu Immortal.

This response is several times better than the previous Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Blessed Land’s Transmission Gu Formation is arranged on the 100 Winds Cliff. Now Fang Yuan knows the location of the second Transmission Gu Formation, here, Northern Plains’ Dragon Elephant Plains.

“Go, this place should not stay for a long time.”

Fang Yuan thought together, Gu insect flew in the Immortal Aperture.

His figure resembled an arrow, and he shot it at once and entered the sky.

The field of vision suddenly widened and overlooked the foot, and Dragon Elephant Plains came into view.

Dragon Elephant Plains has a gentle terrain and extraordinary atmosphere. The water plants are rich, and a group of Dragon Elephants are nearby, far away, scattered around.

This is the Dragon Elephant habitat of the prestigious Northern Plains, controlled by a superpower in the surrounding area.

“Great rivers and mountains, magnificent and magnificent.” Fang Yuan sighed, hiding the figure, and quickly left.

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