Gu Immortal’s trans-regional movement and transportation has never been a good way. I want to see the book ┠w[w

Because Gu Immortal has very little demand for this!

Gu Master promoted immortal will become Gu Immortal of each domain because of the subtle differences between Five Regions Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. Such as Northern Plains Gu Immortal, Central Continent Gu Immortal, etc.

Gu Immortal itself has a strong geographical concept, and the exotic Gu Immortal is vulnerable to crowding. At the end of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng were chased by Southern Border Gu Immortal. In this regard, Eastern Sea is relatively open-minded.

The geographical concept is not the key. The most important thing is that Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture will fall into the outside Heaven and Earth every time, and take the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi to stabilize itself. At this time, there are strict requirements for Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. Northern Plains Gu Immortal If you drop Immortal Aperture on Central Continent Heaven and Earth, it would be a bad thing to take Central Continent’s Heaven Qi and Earth Qi.

The third reason is Disaster and Tribulation. Gu Immortal Disaster and Tribulation constantly, who is okay to run around? Why go to the foreign domain? Unless there are extremely important things, such as the big immortal destiny with clear clues, or the similarity of Feng Jiuge to explore Northern Plains’, there are major tasks.

One thing, you have to distinguish it.

Gu Immortal trans-regional movement and transportation, demand is small, but Immortal Gu and immortal materials are not the same!

The demand for this is still very large.

However, these needs, Treasure Yellow Heaven has been greatly satisfied.

For various reasons, few people have studied Gu Immortal’s trans-regional movement and transportation. Historically, there have been no outstanding research achievements. The level of gu formation established by the Zombie Alliance in each department is also simply the delivery of immortal materials nothing more.

Who will arduous and thankless task, to study things that are of little use?

Gu Immortal is also very stressful! Although with a fairy, but not very comfortable. Operating Immortal Aperture, maintaining Immortal Gu, and dealing with Heavenly Tribulation is enough to make almost all of Gu Immortal exhausted.

Therefore, Gu Immortal’s trans-regional movement and transportation have been primitive since ancient times, and they are slow and slow. Dignified Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, sending the Gu Immortal investigation team into Northern Plains, are hard-core two-field Boundary Wall.

After 4~5 has been around for a hundred years, it is not necessary to study Gu Immortal trans-regional movement and transportation. Because the Five Regions Boundary Wall is beginning to slowly dissipate. The entire Five Regions must be connected!

This is a postscript, not to mention.

In the hall, Fang Yuan burst into a burst of laughter.

He tried it for so long and finally got a comprehensive deal on the deal. I want to see the book ┡w

“Fang Yuan, what are you laughing at?” Sixth Hair’s feeling of badness is more intense.

“Because I am happy. Although the level gu formation can only transmit immortal materials, but it is enough! Intelligence or something, first put aside. The condition I want is my original flesh. First trade him to me.” Fang Yuan is very fast.

Sixth Hair has a face.

He knows Wisdom Gu.

Fang Yuan, if it is retains again his mortal body, combines the soul. To motivate Wisdom Halo, you can relive the power of Wisdom Gu again.

What is this concept?

It’s like a tiger, a flying rhythm!

In the past, Fang Yuan had a flaw, that is, there is no Longevity Gu feeding Wisdom Gu. Now Longyaity Gu in the hands of Langya Earth Spirit is eye-catching.

Fang Yuan already knows Will of Heaven, and if there is help from Wisdom Gu, how can it be contained? ! It’s just like flying an eagle, like a sea. Plus Paragon Immortal Aperture…

“My God!” Sixth Hair lamented that these factors are single, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. Shocking world! If still combined, the power of the explosion will be Unimaginable!

Does this make other people live? !

“This is not a good thing.” Sixth Hair shook his head quickly. “Without flesh, how can Sir Ying Wuxie escape Danger Realm?”

“There is a flesh.” Fang Yuan laughed, “I have Strength Bigo Immortal Zombie here, yes! Let’s change it. Make sure you don’t lose money, even the Dao Marks on the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie is better than my body. More, there are still earned.”

“Make your grandfather!” Sixth Hair hearted Fang Yuan shameless, his face became very ugly, staring at Fang Yuan said with a sneer. “Ming people don’t say slang, Fang Yuan, I don’t know what you plan?”

“Oh… it seems that you already know Wisdom Gu.” Fang Yuan rubbed his chin.

“Immortal Gu, intelligence can be sold, but the body… no!” Sixth Hair refused, and the tone was as strong as steel.

But I know that Fang Yuan changed his face faster and more thoroughly than him: “That is not to talk about! Go well. Don’t send!”

Fang Yuan stood up and waved his hand to drive Sixth Hair directly.

“…” Sixth Hair is dumbfounded!

He is kneeling in the same place, motionless. I want to see the book w?w “w<.>

Seeing him not moving, Fang Yuan sneered in secret and walked away. It is necessary to transfer to the back hall.

Sixth Hair was awakened at once, and this opened: “Fang Yuan, you wait!”

“You promised?” Fang Yuan didn’t turn around, just turned his head.

“The body does not sell, but other good discussions.” Sixth Hair perseverance.

Fang Yuan Humph, as soon as he turned his head, he turned to the side door and left the view of Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair quickly keeps up: “The transaction pays attention to both parties! Fang Yuan, why do you have to be strong, you must know that we are killed, and you will suffer sooner or later.”

Fang Yuan stopped, but this time there was no movement in the head. It was very rude to use the back of the head directly against Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair only listened to Fang Yuan. “You are right at all. But what happened to me? It’s a dead nothing more.”

Sixth Hair took a few steps and caught up with Fang Yuan. He suggested in his mouth: “Fang Yuan, why do you say such a thing? Deceive yourself, who will believe it? Are you willing to die? With my Shadow Sect, how much hostility and attack I have attracted How long can you enjoy without us? Do you think you can deal with Will of Heaven? Even my body is planning 100,000 years, 100,000 years, and finally failed! Now we are the enemy, why are you doing this?”

“Noisy!” Fang Yuan suddenly raised a Sword Wave.

Rank 7 Sword Wave Immortal Gu !

Sixth Hair was immediately driven back, mouth hurriedly said: “Be careful, be careful not frivolous Immortal Gu, I will destroy the arrangement if it was aware of Langya Earth Spirit, you and I have no good fruit to eat!..”

Fang Yuan coldly smiled, Shi Shiran stepped: “The flesh is my condition, I can’t reach this, everything is free! Give you three days, after you go back, talk to your Sir Ying Wuxie, discuss it.”

Sixth Hair lame: “Three days!? Fang Yuan, you know that Sir Ying Wuxie is in a crisis, it is a matter of time.”

Fang Yuan gradually drifted away, and the voice floated gently: “You can realize this, then it is better. Hurry up and promise. After the transaction, I used immortal materials refining gu, it will take a while?”

Sixth Hair looks pale and bites his teeth. Fingering Fang Yuan, killing intent Bo: “Fang Yuan, I advise you not to get an inch, want a foot !”

“get an inch, want a foot. What? The person who died first, not me. By Langya Blessed Land, I can still be away for a while. But what about you? Without Ying Wuxie, Demon Venerable is in a dream. Hehe, dignified Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, actually earlier than me. Hahaha!” Fang Yuan laughed, passed through the single-leaf door, and the back disappeared completely into Sixth Hair’s field of vision.

Sixth Hair has wide eyes and is full of bloodshot eyes.

Fang Yuan’s shameless, rogue, gave him an extremely heavy blow!

However, only half a day later, Sixth Hair found Fang Yuan again.

“Sir Ying Wuxie promised you.” Sixth Hair stared at Fang Yuan and wanted to cramp the man in front of him.

Fang Yuan’s fundus bright glow flashes are gone.

Sixth Hair promised so quickly, from another angle. Ying Wuxie’s situation is really not optimistic!

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

Fang Yuan wants to get the most out of this deal, and wants Ying Wuxie to stay outside and attract him. Let Heavenly Court and Shadow Sect remnant forces be fired, which is really good for Fang Yuan.

“First exchange the Immortal Zombie body, change one, and then talk about the next transaction.” Fang Yuan said, and immediately added, “If you let me see you on my flesh, play tricks. Then don’t blame me. I turned my face. You know, I am a born-again person, and some means come from the future…”

“This is impossible! The transaction is done once!” Sixth Hair is not so fooled.

But Fang Yuan is more difficult to deal with than him.

After a few moments, Sixth Hair was defeated. With three fingers, said with clenched jaws: “Well, Immortal Zombie is traded for the first time. But only two times. The deal can only be divided into three, three times!”

Langya Blessed Land time three days later, the two sides completed the handover.

“Well, next is Immortal Gu. I want all my Immortal Gu. Also include Self Strength, Resetting Person, Resetting Rivers and Mountains, etc.” Fang Yuan.

Sixth Hair is singular: “So many Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan’s immortal materials are enough to buy?”

Fang Yuan said with a smile : “Of course it is enough.”

A few minutes later.

“This is your ‘Of course enough’? You actually arbitrarily let us talk about the price tag, feel free to change?! You pay these immortal materials, even 30% Immortal Gu can not buy!!” Sixth Hair extremely angry roaring .

“Talk about the good price, of course, you can continue to talk about it. What is random change? I am not free, I am very sincere!” Fang Yuan faintly with a smile.

“Sincerely you are an old mother!” Sixth Hair yelled.

Fang Yuan’s face: “So you don’t want to trade?” After that, the sleeves left.

Sixth Hair is angry and angry: “If you can’t talk, let’s go? Are you here again?!”

“I don’t care, anyway, the person who died first, not me.” Fang Yuan spread his hands and grabbed Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair looks stagnant, like an ice cave.

He feels that he is stupid, why should he expose himself to short?

However, according to the ability of the old fox of Fang Yuan, even if he does not say it, he can finally detect it.

The second transaction was a long tug of war.

Fang Yuan’s asking price is too embarrassing, and Shadow Sect’s side is not arbitrarily slaughtered.

In just a few days, the difficult negotiations were carried out dozens of times, and finally the two sides finally settled.

Fang Yuan gave a little concession and was still a big win.

Sixth Hair has a rich, gray-scarred color, and the original and tall figure has collapsed.

“Good, fortunately, there is the last time…”

The third transaction.

“What?! Say good three transactions, why should you extend it to ten times?!”

“Fang Yuan, you are a shameless hybrid, a bottomless animal!”

“Do you still have a big picture?! Let’s die, big deal, everyone will die together.”

Sixth Hair roared again and again, and the scorpion was dumb, and the nostrils were so mad that blood flowed out.

But Fang Yuan is just a fluttering sentence, and all counterattacks back: “It’s not the first to die anyway. Ying Wuxie is dead, and Demon Venerable’s ontology is estimated to die. After all, such a huge dream, the degree of soul consumption is quickly……”




In the mind of Sixth Hair, the Yuan Yuan’s tail is lingering.

Then he passed out on the spot.

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