“So how do we trade? What do you need?” Fang Yuan and Yan Yue, asked. I want to see the book w

“Fang Yuan, we know that you have a lot of immortal materials in your hands. The immortal materials picked up from the trench have problems, and the interior is filled with Will of Heaven. We don’t want these. But in the Fallen Heavenly River, you get a lot of immortal materials, Can be used for this transaction. This is a list, you can look at it.” Sixth Hair throws once again one Information Dao mortal gu.

Fang Yuan picks it up, checks it right, explores the mind, and browses while nodded.

A moment later, Fang Yuan said to Sixth Hair: “There are most of these immortal materials, but you are a member of Langya School. Don’t tell me can’t you get this from the Langya School’s collection?”

Sixth Hair smiled bitterly: “It’s different now, the new Langya Earth Spirit is different. I built the pie, sect contribution is the biggest regulation. I want to collect the treasury, I will use my sect contribution. But I The contribution is far from the minimum demand of Sir Ying Wuxie.”

“You said right.” Fang Yuan nodded, and asked, “I can pay for these immortal materials, but how do you send these immortal materials to Ying Wuxie’s hands? You know that Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed.”

Ying Wuxie sells Immortal Gu. The big movement, Fang Yuan is naturally known.

Sixth Hair said: “Without Treasure Yellow Heaven, it’s really troublesome, but there is a way to send it to Sir Ying Wuxie. The Zombie Alliance is Shadow Sect’s lower sect, before the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, because Old Ancestor Xuehu The immortal zombie body is stolen, so the Zombie Alliance headquarters orders the rest of the divisions, the layout level gu formation, and the Five Regions departments to connect together. In the future, even if someone attacks the division, the immortal zombie body can be transmitted to other regions through these levels of gu formation. In the hands of the Zombie Alliance.”

“I thought it was just an excuse for you to frame all Immortal Zombies. Didn’t you think it was true?” Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.

Sixth Hair smiles: “This is true. Sacrifice the Zombie Alliance for refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, not my Shadow Sect’s plan. The Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain was also forced to make a decision.” Keep Zombie Alliance’s more benefits, if possible. Don’t sacrifice them.”

Fang Yuan nodded.

He suddenly thought of five hundred years of previous life. During that time, the Five Regions Zombie Alliance still existed until the Five Regions chaos, before Fang Yuan was born again. They are also playing an extremely important role in the world.

But it is different now. I want to see the book w

The Five Regions Zombie Alliance has become an empty shell, and most of the Immortal Zombie is used as immortal materials, and refine is in the Ten Perfect mass formation.

Now, the Five Regions are turbulent.

After all, the Five Regions Zombie Alliance took control of a lot of resources.

These resources have no owner now . Gu Immortal expert and level forces that caused the domains competed against each other and picked up piece by piece reign of terror.

“It seems that five hundred years of previous life, Shadow Sect really is a success. The Zombie Alliance is alive, it can be explained. There is also Heavenly Court attacking Langya Blessed Land, Feng Jiuge died in Langya Blessed Land, which is also suspicious. Shadow Sect has placed a traitor in Heavenly Court, maybe Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul will be reborn, and ready will control Heavenly Court for its own use.”

Fang Yuan thought a little bit loose. Suddenly, I feel that there are many other things in my memory. There is no other insider.

“The water of this world is really too deep. The Legendary of each and every one is endless. Countless experts, mutual wrestling, calculations, like Starry Sky in the night sky. I am the number one, but in these Among the illustrious individual, it is nothing. Hehe ……This is it, it is more interesting. isn’t that so?Hahaha.”

Fang Yuan thought of it, the more pleasant the mood.

Expressed on the face, his mouth was slightly tilted, giving a faint smile.

Sixth Hair has some unfathomable mystery. Imagine: “What does he laugh at? There is still my heart, why is there a feeling of bad feelings…”

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and stared at Sixth Hair with a gaze. The smile on her mouth became more obvious: “So what do I get with immortal materials?”

“Immortal Gu.” Sixth Hair replied, calm and calm.

“Interesting. Very interesting.” Fang Yuan smiled.

Ying Wuxie What else can I sell for Immortal Gu? It must be Fang Yuan’s own Immortal Gu.

The original is belonging to Fang Yuan’s own Immortal Gu, and then sold to Fang Yuan, Ying Wuxie abacus is a buzzing sound.

But even Fang Yuan himself feels that the idea of ​​Ying Wuxie’s is a bit wonderful. I want to read the book

I would like to ask the world, who else can hope to get these Immortal Gu than Fang Yuan himself? Even if there are, I am afraid that the number is very small.

For other Gu Immortal, these Immortal Gus are unfamiliar and need to be familiar. However, Fang Yuan is very familiar with these cockroaches and has mature methods of application. The value of these Immortal Gus in Fang Yuan’s heart is often greater than others.

Moreover, many Immortal Gus are sold, but also have the right Gu Immortal. For example, Strength Dao Immortal Gu, the rest of the genre Gu Immortal is not very interested. Because the genre is not the same, not only because of the conflict of Dao Marks, the effect is reduced, but also not conducive to support. Unless it is a support Gu insect for Immortal Dao. However, this situation is naturally quite rare.

It can be said that Fang Yuan is almost the most suitable buyer. Not only does he have a demand for these Immortal Gus, but more importantly – he has a lot of capital to acquire!

As for how to exchange Immortal Gu, it must be based on the Zombie Alliance’s level gu formation.

Fang Yuan continued to smile: “How much is my Immortal Gu left? I not only want to buy them, but also interested in Hei Loulan’s Self Strength Immortal Gu, Taibai Yunsheng’s Resetting Person, Resetting Rivers and Mountains. Immortal Gus, I also want to be included in the list of transactions.”

Sixth Hair thought for a moment, nodded: “I can do this thing, I can promise you.”

Ying Wuxie controls Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan’s, and they can definitely hand over Immortal Gu. The most important thing now is to get rid of the danger, to escape. Other things can be put aside for the time being.

Fang Yuan added: “One hand delivers the money, you bring Immortal Gu, I deliver your immortal materials.”

At this time, Sixth Hair reveals a difficult color: “Frankly, Fang Yuan, you have to see Immortal Gu, it will take some time. The situation of Five Regions, you must be clear. The Zombie Alliance is popular, Northern Plains’ Drifting Cloud City If it is not sinking into the trench, it has been visited for countless times. The gu formation is placed in the Drifting Cloud City, I want to get Immortal Gu, and it will take some time. But before that, I hope that you Fang can provide some immortal materials in advance. Because these immortal materials are used for refining gu, it is necessary to refine it now, the sooner the better. Sir Ying Wuxie, I don’t know when it will be supported.”

Fang Yuan hearing that. Sneer in the stomach: “Sixth Hair’s words are illusory, just said that Ying Wuxie is at stake, but now it can still support a period of time.”

On the surface, Fang Yuan has a face. Definitely refused: “No, this is impossible. I have to pay immortal materials first, you don’t sell me Immortal Gu, then I am not a big head?”

“This, Fang Yuan, please rest assured. I am ready for Information Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move. Constraining both sides, there is no room for remorse!” Sixth Hair is full of sincerity.

Fang Yuan laughed, waved: “Don’t tell me what Information Dao means, I don’t believe this! You can conquer Hei Loulan, have you cleared the Information Dao covenant on her? And I don’t know Information Dao, with you. Is it not a fool to reach the Information Dao Covenant?”

“This…” Sixth Hair indulged.

He also understands Fang Yuan’s idea, and if he is replaced, he will not make a covenant with Shadow Sect.

“It’s better?” Sixth Hair quickly thought of a good idea. “I use intelligence to exchange some of the immortal materials. How? These intelligences and secrets, the value of Fang Yuan to incomparable gigantic. Fang Yuan, you don’t want to know the limitations of Will of Heaven’s. Where is it? Do we have Shadow Sect to deal with Will of Heaven’s precious experience? And the information of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, even the information of Langya Blessed Land, don’t you want to know?”

Fang Yuan can’t help but stunned.

Will of Heaven !

After understanding Will of Heaven’s calculations, how can Fang Yuan not pay attention to Will of Heaven? And in this world, who can deal with Will of Heaven, who is more authoritative than Shadow Sect?

If it wasn’t for Shadow Sect’s initiative to trade, Fang Yuan would be kept in the dark, and I don’t know how much time.

And Demon from Beyond The Heavens, Fang Yuan has always been very curious. Why did he cross here? Who else is Demon from Beyond The Heavens? Is it from the same place as him? Why can Demon from Beyond The Heavens change the past?

There is also information from Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Blessed Land has stood three more than 100,000 years. What else is hidden? This is the important information of Fang Yuan, who is the force of the rest on Langya Earth Spirit, and who wants to plot Langya Blessed Land.

There is no doubt that the value of this intelligence is indeed extremely precious. The help of Fang Yuan’s is especially great.

At this point, the hall was quiet.

Both sides are silent.

Fang Yuan is thinking.

Sixth Hair waited for Fang Yuan to promise, he was confident and felt that Fang Yuan would definitely agree. It’s too much because of the temptation of these intelligences.

Of course, if it is not the situation. Sixth Hair would rather die than want Fang Yuan to know these secrets.

Fang Yuan spoke, but left to say it: “I still have something unclear. Since there is a level gu formation, then why, Ying Wuxie, they do not pass the level gu formation, escape directly?”

Sixth Hair honestly explained: “Level gu formation can only transmit immortal materials. Immortal zombie body can also be counted as immortal materials, but must not contain Immortal Aperture. Gu Immortal’s cross-domain transfer is still too difficult. The method is also not replicable. Fixed Immortal Travel is an example, but Immortal Gu is the only one, and Immortal Aperture is not anyone can drill. Star Gate Gu is also an example, but the limitations are even greater.”

Shadow Sect’s side knows Star Gate Gu. Fang Yuan has used it many times and gave Gu Formula to Langya Earth Spirit. Shadow Sect knows this, not surprising.

Both Fixed Immortal Travel and Star Gate Gu are very demanding for the delivery of Gu Immortal.

Dao Marks on Gu Immortal must be small to deliver. Especially the Star Gate Gu, just the mortal gu, although it is on the Black Heaven’s power, but only the Rank 6 bottom cultivation center or the Rank 6 Gu Immortal that has only passed the Disaster and Tribulation several times.

Of course, the things in Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture are not counted in another Heaven and Earth.

So in the same year, Fang Yuan loaded the Rank 9 Wisdom Gu with Dead Aperture and could move from Star Gate Gu.

Use the underlying Gu Immortal or Immortal Zombie as a boat, using the method of Fixed Immortal Travel and Star Gate Gu for trans-regional movement and transportation?

This method is very feasible.

However, it cannot be promoted at all.

There is only one Fixed Immortal Travel, and Star Gate Gu’s method is only in the hands of a few people. And Rank 8 Gu Immortal, high rank of immortal materials, Immortal Gu, Dao Marks too much, is a huge burden on Immortal Aperture. The live Immortal Aperture will be broken, and the dead Immortal Aperture will collapse and not be transported many times.

Because of this, Fang Yuan only got the high rank immortal materials, which were placed in Fox Immortal Blessed Land or Star Form Blessed Land. Blessed Land, located in Heaven and Earth, is very stable.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal has their own cross-domain approach.

It is through White Heaven and Black Heaven. Just like before, Supervising Heaven Tower Lord led a group of people, raiding the Southern Border, destroying Shadow Sect’s plan, and walking is White Heaven | daytime.

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