A soulful water, secluded and heavy, with numerous ripples on the surface.

Ying Wuxie’s eyes wide open, and Ghost Fire burns in the eye, staring at the surface of the soul water.

In his vision, there are scenes that are difficult for outsiders to observe.

The silhouette of Sixth Hair emerges in the soul water. He is half-squatting on the floor, his face is remorseful and shy: “I am a big sin! I don’t want to use it when I am at Fang Yuan transcends tribulation”

“I said, this thing does not blame you. Speaking of it, I also used trump card, growing Luck Dao, making Fang Yuan cheap.” Ying Wuxie’s voice, directly to Gu Immortal Sixth Hair’s heart.

This is the means by which Sixth Hair and Ying Wuxie communicate with each other. This is the power of Soul Dao, but it has the effect of Information Dao, which is extremely powerful.

The two sides are located in Central Continent, Northern Plains, separated by two Boundary Walls, and one more Langya Blessed Land. Not only real-time communication, but also the perception of the Langya Earth Spirit.

Ying Wuxie at this time is no longer the face of Fang Yuan.

He has changed another Strong Dao Immortal Zombies’s body.

But this body is old, the original Immortal Aperture has been annihilated, and Ying Wuxie has only pure flesh. Unlike the former Fang Yuan body, there is an aperture, there is still one Immortal Aperture.

Thus, Ying Wuxie is very inconvenient to use. Whether Immortal Gu, mortal gu, can only be parasitic in his skin and flesh bones, etc., not only will the breath leak, making the enemy easy to detect, and very unsafe. The flesh was hit and Gu insect was also bad luck.

Gu insect itself is very fragile.

Ying Wuxie this time and Fang Yuan trading, can be described as a big loss of blood, but at this moment his face is very dull.

Instead, he motivated Sixth Hair: “You have this time task, it’s very good. The whole transaction process, constantly showing weakness to Fang Yuan, very right. Especially the last fainting, without your efforts and efforts, I will never get I want immortal materials.”

Sixth Hair sighed: “I deliberately fainted and tried Fang Yuan. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan didn’t start to me.”

“Since he knows our feet, he will be very cautious. Plus we have traded many times. Both sides have their own handles, and he also avoids us telling the Langya Earth Spirit.” Ying Wuxie said.

He was trapped in Danger Realm this time, thinking about it, now in addition to Fang Yuan. There is no other way.

Before deciding to trade with Fang Yuan, he was fully prepared.

He handed over a list of Fang Yuan’s immortal materials, exaggerated content, and expanded the number of immortal materials that he really wanted to hide themin.

In short. His purpose is reached.

He struggled from Danger Realm and got a chance.

As long as you get through this difficult time, then there are some boundless oceans, vast skies!

“Other Immortal Gu it is worth mentioning, the key is that Fang Yuan not only regains his body, but also preserved Spring and Autumn Cicada! His current background is too big!” Sixth Hair is still worried.

Ying Wuxie coldly snorted: “Fang Yuan is his body, can he use it? Spring and Autumn Cicada don’t have to worry about it. It has been sealed and is going to starve. Fang Yuan solves this trouble, Spring and Autumn Cicada itself has a probability of failure. There is also Will of Heaven inside, and he can’t use it for a long time. Moreover, the attention of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal will be attracted to it.”

Sixth Hair expression A shock, the sorrow of the eyebrows is much less.

He has nodded again and again: “The adults are right.”

Ying Wuxie sighed: “Next, you still have to monitor Fang Yuan. You have already exposed it, but Fang Yuan will not move you. If you can’t stop him, then forget it, it doesn’t matter. He got this many of Immortal this time. Gu, it must be a great burden. And the time and time of the Disaster and Tribulation, but also his main energy. Let him show. When I gather strength, save the body, and then find him to settle accounts!”

It’s much more to eat a long, smart one. Ying Wuxie is growing fast.

He understood the trade-offs and learned to be patient.

He is one of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment and has a great natural talent to become an expert.

Torture and frustration are the wealth of life, and he is rapidly maturing.

Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land.

The distance from the trading of Ying Wuxie’s has been over for a while.

Fang Yuan looks at the body of the Immortal Zombie. Sighed.

“Don’t dare to use it” Fang Yuan rubbed his chin and felt trouble.

Although he got the hand, he used all the means available at the current stage, and carried out a large and careful investigation of the Immortal Zombie body without any problems.

But what is the origin of Ying Wuxie? What is the origin of Shadow Sect?

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable !

He is the founder of Soul Dao, the number of Gu Venerable, who once ruled Heaven and Earth, and dominated the characters!

Ying Wuxie, one of his Soul Fragments, will have any Soul Dao means to make this flesh a sinister trap?

Most likely!

Fang Yuan and Ying Wuxie’s trades are not subject to Information Dao until the end.

Because neither side trusts each other.

And Fang Yuan’s Information Dao means definitely not as good as the other side. Using Information Dao means to restrain yourself, it is very likely that the other party is secretly untied, which is even more unfavorable to Fang Yuan!

Therefore, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of this body.

Fang Yuan wants this flesh, the main purpose is to get the recognition of Wisdom Gu, cited Wisdom Halo. So he wants to put the soul into this immortal zombie body.

This is very dangerous.

The things that involve the soul are the best for Shadow Sect.

Although Fang Yuan did not find a problem, perhaps Ying Wuxie did not do anything, but it is more likely that the Immortal Zombie has hidden huge problems, but Fang Yuan has no ability.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is the grandfather of Soul Dao. Fang Yuan plays Soul Dao in front of him. It is simply display one’s slight skill before an expert.

“It seems that this body is in the flesh, and it needs to be checked again. It can’t be sloppy. If you are not careful, you will have Shadow Sect’s calculations.” Fang Yuan warned himself.

Fang Yuan will use this body only when it is very safe to be safe.

Or when it comes to a forced situation, Fang Yuan will choose to take risks.

“Although I can’t use Wisdom Gu, but regaining the flesh, and Spring and Autumn Cicada, it is already a good result.”

Spring and Autumn Cicada has always been the largest trump card since Fang Yuan was born again.

Now Fang Yuan wants the flesh. As a Life-Bound Gu, it has always been fixed in the first aperture, and naturally follows.

In the previous negotiations, when Fang Yuan just proposed to ask for Spring and Autumn Cicada, he strongly denied Denied Sixth Hair.

He did not admit that Ying Wuxie had Spring and Autumn Cicada over there.

Because the two sides do not have Information Dao constraints, he said, Fang Yuan can not distinguish between true and false. Feel free to lie without any consequences.

But Fang Yuan is more arrogant than him. He said directly: “I can’t have it! If it doesn’t, then you will refine. I don’t care about anything else, I have to return my Spring and Autumn Cicada!”

Fang Yuan spreads out to play, has no bottom line, and is extremely determined.

Sixth Hair, even if it was a self-injury swearing, a swearing oath, did not let Fang Yuan change his attitude.

It took a lot of trouble, and Fang Yuan was only again his mortal body and Spring and Autumn Cicada.

However, there are problems with Spring and Autumn Cicada.

It was sealed by the strange approach of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, which has isolated the River of Time and is currently in a state of hunger.

And Fang Yuan also knows that Spring and Autumn Cicada’s has the Will of Heaven inside, which is the biggest inner danger!

Immortal Zombie, Spring and Autumn Cicada, have a scourge and can’t be used.

But even so, Fang Yuan is very happy.

I can’t use it, as long as it is in my hands, it is a huge victory!

Especially Spring and Autumn Cicada is a big killer!

After the Spring and Autumn Cicada and the flesh, Fang Yuan asked for the second time to ask for Fixed Immortal Travel.

As a result, where can Sixth Hair come out?

Fang Yuan is useless even if it is forced to force. And he guessed a bit, and Fixed Immortal Travel is probably ruined. If there is Fixed Immortal Travel, the other party can already run on the road on the reverse Immortal Travel. Why bother to come to the door and be extorted by Fang Yuan?

Of course, before Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair had made a deal.

As long as you make a deal, you are betrayed Langya School.

Sixth Hair has Fang Yuan’s handle on hand, and Earth Spirit is simply stubborn. If this is the case, Fang Yuan will be useless even if it is explained.

Therefore, Fang Yuan finally gave up Fixed Immortal Travel.

Although not getting Fixed Immortal Travel, Fang Yuan still won a lot of Immortal Gu in this transaction.

A lot!

Among them, originally belonged to Hei Loulan’s Strength Qi Immortal Gu, Self Strength Immortal Gu, and Strength of Flying Bear Immortal Gu. There are also Resetting Rivers and Mountains and Resetting Person in the hands of Taibai Yunsheng. Fang Yuan’s own Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, Pulling Water Immortal Gu, Star Pupil Immortal Gu, and Disaster Provoking Immortal Gu.

Iron Crown Eagle Strength Immortal Gu and Connecting Luck Immortal Gu were sold by Ying Wuxie in Treasure Yellow Heaven. This time Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed and both Immortal Gus are also caught in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

While the Strength Strength Immortal Gu, Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu, Fixed Immortal Travel, Star Bud, Star Mark, and Starlight were all destroyed under Fang Yuan’s special intention, Ying Wuxie did not have time to save.

Of course, the above situation may not be true.

Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair traded without Information Dao constraints. The bottom line of both sides is tested by each. Maybe Ying Wuxie also secretly deducted some Immortal Gu. But Fang Yuan has tried his best and there is no way for Ying Wuxie to spit it out.

After all, Fang Yuan each time trading, he even betrayed Langya School once, his strength will be dissipated. On the Shadow Sect’s side, part of the immortal materials, the weaker parts will be lessened.

Of course, from the beginning to the end, Fang Yuan has the upper hand. Who is Ying Wuxie? The situation is not good.

But Fang Yuan didn’t want Ying Wuxie to die so soon.

If he dies, just leave some clues to Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, then Fang Yuan will suffer.

It is good to have him attracting firepower in front. Between Heavenly Court and Shadow Sect, they can weaken each other. Fang Yuan looked at the fire across the bank.

Although Fang Yuan knew that he had won the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, Shadow Sect would definitely kill himself. But this is also the reason why Shadow Sect secretly defends itself.

The example of Ma Hongyun is just around the corner. Fang Yuan knows that he is Ma Hongyun in the eyes of Shadow Sect, and Shadow Sect is trying to refine Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s. It’s just that the current situation doesn’t allow them to do that’s all.

Ying Wuxie Since he took the initiative to find Fang Yuan to trade, this shows that he is really at the end of the line. Fang Yuan must keep giving him a hope.

If it is really urgent, let him break the cans under desperation, Fang Yuan has to follow bad luck, and even finish.

In fact, the first words of Sixth Hair still have a role.

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