Hōng hōng hōng !

The thunder exploded and the earth and stone flew. ≥?∥≡∈网≧.

Among the four smokes, Ying Wuxie suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

His roaring sound was not heard by the ear, but the three Central Continent Gu Immortal, who attacked, were shocked and violently turbulent.

“Not good! This is Soul Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move !”

Three Central Continent Gu Immortal quickly defended.

“Withdrawal!” Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Wuxie loudly shouted, led Taibai Yunsheng, Hei Loulan flew away.

Central Continent Gu Immortals came back to his senses, and there is no trace of Ying Wuxie three immortals.

“What is this Soul Dao ultimate move? It’s so good! At that moment I have a feeling of being destroyed by soul.”

“The three Gu Immortals, according to the breath, are from Northern Plains. Covered, secrets, who is it?”

“They actually appeared in Earth Abyss of my Ancient Soul Gate. Was it the previous level of landslides that were associated with them?”

Three Central Continent Gu Immortal face gloomy, while healing, while sound transmission.

“I have already told this sect that sect is mobilizing reinforcements.”

“Chasing! The other three are in my Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, I have the induction, can’t run!”

Three Central Continent Gu Immortal stabilized their injuries and immediately began their pursuit. ⊥≥≈网?≈≡.┭╈.╬

After tracking for a while, the sensor suddenly disappeared.

For Central Continent Gu Immortal wonder: “Weird! My Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, only developed a few years ago, there are traces of wonders, very few people know. How is the other party lifted?”

“Immortal Gu is a wide variety, and can be combined to form an extreme move. Gu Immortal means endless, difficult to count. Maybe Fang Zheng has a means to restrain your Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

“This may be, but not high. In my opinion, it may not be lifted. Maybe it is only temporarily suppressed! Or by what means to block it.”

The collar in the three immortals was indulged, saying: “We caught up here, the induction of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move suddenly broke the line, there must be awkward. Don’t tell me are they Immortal Aperture?”

Immortal Aperture is a little Heaven and Earth. The difference is in the Five Regions and Nine Heavens.

Supervised Heaven Tower’s investigation can be directly excluded from Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto. If Ying Wuxie is recruited and drilled into other people’s Immortal Aperture, the tracking method of three immortals is naturally ineffective.

But getting into other people’s Immortal Aperture. Very rare at Gu Immortal World.

First, Gu Immortal cultivation Immortal Aperture is a top priority, and very few people will put others into their own Immortal Aperture. Secondly, this has its drawbacks. Immortal Aperture between Gu Immortal, each containing Dao Marks. Gu Immortal entered the Immortal Aperture. The Dao Marks between the two sides will interfere with each other, be constrained, and even reject and wear. The specific loss depends on the specific situation.

Generally speaking, the big package is small, the package is small, and it is relatively stable. Even if the gap is small, you can use the Immortal Aperture to load Gu Immortal as long as the gap between the two sides is not so great. ∧≠?∈≧?网.┭. Just more or less will have some losses in all aspects.

If Immortal Aperture falls in the outside Heaven and Earth, communicating with Heaven Qi and Earth Qi is equivalent to attaching to the Five Regions Big Heaven and Earth. It will be much stronger than the Immortal Aperture stored in Gu Immortal within the body. Can include more, cultivation base higher Gu Immortal.

If the Immortal Aperture’s Gu Immortal cultivation base is too high, too many Dao Marks will directly blast the Immortal Aperture. Just like Immemorial Nine Heavens Fragment World, only people with a certain cultivation base are allowed to participate in the exploration. Gu Immortal, which is too high in cultivation base, can’t go in. Forcible entry will only directly smash the debris World.

Here is the one special case, that is Immortal Zombie Immortal Aperture. As we all know, Immortal Zombie Immortal Aperture is a dead place, time is also synchronized with the outside world. The internal space is constantly disintegrating and can be seen as a process in which the Dao Marks in the Immortal Aperture are constantly discrete and attributed to the body of Gu Immortal.

Therefore, Immortal Zombie Dead Aperture even got into Gu Immortal. It will not lead to Dao Marks’ mutual consumption, at most, the disintegration of Immortal Aperture and the lessing of Immortal Aperture Dao Marks.

The three immortals collar has already calculated this situation, so Yiwuxie, Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan are all in his Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. So no matter who gets into the Immortal Aperture, there will still be one left. He was inspired.

Three immortals When thinking about the brain, suddenly there was a conjecture in my mind: “could it be that, someone dropped Immortal Aperture and hid himself and the other two Gu Immortals in Immortal Aperture?”

“But Gu Immortal is easy to collect, but it takes time to lead the Heaven and Earth. How can it be so fast that Immortal Aperture can be quietly dropped? But… Gu Immortal means endless, no wonder, beyond the Heavens Heaven, there is always a human beyond a human, may the other party have a means of falling quickly?”

The Central Continent Gu Immortal thought about it and couldn’t think of anything.

But this does not prevent him from responding. ≧≮≮≦ ≠.

“My induction is suddenly cut off here. Instead of chasing it aimlessly, it is better to stay here to scout and keep the scene, leaving it to the door of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.” Central Continent 蛊Immortal Dao.

His proposal made the other two people nodded again and again, and no one raised any objection.

“They are not going to patrol, it seems to be staying here.” In the gu formation, Taibai Yunsheng observed it and sighed.

“The three Gu Immortals, the Ancient Soul Gate, are dispatched to explore the three Rank 7s of the landslide. It is a lucky thing for the owner to escape. Please also heal the wounds quickly,” Stone Slave advised.

Hei Loulan is silent.

Ying Wuxie’s face is very strange, the voice is difficult: “I didn’t expect these three Gu Immortals, I am here waiting for me!”

He has decided to abandon the car to protect the handsome, but did not expect that just after leaving, was the three ancient Soul Gate’s Gu Immortal, after a fierce battle, Ying Wuxie three people lost, had to return to the level gu formation.

The masking of the gu formation, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in Hei Loulan and the others, is temporarily ineffective.

Ancient Soul Gate’s three Rank 7, now flying above the level gu formation, but the level gu formation is extraordinary, not only to cover yourself, does not reveal any signs, but also in the Void Transformation state, no entity, not called Central Continent three immortals Any clue.

“What’s the next thing to do?” Hei Loulan said, looking at Ying Wuxie with a questioning look.

Ying Wuxie passed his face and his eyes flickered. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to have made up his mind and bite his teeth: “The Danger Realm is now in the eye!”

After a while, Treasure Yellow Heaven. ≧?≦≮≥?≈.╊.

A treasure light, rising from the sky, thick and big, attracted the attention of Treasure Yellow Heaven as soon as it appeared.

“What kind of baby, did you have such a huge brilliant light?!”

“Immortal Gu, turned out to be Immortal Gu!”

“Someone wants to transport Immortal Gu through Treasure Yellow Heaven? It’s really a luxury.”

Countless wills. Just like the Gu Immortal here, they are all communicating. A familiar scene, let them think of not long ago, Langya Earth Spirit through Treasure Yellow Heaven. Sending Sword Dao Immortal Gu to Fang Yuan.

But soon, the people concerned were suddenly sensational.

Originally guarding the will of Immortal Gu, publicly announced that this Immortal Gu is to be sold to the outside, anyone can buy it, but to change it. Or raise the immortal materials in the list, or you can trade directly.

Gu Immortal has no vibration!

Immortal Gu for Immortal Gu is Gu Immortal World’s normal. It is also almost the only way to trade in Immortal Gu.

But I did not expect that this Immortal Gu transaction can be exchanged with immortal materials.

This is all amazing and joyful.

For a time, the entire Treasure Yellow Heaven was almost boiling!

Central Continent, Eastern Sea, Western Desert, Southern Border, Northern Plains, and Gu Immortal from all corners of the country all showed great interest in this Immortal Gu.

Especially when they are present, the immortal materials on the list are not outrageous. Just raise it. In exchange for this Immortal Gu, there must be no loss!

The flow of time, a sudden Immortal Gu deal, has caused a sensation that has affected the entire Treasure Yellow Heaven.

More and more Gu Immortal, knowing the situation here, and paying attention to them, have come to inquiry.

The price is very fair, and countless Gu Immortal are very excited.

Ying Wuxie sneered at the look at such a scene.

The person who sells Immortal Gu is not someone else, it is himself.

Immortal Gu is generally not sold. Because refining gu is tough, Immortal Gu is the only one, even a hundred immortal materials may not be able to refining.

However, Ying Wuxie was forced to a dead end and forced to do so. There is no way to choose to sell Immortal Gu.

The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in his mind, the Immortal Gu Formula, is also the Demon Venerable will in the Red Lotus in the River of Time, instilled in him.

Because Spring and Autumn Cicada has a limited will, these things are also carefully selected. Only let Ying Wuxie keep in mind. Each one is very precious and of great value.

But these things, he can’t sell, are of great use in rescuing the Demon Venerable ontology. Selling is to vent the old to others, it is impossible to sell.

These things can’t be sold, the previous cultivation resources are also exchanged for immortal materials, which is consumed when refining Fixed Immortal Travel, then Ying Wuxie only have one way, that is to sell Immortal Gu.

There are quite a few of his Immortal Gus.

The greater part is from Fang Yuan.

What I sell now is the Iron Crown Eagle Strength Gu that Fang Yuan once owned.

Today’s Gu Immortal World, even if there is very little Strength Dao Gu Immortal, this Immortal Gu also caused a sensation. Because the price is not high, many of the Rank 6 Gu Immortal without Immortal Gu can afford it.

“Not as I expected! First sell this Iron Crown Eagle Strength Gu, sensational, and then sell other Immortal Gu, you can open a higher price!” Ying Wuxie sneered.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

“Fairy Ziwei, can you know what happened in Treasure Yellow Heaven?” Grandma Sha used Gu insect to send a message and was received by Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei has been fully calculating the position of “Fang Yuan”.

But she did not know that Fang Yuan’s soul and body were separated.

Her calculated power, the greater part, is concentrated on Ying Wuxie, who is closest to her position. On the other side of Fang Yuan, one of them was hiding in Langya Blessed Land. The two sides were separated by two layers of Five Regions Boundary Wall. The power of calculation was minimal.

After receiving the reminder from Grandma Sha, Fairy Ziwei lightly smiled, temporarily stopped the calculation: “Is selling Iron Crown Eagle Strength Immortal Gu at Treasure Yellow Heaven? I also need to exchange with Space Imo Immortal Gu, etc.? It seems that Fang Yuan is already I was forced into Danger Realm and I had to make a decision.”

“Unfortunately… If you change to someone else, Treasure Yellow Heaven can’t interfere. But my Heavenly Court is an exception. Come on, open the treasury, I have to make a deal with Treasure Yellow Heaven Heaven Spirit!”

The Heaven Spirit of Treasure Yellow Heaven is arrogant and rarely shows up. Even Heavenly Court doesn’t care. There was a Venerable threat. Heaven Spirit also had a die die than submit, which made Venerable helpless.

The mighty Heavenly Court, it is impossible to force Treasure Yellow Heaven to crowd out Ying Wuxie.

But Fairy Ziwei is very confident about it.

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