Southern Border.

Trading Mountain.

The sky is high and the sky is gorgeous. The Human Mountain Human Sea on Trading Mountain is in full swing.

Rank 4 Peak Gu Master Shang Buli’s silhouette, appeared in the foothills, immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone.

Rao is Shang Buli’s long-standing experience and experience. At this moment, my heart is also a bit uneasy.

At this moment, it is the Shang Family Festival, which is of great significance. And the people who came to participate in the show, including Tie Family, Yi Family, Wu Family, Hou Family, and other representatives of the Southern Border superpower, as well as famous experts from Demonic Path, rogue cultivator, and heroes. It is an elite gathering of Southern Border Gu Master, and the stars shine.

The difference between Shang Family and the rest of the superpower lies in Shang Family’s Performance Martial Stage policy. The Performance Martial Stage of the other Rightse Super Forces is for the family, but Shang Family’s Performance Martial Stage can absorb the exotic Demonic Path and rogue cultivator Gu Master.

Shang Family is business-oriented, and the headquarters is Trading Mountain. Everything is negotiating. It is the largest hub with the Roundeous Path and Demonic Path and rogue cultivator.

This is not only the Gu Master community, but also Gu Immortal World.

Gu Immortal of Shang Family, who often acts as a trading middleman for the Righteous Path and Demonic Path.

Seeing the emergence of Shang Buli, the numerous Gu Masters of Trading Mountain realized that the Shang Family’s ceremony was about to begin.

The entire Trading Mountain was silent, which made Shang Buli even more stressed.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and opened his mouth. “Shang Family Patriarch succeeded in the grand ceremony, start!”

a moment later, the magnificent music is ringing, countless birds and birds are all around flying, the starting point of the sky is golden, and the splendor is splendid.

From the inside of Trading Mountain, a long white light path was exhibited to the outreach.

A woman, dressed up, step by step on the white rainbow light path, appeared in the public eye.

Her black hair was draped over her shoulders, her black hair and her eyebrows. It looks like a clear moon. Skin like snow, high-profile hair, dressed in costume, slowly go on stage.

It is Shang Xinci.

For a time. Countless Gu Masters on the mountain are subconsciously breathless.

“What a nice view!”

“Is this the next Patriarch of Shang Family?”

“This woman is so beautiful, she is simply a female immortal. What is her origin?”

Everyone talked a lot and snorted. But these noisy voices are covered by magnificent rituals.

As for the VIP seats at the peak, they come from super powers. Or Demonic Path, the experts of the rogue cultivator, also look at Shang Xinci slowly on the stage, secret sound transmission communication.

“This woman is Shang Yanfei’s illegitimate daughter. Her reputation is not obvious, natural talent is not good, cultivation base is weak. I did not expect that in the end, she was on the position of Shang Family Patriarch! Destiny is amazing. ”

“Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the death of countless hero heroes, the entire Southern Border’s large and small forces, are in turmoil. Reshuffle. And the battlefield ruins of Righteous Heavenly Mountain has become the biggest mystery of Southern Border. ”


Shang Xinci step by step, walking on the light road of the white rainbow.

Under the eyes of the public, her clothes fluttered and leisurely ascended, leaving the mountain of Trading Mountain and heading straight to the sky.

The aerial auspicious clouds gather and the Xiaguang Wandao gathers into a throne.

Everyone looked up and looked up, Shang Xinci had no time.

“Today’s Southern Border Gu Master. You are the only leading role.” Shang Qingqing whispered in the mouth, as Shang Family female immortal Senior, it was she who supported Shang Xinci and made it to the position of Shang Family Patriarch.

Shang Xinci becomes Shang Family Patriarch. In order to prevent Evildoer from messing up, Shang Qingqing has long hidden the figure and secretly suppressed the scene.

After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the Southern Border was caught in the most turbulent chaos in centuries. Can this Jurchen take the Shang Family, gain a foothold, and even expand the territory?” asked Shang Tanmo.

He looks like you. A blue robe, thin and looking at Shang Xinci’s eyes, with a strong suspicion and inquiry.

Shang Qingqing laughed: “Patriarchs of all ages are all to gain experience. Moreover, I value Shang Xinci’s most, not her ability, but her heart and mind. These character advantages have given her unspeakable Personality charm, in today’s mortal world can be described as it is unique. You look at the peaks, her tears in the eyes, how loyal and enthusiasm for Shang Xinci. But in fact, her acceptance, the source is messy, The identity is complex, but now it is simply to the heart.”

“Oh?” Shang Tanmo hearing that, the heart of the move, this knows that Shang Qingqing chose this woman to serve as Shang Family Patriarch, not only to value her character, but after a period of investigation and consideration.

He followed the direction of Shang Qingqing and his eyes passed.

“I don’t think of Miss, but one day, I can become the Patriarch of Shang Family. Wu wu wu … Miss, we finally got out of the way.” Xiao Die cried, she was Shang Xinci’s heart, and it was inseparable from Shang Xinci in Zhang Family. All the way to the caravan, to the Merchant City, is even more difficult, one-on-one loyalty.

“Master, if you know in the Life and Death Gate, you will be very pleased. Miss she and your other children are completely different. She will be able to bring a different future to Shang Family.” 丫鬟Little Lan The eyelids are red. She was an orphan. She was adopted by Shang Yanfei at an early age. She was assigned to Shang Xinci by Shang Yanfei because of her ability to do things. Today, Yan Yanfei died in Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Her loyalty to Shang Yanfei was completely passed on to Shang Xinci’s.

Silently silent.

He is a Head of Clan of the Zhou Family, arrogant and proud. The Zhou Family was shattered, and he was left behind, running a shop in the Shang Family inner city for a living. Later, he was forced by Fang Yuan and was attributed to Shang Xinci’s.

Seeing that Shang Xinci slowly sat on the top of the cloud, his eyes were full of sorrow.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of Fang Yuan, a complex smile on his lips: “Black & White Twin Fiends, old man, should you thank you? Now Miss becomes Shang Family Patriarch, and I am revival of the Zhou Family!”

But immediately, I thought about it again: “No, the revival of the family, but also to put it aside. Although the lady is on the Patriarch, but the internal and external troubles, the situation is not good. I can at this time, in her most need When I help the subordinates, leave her?”

Zhou Quan was not stunned by the grand scenes around him.

He first scanned the distant Shang Buli and Wanqian Shan.

Shang Yanfei When he was in Shang Family Patriarch, there were five powerful subordinates, known as the five majors of Shang Family. After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, there are only two of the five majors of Shang Family, namely Shang Buli and Wanqian Shan.

The former controls the sale of the Shang Family’s slave, which is responsible for the resource development of the Shang Family’s various hills. Mine veins, drugs, hunting, etc.

A surname Shang is the representative of the Shang Family. Another surname, Wan, is the External Family Elder, which represents the Gu Master’s interest group outside Shang Family.

“There are these two strong men. The situation of Miss in the interior of Shang Family is not just in name only, but also in reality. If you are not good, you will be jointly vacant and become a Patriarch. After all, Miss. The identity is not fully supported by Shang Family clansman. After all is the illegitimate daughter of Patriarch.”

“The internal situation is worrying. The outside is even undercurrent and the crisis is heavy. In the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, too many heads, heroes are dead, everything is shuffling, and the resources of the Lord are in need of re-competition and contest! The manpower and material resources available to the lady are too few, and can not be compared with the other brothers and sisters. What’s more, to deal with events outside the family?”

“At this time, Madame Wei will leave her!”

Thinking of this, Zhou Angrily looked at the mature woman Gu Master Wei Dexin, who was very dissatisfied.

He is the general manager of Shang Xinci. I know a lot of intelligence.

Wei Dexin is the wife of Wei Family Patriarch, who has the ability to train guards and is pregnant, and wants to keep her husband’s only bloodline. Therefore, Fang Yuan took advantage of her weaknesses and threatened her. She eventually attached her to Shang Xinci and helped Shang Xinci to cultivate a group of excellent guards. At the same time, she personally served as the head of Shang Xinci’s Personal Guard.

Today, she has already given birth to her son and successfully continued the bloodline for her husband. Because I often show my face. Her news was informed by her younger brother Wei Shenjing. Not long ago, Wei Shenjing wrote a letter and advised Wei Dexin to come to him and work with him to Wu Family.

Wei Dexin is moving. After all, she was attached to Shang Xinci before, and it was Fang Yuan who had both hard and soft threats.

But Zhou did not know that Wei Dexin was equally worried when he was worried about the situation.

Zhou Quan used to be a Patriarch, and there was a big picture. Wei Dexin is also not bad. She is Mrs. Patriarch and looks far more comprehensive than Little Lan and Xiao Die.

“Shang Yanfei is dead, and the hatred of Shang Family and I is already weak.”

“I was forced by the Black Fiend and had to work for the lady. But when I got along, I gradually became aware of the lady.”

“Miss she…is a good person. The good guys in this world are, after all, too little.”

“Little brother, elder sister can’t hold you, can’t go to you to help you!”

“You are in Wu Family, it is the hidden Family Elder. Although it is crowded out, it is at least life-stricken. On the other side, it is a crisis.”

Wei Dexin sighed in his heart.

“In any case, as the head of the lady, I want to consider her comprehensively. At the moment, it is the Xiong Tu, Xiong Huo, Xiongg Feng, the Demonic Path Third Brother, you can keep it, how can you not let it? They walked.” Zhou Quan saw the three people in the crowd below, and his eyes flashed with a touch of fineness.

“In any case, I am the personal Guard leader next to the lady, to plan for her. Shang Yanfei is dead, Shang Family has only two major cadres left, to guard against their overhead, they must quickly promote new people. Xiao Yan … he It’s a very good candidate! Not only is the battle strength outstanding, but also Wei Yang. Because of the relationship between Black & White Twin Fiends, Wei Yang has a good relationship with the young lady, and Xiao Yan is also close to him.” Wei Dexin looks at the crowd Xiao Yan in the heart, I quickly calculated.

In the sky, Shang Xinci began his first speech, which was short, but deep in meaning and thought-provoking.

This is certainly not what she envisioned, but Wei Dexin and thoughtful preparations.

After the speech ended, the whole audience picked up the tsunami-like cheers, and Shang Xinci’s figure gradually disappeared.

However, the ceremony has not yet ended, followed by the celebration of one day and one night, the food and wine, the singing and dancing, will sweep away the sorrow and decadence of the elites in the family.

After disappearing from the sky, Shang Xinci appeared directly in the city lord in the inner city.

“It’s so tired…” There was no concern from others. She relaxed and felt deeply exhausted.

But she knows that it is far from being a time to rest, she began to use Gu insect to call her cronies.

Xiao Die, Little Lan, Wei Dexin, Zhou Quan, Xiong Tu, Xiong Huo, Xiong Feng Third Brother.

Shang Xinci has something to arrange.

Ye Fan is on the road, with a good eye, walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger.

Since his death and the maintenance of Shang Xinci, he also appreciated the appreciation of Shang Qingqing female immortal, and rewarded him with a good inheritance, a large number of Gu insect.

Ye Fan is suffering from cultivation. Without this direction, after getting this inheritance, it is immediately wide, Gu insect is no longer lacking, and the future is bright.

He can also be regarded as Shang Xinci’s savior, now free to enter the city lord, no one blocked.

“I didn’t think of Miss Xinci, it’s actually a Shang Family Patriarch… but the location of the Patriarch can’t be done well, let alone the Shang Family Patriarch. Can Ye Fan stand by?”

When I think of Shang Xinci, Ye Fan’s heart jumps three points.

He became addicted to Shang Xinci, and he didn’t know how Shang Xinci felt about him.

He knows that Shang Xinci is in the city lord, so he is not invited.

Closer, closer.

The last single-leaf door is close at hand.

I will see Miss Xinci again soon…

Ye Fan’s footsteps, also involuntarily speed up a few points!

He stood at the door, straightened his waist, cleaned his clothes, and was about to knock on the door.

I heard the voice of Shang Xinci’s in the door: “everyone and listen to me first, I am on the Patriarch position, the Prime Minister wants to do something. This has long been haunting my heart for a long time. I want to launch the power of Shang Family, cancel The wanted order on Black Fiend Fang Zheng big brother! Of course… there is also White Fiend elder sister.”

Ye Fan glanced at the finger that wanted to knock at the door, hovering in midair.

Shang Xinci discussed with his subordinates, and Shang Qingqing and other Gu Immortal also planned the Southern Border major event at Living Treasure Blessed Land.

Living Treasure Blessed Land is the public Blessed Land, headquarters of Shang Family. It is located in Southern Border Heaven and Earth and is very stable and can accommodate Gu Immortal in and out.

This single-leaf door of Blessed Land is Clown Gate, which is like a snot in normally.

“The Battle of Righteous Heavenly Mountain is over and Southern Border Gu Immortal World will be in turmoil for decades.” Shang Family Revered Great Elder spoke up.

He glanced around and continued: “There are three major events in my family.”

“First, the Zombie Alliances in each domain are very different, and the Southern Border Zombie Alliance is no exception. They have a lot of resources and can be used by my Shang Family.”

“Second, the ruins of Righteous Heavenly Mountain, surrounded by super dreams. My Righteous Path forces will unite, circle here, study, and eliminate any Demonic Path and loose immortal.”

“Third, Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s endless gamble, but stayed in Treasure Yellow Heaven, but has a huge cultivation resource. Gu Immortal Old Melon, who is still alive, is the only person to inherit this resource. He must be in control of our hands!”

Shang Family Gu Immortal is frequently nodded. The three major events that Revered Great Elder said are also the three major events of Southern Border Gu Immortal World’s, which affect countless people.

“I always pay attention to Treasure Yellow Heaven, I don’t care about everyone…” Shang Qingqing just spoke, suddenly expression changed, hoarsely said, “What happened? Treasure Yellow Heaven is actually closed!”

Ps:delayed, sorry. It was very busy in the year, plus this chapter 4+, so it was a lot late. Sorry, sorry!

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